
=== feodoran_ is now known as feodoran
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Sip02:30
nanoI have already searched on google and there is nothing, just install kubuntu 18.04 and from the start in desktop effects the option of wobbly or jelly windows does not appear, is there any solution?02:39
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Wobbly windows are not enabled by default.02:40
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Go to System Settings  -> Desktop Behavior -> Desktop Effects02:41
nanoI have installed kubuntu 18.04 on other equipment and it has appeared from the beginning jelly-like windows. If I change this how can I activate it?02:42
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Filter for wobbly anc check the box.  I prefer a slighlty wobblier window, so I customize the wobbly'ness so I used the advanced settings02:43
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Stiffness = 3, Drag = 80, Move factor 22.  I also disable wobble on resize.02:43
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If wobbly windows is not available, then your graphics driver might require updating.  Once updated, you may need to go to System Settings -> Display and Monitor -> Compositor and change Rendering Backend to OpenGl 2.0 or 3.102:46
nanoI have done what you say in other installations of kubuntu 18.04, but this time I simply do not see anything in System Settings -> Desktop Behavior -> Desktop Effects02:47
nanola opcion de ventanas gelatinosas simplemente no se encuentra en ninguna parte02:48
nanoQuizás quisiste decir: la opción de ventanas gelatinosas simplemente no se encuentra en ninguna parte02:48
nanothe option of gelatinous windows is simply not found anywhere02:48
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If you have not enabled backports, you may encounter an old plasma glitch where it crashes an kill compositing.02:48
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> What graphics card and driver do you have?02:49
nanois a Nvidia GeForce RTX 207002:53
nanodriver noveau, privative driver give me a big resolution02:54
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Cool nano02:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> To fix big resolution, force the font dpi to 96 (or whatever works best depending on your display resolution/dpi).  You will need to logout and log back in to see full results (or restart plasma)03:09
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Open source nvidia driver is kind of hit an miss for the many of the plasma animations and back end (compositor).03:11
lordievaderGood morning05:55
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest28789
cuscohello sirs08:40
cuscoI just started working with linux on the workstation08:41
cuscokubuntu it is .. for the time being08:41
cuscoquick question, is there a way to keep a url always handy.. I was thinking ot knotes or something08:41
cuscobut you might have an idea of something just.. ligher..08:41
cuscobaiscally the url of the daily morning meeting08:41
diogenes_cusco, bookmarks, speeddial?08:45
cuscoyea the app does not support bookmarking ..08:50
diogenes_what app?08:52
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hello09:03
mparillocusco: You could make it [one of] your browser start page[s].09:16
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Oh09:18
mparilloIn my case, my browser start page is a simple HTML file of links. I find it much better than browser-based bookmarks, because I can share it across Falkon and Chromium.09:22
fructosecusco: There is lots you can do, it's more a question of what exactly you want to do.09:24
fructosecusco: For example, you can make a shortcut that will put a URL in your clipboard09:26
fructosecusco: Or make a shortcut that will just directly open a URL09:28
operantisHello guys09:30
operantisi installed kubuntu on my hp touch smart pc09:31
operantisthe screen touch is not working09:31
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey operantis09:33
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> How r u09:35
operantisgood and u09:40
kubuntuim trying to make a persistent storage with >4G size09:49
kubuntu(in a livecd)09:49
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest49970
Guest49970it works with the file in the root directory, but it doesn't if i have a partition on the same usb stick09:49
Guest49970what can i do?09:49
Guest49970kubuntu seems to have TRIED to use it as overlayfs as there are files present09:51
Guest49970but it says "cannot mount /cow to /: invalid argument"09:52
