[17:11] Suggestion: it would be cool to add shortcut keys to the main buttons of ubuntustudio-controls, in particular "Start or Restart Jack" and "Stop Jack". [17:13] nilg: That's already in ubuntustudio-controls 1.10 in eoan and the backports PPA. [17:14] nilg: it all takes time. [17:16] Excellent! So I suppose I need to install backports PPA... [17:17] And I guess the "no card id" fix will also be in the backports PPA [17:17] I am not sure there are shortcuts for anything in -controls at this time. [17:18] nilg: the fix for the no id will probably be in autobuilds first for you to test as I don't have a card like that to try [17:22] * Eickmeyer[m] goes back to vacation mode [17:26] OK [17:27] nilg: the one problem you are likely to have is that no card id means that the card number is not always going to be the same after a reboot. [17:29] nilg: so if the usb is plugged in at boot it may actually come before the internal card. My PCH on this system often shows as card2 [17:30] USB may always come after internal cards though so it may be ok [17:31] alsa does not (so far as I know) bluetooth devices so I would guess you BT device is accessed through pulse? [17:37] OvenWerks: indeed, bluetooth device through pulse, which is fine (cause I wouldn't use it for music production) [18:37] nilg: if you want to try the ubuntustudio-controls install from here: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/ubuntu/autobuild [18:38] I would be interested to see if it works for you [18:38] I would be interested to see what jack_lsp |pastebinit [18:38] puts out as well [18:39] nilg: if that fixes your problem, I can mark the bug as fix commited [18:50] OvenWerks: it works :-) [18:52] Result of `jack_lsp |pastebinit` while running https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xpDjMcYzYH/ [18:53] nilg: you don't have bridge usb devices set? [18:54] OvenWerks: I don't have my USB interfaced connected right now. [18:54] or are you using your USB device as master? [18:54] ok [18:54] I can try tomorrow with USB if you need me to [18:54] please do that [18:55] OK [18:55] or is the internal device the one with no ID? [18:55] I think not