
velluanyone wanna chat?00:23
velluabout anything00:23
velluwhat irc client are you guys using?00:24
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
vellui love debian based systems00:29
velluwhat should i do with screen tearing, i have an intel 620 graphics00:32
=== Guest_45 is now known as ^_^guest
^_^guestafter updating from ubuntu 16 to 18, wget broke and does not verify certificates anymore00:40
ubottuUbuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) was the 29th release of Ubuntu. Support ended July 18th, 2019. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2019-July/004996.html00:49
oft_gegongwhy did I install 18.10. I am so stupid00:50
farcas82regreghow do i install java8?00:51
velluwhats up00:51
farcas82regregi think i have java1100:52
farcas82regregi need java8 for a legacy application00:52
oft_gegongjava11 runs java8 programs. oooooooh00:52
farcas82regregthe application checks for java800:52
oft_gegongyou gotta go to java.com and get the tarball00:52
farcas82regregit's the thinkorswim client00:52
farcas82regregok, going to java.com then00:52
farcas82regregjavac -version00:53
farcas82regregjavac 1.8.0_22200:53
farcas82regregopenjdk 11.0.4 2019-07-1600:54
farcas82regregdoes this make sense?00:54
farcas82regreghow do i uninstall my existing java versions?00:55
farcas82regregi want to install only the downloaded jre-8u221-linux-x64.tar.gz00:56
velluhello again01:56
velluanyone wanna chat?01:57
Bashing-omvellu: Ubuntu support here - chat is the #ubuntu-offtopic channel :)01:59
CarlFKjust upgraded to bionic - where did the app menu's go?  like firefox's ?02:18
CarlFKhmm .. I see a hamburger menu - is that everything?02:19
YWH_1linus torvald said he had trouble installing debian & ubuntu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHGTs1NSB1s02:19
CarlFKI made that :)02:20
cibyok i missed any replies i might have gotten, what is acpi_osi and what am i supposed to do to make sleep mode work for ubuntu02:30
cibywell i think someone linked me something about it and i opened it in a new tab without realizing.. ok02:37
velluanyone wanna chat?02:46
magic_ninjavellu, try ubuntu-offtopic03:00
BeepBeepJeepYou need to calm down...03:38
CarlFKhow do I get the clock on my status bar?  bionic03:39
BeepBeepJeepshould be in settings or install gnome-tweak-tool03:47
Joithello. why do adding ppa's still not working at a fresh installed 18.04 ?03:51
bug_sniperadding ppa's works just fine for me03:51
CarlFKBeepBeep - bingo. thank you03:51
bug_sniperon 18.0403:52
BeepBeepJeepNo, Problem.03:52
Joitty bug, what   the heck then is wrong at my installtion03:52
Joitdid you install any other packages then the standard one ?03:52
bug_sniperI didn't need to03:53
bug_sniperI just copy the command to add them, and put sudo in front of it03:53
Joitfor me it spits out this openssl error, what is mentioned at some pages03:53
bug_sniperthat's not normal03:54
Joiteven i formated / at a seperate partition03:54
CarlFKBeepBeepJeep: er... gnome-tweaks has "Top Bar: clock - date:yes" but there is no date or clock on my top bar03:54
Joiti had a 12.04 on that hdd, but installing 18.04 gives me the error03:54
BeepBeepJeepIf you also install gnome-clock you can use world clocks too03:54
CarlFKbug_sniper:  paste the command and results  to http://paste.ubuntu.com03:55
bug_sniperJoit, ^03:55
Joitit wasnt me! that was this bot03:56
CarlFKer, right.03:56
CarlFKBeepBeepJeep: gnome-clocks gives me a big clock in a window03:57
Joitbug, when did you get 18.04. maybe its the iso what i did download03:58
BeepBeepJeepIf you ass different clocks you can add them, ps i commend you effort at trying to get me to take a screenshot at that specific time, very clever borderline nazis03:59
* BeepBeepJeep tolerance for BS is at an all time low03:59
Joitbug ty, but my iso says the same, 18.04.304:00
bug_sniperI never thought of timezones as sensitive information, especially when there's no good way to link irc identities04:01
Joitum what? i can not follow yo on that04:02
CarlFKoh hell.. the clock is now in the middle of the bar.  doh.04:03
BeepBeepJeepThanks GC for pointing out that Comcast ip.04:04
* BeepBeepJeep writes off an entire continent! Mexico, You aight!04:04
bug_sniperjoit, why don't you go ahead and paste your command and results to http://paste.ubuntu.com and maybe we'll figure something out04:05
Joitbecause i was thinking about, if there is another solution at my home dir. the only information i found was at this post, where they said, its a conflict with openssl. not more  pages about that04:07
Joitand usually, if noone want more informations, i dont give it04:07
Joitbut i can go past that04:07
bug_sniperI'm not very good at fixing linux problems04:07
bug_snipersomeone else can use the command output04:08
Joityes, i forgot it also, its ixinc or something04:09
Joitits about the same like here, but this solution does not work for me https://serverfault.com/questions/975527/ssl-support-not-available-ubuntu-18-04-ppa-repository04:10
CarlFKpost the command you typed and all the output04:11
Joitfor now i renamed the directorys, and not deleting, but still nothing04:11
Joitthis carlfk is a bot?04:11
CarlFKim not a bot04:12
Joitah ok, you did look like04:12
Joitsrry :D04:12
bug_snipersudo apt remove openssl & install openssl04:12
bug_snipernot sure if that's what to do04:12
Joitsudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa04:13
Joiti  think i did that already04:13
bug_snipermaybe that's the way to go04:13
Joiterr not really, when i try to do that, it will deinstall a wide part of my installation includin kde and xserver04:14
Joitbit strange, when you have to manually install ssl at a new release at a distro04:15
Joiti did a sudp apt install --reinstall from openssl thats it04:16
CarlFKJoit: works for me... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kCyXkghF22/04:17
Joitty carl. whyyy then not for me04:18
Joitdid you have a previous older home folder, what you did use for your installation from 18.04?04:19
CarlFKJoit: just upgraded from 16.0404:27
JoitCarlFK:  well, i had before mint 18 at xenial base. but still, my / is formatted, and nothing should been lef, seems that the ubuntu installation did make this old ssl folder04:31
CarlFKsudo apt install vim ... vim : Depends: libpython3.6 (>= 3.6.5) but it is not going to be installed;   E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.05:01
CarlFKlibpython3.6 : Depends: libpython3.6-stdlib (= 3.6.8-1~18.04.1) but 3.6.9-1+xenial1 is to be installed05:02
CarlFKwhat is  3.6.9-1+xenial1 ?05:04
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: sudo apt autoremove05:05
CarlFKlotuspsychje: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.05:06
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ?05:06
Bashing-omCarlFK: "3.6.9-1+xenial1" A PPA ? what shows - in a pastebin ' apt policy 3.6.9-1+xenial1  ' ?05:06
Bashing-omCarlFK: To see what should be ' apt list <package> ; apt show <package> .05:07
CarlFKN: Unable to locate package 3.6.9-1+xenial105:09
CarlFKsudo apt full-upgrade ...  following packages have been kept back:   gdb gir1.2-peas-1.0 libpeas-1.0-0 qml-module-io-thp-pyotherside05:09
Bashing-omCarlFK: Sorry ' apt policy libpython3.6-stdlib05:09
CarlFK  05:11
JoitCarlFK:  you can resolve the problem with synaptic by relove conflicts05:12
Joitby resolve05:12
Joitthen you can do the full upgrade05:13
CarlFKI've heard of synaptic - what is it?   or where?05:13
Joitit should be down at edit at menu list05:13
Joitit s another package manager05:14
Joitsudo apt install synaptic05:14
Joitsomething like muon05:14
Joitthey only removed it, because its able to deinstll the wholee system, because of the depencies05:14
Bashing-om!info libpython3.6-stdlib bionic | CarlFK05:15
ubottuCarlFK: libpython3.6-stdlib (source: python3.6): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (standard library, version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.8-1~18.04.1 (bionic), package size 1687 kB, installed size 7714 kB05:15
