
atdprhshello everyone, have anyone deployed k8s on maas cloud?02:11
mupBug #1841136 opened: [UI] "Save changes" button disabled when configuring "Manual" power type <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1841136>06:29
mupBug #1841166 opened: Unable to deploy Eoan on i386 bare-metal <MAAS:New> <ubuntu-kernel-tests:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1841166>09:39
ExchangeHi, I want to do a PR on libmaas and therefore I need to be a canonical contributor. When I fill out the form it asks me for "Canonical Project Manager" - who should that be ? Thanks in advance :>12:57
roaksoaxExchange: try leave it blank? or whomever is listed  ?12:59
Exchangeroaksoax:  can't - it must have a value.. Hm actually it is libmaas I want to contribute to, and its not on the list :/ Maybe it's fine to add the contact for maas ?13:01
roaksoaxExchange: yes same contact13:01
ExchangeThanks ! :>13:01

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