[00:26] Sorry, went to Disney for a long weekend with my family. Just got back. I did create https://wiki.ubuntu.com/marco-parillo but I can never seem to guarantee a time where I can submit to the interrogation. [01:12] right, you have to let us have our fun [01:12] lol [01:13] hope you had fun with the fam, marco [10:57] Well, I love my family more than I loathe Disney. [11:33] Disney Paris, or Florida ? [11:34] I felt the same way, really didn't want to go to Disney Paris, but actually it turned out ok, and we had fun. My daughter has been a massive fan of Stitch ever since, so Disney marketing obviously works [13:05] Disney Florida. 92 / 33 degrees, but while that is a normal hot summer day on the east coast of the US, for some reason, it was overwhelming. By mid-afternoon, we generally headed back to the resort and relaxed in the pool. [16:55] @valorie, Sorry, I barely have minute right now, and have to organise travel and holidays in September, plus another conference coming up next week [19:39] @Mamarok don't worry, we all do what we can [19:40] will I see you at Akademy? [20:25] I updated the numbers for the SHA256 and added MD5SUM for this page: https://kubuntu.org/alternative-downloads/ [20:25] That closed two bugs/feature requests. [20:33] thank you @ahoneybun [20:33] rainy here today [20:33] I'll try to fix this one: [20:33] https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/1826279 [20:33] This weekend most likely. [20:34] cool [20:34] how are you, Aaron? [20:37] I'm doing good, you? [20:38] pretty good [20:38] looking forward to seeing Thomas for a few days [20:39] also looking forward to the end of GSoC [20:39] and Akademy! [20:54] I would like to go to Akademy again but I don't feel like I do enough to justify it. [20:55] I did write this Python+Qt application: https://github.com/ahoneybun/dishwasher-status [21:00] you need a WhatThisIs.md file [21:00] what is it? [21:03] It's a application for listing dishwasher status. [21:03] If it's clean or dirty. [21:05] I figured as much, but a little file 'splaining would be good [21:19] I would update our Wordpress setup but I'm scared of it breaking and I couldn't fix it. [21:19] Since Ovidiu isn't around as much. [21:28] there is a new person in -devel who's interested in helping out on the website too [21:28] unsure how strong they are in WP skillz [21:28] crydotsnake or so