Joitbut apt can do the same, and 2nd ,you allwayss see what he rreemoves, when you deinstall a package05:15
Joitbut when you have defect packages, its an easy way to resolve the problem, that you can update again05:15
coffeecowanyone have any luck streaming their ubuntu screen to an xbox one?05:16
Bashing-omCarlFK: ^^ What release are you running ' lsb_release -a ' ?05:16
CarlFKUbuntu 18.04.3 LTS05:17
gambl0rehi guys, when i connect to external monitor how do i make the monitor the primary display so that it shows the panel?05:17
gambl0rei tried setting the monitor as primary display in display settings but the panel is still showing up on my laptop05:17
gambl0reany help thanks?05:17
CarlFKJoit: im looking at synaptic - how do I repair?05:18
Joitedit - fix broken packages05:18
Joitthats all05:19
Joitat top05:19
Bashing-omCarlFK: Back one level ' what shows ' apt policy libpython3.6 ' ?05:19
CarlFKJoit:  E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.05:19
Joitugh, i had a page open for that05:19
Joityou need to purge the packages05:19
CarlFKBashing-om:  apt policy libpython3.6 ...   Installed: (none)05:20
Joitsudo apt-get install purge (broken dependancy goes here). just read before, what it then uninstall, before you hit y05:22
Joitthat time, its on my side, what works to install vim05:24
Bashing-omCarlFK: Humm odd .. but what results ' sudo apt install libpython3.6 ' ?05:25
Joitwithout any problem05:25
CarlFKBashing-om: The following packages have unmet dependencies:   libpython3.6 : Depends: libpython3.6-stdlib (= 3.6.8-1~18.04.1) but 3.6.9-1+xenial1 is to be installed05:26
fructosegambl0re: It may not be any help, but a lot of laptops have hardware switches that change display. Worth checking if you don't know better.05:27
gambl0refructose, i was able to move the panel to the external monitor in panel settings05:27
gambl0rebut when i disconnect the hdmi the panel doesnt automatically move back to the laptop05:28
gambl0reyou know how to fix this?05:28
Bashing-om!info python3.6 bionic05:28
ubottupython3.6 (source: python3.6): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.8-1~18.04.1 (bionic), package size 196 kB, installed size 326 kB05:28
fructosegambl0re: I don't, but sounds like the kind of thing worth searching the forum about05:28
gambl0rewhich forum05:29
CarlFKJoit:  sudo apt-get purge libpython3.6-stdlib ... 299 to remove nope nope nope nope..05:29
Bashing-omCarlFK: ^^ what have you for ' apt policy python3.6 ' ?05:29
CarlFKBashing-om: Installed: 3.6.9-1+xenial105:29
fructosegambl0re: Ubuntu forums, fortums for your desktop environment, or just Google and see if any forums pop up05:29
gambl0rei tried already which is why im asking here05:30
JoitCarlFK:  mine is 3.6.8-1~18.04.1. Someone mentioned, that you have maybe old ppa'S from xenial still activated. maybe you turn them off for a moment and update again ?05:31
omega_doomCan someone tell if /etc/resove.conf is a hard or a soft link?05:32
fructosegambl0re: Strange, sounds like that'd be a common feature. In any case, there is likely a channel for your desktop environment and you could ask there too. You can also keep asking here, I just don't happen to know myself.05:32
gambl0rei just created two panels one for each display05:33
gambl0rei dont know if its the right solution but i think it should work05:34
Bashing-omCarlFK: omega_doom "ls -al /etc/resolv.conf >> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr  3  2018 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf" .05:34
Bashing-omomega_doom: That with 18.04 and network-manager as the renderer.05:36
gambl0refructose, nevermind i got it working the proper way05:36
gambl0renow the panel is showing on the external monitor whenever the hdmi is connected, and when disconected panel moves back to laptop05:37
JoitCarlFK:  deactivate your ppa's right now, ie at synaptic? its easy there too05:38
omega_doomI'm still wondering why when i delete /etc/resolv.conf and created link to /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf then after reboot /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf is missing.05:38
CarlFKJoit: I deleted them all and sudo apt update - I can add them back if I need to05:39
Joitdeactivate is enough i think05:39
CarlFKsure - but rm * was quicker ;)05:40
Joitthen sudo apt clean sudo apt upate sudo apt upgrade?05:40
Joitto clean the apt list and renew the depencies list05:41
CarlFKJoit: no help https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xrphMPPNN7/05:42
Joitapt reinstall python3.6 ?05:44
Joitapt install --reinstall reinstall python3.6 ?05:44
CarlFKwoah - never seen this before: Reinstallation of python3.6 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.05:45
Joitapt install --reinstall reinstall python?05:45
CarlFKless reinstalls:  sudo apt install --reinstall python3.605:46
Joitmaybe a typo at phyton instead of python?05:46
CarlFKwhere do you see phyton  ?05:47
ayekatthe package is called python305:48
Joiti did write that a few times ,and figured, it was a typo05:48
Joitbut python3.6 reinstalls for me without a problem05:48
ayekatah wait, ignore me, there is also a python3.6 package (at least for 18.04 and 18.10)05:49
CarlFKayekat: too late : Setting up python3 (3.6.7-1~18.04) ...05:49
CarlFKbut still can't install vim :p05:49
ayekatwhat's the error?05:50
CarlFKim : Depends: libpython3.6 (>= 3.6.5) but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages05:50
Joitbroken depencies05:50
Joit  <CarlFK> libpython3.6 : Depends: libpython3.6-stdlib (= 3.6.8-1~18.04.1) but 3.6.9-1+xenial1 is to be installed05:51
Ben64yeah that sounds like ppa problem05:52
CarlFKI deleted all the PPAs.  I did just upgrade from 16.04 a few hours ago05:53
Ben64deleted how05:55
CarlFK /etc/apt/sources.list.d$ sudo rm *05:55
Ben64that's not correct05:56
omega_doomBashing-om: Shouldn't it point to run/NetworkManager/resolve.conf in 18.4? I also have 18.04 and i cannot find /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf05:58
CarlFKnothing intersting in apt/sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bWNmHJKZnT/05:58
JoitCarlFK: and still  apt update and apt upgrade does not work ?06:02
Bashing-omomega_doom: Desktop mchine ? as " sysop@x1804mini:~$ ls -al /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf >> -rw-r--r-- 1 systemd-resolve systemd-resolve 715 Aug 19 19:31 /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf ".06:03
JoitCarlFK:  can you look at he packet sources again at synaptic, if they are still there, uncheck them and refresh?06:03
Joitat the packet sources06:04
Bashing-om!netplan | omega_doom06:08
ubottuomega_doom: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/06:08
CarlFKJoit: no ppas, just the ubuntu ones.06:13
JoitCarlFK:  refresh via synaptic06:35
CarlFKJoit: what is refresh?06:41
Joitrefresh the list06:42
Joitsame like apt update06:42
Joitleft side06:42
Joitat the menu fro synaptic06:42
Joitnow try again update at console if it still has broken depencies or try at synaptic06:44
Joitwasnt there a command still apt install --fix-broken?06:45
CarlFKI haven't changed anything sense the last time we tired tha06:45
CarlFKsudo apt install --fix-broken ... 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 19 not upgraded.06:46
Joityes still the one what left behind06:46
Joittry apt upgrade?06:47
CarlFKdem pesky people over in -dev are updating stuff ;)06:47
Joityes really06:47
CarlFKsudo apt upgrade .. installed some stuff.. sudo apt install vim  still vim : Depends: libpython3.6 (>= 3.6.5) but it is not going to be installed06:48
JoitCarlFK:  now apt install -f?06:57
CarlFKJoit: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.06:59
CarlFKin the past apt has suggested that as a fix when a previous install was interrupted.    so a  little not surprised nothing happened now07:00
dionysus69ok so, I have 18.04 and my touchpad has a weird behavior, slowish and slugish plus when I suspend laptop and wake it up, scroll stops working07:02
dionysus69then I found this fix online sudo modprobe psmouse -r; sudo modprobe psmouse07:02
