
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> @tsimonq2 whoops. got sidetracked last night. Made the polls now, but LP makes you wait 12 hrs from creation before they open07:21
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> I'll send an email with links later07:22
IrcsomeBot1<tsimonq2> Ack07:48
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> poll done. just writing email07:51
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2019-August/011792.html08:00
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> (Photo, 1023x555) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/hmzkFOPO/file_17388.jpg16:52
IrcsomeBot1<Sick_Rimmit> Thanks for doing the leg work on this @RikMills18:29
valoriethank you for making it easy-peasy @RikMills23:20

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