
mupPR snapd#7364 opened: overlord/snapstate: add migration function to fix invalid channel spec <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7364>01:48
mupPR snapcraft#2662 closed: windows installer <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2662>03:08
zygagood morning06:07
zygagood morning pedronis06:29
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
zygagood morning pawel, mvo07:06
mvohey zyga and pstolowski07:07
pstolowskimvo: hey, i'm applaying yours & John suggestions to the snap switch PR; interestingly, snap revert op test is explicitily expecting the "..forwarding" message. wrong test?07:09
pedronismvo: hi, tests/main/install has a weird name, it's really install-fontconfig-cache07:09
pedronisI noticed because it apparently confused Ian07:10
zygaflock nil pointer failure https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/W7rNxA82/07:11
zygaI'll check that out after breakfast07:11
pedronismvo: anyway, I'm looking/tweaking Ian PRs07:11
mvopedronis: yes, sorry for that07:12
mvopedronis: cool, thanks07:12
mvopstolowski: interessting, maybe it does make sense for revert? worth checking with john when he is around07:12
mvopstolowski: but I think john is right, I was overdoing it a bit in my pastebin suggestion. the unit test might be useful hopefully07:13
mupPR snapd#7360 closed: snap: use deterministic paths to find the built deb <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7360>07:16
pstolowskimvo: yep, i'll apply your 'equals' test tweak, ty07:16
mvopedronis: 7313 LGTM, do you want to wait for john before merging or is that good?07:17
pedronismvo: I would wait for John to give a look07:25
pedronismvo: #7359 can be reviewed,  and hopefully the spread tests are right now07:41
mupPR #7359: overlord/snapstate: check channel names on install <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7359>07:41
mvopedronis: great, I have a look now07:43
mvopedronis: thank you!07:51
mvopedronis: about 7364, whats your feeling, should we do it this way or via a patch?07:53
pedronismvo: not sure at all, apparently the store is very very liberal07:58
pedronis(which I don't remember it being)07:58
mvopedronis: I see, hm, hm08:00
* mvo scratches head08:00
pedronismvo: you can send this:  ////18/////stable/////08:00
mvopedronis: meh, "fun"08:01
mvozyga: bad news, "main/mount-ns" failed on master08:02
zygaoh, can you show me how?08:02
mvozyga: in the ubuntu-18.04-64 tests08:02
mvozyga: sure, one sec, let me paste the relevant bits08:02
zygado you have a log or was it locally?08:03
mvozyga: its master08:03
mvozyga: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/jobs/57771006708:03
mvozyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wjvW4PrkDk/08:03
zygaI see it08:04
zygait seems LXD test fixes were not enough somehow08:04
zygaone moment08:04
zygalxd didn't run in that set!?08:05
mvozyga: I don't know, I have not looked deeper yet08:05
pstolowskimvo: do you have powers to create a track for test-snapd-tools snap in the store (for the new spread tests i'm preparing)?08:08
mvopstolowski: I think only the store can do this08:08
mvopstolowski: the formal process is to ask in the forum but given that its a test snap hopefully this is a quick one08:08
mvopedronis: I was leaning slightly towards a patch before because it means less things to worry about in snapstate and because its a one-off thing. but no super strong opinion08:10
pedronismvo: we need to chat I think08:10
pedronisalso with John when he's around08:11
mvopedronis: ok, I have a meeting in 45min but time until then08:15
pstolowskimvo: got it, thanks08:17
pedronismvo: Chipaca: hi, let me know when we can chat about /stable08:31
* Chipaca doesn't like stables08:32
mvopedronis, Chipaca ready when you are, I'm looking at this firstboot_test.go unit test failure we see sometimes08:37
pedronismvo: that's fixed one of my PRs08:37
pedronisif it's the MissingBase one08:37
mvopedronis: aha, nice. looking08:38
pedronismvo: Chipaca: going to the standup HO08:38
Chipacai'll be there in a minute08:38
pstolowskimvo: i'm gonna request track "2.0" for test-snapd-tools, any objections / suggestions?08:39
mvopedronis: I'm there now - did you fix the issue by using better helpers? or was there someting deeper08:39
mupPR snapd#7365 opened: tests: spread test for snap refresh/switch channel and risk switching <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7365>08:59
pedronisChipaca: we forgot to mention, this is relevant as well: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/735909:35
