[06:16] Good morning [07:44] why does the SSH host key change if I restart cloud init? [07:47] Probably to prevent many hosts from having the same host-key. [07:52] why not create a unique instance and have persistent host keys for the instance on reboot [07:58] if you create an instance you can give it persistent host keys until it is destroyed; is it not a security risk to have changed host keys all the time, now you can't know if it's a MITM or still the first host you connected to [08:00] cloud init should simply check if the host keys are present already and if the host keys are using the same encryption as specified in cloud init [08:02] i rechecked, on reboot the host keys are persistent, only if you delete the instance it's not [08:02] thats fine :) [08:33] seven-eleven: cloud-init has a bunch of per-instance things and a bunch of per-boot things [08:33] i'd assyme ssh host keys are per-instance but i haven't checked... [08:54] mhm [08:54] can I write a cloud init configuration like in example B or does only example A work? http://dpaste.com/32ZTZ1Q [08:55] I'm not sure if I can split up the dictionary in two parts [09:12] i created a sha-512 password with this command https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/260195 and added the hash to cloud init's user: passwd directive. when the instance is started the password is not accepted. http://dpaste.com/015W9V2 [09:50] no matter what I the password is not picked up by cloud init, i did it the same way as in these examples https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html [09:50] +try [13:03] rafaeldtinoco: rbasak: wooooot I think I cracked ufw/iptables for mysql8 [13:03] the reason it only triggers from autopkgtest's build-needed is the way users are set up for the build [13:03] fix is available and currenlty running tests [13:04] and this was a real issue that would have got into eoan, so the UFW test did well [13:09] rbasak: if you maybe could take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/iptables/+git/iptables/+merge/371575 ? [13:10] When I try to install 19.04 in a VM that I made for it, I get "An error occurred during installation". I'm going to see whether I find find out more in the full log... [13:11] Looks as though "Some index files failed to download". [13:12] lopta: is the error reproducible? [13:12] or could it be a one off network issue that made e.g. apt fail? [13:12] cpaelzer: For me, yes. This is my second attempt. [13:12] (in two days) [13:12] * cpaelzer is installing from iso ... [13:13] * lopta nods [13:13] lopta: which one do you use http://releases.ubuntu.com/19.04/ubuntu-19.04-live-server-amd64.iso ? [13:13] * lopta nods [13:17] * lopta has another go, this time opting not to update the installer. [13:21] No. Same thing. 18.04.3 installed without errors but that doesn't have the version of mono-complete that my application software seems to need. [13:21] I wonder whether I can install 18.04.3 and the somehow update to 19.04 [13:28] lopta: anything special on install? [13:28] or jsut enter/enter/... [13:29] Enter... Enter, mostly. Is 32G enough disk space? [13:29] I have 5G [13:29] update of new installer worked ... going on [13:31] I wonder whether our network is blocking something that 19.04 needs that 18.04 didn't. [13:31] install is running, I see various curin info steps [13:31] at which step did yours fail lopta ? [13:35] lopta: mine seems mostly complete already, it is at "downloading and installing security updates" [13:39] lopta: installed just fine for me [13:46] cpaelzer: I wiped the VM. Let me try it again... [13:47] ahasenack: rbasak: kanashiro: ahve you seen builds complete but not end recently? [13:47] I have a PPA which took linger tan expected and they seem complete but staying in building state [13:48] e.g. https://launchpad.net/~paelzer/+archive/ubuntu/bug-1840872-duplicatehotplug-1840745-amdssbd/+build/17449039 [13:48] Error: launchpad bug 17449039 not found [13:48] cpaelzer: I have not seen that [13:48] I'll give it another 15 minutes, but then cancel and restart them [13:48] * cpaelzer doesn't want to waste resources [13:49] maybe asking the LP team if they know why the completion isn't picked up [13:54] ufw failed to build, did you kill it? [13:55] in the bileto ticket? [13:55] no I just did a no change rebuild to enforce the tests agin [13:55] ahasenack: ^^ [13:55] bileto, yes [13:55] ah [13:55] got an email [13:56] yeah I still have some dbeug on it which makes no sense [13:56] like I do for every single bileto ticket [13:56] will resolve it [13:57] my inbox is useless until I get som eauto-sorting onto the "stuck in proposed mails" [13:57] truns out transitions are so noisy in your inbox you don't see anything else [13:57] I've been considering /dev/null'ing them [13:57] It's be nice to set an expiry on a procmail rule. I guess I can arrange that but I'm not sure of a recipe. [13:58] I'd have test it etc. [13:59] rbasak: i just shunt half the emails i receive for things that dont' concern me to a junk mailbox xD [13:59] rewrite:destination at my mail gateway, it goes to a different account :P [13:59] I have a mailbox called "notme" for that. [14:00] ... unlike tsimonq2 who lets all his messages through and doesn't delete/cleanup them and has an inbox the size of Texas right now [14:00] * teward runs tsimonq2's email for them, hence how he knows this [14:00] =INBOX [Msgs:49434 Flag:1001 Post:6 804M] :-/ [14:01] Simon's up to 1.1GB right now, at least when you factor in the indexes, etc. [14:01] and that's just their ubuntu-changes folder :P [14:02] but meh [14:02] * teward goes to dig into why Xenial doesn't like latest NGINX builds for some reason [14:03] * lopta wipes his virtual disk again [14:10] * lopta has another go at installing Ubuntu Server 19.04 [14:11] Wish