Guest49970sorry, seems kubuntu is not so happy with my wlan stick09:55
Guest49970oh, okay, this is a known bug09:59
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IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Good operantis what are you up yoy11:09
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest19710
IrcsomeBotasdfgjgf was added by: ttgiy11:30
=== rogeliodh is now known as Guest66746
BluesKajHey folks12:02
=== willian is now known as willian__
=== Guest66746 is now known as rogeliodh
IrcsomeBotMelissa Phillips was added by: Melissa Phillips15:19
IrcsomeBot<Melissa Phillips> (Photo, 400x400) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/yeWaOUPV/file_17461.jpg yds zjsgmaloo15:19
* genii sighs15:23
BluesKajhey genii15:24
geniiBluesKaj: Mornin'15:24
BluesKajhow's it going genii?15:25
paul__hello guys15:32
paul__and girls15:32
paul__ihave installed kubuntu on my laptop and i am very happy with it, however i cant get the HDMi port to work it just says no external monitor detected, i have googled the problem and followed a couple of tutorials and i have asked in the ubuntu facebook groups and still cant get it to work , please can somebody help me i think its somthing to do with the nvidea graphics if need be i will pay15:35
paul__is anybody in here15:37
diogenes_paul__, run: inxi -F | nc termbin.com 999915:37
diogenes_share the link you get in terminal.15:38
paul__(base) paul@paul-Nitro-AN515-52:~$ inxi -F | nc termbin.com 999915:39
paul__Command 'inxi' not found, but can be installed with:15:39
paul__sudo apt install inxi15:39
paul__(base) paul@paul-Nitro-AN515-52:~$ ^C15:39
paul__(base) paul@paul-Nitro-AN515-52:~$15:39
paul__(base) paul@paul-Nitro-AN515-52:~$ inxi -F | nc termbin.com 999915:39
paul__Command 'inxi' not found, but can be installed with:15:39
paul__sudo apt install inxi15:39
paul__(base) paul@paul-Nitro-AN515-52:~$ ^C15:39
paul__(base) paul@paul-Nitro-AN515-52:~$15:39
diogenes_sudo apt install inxi15:40
diogenes_then re-run the command15:40
paul__(base) paul@paul-Nitro-AN515-52:~$ nvidia-settings15:40
paul__ERROR: NVIDIA driver is not loaded15:40
paul__ERROR: Unable to load info from any available system15:40
paul__(nvidia-settings:4590): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 16:39:34.883: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed15:40
paul__** Message: 16:39:34.885: PRIME: Requires offloading15:40
paul__** Message: 16:39:34.885: PRIME: is it supported? yes15:40
diogenes_don't paste here anything15:40
diogenes_!pastebin | paul__15:41
ubottupaul__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:41
paul__sorry guys new to this stuff appologies15:42
paul__so when i type inxi -f | nc termbin.com 9999 i just get back https://termbin.com/kek9i15:49
diogenes_dammit this color code messed up the text15:50
diogenes_om let's do this differently, run: inxi -F15:50
diogenes_then open: https://paste.ubuntu.com15:50
diogenes_then copy everything you get in terminal and paste to https://paste.ubuntu.com15:50
diogenes_then share the link here.15:50
diogenes_paul__, that's not even half of it, copy the entire output.15:53
paul__that is the entire output15:53
diogenes_not inxi -f15:53
diogenes_but inxi -F15:53
diogenes_capital F15:53
paul__paste ubuntu is much better15:56
BluesKajlooks like Optimus15:56
paul__is that why the hdmi isnt working15:57
diogenes_BluesKaj, does kubuntu 18.04.3 have 5.0 kernel?15:57
BluesKajdiogenes_, not sure.I'm on 19.1015:57
diogenes_ok gonna check it.15:58
paul__will i beable to get this working guys i really need it to work15:59
diogenes_paul__, meanwhile open nvidia-settings and go to PRIME section.15:59
BluesKajlooks like it, if he updated and upgraded lately15:59
paul__i do that but it still dosnt work15:59
diogenes_paul__, in PRIME section what do you see?15:59
BluesKajpaul__, uname -r ?15:59
diogenes_paul__, ok what thing you have tried on your computer that you found on the internet?16:01
paul__it says nvidia(perfomancemode) or intel(power saving mode) the nvidea is checked16:01
diogenes_and why didn't you come here first?16:01
paul__i didnt come here first because i am new to this studff so tried facebook grop and i followed a cupple of online guides from google16:02
diogenes_ok kubuntu 18.04.1 comes with 4.15 kernel so how did you end up with 5.0?16:03
paul__i tried this16:03
paul__i do not know how i ended up with 5.0 i done a network install of ubuntu then i installed k ubuntu because i wanted the plasma desktop16:04
paul__lol sorry idf  i seem a little wet behind the ears16:04
paul__i am16:04
