
mrovernethello all05:39
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lubot<Dean Nielsen> Wi-Fi isn't working on Lubuntu 19.04. I want to install it but my desktop isn't detecting the hotspot from my phone12:08
MrSpeedyIs this Lubuntu support channel?12:08
lubot<Dean Nielsen> Yes12:09
lubot<Dean Nielsen> Uh, hi...12:09
lubot<Dean Nielsen> I guess?12:09
MrSpeedyI having trouble getting into Lubuntu 19.04 installer12:09
MrSpeedyGetting into black screen after select "Install Lubuntu" from the boot menu12:10
lubot<Dean Nielsen> I'm having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi... We both got problems with the same release12:10
MrSpeedyPreviously I successfully install Lubuntu 18.10 on my netbook12:10
lubot<kc2bez> @Dean Nielsen [Wi-Fi isn't working on Lubuntu 19.04. I want to install it but my desktop isn't …], Can you provide some further information about your wireless adapter? Please pastebin the output of `lspci` and give us the link.12:13
lubot<Dean Nielsen> @kc2bez [Can you provide some further information about your wireless adapter? Please pas …], I'm sorry, say what? I have no idea what you just said...12:13
lubot<kc2bez> @Dean Nielsen [I'm sorry, say what? I have no idea what you just said...], Ok, let's start over. What have you tried so far to connect to WiFi?12:15
MrSpeedyI'm not talking about wifi12:15
lubot<kc2bez> I know MrSpeedy Dean was.12:16
lubot<kc2bez> MrSpeedy are you trying the live iso image of 19.04 on the same computer that had 18.10?12:17
lubot<Dean Nielsen> @kc2bez [Ok, let's start over. What have you tried so far to connect to WiFi?], In the bottom left of the screen is supposed to be Internet Connection, Wi-Fi is whited out and cannot be selected12:19
lubot<Dean Nielsen> (Photo, 720x1280) https://i.imgur.com/EOA04Im.jpg12:19
lubot<Dean Nielsen> @kc2bez [Can you provide some further information about your wireless adapter? Please pas …], Is lspci a command from the Terminal?12:20
lubot<kc2bez> Yes.12:20
lubot<kc2bez> You likely need a driver for your wireless adapter.12:20
lubot<Dean Nielsen> O.K, let me boot my system again and I'll type it in12:20
lubot<Dean Nielsen> @kc2bez [You likely need a driver for your wireless adapter.], I really hope you're right12:21
MrSpeedyYes. Actually I want to clean install to 19.04 but afaik 19.04 using new kernal which removed old intel graphics driver12:21
MrSpeedyNow booting into other PC is successful. So nothing wrong with the ISO12:21
lubot<kc2bez> MrSpeedy what do you have for a graphics card?12:22
MrSpeedyIntegrated GPU. Intel GMA 3600. Last support only Windows 712:22
lubot<kc2bez> @Dean Nielsen [I really hope you're right], If your computer is able to plug into an ethernet connection it will be easier to add your driver.12:23
lubot<Dean Nielsen> @kc2bez [You likely need a driver for your wireless adapter.], Well there can't be any errors with the iso, the check came back with no errors so I'll run the command.12:23
MrSpeedySurprisingly it works butter smooth when upgarding from 18.10 --> 19.0412:23
lubot<Dean Nielsen> @kc2bez [If your computer is able to plug into an ethernet connection it will be easier t …], I don't have a LAN cable12:23
lubot<Dean Nielsen> (Photo, 720x1280) https://i.imgur.com/T4IZ6BY.jpg12:25
lubot<Dean Nielsen> Give me a sec.12:26
lubot<Dean Nielsen> (Photo, 720x1280) https://i.imgur.com/RDGbkGh.jpg12:26
lubot<Dean Nielsen> (Photo, 720x1280) https://i.imgur.com/rQs9hLx.jpg12:26
lubot<Dean Nielsen> That's everything Dan12:26
lubot<kc2bez> Ok thanks, give me a second.12:27
lubot<Dean Nielsen> @kc2bez [Ok thanks, give me a second.], No prob!12:27
MrSpeedykc2bez Ok I'll wait12:28
MrSpeedy<kc2bez> It seems Lubuntu 18.10 is no more to be downloaded12:31
lubot<kc2bez> That is correct MrSpeedy 18.10 is EOL.12:32
MrSpeedyAny idea?12:37
lubot<kc2bez> If it worked in 18.10 I am not sure why it doesn't in 19.0412:38
lubot<kc2bez> I have tested several machines that have integrated intel graphics and they all seem to work.12:38
lubot<Dean Nielsen> @kc2bez [Ok thanks, give me a second.], When you find out why I can't connect to a wireless network please send me a PM O.K?12:40
lubot<kc2bez> I will tag you here Dean12:40
lubot<kc2bez> MrSpeedy have you tried a `nomodeset` in the boot menu?12:41
MrSpeedynomodeset not working12:46
MrSpeedyInitially only display Lubuntu splash screen, after awhile (maybe booted into desktop) the screen become black12:47
lubot<kc2bez> MrSpeedy what did you find?12:53
MrSpeedyIn boot menu press F612:53
MrSpeedySelect "Expert Mode"12:53
MrSpeedyPress Esc12:54
MrSpeedyType "vga=xxx" xxx is random 3 digit number, it's ok if its wrong12:54
MrSpeedyEnter to boot Lubuntu12:54
MrSpeedyYou will greeted with error message "Invalid VGA argument. Please select the available options"12:55
MrSpeedyI choose 32x800x60012:55
MrSpeedyAnd BAAM boot into desktop in VESA mode12:56
lubot<kc2bez> Thanks for letting us know MrSpeedy12:56
MrSpeedyNo problem12:56
MrSpeedyWill try to install and obtain graphics driver online12:57
MrSpeedyWill report back surely12:57
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lubotemergencyrussia was added by: emergencyrussia19:30
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> umm  my keyboard backlight is not working in eoan?22:18
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @The_LoudSpeaker [umm  my keyboard backlight is not working in eoan?], any ideas ?22:45

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