dionysus69which makes scroll fix + overall touchpad function better07:02
Joitand dist-upgrade  still gives an error?07:02
dionysus69how do I run this on every kind of startup07:02
CarlFKsudo apt dist-upgrade ... The following packages have been kept back:    gdb gir1.2-peas-1.0 libpeas-1.0-0 qml-module-io-thp-pyotherside 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.07:03
Joiti still think there is something with your list of depencies broken, but i do not find anything how to renew that, but i think there is something, if even not a package07:06
JoitCarlFK:  this ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13565082/how-can-i-force-gradle-to-redownload-dependencies07:08
CarlFKI think when I had xenial  I installed something that is a newer version than what is in bionic or something divergent07:08
CarlFKdionysus69: I think you want systemd - I'm kinda famailar with this, which runs when a usb device is detected:07:09
CarlFKif your trackpad is "detected" when  the laptop comes out of sleep, thats what you want07:10
JoitCarlFK:  well, with the new installation there should come a new depnecies list and not made fromthe old files07:11
JoitCarlFK:  https://serverfault.com/questions/368669/debian-ubuntu-is-it-possible-to-reinitialize-var-lib-apt-lists-and-var-apt-cac07:19
Joitand after that carefully maybe a apt-cache gencache https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/apt/apt-cache/07:22
CarlFKJoit: im calling it quits for tonight - thanks for helping07:54
JoitCarlFK:  good night much luck07:55
nd__Aloha, how can I get wireguard's wg0 interface to start after reboot on 18.04? I tried `systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0`, wg0 is created/exists but has no ip. I tried a .yaml file in /etc/netplan, then the device is not even created. I tried /etc/interfaces.d…, which doesn't seem to work at all. What's the way today?07:56
=== janco_ is now known as janco
=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08
bastiaansomeone knows where I can file a bug for the nvidia graphic drivers?08:31
bastiaanI find it quite unworkable that I need to run kernel 5.0.0 on ubuntu 18.04 LTS in order to use these drivers08:31
bastiaanit seems to be a dicision made by the “Graphics Drivers” team08:32
bastiaanor is there any other way to ask them questions to try to resolve my problem?08:35
bastiaanOK, sollution seems to be to select another nvidia-driver-415 package (instead of 418)08:57
=== Flexman is now known as Guest62184
TheChanceOkay. All I'm trying to do is install ANY recent version via debootstrap. somebody please tell me exactly in plain english wtf i am supposed to do with this nonsense netplan crock of fml09:13
TheChancebecause the "use this snippet" on the netplan site doesn't work and of course i have to read back through a python traceback every time "netplan try" errors out and holy hell, people, ubuntu used to be easy to set up09:13
dan01Back a few years ago when Novell was trying to sell HP laptops with SLED 10-11 they've inclduded a reocvery partition, just like Apple Macs have today? Is that also present in laptops preinstalled with Ubuntu?09:34
=== jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh
beaver^beaver@beaver-laptop:~$ nc -zv old-releases.ubuntu.com 8010:57
beaver^nc: connect to old-releases.ubuntu.com port 80 (tcp) failed: Connection timed out10:57
Habbiebeaver^, same here10:57
beaver^ok thank you10:57
SimounetHi there, is anybody know where the acpu mod for php7.3 is? I can't find it since the upgrade from 7.2.10:59
sonOfRaSimounet: probably not packaged yet? I'm on disco, and that doesn't even have php 7.3 yet.11:02
PriceySimounet: Not want it from pecl?11:03
SimounetPricey, I'm used to http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu ppa.11:05
sonOfRaProbably will have to ask the PPA owner then11:13
beaver^it works again11:24
beaver^Connection to old-releases.ubuntu.com 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!11:24
BluesKajHowdy all11:31
=== DanDare is now known as dANdARE
ploujHi, I'm upgrading from Cosmic to Disco and do-release-upgrade said: "No longer supported: python-pycurl .... Installing python-pycurl"...How am I supposed to understand that? Why is pycurl all of the sudden not supported on Disco?12:40
ioria!info python-pycurl disco12:41
ubottupython-pycurl (source: pycurl): Python bindings to libcurl. In component universe, is extra. Version (disco), package size 47 kB, installed size 193 kB12:41
ploujAs far as I can tell python-pycurl *is* still supported in Disco: https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/python-pycurl so I'm confused12:41
ioriaplouj, it was in Main before, now in Universe12:42
ploujioria: Oh, I see.12:43
ioria!info python-pycurl12:43
ubottupython-pycurl (source: pycurl): Python bindings to libcurl. In component main, is extra. Version (bionic), package size 44 kB, installed size 175 kB12:43
diskinI was sure that BogoMIPS value can't be smaller on a newer, more powerful CPU. But just saw 4788.69 on i3-4000M CPU @ 2.40GHz, while on i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz it showed 3984.00 BogoMIPS. Is it correct?12:45
Habbiediskin, bogomips is not a measure of performance12:45
Habbiediskin, in your case, it seems to match the GHz frequency quite nicely for both (times two)12:46
diskinHabbie, but the i7 has 8 cores, while i3 only 412:47
Habbiediskin, bogomips is a single core measurement12:47
Habbiediskin, that, again, means -nothing- for performance12:47
diskinI see. Thanks Habbie.12:48
Habbiediskin, this is a good read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BogoMips12:48
=== Flexman is now known as Guest31212
qwebirc98996Hi, I'm wondering if Ubuntu's repositories are currently broken for some packages. I'm having this problem: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1167082/cannot-install-postgresql-server-dev-all . Any idea if I can manage to get the package installed?13:10
qwebirc98996basically i'm getting this error:  The following packages have unmet dependencies: libpq-dev : Depends: libpq5 (= 11.2-1) but 11.5-0ubuntu0.19.04.1 is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.13:11
ayekatqwebirc98996: is that 32-bit ubuntu?13:16
ayekatI can't quite make sense of the dependencies stated at https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/libpq-dev, but I read it as "for i386, depends on both 11.2 and 11.5"  ¯\(°_o)/¯13:17
ayekat(or maybe it's "either X or Y"...?)13:17
dan01ayekat: Guess so, that would make sense. Otherwise what... you use a feature fro 11.2 and another from 11.5?13:25
dan01 ¯\(°_o)/¯13:25
dan01love it13:25
dan01ayekat: Where do you get them from?13:25
ayekatdan01: I don't know, I don't currently have an ubuntu under my nose, I'm just looking at the web interface for packages.ubuntu.com and being confused by how the information is displayed13:26
ayekat(or rather that both packages are marked with [… i386 …])13:26
dan01ayekat: Are you on windows? Shame on you!13:26
ayekatdan01: and... just playing around with different symbols ^^13:26
dan01ayekat: ah, ok.13:27
ayekat... there's more out there than just ubuntu and windows13:27
cluelesspersonI'm on 5.0.0-25-generic #26-Ubuntu SMP, 19.04, and I'm running into two annoying bugs I'm not sure how to fix.13:41
cluelessperson1.   machine randomly hard freezes, not sure if it's just video, I suppose I can try to login over ssh next time it happens.13:42
cluelessperson2. syslogs are filled with these: `org.gnome.Shell.desktop[1401]: Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 37 with keysym 37 (keycode 10).`13:42
dionysus69I need to solve this problem this drives me crazy, my audio on my laptop went down both on internal speakers And on bluetooth connected audio device too13:43
dionysus69the aux cable connection still transmits fine audio in earphones13:43
dionysus69I am dealing with this for months already can you help me diagnose13:44
youtahWhy the freak do I keep getting bumped to the other channel?! This nick is registered and I have identified13:45