diogenes_paul__, looks like your nvidia driver installation is broken big time and only sain iGNUssius knows what else you have done to your system before you came here so, i'd recommend install a fresh 19.04 and without you changing or installing anything, come right here after the installation is complete.16:05
mparilloLinux babe? I guess that was from before valorie became a Linux Grandma.16:07
paul__can i not rollback stuff because befor i noticed this problem my system is great it has taken me a while to get it the way i want it i thought that was the best thing about linux it can be fixed and everything can be sorted16:07
paul__and i really love it16:07
paul__you must beable to fix this can i not delete the drivers and reinstall the proper ones with you guys helping me16:08
diogenes_paul__, how do you think we all got to know how to handle linux? when i started linux first, i used to install, break and re-install couple of times a day so that's how you learn.16:09
paul__i already have installed a couple of times i startedwith suse linux the HDMI worked fine then i made a couple of cock ups installing this one16:10
diogenes_right, and if you still get it broken then you still need to go through more re-installations until you learn how not to break it.16:11
paul__can i install 19.04 from the command line like an update or do i need to down load it to a flash drive16:14
diogenes_you could have upgrade if your system was ok, but since your system is broken then in the process of upgrade, it might get even more broken, that's why a fresh install off of a flashdrive would be preferable, also if you have a separate /home, i'd recommend you remove all .folders and .files before you proceed.16:16
paul__will you guys deffo help me i f i do a fresh install16:18
paul__and is 19.04 the best installation i didnt think that one was an lts16:18
diogenes_we'll try.16:18
paul__i always thought lts was the better instalation16:19
diogenes_depends on how new is the hardware.16:20
paul__laptop is about a year to a year and a haldf old acer nitro 516:20
paul__ok i really am trusting you guys and i will do a complete fresh instalof 19.04 i hope it works16:31
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|21812I have downloaded 19.04 iso when I put it in the laptop I get the options start kubuntu, kubutu safe graphics and oem what ione do I pick for a fresh install17:05
genii  If you pick start, it should boot up to Kubuntu running off the usb or DVD, with an icon on the desktop for installing17:09
w-adminhi, where I can check the last release of Kubunut?19:15
w-adminI wanna always Up to date19:16
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @w-admin, Kubuntu official website most likely,Unless you mean checking for updates19:33
mparilloTo get your release: lsb_release -a19:35
mparilloAs Sheddies said, no matter which release, you want to keep up with updates plus I also recommend backports.19:36
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @mparillo, what are backports? are they really necessary? never heard of them before19:37
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @w-admin, sudo apt update         then          sudo apt upgrade            in the konsole will update/upgrade your packages19:38
nanoI have installed proprietary drivers of an nvidia RTX2070, the only drawback is that only kde plasma applications such as dolphin, konsole, window decoration look much bigger, although the panel and panel icon along with other non-KDE applications are seen of correct size.20:37
nanoHow could I configure this error to fix it?20:37
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
magic_ninja_workSo, I have a question. Say I have a flash drive, such as install media for kubuntu on a usb drive. When I plug it in, it automounts. What if I want to format it. I can't format, do work on the disk because it is mounted, however if I "safely eject it" in dolphin, it doesn't show up in KDE Partition manager.21:01
nanoI have installed proprietary drivers of an nvidia RTX2070, the only drawback is that only kde plasma applications such as dolphin, konsole, window decoration look much larger, although the panel and panel icon along with other non-KDE applications are seen of correct size.21:42
nanoHow could I configure this error to fix it?21:42
magic_ninja_worknano, there is an option for those in system settings. I can't remember where, though21:49
nanoHi On screen and monitor the resolution is fine, in Nvidia settings everything is fine. The only thing that looks bigger are KDE applications, third-party applications like chrome look normal except for the decoration of windows that also look great in all applications21:57
