
EoflaOEGood morning everyone07:17
EoflaOEAnd hello Bashing-om07:19
Bashing-omEoflaOE: Still here .. but not much longer .. 'bout played out :P07:21
guivercG'day EoflaOE07:22
EoflaOEBashing-om: And so I have morning and you have night.07:22
EoflaOEGood day to you guiverc07:22
Bashing-omEoflaOE: I have lasted the night through ..is now 02:24 :)07:24
EoflaOEBashing-om: OK, and I have 10:25 AM07:25
guiverc:)   Good day sounds too formal; when I saw G'day it's with the aussie slang/drawl (all words strung together without any gaps..)07:25
EoflaOEguiverc: OK.07:27
Bashing-omguiverc: And I do it with a hill billy twang :P07:27
Bashing-omLaters guys \o07:48
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: The GPD MicroPC in 3 Minutes [Video Review] @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=151664 (by Joey Sneddon)20:46

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