=== viv`d is now known as vivid [08:31] hey all, what is the kernel that originally shipped with 19.10 [08:31] Ermine, I forgot the codename lol [08:37] Fudge: It's Eoan Ermine, and it comes with Linux 5.2. [08:38] can I downgrade to an older kernel, ive been getting some lockups using speakup which is staging in the kernel and want to see if it is that or something hardware related [08:41] Fudge: You can use "ukuu" to install any kernel, but you may have to untick "Show kernel versions older than 4" to show Linux 5 kernels. [08:41] thanks cobber [08:43] You are welcome === ubott2 is now known as ubottu [15:26] Did the root-on-ZFS installer option make it into 19.10? I don't see it in the daily ISO [17:58] lordcirth: ermine gonna be a ghost release, nobody knows nothing :p [17:58] lotuspsychje, I did get an answer (ish) on -release; it's not there yet but might get merged later. [17:58] aha! [17:59] lordcirth: when was feature freeze again? [18:02] 22 aug [18:04] lotuspsychje, tomorrow, yeah. But they said that it's common for major feature to be merged after freeze, it just takes more approval. [18:04] ah [18:05] im awaiting 20.04 devel :p