
LocutusOfBorgnice work foka mwhudson !06:58
LocutusOfBorgwrt x-sys, I think ignoring tests results might be the best thing to do for now06:58
LocutusOfBorgit has something to do with the new openMountByID test07:09
LocutusOfBorg+       mi, err := os.Open("/proc/self/mountinfo")07:09
LocutusOfBorgI don't think its a good idea to try to open such devices inside a chroot...07:09
s1adenLocutusOfBorg: if that doesn't work, the chroot illusion sucks07:17
LocutusOfBorgs1aden, it works to be honest07:25
LocutusOfBorgthe test is trying to read some device inside it07:25
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LocutusOfBorg[09:33:16] <BTS> Opened #935935 in src:golang-golang-x-sys by Gianfranco Costamagna (locutusofborg) «golang-golang-x-sys: test failure in chroots». https://bugs.debian.org/93593507:33
ubottuDebian bug 935935 in src:golang-golang-x-sys "golang-golang-x-sys: test failure in chroots" [Important,Open]07:33
LocutusOfBorgfoka, mwhudson ^^07:33
LocutusOfBorgI did some debugging and opened a bug report...07:33
LocutusOfBorg(and thanks for fixing smux!07:33
fokaLocutusOfBorg: You're very welcome!  :)  And thanks for looking into golang-golang-x-sys.07:40
LocutusOfBorgI hope I didn't mess too much with the package, I'm not a golang speaking guy!07:40
LocutusOfBorgwith your help we might get all the golang stack migrate :D07:41
fokaLocutusOfBorg: When you have time, could you please pull in syncthing/1.1.4~ds1-3 too?  That upload by toddy should solve syncthing's autopkgtest with golang-1.1207:43
fokaLocutusOfBorg: I'm glad xtaci fixed smux so quickly!07:44
LocutusOfBorgdone thanks!07:58
LocutusOfBorgso, last blocking golang issues:07:59
LocutusOfBorghttp://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/g/golang-google-api/eoan/arm64 <--07:59
LocutusOfBorggolang-go.crypto autokpkgtest failures07:59
LocutusOfBorggolang-golang-x-tools autopkgtest failures08:00
dokojamespage: please see the python2 removal thread on u-d. looks like at least some openstack packages need proper merging from debian, or dropping python2 on its own08:00
jamespagedoko: yeah I just saw that08:00
jamespagedoko: what do the different 'levels' in the generated report mean?08:01
LocutusOfBorgless priority issues: golang-github-rs-zerolog autopkgtest failures on 32 bit, golang-gopkg-ldap.v3 FTBFS08:01
LocutusOfBorggolang-golang-x-tools autopkgtest failures08:01
dokojamespage: nothing ;p just make sure that you remove leaf packages first08:01
jamespagesahid, coreycb ^^08:02
jamespagedoko - I'm assuming this is an objective for eoan then?08:02
dokojamespage: no, that should be for 20.04, so that we can remove the python symlink and the python package08:03
dokowe may have to keep python2 and using the python2 shebang08:03
jamespagedoko: can we get nova-lxd rm'ed from eoan please - I raised a bug a while back to cover that08:06
jamespagesahid, coreycb: do we have that outstanding issue with completely dropping py2 depends for the backports to the UCA? if so we should work to resolve that if possible08:16
jamespagecpaelzer, I've re-opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-ipsec-mb/+bug/1786201 as the latest 2.12 snapshots of OVS are pulling that in for x86_6408:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1786201 in intel-ipsec-mb (Ubuntu Eoan) "MIR for intel-ipsec-mb" [Medium,New]08:29
cpaelzerjamespage: interesting08:42
cpaelzerjamespage: how can dpdk not pull it in but OVS does08:42
jamespagecpaelzer: just looking atm08:45
jamespagecpaelzer: 2.11.1 generates the mismatch08:45
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: i guess i'll look at google-api on arm64 tomorrow unless foka beats me to it08:45
jamespagejust seeing of the 2.12 snapshots I'm producing are doing the same thing08:46
cpaelzerjamespage: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cdCf9CqpSX/08:46
cpaelzerthese are the only packages needing it (two PMDs)08:47
cpaelzerthey are considered not for prime-time yet which is why they are only universe08:47
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg: have you looked at the crypto or tools failures?08:47
cpaelzeressentially dpdk (is in main) pulls in a list of "better support/mature" PMDs and those are in main08:48
mwhudsoncrypto is some ssh thing iirc08:48
cpaelzerjamespage: I'd not really see why OVS would directly create/depend on a list of PMDs08:48
cpaelzerneed to read build log of OVS in proposed08:48
jamespagecpaelzer: one sec - this might have been a transient issue08:49
mwhudsontools is just "FAILgolang.org/x/tools/go/internal/gcimporter22.980s" which is nice08:49