hggdhyoutah: calm down13:47
cluelesspersonyoutah  depends on many things.13:47
youtahlol, you answered in the other channel before this one hggdh13:48
ayekatyoutah: one possibility is your client/bouncer might be trying to connect to #ubuntu before it has identified with NickServ (can happen if you don't use SASL, if I understood that correctly)13:48
youtahhasn't bumped me for a bit... so I am thinking I am in the clear13:49
cluelesspersonUninstalling caffeine, seeing if it's that.13:50
omega_doomhello. I have freezes when i play music. Ubuntu 18.04. Can anyone help me to figure out the cause?13:50
youtahomega_doom, did you just upgrade?13:50
youtahI just upgraded last night from 18.04.2 to .3 and it basically nuked all of my local settings13:50
omega_doomyoutah: what do you mean?13:50
cluelesspersonomega_doom  I'm having freezes while playing vlc video.  related.13:50
youtahand now none of my audio works13:51
cluelesspersonyoutah  I generally suggest people backup their personal stuff and just reinstall.13:51
youtahSpotify, Chrome (youtube), etc is all muerto13:51
cluelesspersonI think it's important to have the user's stuff in a well defined location where it's easy to backup/move, and easily recreate the system13:52
youtahcluelessperson, I am about there. It really messed something up. I tried creating a second user account, that didn't solve it either.13:52
dionysus69so can anyone help with low audio volume? alsamixer pavucontrol are both at 100%13:52
omega_doomI have Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS.13:52
cluelesspersondionysus69 low audio volume through/out what?13:52
cluelesspersonneed details people13:52
omega_doomBut freezes were even before.13:52
cluelesspersonyour hdmi TV? internal speakers?  headphones? usb audio?13:53
hggdhfolks, youtah knows already what to do, I told him in a different channel. Let's go back to topic please13:53
dionysus69cluelessperson: internal speakers & bluetooth connected device13:53
dionysus69internal speaker sound is reduced 2/3 times, bluetooth connected device sound is reduced by 10 times at least13:53
ayekathggdh: I don't think they're talking about their IRC issue anymore13:53
cluelesspersondionysus69  I've experienced low volume on bluetooth devices as well, as for internal speakers, you'll want to check the application volume, the system volume, in that order.13:53
dionysus69it's like on minimum possible volume when 100%13:53
hggdhayekat: ah, sorry then13:53
dionysus69cluelessperson: I did check both pavucontrol and alsamixer are both 100%13:54
cluelesspersondionysus69  that's system volume, basically.13:54
cluelesspersonand I think they control the same settings.13:54
dionysus69cluelessperson: is there no other place that maybe misconfigured?, of course clementine is also at 100%13:54
cluelesspersondionysus69 what audio hardware?13:55
dionysus69I dont know I have thinkpad x1 carbon 3rd gen13:55
cluelesspersondionysus69   I have the thinkpad x1 carbon 3rd gen too.  beautiful machine.  I have a Yoga X1 in the mail right now too. :)13:56
dionysus69haha nice13:56
dionysus69should be cool13:56
cluelesspersonI have bluetooth issues here with volume, but internal speakers have always been perfect13:56
dionysus69next time I am aiming for workstation but its too expensive to change laptop :P13:56
cluelesspersondionysus69  if you pull up youtube, is the audio level acceptable there?13:56
dionysus69it is not application dependent13:57
dionysus69its like some mysterious kernel volume controller is lowered13:57
cluelesspersondionysus69  I use a simple/sleek/minimal interface, and do heavy lifting on servers. :)13:57
cluelesspersondionysus69  so, things are often relative.  Ubuntu has an option to amplify the volume even further.  Have you tried that?13:58
dionysus69so when you say you have same laptop model, is audio ok for you?13:58
cluelesspersonyeah, apart from over bluetooth, audio level is perfect, but I often have to use the over-amplification.13:59
cluelesspersonright now I have an air conditioner running right behind me13:59
dionysus69when I go over 100% the sound gets distorted, as if the speaker is about to burn but the volume is not high even then, also I changed speakers on these laptop as one of them got out of life13:59
dionysus69that's why I don't use overamplification anymore14:00
cluelesspersondionysus69  wait, you replaced the speakers, and now it's too quiet?  Is there anything about how you installed them?14:01
dionysus69no no they were fine after I swapped them14:01
dionysus69they got lowered at the same time bluetooth connected speaker got lowered14:01
dionysus69so it's not fault of internal speakers14:01
cluelesspersondionysus69  oh! interesting, let me try that hre.14:01
dionysus69it had to be a kernel or something program related14:02
cluelesspersonI never tried to listen to internal speakers while bluetooth was connected.14:02
dionysus69no I never did that14:02
dionysus69has option for virtual outputs but has glitches14:02
cluelessperson >they got lowered at the same time bluetooth connected speaker got lowered14:02
dionysus69not the same time they were playing but separately14:02
dionysus69the same day I mean14:03
cluelesspersonactually, bluetooth and internal speakers here are now perfect for me14:06
cluelesspersondionysus69  sorry, I'm at a loss currently14:10
ryoubais there a public PXE server IP for ubuntu?14:35
leftyfbryouba: no14:37
ryoubathank you leftyfb!14:37
cluelesspersonA public PXE server sounds dangerous14:40
lordcirthYeah, let's install our OS over TFTP from the internet! :P14:41
nd__Aloha, how can I get wireguard's wg0 interface to start after reboot on 18.04? I tried `systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0`, wg0 is created/exists but has no ip. I tried a .yaml file in /etc/netplan, then the device is not even created. I tried /etc/interfaces.d…, which doesn't seem to work at all. What's the way today?14:44
lordcirthnd__, did you edit /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf?14:46
nd__lordcirth: yes14:48
lordcirthnd__, does 'systemctl status wg-quick@wg0' say anything useful?14:49
leftyfblordcirth: to be fair, you would only need to get ephemeral image over tftp over the internet :)14:50
nd__lordcirth: Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/wg-quick@.service; indirect; vendor preset: enabled); Active: active (exited) since Tue 2019-08-20 16:50:33 CEST; 4s ago14:51
nd__lordcirth: `ifconfig wg0` shows the device is there but the static ip is not set14:51
lordcirthnd__, what about the 'wg' tool?14:52
nd__this one does not complain and shows a handshake but since the static ip is not set on the device, the routing doesn't work and I cannot call the other box(es)14:52
lordcirthnd__, well, I've never used Wireguard, so I'm out of ideas. Good luck14:54
nd__thanks :-/14:54
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nd__I'd say wireguard is not the issue, but getting the virtual device set up with an ip. If I do all the `ip address add dev wg0 #{internal_ip}/24` steps by hand (or via chef) it works fine… but I don't want to have to provision the box on every reboot, but only once or for changes.14:56
lordcirthWell, the wireguard config file has the IP in it, which implies that the wireguard service should set that IP.14:57
nd__lordcirth: While I'm not really sure I would say this is not the case. wg seems to need the ip for the routing etc, but in https://www.wireguard.com/quickstart/ they do set the ip via `ip addr …`14:58
lordcirthHmm, ok14:58
lordcirthYou said when you added a netplan entry for wg0, the device didn't get created?15:00
nd__if I omit the `wg-quick` service and only create a netplan entry, the device is not created, yes. I do get a `*.network` file in `/run/systemd/network` but no `*.link` file. I assume this is the issue.15:01
nd__But those were my first steps with netplan's yaml files, so the issue might have been on my side.15:03
lordcirthnd__, ok, but what if you have the service and netplan?15:03
lordcirthI think that might be how it's supposed to work15:04
