
=== him-cesjf is now known as Guest87473
=== rperier_ is now known as rperier
crydotsnake-MGood  morning :))08:37
BluesKajHi all12:02
crydotsnake-MHello. 12:03
crydotsnake-MAre there any todos for the Kubuntu Website right now ?.15:03
mparilloMaybe too late now, but reviewing my draft announcement: https://kubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=4153&action=edit15:17
crydotsnake-MI dont have a Account. 15:20
mparilloI think if you are not a Kubuntu member, you may need to be added before you can use your Ubuntu Identity.15:21
crydotsnake-MOkay. I dont know.15:23
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> I'm working though the bugs on the site right now.15:23
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website15:23
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> I'm almost done with the update to the feature tour.15:23
IrcsomeBot1<ahoneybun> And pushed.15:24
crydotsnake-MCool :))!15:25
crydotsnake-MI dont know how i could help on the other 2 bugs 😕15:33
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> Thanks Aaron :)15:40
RikMillshmmm. new pkg-kde-tools upload in debian15:51
crydotsnake-MIs that good?15:52
RikMillsit means I need to merge their changes into our version15:52
crydotsnake-MOkay. 15:53
crydotsnake-MIs that easy?15:53
RikMillsshould be I think15:54
crydotsnake-MOkay. 15:55
RikMillsor it might be if launchpad git wasn't being a PITA15:57
* RikMills kicks LP15:58
crydotsnake-MThe Kubuntu Site Looks very Nice now ! :). Okay. I have to See how i can Create a SSH Key for Launchpad.15:58
RikMillsgreat :)16:06
crydotsnake-MDoesent Work at the Moment, but i think i can fix it..16:08
crydotsnake-MAre you using Vim for Develooment or Kate?16:09
RikMillsI tend to use nano and geany16:10
crydotsnake-MGeany is nice ! :)16:11
RikMillsnot very 'kde' but I don't care16:11
RikMillsmeld is also amazingly useful16:12
crydotsnake-MOkay. Meld?16:12
crydotsnake-MInteresting 16:14
crydotsnake-MIs the First Testing Beta of Kubuntu 19.10 already Out?16:14
RikMillsjust used that to double check that https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pkg-kde-tools/0.15.30ubuntu1 didn't wipe out any Ubuntu changes we wanted to keep16:14
RikMillsthere is only one beta now16:15
crydotsnake-MOkay. So there is not anything to Testing at the Moment ?.16:16
RikMillswe still have a daily is build: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/16:17
blazeIt even has merge mode, hmmm16:17
RikMills*daily iso16:17
RikMillscyphermox: a beta is basically one of those build given the name 'beta'16:18
RikMillsso testing those at any point is good help16:19
crydotsnake-MOkay. What would be Better. Testing in a VM or on a real Laptop?16:20
RikMillsbith have value in different ways16:21
crydotsnake-MI only have the VM Option :/16:22
RikMillsno problem16:23
RikMillsunless something hardware specific, then a VM is good16:23
crydotsnake-MOkay. And what exactly should i Test?16:24
RikMillswell, there are testcases here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/404/builds/198124/testcases16:26
RikMillsthose are what we use when testing a candidate iso for release16:26
cyphermoxRikMills: sup16:27
crydotsnake-MOkay. Hello cyphermox !16:27
RikMillsin therms of wider functionality, then test whatever you like to use16:27
cyphermoxcrydotsnake-M: hello16:27
crydotsnake-MOkay. And for example i found Something that is Not working, where i have to Report that?16:28
RikMillscyphermox: oh, did I highlight you in error? sorry16:28
cyphermoxRikMills: it's okay, not the first time, not going to be the last16:28
cyphermoxI'm just here to mess with you16:28
* RikMills sees he did16:28
crydotsnake-MOn the IRC i think 16:30
RikMillscrydotsnake-M: if you find a bug you can tell us in here. you can also report the bug on launchpad and/or the KDE bugtracker, depending on which is appropriate16:30