mupPR #7359: overlord/snapstate: check channel names on install <Squash-merge> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7359>09:35
Chipacapedronis: I was just noticing that the path to install lets you get nasty channels into state no problem, only showDone prints the error (once it's too late to abort)09:39
Chipacasame for refresh i think09:39
Chipacaugh, 60kB/s download :-(09:40
pedronisChipaca: with that code it shouldn't be the case09:40
pedronisChipaca: anyway, sorry I didn't mention it, but it needs a review, be built on top09:41
Chipacato print the warning and continue the check needs to be done way earlier than snapstate09:41
pedronisChipaca: yes, but snapstate needs to fail if it gets something not normalized09:49
pedronisChipaca: to print a warning we need to do this ins cmd_snap_op, no?09:49
zygamvo: I have an idea09:56
zygachecking it onw09:56
zygacannot build spread?10:03
zygacmd/humbox/main.go:170:39: m.HTTPHandler undefined (type autocert.Manager has no field or method HTTPHandler)10:03
Chipacazyga: spread and snapd have different deps10:05
zygashould I use separate GOPATH for each thing>?10:05
Chipacazyga: snapd shouldn't need anything from gopath right now though10:07
Chipacazyga: you might have some old deps in there :)10:07
zygathanks, let me look10:08
mvopedronis: the SeedMissingBase test failure is understood now, s.makeAssertedSnap() makes a local_1.0.snap and snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles() also makes one. but what is signed/used is inconsistent so sometimes (when the second rolls over) the two get out of sync because the second is stored in the squashfs header10:10
pedronismvo: ah10:11
zygamvo: wow10:11
mvozyga: predronis fixed all of this afaict in his refactor10:13
mvopedronis: given that 7341 is mostly shuffling things around, should we be ok with a single review? I would love to move forward with 734510:34
mvopedronis: 7341 probably needs a master merge to get green10:35
mvopedronis: also 7067 seems to be super close, we could do the comments in a followup10:36
mupPR snapd#7347 closed: gadget: do not error on gadget refreshes with multiple volumes <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7347>10:38
pstolowskihuh, #7345 was quite a beast10:39
mupPR #7345: overlord/devicestate,seed:  small step, introduce seed.LoadAssertions and use it from firstboot <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7345>10:39
mupPR snapd#7366 opened: interfaces/gpg-keys: Allow access to gpg-agent and creation of lockfiles <Created by ppd1990> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7366>10:42
zygaas soon as I'm done with current stuff I'm looking at xdg-portal-filechooser10:43
zygaI restarted that like 20 times10:43
zygais that even possible, not sure :?10:43
mvopstolowski: its based on another pr10:46
pstolowskimvo: allright, i reviewed the entire thing then10:47
zygamvo: I reproduced the bug10:50
zygamvo: it's super surprising!!!10:50
zygamvo: it's not any other test10:50
zygamvo: it's just REBOOT10:50
zygamvo: spread somwhow gets different behavior on 2nd boot10:50
zygamvo: on 1st boot the mount table is different than later on10:50
zygamvo: I think that's because project-prepare doesn't run after reboot10:51
zygamvo: I'll check that10:51
pedronismvo: I think because pstolowski reviewed all of 7345 7341 got two reviews now10:51
pedronismvo: so I'll merge master into it, try to address your comments and it can land10:51
mvopedronis: thank you!10:56
mupPR snapd#7367 opened: snap, cmd/snap: support (but warn) using deprecated multi-slash channel <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7367>11:01
Chipacapedronis, mvo, please let me know if this is what you had in mind: ^^^11:01
pedronisChipaca: yessish, but is it missing tests?11:11
pedronisI mean I cannot tell it does what is supposed to from the test in cmd_snap_op_test.go11:11
pedronismvo: fun: E: Failed to fetch http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/dists/xenial-pgdg/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch11:12
mvopedronis: meh, not again11:15
pstolowskimvo: question to #733611:33
mupPR #7336: tests: add debug section to interfaces-contacts-service <Test Robustness> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7336>11:33
zygamvo: and I now understand the origin of the failure as well11:49
zygawell, that's that :)11:49
zygamvo: the origin is that on ubuntu we remove lxd on project prepare11:49
zygabut since it had executed it left behind its stale state11:49
zygamvo: I'll collect some tangible proof for the commit message and have a solution shortly11:52
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