nd__lordcirth: Ok, could be, true. I will try it…15:06
nd__(Takes a few minutes, have to spin up a new box, provision it, reboot it etc.)15:07
PiOjitOhI have problems installing readline, zlib sudo apt-get install readline zlib <<<< and does not install someone knows what happened to him =/15:08
lordcirthPiOjitOh, what does happen when you run it?15:09
lordcirthOh, that package name doesn't exist. What exactly do you want to install?15:09
PiOjitOhE: Unable to locate package readline15:10
PiOjitOhE: Unable to locate package zlib15:10
PiOjitOhwhat I want is to install an iRCD / GNUWorld and ask me readline / zlib but it comes out that it is not15:11
TomyWorkit's ircd or IRCd if you insist on capitals. it's not apple15:11
TomyWorkalso, try apt-get update before installing15:12
PiOjitOhIt is my translator that puts it wrong ... since my language is Spanish15:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:12
PiOjitOhI tried that and there is no way15:13
TomyWorkdon't use a translator for technical lingo15:13
PiOjitOhin that room there is no one like it xd it takes more than 6 centuries to respond15:13
leftyfbPiOjitOh: try libreadline5 or 7 depending on your release of ubuntu and/or readline-common. It depends on what exactly your package requires. Also, why not install an IRCd from packages?15:14
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leftyfbPiOjitOh: bottom line, you'll need to seek support from the maintainers of the program you are installing to determine what packages it needs as dependencies.15:15
TomyWorkor use packages: apt install ircd-irc215:16
TomyWorkor something more modern15:17
leftyfbI asked that question above15:17
TomyWorksince he might skip over that and only read your last line, i thought I'd directly contrast it and add some details15:18
omega_doomI'm experincing some problems with terminal. I can't see symbols when i type in it.15:26
omega_doomIt happens after i run some program.15:26
omega_doomIs there a way to get echo back?15:26
Gargoyleomega_doom: From the menu, choose advanced->reset and clear15:28
magic_ninja_workhas anyone tried the beta drivers release 435?15:29
LemongrHi, I have an old Linksys WRT54GL with ddwrt that's been a wifi AP on my network, couldn't find its ip, unplugged from the network and plugged a machine into it, did a hard reset but can't see it on I've done a ping scan on and on and find nothing. Are there any tools I may have overlooked for diagnosing this?15:29
omega_doomGargoyle: still no echo when i type.15:30
Gargoyleomega_doom: Can't you just quit and relaunch?15:31
omega_doomGargoyle: No. :)15:31
HabbieLemongr, launch tcpdump on a connected cable, then power up the wrt15:33
omega_doomOk. "stty echo" saved my day. :)15:34
LemongrHabbie: Great, thanks, I'll try that15:36
ceed^I have an application which uses lots of processes (more than 100). How can I find out the total memory usage for this application on Ubuntu?15:38
ioriapmap ?15:44
PsyStemUpdateanyone know if theres a formiddable library OS out yet to replace my linux box?15:57
lordcirthPsyStemUpdate, "library OS"?15:57
PsyStemUpdateoperating system that doesn use monolithic kernel infrastructure..it loads only what it needs into the dynamic kernel and is app centered. your app needs network and usb; load up only those kernel modules15:59
PsyStemUpdateboot up time 1 to 2 seconds15:59
lordcirthPsyStemUpdate, That's not on topic here, then.16:00
PsyStemUpdaterumors have it that the ubuntu team is working on one. so yes its on topic if people are migrating to a more modern ubuntu/linux/non-posix16:01
lordcirthPsyStemUpdate, this is the Ubuntu support channel, though. Perhaps #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic?16:02
argusbrwhats error on crontab? */3 * * * * root python /var/www/silverlords.org/crontab/cloud.py >/dev/null&16:02
lordcirthargusbr, is this in /etc/crontab?16:03
PsyStemUpdatelordcirth : i will try those channels, thanks16:03
argusbrlordcirth i use crontab -e16:04
Habbieargusbr, then leave out the username16:04
lordcirthargusbr, then the 'root' field is invalid16:04
argusbri logged on root16:05
Habbiethat's good16:05
argusbr */3 * * * * python /var/www/silverlords.org/crontab/cloud.py >/dev/null&16:05
Habbiebut you still don't put a username in crontab -e16:05
argusbrlordcirth only?16:05
Habbiewhat's the & for?16:05
lordcirthargusbr, yes, so you are editing root's crontab, so you don't need a username16:05
lordcirthI'm not sure if & is valid in cron, I don't think it is16:06
lordcirthOr at least it isn't needed16:06
Habbieit certainly is not needed16:06
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TheChanceAlright. Yesterday, I decided to stick Ubuntu on a spare partition using debootstrap. This has always been simple: build the environment, chroot, pull down packages, make sure it has a kernel, add a user, reboot. but netplan doesn't work as advertised. i'm sure, if i were in a position to install from an image, that it would "just work," but i'm not and it isn't. and 9/10 SO questions and forum threads re: "how do i go back to ifupdown?" just16:52
TheChancederisively answer, "don't."16:52
TheChancewell, i did, and it's working, and that was a whole evening of misery i didn't need to experience, so now i'm wondering why somebody decided to replace something that worked for 20 years with a YAML parser that feeds data to Python in order to invoke the same backend16:53
lordcirthNetplan is rather pointless, but I can't say I've had much trouble with it16:55
bastiaanI don't (need to) use it on 18.0416:58
bastiaanunfortunately NetworkManager is also problematic with wired connection so I decided to replace that with ifupdown with ifplugd17:00
bastiaanand ifupdown has also its issues, for instance turning off ipv6 slaac but use fixed address doesn't work properly because of a race condition bug17:02
crazyzurferCan I ask a question?17:04
bastiaanits a pity so many networkconnection/management tools on linux are actually quite poor17:04
lotuspsychjewelcome crazyzurfer17:04
lotuspsychje!discuss | bastiaan17:04
ubottubastiaan: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:04
CarlFK16.04 status bar clock had support for differnt cities/time zones.  how do I get that in 18.04 bionic?17:06
ioriaCarlFK, or with a shell extension or with gnome-clocks or gworldclock17:10
systestDoes anyone know if it's even possible to configure systemd-resolvd to listen on an alternate port, i.e. NOT port 5317:11
lordcirthsystest, good question, I looked for a bit and didn't find it17:20
systestjust asked in the systemd channel, short answer, `no` :-(17:26
TJ-18.04, Xubuntu, strange situation developed. Something unknown appears to be stealing keyboard focus/input after a variable length of time. Originally noticed this whilst doing repeated PDF Save-As in Firefox and not being able to enter the Filename, but now hit again in Evince whilst annotating a PDF. Keyboard is working fine in terminal (as you can see). Restarting the affected GUI application when it17:45
TJ-occurs fixes it for another short time before it happens again. No clues in journal... any idea!?17:45
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lotuspsychjeTJ-: maybe try another user to see if its systemwide?17:53
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TJ-lotuspsychje: I'll do that later, in the midst of trying to get some documents out and printed right now. Seems really weird... initially thought it was a Firefox-only issue but now... difficult to come up with a rationale explanation17:55
lotuspsychjeTJ-: was it like this always, or after an update?17:56
TJ-My regular PC ... could be an update I'll have to check the apt history17:56
lotuspsychjeTJ-: ive noticed a few days bad mouseclick behaviour on my bionic NUC, have to click few times to close a window etc17:57
TJ-what is strange is all the focus indicators show the relevant input area is active, and I can copy/paste using the cursor it is only keyboard input being affected17:57