nanoThe letters in dolphin, konsole, kate, system preferences, system monitor look very large, in applications like chrome, deadbeef and others that are not plasma the letters look normal22:02
magic_ninja_worknano, once again, there is a setting for font size and scaling in the kde settings app22:02
nanoNot only is the size of the fonts, the decoration of the windows also looks bigger, it is the whole resolution of only those applications22:04
nanothe sources are on the same scale as before installing the nvidia driver, noto sands 10, hack 922:06
nanothe fonts I means22:08
ubottuIf new updated packages are built for an application, they may go into Kubuntu Backports, which is one of the official Kubuntu PPAs. See https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs for more information.22:24
nanoHi On screen and monitor the resolution is fine, in Nvidia settings everything is fine. The only thing that looks bigger are KDE applications, third-party applications like chrome look normal except for the decoration of windows that also look great in all applications22:43
nanoThe letters in dolphin, konsole, kate, system preferences, system monitor look very large, in applications like chrome, deadbeef and others that are not plasma the letters look normal22:44
valorienano: you should be able to set things in systemsettings to your liking22:47
valorieI have a hi-dpi screen and it took me a couple of tries to get everything *perfect*22:48
nanoOn screen and monitor the resolution is fine, in Nvidia settings22:51
valorieoh, left22:52
valorieoh, well22:52
swift110hey valorie23:08
valoriehello swift11023:08
swift110how are you valorie23:08
valoriegood! anticipating being in Milan for Akademy23:09
valoriehow are you?23:09
swift110im good just relaxing at the moment23:10
nanoHow can I install a driver downloaded from the Internet and put it in the folder / lib / firmware restart but it does not detect the network card23:13
valorieI've never installed a driver that way and it is not recommended to do so23:14
valoriepiffle, I'm batting zero with the bot23:15
valoriebasically, you run ubuntu-drivers and pick what you want23:21
valorieif you have a very new rig, you may need to enable a PPA with the newest drivers23:21
valorienano: `ubuntu-drivers list` in the commandline will show you what's available23:23
valorieubuntu-drivers help will show you all the commands23:24
nanoubuntu-drivers list only show23:25
nanoI have 2 problems now one wuth the wireless drives and another with the nvidia-driver-430 confuguration23:26
nanoU cant understand at all the steps to install the wireless driver in the page23:30
nanoSorry I cant understand at all23:32
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Ok23:34
valorienano: did you want a different driver than 430?23:39
valorieI dunno anything about wireless drivers23:39
valoriehaven't had to mess with those for eons23:39
nanoI have never gotten into wireless drivers, but my Intel® Wi-Fi 6 AX200 160MHz wireless card seems to be very recent and the network manager does not detect it, investigating the correct driver but I cannot load it23:46
=== saigel_ is now known as saigel
valorienano: for this advice you may need to try #ubuntu which is a much larger channel23:48
valoriethis issue is not specific to Kubuntu23:48
* genii slides nano a fresh coffee23:49
nanothere have an irc chat like here? I would appreciate the link23:49
geniiI seem to remember you were the person with the hpe flooding issue23:50
geniigpe rather23:50
nanohi genni, yes im, and was solved thank  you23:50
valorieright, there are IRC channels for a million things23:51
geniiI think iwlwifi is deprecated now23:51
valorieyou can search freenode with a special search engine23:51
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"23:51
valorieand depending on what IRC client you are using, you should just be able to click #ubuntu and be taken there23:52
valorieyou may need to register your nick first23:52
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.23:52
geniinano: Is the machine connected to the internet currently by an alternate method like network cable directly to a router or switch?23:52
genii..because this would make things simpler to pastebin output of commands like lspci,lshw, lsmod, and so on23:55
nanoI can only connect by cable directly with the router, the network manager does not detect the card23:58

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