
=== phoenixz is now known as Guest51337
=== Blubberbop is now known as phoenixz
chcknrubcheckout my created/pasted picture: https://pasteboard.co/Iu7W8Sp.jpg05:09
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest27866
jubo2I gonna have a setup of 2 machines: The main laptop with 960GB space and the home machine with 2TB space. Any suggestion on the cleanest / safest way my laptop to the home computer's 2TB disk over network?10:28
jubo2* to back up my laptop to the home machine10:28
mparilloI would say the simplest way is to create a python web server: https://www.afternerd.com/blog/python-http-server/10:39
mparilloThe best way is probably some kind of rsync over ssh10:39
mparilloI have done the former, but not the latter.10:40
jubo2mparillo: yeah... I've been thinking using rsync (or a rsync based tool like Timeshift) over SSHFS (https://github.com/teejee2008/timeshift)10:54
BluesKajHi folks10:57
Dragnslcrjubo2- I've used rdiff-backup in the past. Now I just use zfs and snapshots, though that's a bit more complicated to set up.11:35
romenskiy2012May I ask a question ?12:14
crydotsnake-MOf course!!12:14
romenskiy2012I do not know Linux very well, and I'm sorry that I will ask you this question, but I truthfully looked for information.12:16
romenskiy2012Everywhere it is written that you can integrate the browser with plasma through extensions.12:16
romenskiy2012This is true ?12:16
crydotsnake-MWhat is your Browser?12:17
romenskiy2012mozilla firefox12:18
romenskiy2012It just worked for arch Linux.12:18
crydotsnake-MIs it that what you mean?: https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/plasma-integration/12:19
romenskiy2012YesOn kubuntu, the error gives12:20
crydotsnake-MWhat is the error message that you get?12:21
romenskiy2012ошибка интеграции браузера с plasma12:23
romenskiy2012Не удалось подключиться к главному процессу. Возможно, не установлен пакет12:23
romenskiy2012error integrating browser with plasma12:24
romenskiy2012Failed to connect to the main process. Package may not be installed.12:24
crydotsnake-MWhich Kubuntu Version?12:24
romenskiy2012Stable 18.412:25
romenskiy2012I don’t understand which package I need to deliver12:27
RikMillsthe browser integration didn't exist when 18.04 was be prepared12:27
RikMillsyou can find the package in this 'updates' ppa for 18.04 https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:28
romenskiy2012Can I somehow add it manually?12:28
RikMillsthe package you need from that ppa is plasma-browser-integration12:29
romenskiy2012I am very grateful to you for your help, but a little more precisely, I’ll get lost there.12:36
romenskiy2012sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa12:46
romenskiy2012sudo apt-get update12:46
romenskiy2012sudo apt-get install plasma-browser-integration12:46
romenskiy2012E: Unable to find plasma-browser-integration package12:46
RikMillsopps. I meant ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports12:49
romenskiy2012YES! Everything works, very grateful.12:58
romenskiy2012And as I understand it, now I need to turn it off, huh?12:58
romenskiy2012ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa Delete?13:01
=== emedril_ is now known as egen
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html13:13
IrcsomeBot1<Swift110> hey blueskaj13:52
BluesKajhey Swift11013:53
IrcsomeBot1yvonne coffey was added by: yvonne coffey14:56
francoalguien me ensena a anadir los servidores de Undernet a Konversation?16:22
francoporque necesito unirme a un canal que esta alli16:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:05
IrcsomeBot1BARBARA BROWN was added by: BARBARA BROWN18:17
IrcsomeBot1<BARBARA BROWN> (Photo, 380x600) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/hDje93Bv/file_17373.jpg18:18
IrcsomeBot1<BARBARA BROWN> s cy whmvqsnh18:18
IrcsomeBot1<bauchhaus> (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/zvQdvgww/file_17374.mp418:19
IrcsomeBot1<Eickmeyer> @bauchhaus, It's been dealt with.19:32
fructoseIs there something you have to do to activate Application Launchers in Global Shortcuts? They aren't working as is.19:39
IrcsomeBot1<Swift110> hey fructose20:16
IrcsomeBot1<Swift110> sup erich long time no see20:17
IrcsomeBot1<Swift110> how are you fructose20:17
fructoseStruggling with shortcuts, but otherwise well20:19
swift110oh I see fructose that can be a pain20:21
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
bpromptfructose:   struggling with shortcuts?  just install autokey =P20:36

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