mupPR core18#138 opened: Use snapcraft's now-non-default destructive mode for building on travis <Created by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/138>12:16
Chipacapedronis: ah, i started writing a unit test but then realised it was almost the same as an existing one so i modded that, but maybe it's not super clear12:17
pedronisChipaca: it's not clear at all, I expected the reverse12:18
pedronisalso a test about this would have /stable in it, no?12:18
Chipacapedronis: the reverse to what?12:18
pedronisChipaca: turning /stable => latest/stable12:18
pedronisnot turning stable into stable12:18
pstolowskicachio: re 7361, what about apt-hooks?12:21
cachiopstolowski, hi, yes, testing this right now12:22
pstolowskicachio: ah, ok, no worries, i wasn't sure if you saw the question in the PR12:23
cachiopstolowski, yes, I am also testing another test which failed12:23
cachioI'll push that in a momento12:23
pedronisChipaca: no, I'm not going silly, the warning code in cmd_snap_op is not exercised12:23
pedronisat all12:24
Chipacapedronis: ah! hm. I'll fix that.12:24
Chipacai was talking about the code in snap :-)12:24
pedronisChipaca: no, I was talking about the code in cmd_snap_op12:25
pedronisanyway travis is not with us today12:25
mvozyga: ta12:34
* ijohnson pours one out for travis12:57
ijohnsonmorning folks12:57
pstolowskihey ijohnson12:57
mupPR snapcraft#2691 opened: travis: use apt addon to prevent apt update issues <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2691>12:57
ijohnsonhey pstolowski12:57
ijohnsonhey I see this unit test failure on travis but not locally, anybody else seen this? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/SHm3dWhgNP/13:01
Chipacapedronis: pushed unit test for that13:01
mvoijohnson: fixed in one of pedronis prs13:02
mupPR snapcraft#2689 closed: schema: build-base support for the snapd type <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2689>13:06
Chipacasnap install http --channel=$(printf "/%.0s" {1..65527})stable$(printf "/%.0s" {1..65527})13:21
mvoChipaca: you are having fun?13:23
mupPR core18#138 closed: Use snapcraft's now-non-default destructive mode for building on travis <Created by sil2100> <Merged by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/138>13:25
Chipacamvo: I hit the limit of my shell before I hit any other limit :-)13:35
Chipacaalso my patience13:35
ijohnsonpedronis: can I push a shellcheck fix to #7359 ?13:37
mupPR #7359: overlord/snapstate: check channel names on install <Squash-merge> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7359>13:37
pedronisijohnson: yes13:37
ijohnsonack, one moment13:37
pedronisChipaca: that's probably for you to review ^ (I touched it too much to do a review myself at this point)13:37
pedronismvo: Chipaca: all the PRs in play are now marked 2.4113:38
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mvopedronis: thank you13:39
cachiomvo, are you promoting to beta today right?13:44
mvocachio: that was my plan but it seems like we have too much pending in the 2.41, I want to merge them all before I push a new version13:45
mvocachio: so more likely tomorrow13:45
cachiomvo, good13:52
cachiomvo, thanks for the news13:52
mupPR snapd#7368 opened: cmd/snap,image,seed:  move image.ValidateSeed to seed.ValidateFromYaml <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7368>14:11
cachiozyga, hey, #7256 updated15:03
mupPR #7256: tests: adding retry command and use it to delete $XDG directory <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7256>15:03
pstolowskipedronis: can you +1 my request https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/track-request-2-0-for-test-snapd-tools/12965/2 ?15:04
cachiozyga, tested on py2 and 315:05
* cachio lunch15:05
pstolowskithanks pedronis and roadmr !15:06
zygacachio: thank you, I'll review it soon15:11
roadmrpstolowski: your track is ready 💯15:20
sergiusensmvo: cachio did you guys have a chance to see if that snapd I built was correct?15:30
sergiusensmvo: can you give a nod on my PR if possible to merge and tag a release?15:31
pstolowskiroadmr: thank you!15:34
pstolowskinow i need someone to push something there15:34
pstolowskimvo: do you have rights to push test-snapd-snap to the new track?15:35
Chipacaijohnson: i think your patch pr would be cleaner if it built on my pr15:40
Chipacaijohnson: but we're targetting different things :-/15:40
Chipacathis'll be fun :-)15:40
ijohnsonChipaca: ok, I'll hold off on doing anything more to my patch PR until yours is ready, I am about to leave for the airport in ~20 minutes, so I probably won't be able to do much yet today15:41