TJ-Otherwise I'd have thought another application is stealing input focus17:58
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TJ-I was saving PDFs from a planning portal earlier, 90 documents I had to context-click and choose Save As... and paste in the document name... every 12 or so this hit, only solution was to close and restart FF. Then just now hit it again in Evince whilst annotating a PDF form17:59
TJ-The PDf form was local,not loaded via Firefox17:59
TJ-Alt-tab to terminal and input is fine but GUI controls just don't want to know for some reason18:00
lotuspsychjeTJ-: are you using multiple workspaces?18:05
TJ-lotuspsychje: no18:07
lotuspsychjeTJ-: cant find much on xfce bugs18:15
parak0vskyhaving problems installing tor browser on the latest ubunte18:21
TJ-lotuspsychje: nor me, I think its more generic, not XFCE specific18:21
parak0vskyubuntu. it just hangs on verifying signature pre load state18:21
Bashing-omparak0vsky: In a pastebin - show the command you used to install and the results.18:22
delthello everyone18:47
deltjust a small comment about the package management (dpkg/apt) ...18:47
deltwhat would really be nice when installing/updating tons of packages at once, is when it needs user interaction (ie. keep your old config file, or replace with newer version? Y/N) after a certain delay it would skip that package, install the other ones, and then come back to it/those at the *end* of the install/update18:47
OerHeksdelt the -y option is used for that18:50
deltOerHeks: assume yes to all questions?18:50
OerHekswell, the truetype fonts installer needs a user input, but i guess there is a way around that too18:51
deltfrom #debian: 14:49:30 < greycat> delt: it can't safely rearrange the package installation order at that point.  It's already been decided according to Pre-Depends: and so on.18:53
OerHekswhy package rearrange order?18:54
deltfrom #debian also: still, it would be nice to have an option to do that (14:52:46 < delt> so, it would need to prune the packages that require user interaction, AND all dependent packages) and then report which packages weren't installed at the end18:54
OerHekslet ubuntu handle that18:54
deltOerHeks: because some packages depend on other packages to work and sometimes even to install correctly18:54
deltOerHeks: ubuntu i guess you mean ubuntu's package management18:55
OerHekshow is this an issue? ubuntu handles that gracely18:55
Nelluki want to add nameservers on my 18.04 LTS vps. google tells me to edit config files in /etc/netplan, but that directory exists but is empty. does that indicate i should use some other system for modifying nameservers?18:55
deltOerHeks: which is actually debian's package management18:55
deltwhich is exactly what i'm talking about18:55
deltanyway... thanks for your time guys18:59
CarlFKioria: installed both gnome-clocks and gworldclock - where do I add cities ?19:03
OerHeksCarlFK, install gnome-tweak, to manage those extention19:05
OerHeks* you might need to logout/login to let them take effect19:06
CarlFKOerHeks: im looking at gnome-tweaks - Top Bar, Clock: Date and show seconds is all I see19:07
CarlFKah, Ill try log out / in...19:07
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ioriaCarlFK, install Top Bar Clocks : https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1479/top-bar-clocks/  then restart Gnome-shell or logout/in19:20
bray90820How would I make an image of ubuntu like you do with windows19:23
OerHeksdd, tar, clonezilla .. how does windows make an image?19:24
Bashing-ombray90820: Rephrase - as many of us have not touched Windows in years.19:25
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate19:25
bray90820Bashing-om: Basically I just wanna make a backup of ubuntu so I can restore it later if needed19:26
Bashing-ombray90820: Check out 'dd'- ' man dd ' . dd is the backend for most replicating apps.19:27
bray90820That would work for backing up the system?19:28
forgottencan anyone help me get my bluetooth working?  It literally worked yesterday and now won't show there are any adaptors again =/19:28
CarlFKbray90820:  yes.  but look into clonezilla - it will likely be faster (doesn't backup unused space)19:31
CarlFKbray90820: and I think it will make bootable media, so all you need is the backup to create a new system19:32
bray90820Actually gnome disk utility is working pretty well for me at the moment but thanks19:32
CarlFKioria: are you sure that works?  the only 2 comments say "doesn't work on 18.04"19:32
ioriaCarlFK,  yes, i'am sure ( i just did it)19:33
CarlFKioria: thanks for verifnying..19:33
CarlFKioria: is there a apt package, or do I need to do the zip file thing?19:34
ioriaCarlFK,  are you talking about the shell extension ?19:34
ioriaCarlFK,  nope, you install gnome-shell-extensions && chrome-gnome-shell and do all the job from ff19:35
ioriaCarlFK,  ff also will ask you to install something else (as add-on) , iirc19:36
forgottennvm i fixed it.19:47
ioriaCarlFK,  before loggin out/in , set the new time/zone/city in gnome-clocks (or gworldclock) ; after that, you'll see the new timezone under the clock panel applet; home you sole, bye19:54
bernyrdhi I get "timeout waiting for PAD0 \ can not complete PPPoE discovery" with ppd19:59
bernyrdI set up using pppoe-conf19:59
bernyrdI have right un/pass19:59
bernyrdI did recently replace a bad cable, but it did not fix that issue19:59
bernyrdnothing in dmesg19:59
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chronofireHey guys, totally new to linux here. when I use my terminal client I can upload files to new directories that I make but I get a permission denied error when i try to upload into the pre-existing directories created by the git clones, any ideas?20:31
Bashing-omchronofire: Check the permissions on the parent directory as well as those of the target file ' ls -al <target> ' .20:32
bernyrdI have new info20:34
bernyrdif I plug the supposed-to-be PPPoE port into a windows comp, I immediately get the ISP IP assigned to me20:34
bernyrdwhy is this20:34
bernyrdhow do I set up ubuntu to do that20:34
chronofire@bashing-om I see the permission to the directory has everything checked off under write permission under the "other" category but i still get permission denied when I apply this option20:35
OerHeksi think this guide is valid for 18.04 too >> https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/create-pppoe-connection-ubuntu-16-0420:37
Bashing-omchronofire: Sorry - not - I am not GUI minded - from terminal post to a pastebin ' ls -al <targets> '. See what we are working with :)20:37
bernyrdOerHeks: Thanks. I do the latter. But it fails with timeout, not receiving PADO packet20:39
bernyrdI thought I had bad cable... but I replace it, no change20:39
bernyrdI had to migrate an install to new HW. I am not sure if I actually used PPPoE, because pppd seems to be seriously broken20:39
OerHeksbernyrd, so you followed a guide?20:39
bernyrdI may need to duplicate whatever is happening on Windows20:39
bernyrdModem is definitely set to forward PPP packets over Ethernet, but the modem is buggy, and I do not think it is doing that right20:40
bernyrdyes  but per the guide I answer some questions20:40
bernyrd`pon dsl-provider` doesn't work, with timeout relating to PADO packets20:40
Bashing-omchronofire: We do understand "new" If you have difficulties please say - we are here to help :P20:41
chronofireyes, i am new very new lol20:41
chronofirenot sure if that is even what you meant20:42
Bashing-omchronofire: Making progress - the "<targets>" is a template for the actual path/file in question :)20:43
chronofirei see when I change write permissions to the directory via the gui options of the terminal client they seem to stick, but when i apply write permissions to the file i am looking to replace the write permission goes away when i view it again20:44
Bashing-omchronofire: Sorry again - No Gui reference from me ... terminal tells all. For instance ' ls -al /var/log/ ' where <target> here is /var/log/.20:46
chronofireso the command should look more like this ls-al</home/nate/OSM-Rocketmap/static/icons/> ?20:46