crydotsnake-MOkay :)!16:31
crydotsnake-MI think Testing is the Most importing Thing in the world of Programming :)). And it makes the Software even Better. 16:32
RikMillsand there is so much kde software, that the person who packages/uploads cannot possibly test even a decent fraction. so help is invaluable16:34
crydotsnake-MI will give my best :)))16:36
crydotsnake-MWhat is the Most used Programming Language for Kubuntu?16:41
RikMillsMost KDE is c++. python is also quite heavily used16:45
crydotsnake-MI dont speak any of those languages :/16:47
crydotsnake-MBut i want to learn Python maybe.17:17
crydotsnake-MIts an interesting Language. 17:24
crydotsnake-MRikMills Are you using the Standart Breeze Theme of Kubuntu ?, Or do you have a Favourite Theme?17:37
RikMillsfor apps I use qtcurve with the 'breeze' preset. it is a bit more compact 17:39
RikMillsfor plasma theme, I use mostly breeze but with fully transparent widegets/panels17:39
crydotsnake-MNice!. Its always interesting to see other KDE Desktops :D17:40
crydotsnake-MThat looks nice!!17:43
RikMillsI do like having a top AND bottom panel17:44
crydotsnake-MI have it too17:44
* crydotsnake-M uploaded an image: Screenshot_41.png (1058KB) < https://kde.modular.im/_matrix/media/v1/download/kde.org/yaRJfTbaGDZrgrAKmwCYcGWx >17:45
crydotsnake-MYou have many Terminals open! :O17:46
crydotsnake-M * You have many Terminal Tabs open! :O17:46
RikMillsdoinf dev stuff, you more or less live in the command line!17:47
crydotsnake-MYes thats right!17:47
crydotsnake-MBut damn i like your Blue colors17:47
crydotsnake-MOn the Desktop.17:47
crydotsnake-MThe Terminal is like your Best Friend :D17:48
=== fenris is now known as ejat
crydotsnake-MBtw: Is this the right site to download the Kubuntu 19.10 Iso for testing?: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/17:49
RikMillsyep, zsyncing it is best17:50
crydotsnake-MOkay :).17:50
RikMillsthat way, aech day or whenver, you can just fetch the diffences, bit the whole iso17:51
RikMillsurgh. my typing is going wrong17:51
RikMillsmay be due to the beer I just drank ;)17:51
crydotsnake-MWhy not :D17:52
mamarleyTrying for the Ballmer Peak? ;)17:52
RikMillsaim high!17:52
crydotsnake-MWhat do you prefer more for installing software on KDE, Discover, or Muon?18:03
RikMillscrydotsnake-M: apt18:09
crydotsnake-MI use also apt. More than Discover18:09
RikMillsI only use discover to test it18:10
crydotsnake-MHow i could open a Folder with Files in Geany.18:12
crydotsnake-MI'm not sure, but i think i can also open a folder with files in Kate.18:14
RikMillsthere is a file browser plugin18:21
crydotsnake-MOkay. Can i install that directly in Kate?18:24
crydotsnake-MKubuntu 19.10 Installation works on VM! :)18:53
valoriecan't wait to upgrade!19:04
crydotsnake-MMe too.19:07
* mamarley upgraded about 4 months ago. O.o19:15
blazetechnically upgrade is still not finished19:48
RikMillstechnically dev release is rolling, so its a constant upgrage19:50
blazesomething like that, but there's always a gap19:50
blazeof stability19:51
RikMillsits a lot better than it used to be. 19:52
RikMillsfeature freeze is upon us!20:02
mparilloAgreed. It has been many years since I had total breakage running the daily images.20:02
RikMillsa few years ago, Ubuntu generally decided to try to make the dev release as stable as possible. accidents aside, it should be so20:03
valorieI'm a tad less adventurous than I used to be when I always ran the latest20:13
valorieI have too many jobs I do using my 'puters20:13
blazeI remember that identi.ca account notifying about catastrophic consequences of upgrade once in a while20:15
IrcsomeBot1<myfenris> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/96y9qFHngW/23:51
IrcsomeBot1<myfenris> mysql 8 already in the main archive ... any plan plasma rebuild with mysql 8?23:52

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