Chipacaijohnson: i might merge the two into a pr that targets 2.4115:41
ijohnsonChipaca: that's fine with me15:42
Chipacasimilarly i can take your snapstate pr about this, stack it on the deprecation one, and add a check for that in there, again targeting 2.4115:42
Chipacai'll be taking a break before i delve into that though :-)15:43
pedronisChipaca: sorry, I'm confused, I thought in the end we wante to turn /stable into latest/stable15:47
pedronisbecauses stable means just switch risk atm15:48
Chipacapedronis: hmm, if that was what we wanted, then I might need to take steps :-)15:50
Chipacapedronis: before we were using one and printing the other, which was wrong15:50
pedronisthat's why I asked15:50
* ijohnson is quite confused about what /stable is supposed to be turned into and when15:51
Chipacapedronis: the code that does  mx.Channel = ch.Name  would be wrong though15:51
Chipacaijohnson: quite15:52
pedronisijohnson: the issue is that Channel in states are actual channel,  the channel on the command line are intentions15:52
mvopstolowski: I think so, what snap what track? I can also make you contributor then you can also do it15:52
pedronisso conceptually we might not normalize them the same way15:53
ChipacaI think turning /stable into latest/stable is OK, although I don't think saying it's just stable would break anything15:53
pedronisChipaca: anyhow15:53
pstolowskimvo: test-snapd-tools, track 2.015:53
Chipacaand given that /latest/stable turns into latest/stable, turing /stable to stable might be easier to think of15:53
mvopstolowski: sure, let me look at this15:54
pedronisChipaca: did you get to work on the patch that is really the thing that will break people15:54
pedronisthere we want to turn /stable in stable15:54
Chipacapedronis: ijohnson has the patch15:54
mupPR #7364: overlord/snapstate: add migration function to fix invalid channel spec <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7364>15:54
pedronisthat's not a patch15:54
pedronisit's also not the full normalisation either15:55
pedronisI thought I said this15:55
pedronisat some point :)15:55
Chipacapedronis: i mean, that's what the patch needs to do (just for every snap)15:55
Chipacapedronis: so i thought i'd build it on that15:56
pedronisdon't think it's doing the right thing15:56
Chipacahmm, ok15:56
pedronisthe patch needs to FieldsFunc and join by "/" again15:56
pedronisI think15:56
Chipacaeh, ok15:56
Chipacai'll do that instead then15:57
Chipacabut after my break15:57
pedronissorry, this is confusing15:57
pedronisChipaca: about your other PR, not sure, maybe we should just keep if we get push back when things go to beta or candidate15:58
pedronisthere is no obvious thing for it to do15:58
ijohnsonpedronis, Chipaca: okay, well feel free to abandon my PR #7364 and go with what Chipaca has or will have, I will check in tomorrow to see what happens but am unable to do anymore work now unfortunately15:59
mupPR #7364: overlord/snapstate: add migration function to fix invalid channel spec <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7364>15:59
ijohnsonBTW I resolved the merge conflict between PR 7367 and 7359, the branch is here: https://github.com/anonymouse64/snapd/tree/channels-with-extra-slashes-with-735916:00
mupPR #7367: snap, cmd/snap: support (but warn) using deprecated multi-slash channel <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7367>16:00
ijohnsontalk to y'all tomorrow16:00
sergiusensjdstrand: hey, is this something you can quickly sort "error: snap "review-tools" is not available on edge for this architecture (s390x) but exists on other architectures amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el)." ?16:01
mvopstolowski: there are some complications but I'm on it16:03
kyrofanoise][1, niemeyer: is this our current doc for brand stores? https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/build-store/16:54
kyrofaI was surprised to find that on docs.ubuntu.com instead of snapcraft16:55
mupPR core18#136 closed: Remove the 60-unminimize motd, identify system as Ubuntu Core 18 <Created by sil2100> <Merged by sil2100> <https://github.com/snapcore/core18/pull/136>17:02
Saviqpedronis: hey, could you (or one of you snapd masters) suggest what should be done to "clean" snapd's state (without removing the installed snaps or their data)? context: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/building-multipass-images-with-packer/1236117:13
Saviqthanks! :)17:13
pstolowskimvo: ack, ty17:35
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
jdstrandsergiusens: I can enable it. I can't test it, but I can enable it18:11