Bashing-omchronofire: Yeah .. if the icon assignment is what is in question here :)20:48
chronofireI have a directory called icons and its a list of .png files, il looking to replace them with new ones20:48
chronofirei get the same "snytax error near unexpected token 'newline' still20:49
Bashing-omchronofire: NO ! We want to know "who" has authorized permissions to execute.20:49
Bashing-omchronofire: Oh shoot ! sorry my error ' should ne as:ls-al /home/nate/OSM-Rocketmap/static/icons/ - My bad :(20:50
Bashing-ombe as*20:51
chronofireno worries20:51
chronofireone sec20:51
mrtrousersI recently upgraded to disco dingo20:53
mrtrousersVideo screens keep resizing and mouse pointe jumps around20:53
mrtrousersProbably related to graphic drivers20:54
mrtrousersAny help please?¿20:54
chronofirewhen i enter as:ls-al /home/nate/OSM-Rocketmap/static/icons/ i get "as:ls-al" command not found20:54
Bashing-omchronofire: ls -al /home/nate/OSM-Rocketmap/static/icons/ - is the command in the termianal ( bash shell that is) :)20:56
Bashing-omchronofire: a push along the learning curve - in that terminal do ' man ls ' for a short primer on the 'ls' command.20:57
mrtrousersHello, i have disco dingo with nvidia drivers..20:58
mrtrousersIt keeps resizing youtube screens and mouse jumps around20:58
mrtrousersUbuntu 18.04 everything was fine..20:59
Bashing-ommrtrousers: Pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display ' see what we have to work with.20:59
mrtrousersBeen searching google but cant find a fix20:59
chronofirewow lol i know what i was doing wrong21:00
Bashing-ommrtrousers: Looking that you did have a proprietary driver in 18.04 that breaks on the upgrade.21:00
bernyrdI made a little progress with my issue21:01
bernyrdif I just `ip addr add` the static ISP IP and set the subnet large enough to set gateway (which I don't know how to autodetect, I pulled it from Windows) it works21:01
bernyrdbut this won't work on reboot21:01
bernyrdwhich network subsystem do I use21:01
bernyrdit is not dhcp21:01
bernyrdas far as I can tell21:01
mrtrousersHello im back21:02
mrtrousersThas the output21:03
mrtrousersfor lshw -C Display21:04
mrtrousers What happens is browser videos, aka youtube, keep resizing and mouse pointer jerks/jumps21:05
mrtrousersIt was fine with ubuntu 18.04..21:06
chronofire@bashing-om looks like permissions are for root21:06
mrtrousersSomeone asked for lshw output but i got disconnectd and couldnt keep his name21:07
mrtrousersCan someone remind me the  nick of the person that was willing to help?21:07
mrtrousersIve been googling for hours now and can find a fix21:08
mrtrousersDisco dingo ubuntu 19 graphic driver problems21:08
mrtrousersVideo browser, aka youtube, keeps resizing and mouse pointer jerks21:08
mrtrousersOutput rerun as superuser:21:10
Bashing-omchronofire: Yeah ,,, Is there a reason you put system icons in your home directory ? generally "system" icons go to the /usr/share/ directory. else - if the icons files must be in your home then we do want to chnage the permissions.21:11
Bashing-ommrtrousers: looking :)21:12
mrtrousersBashing-om thanks21:12
chronofireosm-rocketmap is a git clone of a python web application which i probably cloned to the home directory not knowing any better21:12
Bashing-ommrtrousers: Again - did you remove the nvidia driver prior to the release upgrade ? Do we now purge and re-install the driver ?21:13
chronofireand thse are icons used in the web app21:13
mrtrousersBashing-om , i did not, but  i have purged reinstalled, will do one more time21:14
mrtrouserssudo apt purge nvidia*  ?21:14
mrtrousersBashing-om purged21:14
mrtrousersBashing-om should install drivers  like that; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall  ?21:15
Bashing-omchronofire: I do not have that git clone here so can not veriry what you are doing :( .. however as a general rule ... anything in your /home should belong to "you" . Leabes us 2 courses of action ... make the permissiond to "you" or move the directory some place that the python web application knows about.21:16
Bashing-ommrtrousers: make sure you are fully updated and upgraded to latest .. and also I would remove the old nvidia config file - look in the /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d directory.21:17
chronofirehmm i see, so in general which directory should I place git clones?21:18
Bashing-ommrtrousers: autoinstall is very smart .. will make the best choice from what it is provided to choose from.21:19
mrtrousersBashing-om should i just delete any nvida file in that directory?21:19
mrtrousersI have 10-nvidia.conf and 11-nvidia-prime.conf21:20
mrtrousersTheres some amd and radeon conf too..21:20
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=== tacgnol is now known as longcat
|DM|So, im not quite sure if this is the right place to ask because im not sure where the problem is but: I'm running an ubuntu instance on gcloud, and I have a webserver running. When I run it binding to port 3000 (or any other higher port) it runs fine and i can connect to it locally or externally. But if I bind to port 80, I can connect locally but not externally. iptables is all policy accept, uwf is off, gcloud firewall allows 80, 443,21:21
|DM|3000-4000, running as root to bind port 8021:21
Bashing-ommrtrousers: The system will only be effected ny the Nvidia modules . yeah remove them and the installer will re-create them for the current install.21:21
|DM|So what im wondering is, is there some setting or firewall or something that im missing somewhere and need to set in ubuntu? Because the connection is being actively refused which makes me think the request is reaching the VM and getting rejected21:22
mrtrousersBashing-om , ok done, doing autoiwnstall no21:23
Bashing-omchronofire: Well -- I too have my gits in my home directory. But I run terminal no icons .. bet it will be safe to change the permissions , Starting with the OSM-Rocketmap directory and working down to the icons in the icons directory.21:24
mrtrousersBashing-om ok rebooting now21:26
Bashing-omchronofire: Bear in mind that if "you" do not have access rights to a directory then "you" do not have access to any of the files in that directory(s).21:27
chronofire@bashing-om the python app runs terminal but also hosts a webpage that people can access. This is where the icons are viewed. So if its safe to set the permissions to myself how would I do so?21:28
deltabyou only need x permission on a directory to look up a name in it, and r on a file to read it21:31
deltabnamei -m -o  shows the permissions and ownership of each directory in a path21:32
Bashing-omchronofire: Oh Gosh ,, as "a webpage that people can access." will want to move them out of your /home ... I can not advise though where to move them to - as I have no experince with the App you have installed.21:33
mrtrousersHello Bashing-om21:33
mrtrousersNow my desktop environment has changed21:34
Bashing-ommrtrousers: I see you :P21:34
mrtrousersAlso on login credentials didnt work had many options: Ubuntu, Ubuntu on wayland, gnome classick, gnome..21:34
mrtrousersOnly could login choosing gnome21:34
mrtrousersYoutube works fine though.. There is only one configuration file in the x11/xorg.. directory21:35
marcmI am setting up a new Web Server. Would it make sense to mount the /home partition, where I will also keep my website, with nosuid, noexec and nodev options in /etc/fstab? It's mostly PHP (WordPress and Drupal). Will this cause any issues? I want the maximum possible security. Thank you.21:35
Bashing-ommrtrousers: Multi DEs -- often cause conflicts .. I can not help there - above my pay grade to sort it out :(21:35
mrtrousersBashing-om but something doesnt feel right.. Desktop environment gui, or for example browser doesnt have a minimize button..21:35
mrtrousersWhat is Multi Des ?21:36
HotSwapmultiple Desktop Environments21:37
Bashing-ommrtrousers: DE == Desktop Environment - "Ubuntu, Ubuntu on wayland, gnome21:37
Bashing-om                    classick, gnome..21:37
