=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [01:49] Unit193: thanks! [01:50] Unit193: would you be opposed to me adding arm builds to our ppas? [02:11] bluesabre: Everything would have to be re-uploaded... [02:12] But I guess go ahead? I take it someone asked? [09:11] Unit193: I ordered a raspberry pi 4, so trying to get 4.14 on there somewhat easily :) [09:11] Ah. [09:11] I'll experiment with a temp ppa first [09:17] So everything is in Debian, and I can start sync'ing over. I should be able to bootstrap arm with the new uploads if you add arm64. [09:18] (Unless I already started syncing..) [09:18] Nah, don't worry about it for now [09:19] But that is awesome that we're pretty well synced up now [09:21] You should add arm64, I'll end up backporting everything anyway. :) [09:21] Alrighty, I'll enable arm64 and armhf (seems the pis use that latter) [09:29] Arches added