mupPR snapd#7363 closed: cmd/snap-confine: fix group and permission of .info files <Bug> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7363>18:12
jdstrandsergiusens: done. I'm building it18:14
* jdstrand crosses fingers18:14
* zyga still debugs stuff18:25
sergiusensjdstrand I will get it tested by clicking on adt-retry18:26
sergiusensjdstrand surprised this went away as it used to be working before18:26
Saviqjdstrand: hey do you know about ure and uno-libs3 perpetually causing review-tools to barf about 4063-1 and 4102-1?18:27
SaviqUSNs claim the latest packages (6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.9 in our case) have the fix, but still review-tools is unhappy18:29
roadmrpoor review-tools 😞18:31
jdstrandsergiusens: I never built for s390x.... /me hmms18:33
jdstrandSaviq: let me look. is it possible you have a revision that is in a channel/track that is lingering without the fix?18:34
jdstrandSaviq: what package? multipass? mir-kiosk? I get all the emails for outdated packages and don't see what you see. can you paste?18:38
jdstrandsergiusens: fyi, says it'll build in 2 hours18:40
Saviqjdstrand: egmde-confined-desktop, I checked the manifest that it has the latest packages18:47
Saviqjdstrand: you've got mail18:48
jdstrandSaviq: the package name was enough. /me looking18:50
jdstrandthat is a big snap18:50
jdstrandSaviq: 6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.9 < 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.818:59
jdstrandSaviq: snapcraft is dropping the epoch in the manifest19:00
jdstrand- uno-libs3=6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.919:00
sergiusensjdstrand: wow, that build is sure taking its time to start19:00
jdstrandUSN has 1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.819:00
jdstrandsergiusens: there seems to be a bug in the way that snapcraft is calculating what was staged. likely because snapcraft is parsing the on disk filename of the deb and that filename omits the epoch19:02
jdstrandsergiusens: shall I file a bug? if so, where? LP?19:03
jdstrandsergiusens: actually, hold on19:12
sergiusensjdstrand: was looking as this code base was not fresh19:12
sergiusensjdstrand: we use python-apt for this and use .candidate19:12
sergiusensI can look deeper, just not right now19:12
Saviqjdstrand, sergiusens: ack, filing bug19:14
jdstrandSaviq: no, don't19:15
jdstrandit turns out that libreoffice is one of those weird packages that uses different versions for the binaries19:16
jdstrandSource: libreoffice (1:6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.9)19:16
jdstrandPackage: uno-libs319:16
jdstrandVersion: 6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.919:16
Saviqah, source vs. package19:18
Saviqso review-tools needs to take that into account?19:18
jdstrandthere are limitations to what the review-tools can do since they don't have all the information. I'll see if I can come up with some19:18
Saviqshall I file bug for review-tools then?19:19
sergiusensepochs are evil!19:19
jdstrandSaviq: no real point, I am working on it19:20
jdstrandI had another thing I'm working on, so I'll do both. if I need to, I'll fill it19:20
Saviq"I had another thing I'm working on, so I'll do both"19:22
jdstrandhmm, the usn db has the wrong version (it includes the epoch)19:22
sergiusensmvo: what does ~ >>> snap run --strace riot-web19:35
sergiusens/var/lib/snapd/snap/strace-static/current/bin/strace: Unexpected wait status 0x8b19:35
sergiusenserror: exit status 1 mean?19:36
mupPR snapd#7350 closed: tests: check snap_daemon user and group on system-usernames-illegal test are not created <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7350>19:36
roadmrjdstrand: hm. Review-tools doesn't know about gpio-control interface apparently :( and I'm being asked to allow-{installation,autoconnection} for it for a couple of snaps. Do you know what the deal is with that interface?19:46
mupPR snapd#7359 closed: overlord/snapstate: check channel names on install <Squash-merge> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7359>19:47
mvosergiusens: hm, hm, that is an issue with strace usually19:47
roadmrjdstrand: I was able to just plonk some json in plugs referring gpio-control, just concerned that tools will be unhappy with it19:48
jdstrandwhat up with all the review-tools stuff today?19:49
* jdstrand looks19:49
roadmrhehe sorry jdstrand  :(19:52
jdstrandroadmr: there are several that were added and not documented in the forum either19:53
roadmrjdstrand: 😢19:53
jdstrandroadmr: let me add those, fix the icon issue and get you a tag. that may be tomorrow19:53