mrtrousersBut i dont have that, and if i have it was an accident..21:37
mrtrousersI juts want my normal ubuntu with its gnome and stuff21:37
mrtrousersFor example ubuntu wayland today is the first day i see that..21:38
Bashing-ommrtrousers: Shotgun approach ' sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ' let's see here if the package manager complains.21:39
mrtrousersThe comand just went through fine21:40
mrtrousersNothings changed aparently, i will reboot see what happens21:41
bernyrdI figured out my pppoe issue21:41
Bashing-ommrtrousers: wayland was a altermative protocol in 18.04 - does not play rel nice with proprietary Nvidia driver.21:41
bernyrdit was not pppoe. apparently only working setting in modem is direct forwarding of traffic over dhcp, so it sets up a dhcp server and expects only one client, which the modem IP is assigned to21:42
bernyrdthe pppoe setting in like 3 modems I have used is broken21:42
mrtrousersDisco dingo is a bit buggy, might have been better to stay a bit behind21:50
Bashing-ommrtrousers: Uh Huh :)21:51
mrtrousersThe problems i had have been fixes so far though21:51
mrtrousersNow i would like to get a minimize close button for the browser21:51
mrtrousersAnd the left panel for activities/favourites/tasks21:51
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mrtrousersOk, i have minimize maximize installing tweaks21:55
Bashing-ommrtrousers: GUI is not my thing .. check what ' gnome-tweak-tool ' can do for that.21:56
mrtrousersBashing-om yup i did that21:56
Bashing-ommrtrousers: :)21:56
mrtrousersStill weirds me out that i get 5 options to login and 4 are not working21:56
mrtrousersIf i manage to anchor the left panel activities panel i will be happy enought21:57
mrtrousersBashing-om thanks for help21:57
Bashing-ommrtrousers: I have done little - ya done all the heavy lifting :P21:57
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CarlFKback to my vim saga... sudo apt install vim vim : Depends: libpython3.6 (>= 3.6.5) but it is not going to be installed; E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. ... libpython3.6 : Depends: libpython3.6-stdlib (= 3.6.8-1~18.04.1) but 3.6.9-1+xenial1 is to be installed http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X5XhjyW95p/22:06
CarlFKremoving libpython3.6-stdlib will remove like 290 packages, (I suspect apt being one of them) so lets not do that22:07
Bashing-omCarlFK:  where comes the newer version - "3.6.9-1+xenial1" for libpython3.6-stdlib? Maybe libpython3.6 - what shows dpkg -l libpython3.6 ?22:14
CarlFKBashing-om: um.. what?  libpython3.6 isn't installed, so dpkg -l libpython3.6 => dpkg-query: no packages found matching libpython3.622:16
CarlFKapt-cache policy libpython3.6 Candidate: 3.6.8-1~18.04.1 ... 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages22:17
mysticUsing ubuntu 18.  What are the Keyboard shortcuts to copy screenshot to clipboard?  'prntscreen' save it only and not copy to clipboard.22:27
Bashing-omCarlFK: do ' apt rdepends libpython3.6-stdlib22:29
CarlFKBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8834kVg39v/22:30
Bashing-om and you see that if ya want libpython3.6-stdlib, then libpython3.6 must be installed :)22:30
mysticwhy bash om?    i like chants22:31
CarlFKapt-cache policy python3.6  Installed: 3.6.9-1+xenial122:31
Bashing-om!info python3.6 | bionic | CarlFK22:32
ubottubionic | CarlFK: python3.6 (source: python3.6): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.8-1~18.04.1 (bionic), package size 196 kB, installed size 326 kB22:32
CarlFKhow do I get that one?22:32
Bashing-omCarlFK: Find the PPA that installed python3.6  Installed: 3.6.9-1+xenial122:33
CarlFKBashing-om:   what do I do when I find that PPA?22:34
Bashing-om!ppa-purge | CarlFK22:34
ubottuCarlFK: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:34
mysticUsing ubuntu 18.  What are the Keyboard shortcuts to copy screenshot to clipboard?  'prntscreen' save it only and not copy to clipboard.22:37
gambl0rehow do i change the keyboard shortcut to show the desktop22:37
CarlFKBashing-om: how do I know which PPA it came from22:38
pizzaiologambl0re what version of ubuntu?22:38
mysticwat about my question22:38
Bashing-ommystic: Do not know about your's but my "screenshot' has an option to save to the clipboard .22:38
pizzaiolomystic check your shortcuts - https://www.itsupportguides.com/knowledge-base/ubuntu/ubuntu-how-to-printscreen-direct-to-clipboard/22:39
mystici saw no otipn when i did it22:39
gambl0repizzaiolo, ill take a look thanks22:39
pizzaiolosettings > devices > keyboard22:39
gambl0repizzaiolo, i'm there already. i dont see any shortcut configured for show desktop22:40
Bashing-omCarlFK: Might find it with ' apt policy libpython3.6-stdlib libpython3.6 python3.6 ' .22:40
gambl0rethose are keyboard shortcuts to launch applications. i dont want a short to launch any application. i want a shortcut to show the desktop22:41
pizzaiolosorry gambl0re that was meant for mystic22:41
gambl0reoh ok22:41
CarlFKBashing-om: they all say http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-[updates/]  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vrwd6p3BSh/22:42
gambl0reanyone know how to change keyboard shortcut to show desktop?22:44
OerHeksgambl0re, there is no shortcut in gnome3, make one yourself http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2018/10/add-show-desktop-button-ubuntu-18-10-18-04/22:44
gambl0reim not using gnome22:44
OerHeksthat used to be an unity thingy22:44
gambl0reim using xubuntu22:44
OerHeksgambl0re, oh, why not mentioning that22:44
Bashing-omCarlFK: Not to helpful :( .. were me I would ' sudo apt install libpython3.6 ' and follow the bread crumbs.22:44
gambl0reOerHeks, i did above22:44
OerHeksdunno, try #xubuntu ?22:44
gambl0reisn't ubuntu/xubuntu the same?22:45
pizzaiolono, it uses xfce instead of gnome22:46
Bashing-omgambl0re: While the kernel is the same .. the desktops are entirely different.22:46
CarlFKBashing-om: that's what i've been trying to do.  I think I need to downgrade python3.6  3.6.9-1+xenial1   to bionic's   3.6.8-1~18.04.122:47
Bashing-omCarlFK: ' apt show python3.6 ' - Priority: important; Not so sure I want to be a part of breaking your system ;(22:49
CarlFKBashing-om: I can't install vim - it's pretty broken :p22:50
Bashing-omCarlFK: So long as you are prepared to re-install - got yer backups done ? we can try and remove / re-install python3.6 and see where we go from there.22:52
CarlFKBashing-om: pretty sure removing it will be super bad as it will take out 290 other things.  is there either "downgrade" or "force this version" (on top of the existing install) ?22:53
Bashing-omCarlFK: Well ,, can not hurt to try ' sudo apt install --reinstall python3.6 '22:54
CarlFKBashing-om:  no luck.   Reinstallation of python3.6 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.22:55
mystici wouldnt be so proud of a 3.6python22:58
CarlFKhuh, never seen a "Breaks: " section: Package: python3.6  Version: 3.6.8-1~18.04.1 Breaks: python3-all (<< 3.6.5~rc1-1), python3-dev (<< 3.6.5~rc1-1), python3-venv (<< 3.6.5-2)   http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JkKcfSpV5T/23:02
Bashing-omCarlFK: One can force the issue - but .. well a step over my paygrade as there can be real bad side effects, I do not care to go there. Best to find out and correct what is pulling in the 3.6.9-1+xenial1 version.23:04
CarlFKBashing-om: understood.  thanks for your time so far23:07
Bashing-omCaptainN: I will watch and learn if another does different than I would do.23:12
dirkmkdirHey there!   Where would you recommend i find tips for replacing my Windows Network with a Linux Network?  I'm pretty comfortable with Windows Directory, is there an Linux Parity?23:35
Bashing-om!netplan | dirkmkdir Start here -23:40
ubottudirkmkdir Start here -: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/23:40
* dirkmkdir Smiles23:44
dirkmkdir:bashing-om Thanks!  That looks like a create node manager.23:44

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