[16:31] I suspect there's a bug in ubuntustudio-controls or in my system, I have a `/proc/asound/card1` folder without an `id` subfolder and this crashes ubuntustudio-controls. [16:33] Even if it is a bug in my system, I suspect ubuntustudio-controls can be made more robust, however before I start hacking it I'd like to have the latest version. Is 1.7.1 the latest version? [16:47] !ubuntustudio-backports | nilg: backports has version 1.10 [16:47] nilg: backports has version 1.10: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer [16:49] nilg: what does the trace back look like? [16:50] (run ubuntustudio-controls from terminal) [16:52] nilg: this is not the support channel. [16:52] !support [16:52] This is the Ubuntu Studio development channel. Our official support channel is on #ubuntustudio. Also see http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=335 [16:54] OvenWerks: I've created the following issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls/+bug/1841451 [16:54] Launchpad bug 1841451 in ubuntustudio-controls "ubuntustudio-controls crash if card with no id" [Undecided,New] [16:56] nilg: could you in a terminal type: ls -l /proc/asound |pastebinit [16:56] and put the url here? [16:59] OvenWerks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9rtpwJqjMb/ [17:00] nilg: I think that is not too hard to fix. Yes I would say if there is no id file the driver or device is not right. [17:00] nilg: OvenWerks: Take this to #ubuntustudio. This is not a development discussion. This is a support discussion. [17:00] Eickmeyer: this is dev [17:00] nilg: is this usb or internal [17:00] How so? [17:01] gathering info to fix a bug [17:01] OvenWerks: I have 3 audio devices (enabled at different moments) [17:01] 1. Internal [17:01] 2. USB [17:01] 3. Bluetooth [17:02] Of course I'm never using or expecting to use the bluetooth device with jack [17:02] It may be that the USB device chip set does not have a "name" entered [17:03] Gathering info to fix a bug is support. Develpment is collaboration to fix the bug. There's a difference, but what do I know. I'm just trying to keep the IRC council happy. [17:04] I don't mind moving to #ubuntustudio, though to blurry the line further, I don't mind hacking/fixing the bug as well :-) [17:04] anyway, I think I have enough info to fix it. [17:04] I suppose a simple try/catch to skip cards without id would do the trick... [17:05] Awesome! [17:05] simpler I hope [17:05] !bug | nilg: In the future, for a more complete bug report, use this method [17:05] nilg: In the future, for a more complete bug report, use this method: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [17:05] So, you would've filed that using ubuntu-bug ubuntustudio-controls [17:06] Oh, thanks. [17:06] Either way, I triaged the bug and moved it to the proper place, but I fear it'll get marked as incomplete since it wasn't filed correctly. [17:06] That or invalid. [17:08] nilg: Also, people in ubuntustudio-devel hang out in #ubuntustudio, so please don't post support questions in here. [17:08] Got it [17:08] Otherwise, why would we have the two channels? [17:09] * Eickmeyer ends rant [17:09] lint --pedantic ;) [17:10] OvenWerks: We have to follow IRC guidelines. That's part of it. [17:27] *salts Eickmeyer* Python is annoying ain't it [17:34] *salts teward for reasons* [17:35] I*drags @tsi [17:35] bleh damn phone [17:35] *drags @tsimonq2 out back and buries him* [18:26] Eickmeyer: got the other two cheap (under $1) audio devices today... they also have both 44k1 and 48k. I shall have to try running my master at 96k or something.