me luck! === Napsterbater is now known as Guest93798 === Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater [14:16] cpaelzer: The first package that failed to fetch was Commands-amd64 [14:16] "lzma_read: Read error (5) [14:16] " === logan_ is now known as logan- [14:19] Final line says "finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/001-configure-apt/cmd-in-target: FAIL: curtin command in-target [14:19] Stderr: '' [14:21] I was really hoping to use Ubuntu Server for this job. [14:25] lopta: atm I can only say that it worked for me and that I don't see an obvious item to attack with the error messages [14:25] Odd_Bloke: ^^ do these messages mean something to you from a curtin POV ? [14:26] Is there a command to upgrade from 1804 to 1904? [14:26] yeah [14:26] let me fetch a good link [14:26] unfortunately askubuntu has maintenance atm :-) [14:27] That doesn't ring any bells, but I'm not hugely experienced with curtin yet. [14:27] lopta: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html maybe as a start [14:27] mwhudson or rharper may be able to help more. [14:27] lopta: since 18.04 is a LTS it won't prompt you to upgrade until 20.04 is released [14:27] but you can change the config to do it [14:28] sudo do-release-upgrade -d [14:28] whic hwill tell you to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades [14:29] Odd_Bloke: lopta it looks to me like an apt update failed, network connection or sometimes the archive isnt available; we see transient failures during apt installs on our nightly testing some times; [14:30] -d is for devel relase, which in your case you done't need/want [14:30] lopta: does it fail the same way each time ? [14:30] rharper: Ye [14:30] s [14:31] "Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latests supported release" [14:31] and you know networking on the device works ? [14:31] Ah, thanks [14:31] lopta: you don't want/need -d [14:31] rharper: yes [14:33] Looks like it's getting Disco Dingo... [14:33] which is 19.04 [14:33] it sure looks like a networking issue; you could try offline install, https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1750819 ; http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/bionic/daily-live/20190801/ [14:33] * lopta nods [14:38] Well, let's see whether this upgrade process works. [14:43] Nope. Kernel panicced on reboot. [14:44] "...not syncing: No working init found"... [14:49] * lopta resorts to a desktop install... [14:54] Well that's unfortunate. My mouse isn't working. [14:55] ...and I can't seem to tab around. [14:55] Suppose that's an issue for another channel though. [15:25] Let's try 1904 on bare metal. [15:35] my landscape on-premise installation hasn't run update_security_db.sh in a week :( [15:35] when I try to manually run the script, it just stops with exit 1 [15:39] hrm, it may be getting somewhere after the umpteenth restart ;p [15:51] heh yep, it works now [15:51] you may go about your business. Move along, move along. [16:10] Interestingly (to me) 1904 installed nicely onto bare metal. [16:10] ...not sure what's up with my VM [16:15] Alright. It's lunchtime. [16:25] so I kinda screwed up when I installed this server, creating an mdadm mirror on a pair of 8GB sata DOMs for the OS install. Predictably, space is getting pretty tight. What's the best way to get bigger disks in there without reinstalling? Clonezilla? [16:44] add more disks, raid1 them too, and mount /usr on them? [16:44] or whatever is your biggest space consumer [16:44] is this a vm? [16:46] no, physical server [16:47] was just curious about the small disk [16:47] I had some sata DOMs that I thought would be cool to use. [16:47] but they're too small. [18:18] \o/ [18:24] runelind_q, perhaps you could break the mirror, replace the other drive, rebuild, replace the first one, and expand? [18:33] that is an option, yeah. [18:39] I'm trying to pivot_root on ubuntu 16.04. I only have systemd and dbus-daemon left and can't seem to restart either of them to get them onto the new root. systemctl daemon-reexec doesn't seem to do anything for systemd. Any signals I give to the dbus PID seem to just kill the machine completely. Any ideas? [18:44] actually, I was able to kill and restart the systemd service. So now it's only dbus I'm trying to get off of the /oldroot [18:49] I don't believe the sata DOMs have serial numbers written on them, so I'll have a 50/50 chance of picking the right one when I fail/replace it. [19:06] Apparently our application is up and running on Ubuntu Server 1904. I'm impressed at how smoothly the installation goes on bare metal. [19:23] brb, coffee++ [21:03] lopta: did you figure out what was going on in the vm? [21:03] lopta: i'm glad it worked on bare metal :) [21:04] mwhudson: I'm not sure exactly. This'll do until I leave and someone accidentally switches it off. ;-) [21:04] "Hey, why'd all our telemetry stop?!" [21:05] haha [21:05] "we've all ready the google sre manual, that's good enough right?" [21:16] Well originally I asked for a VM on the ESXi cluster but the IT manager got very angry at the suggestion so I just told him "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it myself". [21:17] (and BCCd his temporary boss) [21:27] Does (can) Ubuntu Server put the screen to sleep after a set period of no keyboard activity? [21:28] I think it does [21:30] Thanks. [21:30] We'll see what it does overnight. [21:30] By! [21:30] e* [22:29] Hey all [22:30] Postfix shows in syslog: warning: connect to Milter service unix:/var/run/opendkim/opendkim.sock: No such file or directory [22:30] Already did https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/74491/133353 [22:31] What could this be? [22:33] Figured out [22:33] In main.cf changed unix:/var/run/opendkim/opendkim.sock to unix:var/run/opendkim/opendkim.sock