
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:28
=== 17WAC4THL is now known as lotus|NUC
BluesKajHi folks10:57
lotuspsychjegood afternoon12:27
ubot5Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...12:52
lotuspsychjeanyone needs fun on gnome tonight, try bug #184131616:36
ubot5bug 1841316 in metacity (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell freezes a few seconds - Window manager warning: last_user_time is greater than comparison timestamp" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184131616:36
lotuspsychjei got the same errors in journal logs16:37
lotuspsychjeill check more tomorrow16:37
guivercubuntu-software is restricted to a list of packages isn't it (unlike say aptitude/synpatic which is whatever's in sources..)23:13
OerHeksmeta packages mainly, yes23:15
guivercthanks OerHeks :)   (writing response to lp.bug..)23:15
OerHeksthat is why synaptic is such a breeze for new users, to explore more23:15
guivercor aptitude for oldies like me :)23:16
guiverc(interactive, I can use keyboard & not mouse...)23:16
OerHekssure, turning mouse heroes in cli warriors is fun23:18
guiverccomputers didn't have mouses when i started using them  (couldn't even rely on arrow keys)23:18
guiverc(the beauty of vi - works when there's no arrow keys)23:19

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