mupPR snapd#7357 closed: cmd/snap: fix snap switch message <Simple 😃> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7357>19:53
mupPR snapd#7369 opened: overlord/snapstate: check channel names on install (2.41) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7369>19:53
roadmrjdstrand: sure thing, no huge rush - I asked code-insiders to re-request manual review but they haven't so far19:53
jdstranddegville: hey, fyi, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/supported-interfaces/7744 is missing packagekit-control and appstream-metadata. it lists gpio-control but without a link19:54
jdstrandroadmr: plonking the json is fine. thanks! did you want me to review?19:56
roadmrjdstrand: not necessarily, it seems like a straightforward allow-installation: true (and same for allow-autoconnection) and the interface is well-scoped, it's also in a snap for a brand store19:57
roadmrno superprivileged shenanigans or anything19:57
roadmr(just that when trying to generate the json, I used review-tools which barfed at the interface name - but I wrangled it manually and it was ok)19:57
jdstrandroadmr: cool. fyi, ad1045d19:59
jdstrand(not a tag)19:59
roadmrlooked more like a year to me :) only the trailing "d" threw me off19:59
degvillejdstrand: thanks for letting me know! I'll fix it.20:08
jdstranddegville: thanks!20:19
jdstrandSaviq: it is more involved than a quick fix, so I filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/usn-tool/+bug/184184820:20
mupBug #1841848: snap USN notifications reporting binaries with different versions than source as out of date when they are not <review-tools:New> <USN Tool:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1841848>20:20
jdstrandSaviq: I'll get it done this cycle (hopefully soon)20:21
mupPR snapd#7370 opened: tests: fix ephemeral mount table in prepare-image <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7370>20:33
zygajdstrand: ^ this one took a while to figure out20:34
zygaI feel so dumb now20:34
zygajdstrand: it's not a security bug, just a curious thing20:34
sergiusensmvo_: fwiw, I am on manjaro20:36
sergiusenstrying out the snap story over here20:36
sergiusenssome hits and misses20:36
zygasergiusens: ha, I will no longer accept comments about using macos from you ;)20:36
zyga(I'm totally joking)20:36
sergiusenszyga: ALL the apps I use are snaps though :wink:20:37
zygasergiusens: I think that's mostly true of me as well, I just use fare fewer apps20:37
zygasergiusens: maybe the browser20:37
zygaI use macos browser because it's got my entire state and that's easier20:37
zygaanyway :)20:38
sergiusenswell, then you barely use any snaps!20:38
sergiusenschromium and firefox are snaps for me too20:38
zygasergiusens: I spend all my day in an editor and shell20:38
zygashell is not a snap but the editor is20:38
zygasergiusens: yeah but they don't have iphone sync that's good :P20:38
zygasync wins20:38
sergiusensemacs is available as a snap20:39
zygasergiusens: I'm using a snap editor20:39
zygasergiusens: (not emacs though)20:39
zygaI need a good editor ;)20:39
zygaI use sublime20:39
zygasergiusens: today I only made one patch20:39
zygaI feel so tired20:39
zygait's been an exhausting pathc20:39
jdstrandzyga: wow. that seemed 'fun'. it was a fun read :) nice work20:44
zygajdstrand: writing that commit message helped20:44
jdstrandhehe, they tend to20:45
zygajdstrand: especially since the fix is not that long20:45
zygabut was not on our radar for weeks and months20:45
jdstrandI like to write documentation before code often times20:45
zygajdstrand: with this fix, again, the mount namespace on classic systems should no longer be flaky20:45
zygabut I thought so before20:45
zygathe reboot bug caught me totally by surprise20:45
jdstrandthat mount tool is the tool that keeps on giving20:46
zygajdstrand: indeed20:47
zygajdstrand: I have one new tool like that under development and one more in early stages20:47
zygajdstrand: but thats for later :)20:47
zyga(one detects leaked processes, the other can detect leaks of various kinds by delegating to mountinfo-tool and the new process-tool20:47
pedroniszyga: prepare-image ?20:48
zygapedronis: hmm?20:53
zygashutting my desktop down20:55
pedroniszyga: your PR summary contains prepare-image, but I'm not sure how it relates20:55
zygaoh, I'll correct it!20:56
mupPR snapcraft#2691 closed: travis: use apt addon to prevent apt update issues in CLA-check <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2691>21:01
* zyga EODs21:14
Chipacalet it be known that I hate patches22:00

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