
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
csanyipalI want to create an Xubuntu Live USB from CD, following this: https://www.pendrivelinux.com/creating-an-xubuntu-live-usb-from-cd/14:53
csanyipalFrom where can I download a Xubuntu Live CD?14:54
brainwashobeardly: see the channel topic14:56
brainwashsry obeardly14:57
brainwashcsanyipal: link is in the channel topic14:57
csanyipalbrainwash: Indeed: https://xubuntu.org/releases right? Thanks!14:58
csanyipalI am on Xubuntu system on my laptop now. It is the Latest LTS release: 18.04, Bionic Beaver. Can and should I upgrade it to Xubuntu 19.04 ?15:02
csanyipalI found how to do it: https://docs.xubuntu.org/1804/user/C/migrating-upgrading.html#upgrading15:17
csanyipalXubuntu is a grait GNU/Linux system. Thanks!15:17
=== Israphel is now known as Guest9996
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel

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