[02:26] Hey what gives [02:26] im trying to install snapd on Kali its having ALL Sort of probelms [02:26] the /home directory wont let me install any application [02:26] nor run it [02:27] it says my /home is not my /home? [02:27] What? [02:27] https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1620771 [02:27] Bug #1620771: when /home is somewhere else, snaps don't work [02:29] can someone help me with this plz [02:29] https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/support-for-non-home-homedirs/11209 [04:01] Psil0Cybin: do you have an interestingly different /home setup? [04:54] popey_, not that i know of buit im using kali linux [04:55] so perhaps it did something special for me [04:57] popey_, would i follow something along these lines [04:57] https://miloserdov.org/?p=2448&PageSpeed=noscript [04:59] or https://miloserdov.org/?p=2448 but why would i add anything to my bash? [08:45] PR snapd#7317 closed: httputil: rework protocol error detection [09:48] PR snapd#7219 closed: devicestate/firstboot: check for missing bases early [10:27] popey, nethack updated ... [10:47] how do update my snap apps? [10:49] you mean the ones you packaged ? or as a user ? [10:49] as a user [10:50] you dont, they update themselves as soon as something new is released to the channel you are using [10:50] oh ok, ty [10:50] (snap info gives you info about the revisions available in different channels, what you are tracking locally etc etc) [10:52] alright, very nice, thank you [10:52] PR snapd#7327 closed: snap/naming: simplify SnapSet somewhat [12:08] When I delete the state.json file, although it creates a new one but daemon can not start [12:08] it is something intended or is it unexpected behavior?, I want to delve into it. [13:12] BTW, I am talking about while debugging, current snapd is working in initialize system state [13:33] Hi. Is there some kind of hook which allows you to send a mail whenever a snap gets updated instead of comparing the current output of "snap list" with the last run using a cron job? [21:04] Bug #1841327 opened: Install snaps in Dockerfile