jamespagecpaelzer: I had a build on the 7th august that showed this, and then one on the 8th that did not08:49
cpaelzerI'm still parsing the buildlog08:49
jamespagecpaelzer: those where in PPA's08:50
jamespagebut the 2.11.1 in the main archive has the same issue08:50
cpaelzerwhicih don't differ between main/universe08:50
cpaelzerIIRC there all is main08:50
jamespagecpaelzer: I mean't 'the ubuntu archive' rather than 'a PPA'08:51
cpaelzerjamespage: it pulls in on build libdpdk-dev which depends on all PMDs indirectly, and they are present at build but since they carry no symbols neede dthey don't end up as dependnecies08:52
cpaelzerat least on 2.11.1 at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/433294520/buildlog_ubuntu-eoan-amd64.openvswitch_2.11.1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz08:52
cpaelzercan I see your 2.12 where this happens?08:52
jamespagemight be some sort of linking issue08:52
cpaelzeryeah it could overlink08:53
jamespagecpaelzer: leave it with me - I'm just testing fresh snapshots which will superceed everything to-date so this might just go away08:53
jamespagecpaelzer: don't want you to spend cycles if not required :)08:53
cpaelzerthe way builds against dpdk are set up usually make all dpdk libs (a lot) available, but then should only link whats needed (with the ususal ubuntu as-needed)08:53
cpaelzerok jamespage, but overlinking could be a thing08:53
cpaelzerit happened in the past with DPDK08:54
cpaelzerso let me know08:54
cpaelzerI'm closing the MIR for now08:54
cpaelzerthanks for the ping still jamespage, worth to be aware of08:55
cpaelzerjamespage: with 19.08 thre are some ipsec things http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GRp2kC4sh4/09:02
cpaelzerbut as you see all experimental (not for consumption) and we don#t have 19.08 in eoan09:02
LocutusOfBorgmwhudson, I fixed other stuff, but crypto...09:04
LocutusOfBorg        Attempt to write login records by non-root user (aborting)09:04
LocutusOfBorglooks like the test is trying to ssh and fails because of ENOPERM?09:05
LocutusOfBorgbut there is a new x-sys package so, lets wait a couple of hours and retry once more all golang failed tests09:05
LocutusOfBorgsyncthing has lots of flaky tests... retrying amd64 worked, I'm hitting the i386 retry button hard once again09:08
cpaelzerbryce: this symfony thing you asked turns out into a nice digital indiana jones trip09:16
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, you know what is funny? there is a new symfony release09:26
cpaelzerwe seem to ahve enough trouble with the old one LocutusOfBorg :-)09:42
cpaelzerbut most of what I found while anylazing the issues are outdated packages that seem fixable or removable09:42
cpaelzerI'll later send a summary to bryce / vorlon who discussed this yesterday09:42
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: unless you mean the 4.x that is stuck in proposed09:44
cpaelzerthat is the one that started the discussion09:44
LocutusOfBorgwhat is missing for symfony in proposed, is that some packages breaks the 4.x version09:45
LocutusOfBorgso they have to be kicked-out or updated09:45
cpaelzeryep and that is what I was analyzing09:45
cpaelzerthe details of it09:46
LocutusOfBorgoh and my symfony merge should be probably uploaded, the "php-7.2.patch" was an hack I did to create missing functions that are available on php-7.309:46
LocutusOfBorgI won't upload now, but if stuff migrates...09:46
cpaelzerLocutusOfBorg: I see we both triggered it the same way, so in addition to that trigger it also is flaky ? http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/symfony/eoan/amd6410:04
cpaelzeror did you have some other upload/fix that makes this go well now?10:04
LocutusOfBorgnot the same way?10:11
LocutusOfBorgcpaelzer, without all-proposed, php72 is picked up10:12
jamespagecpaelzer: got it again - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/439281290/buildlog_ubuntu-eoan-amd64.openvswitch_2.12.0~git20190828.23acdc07f-0ubuntu1~ubuntu19.10.1~ppa201908281053_BUILDING.txt.gz10:40
cpaelzerthanks jamespage, reading te log ...11:08
cpaelzerjamespage: my assumption would be that OVS added support for librte-ipsec11:09
cpaelzerit is odd that it doesn't show up and only the follow on dependency does11:09
cpaelzerwhich then is libipsec-mb011:10
jamespagecpaelzer: that was my assumption but I can't find anything in the codebase to indicate that is the case11:10
jamespageunless there is something implicit in the ipsec support for the dpdk context11:10
cpaelzerjamespage: overlinking11:11
cpaelzerlook in the log for the usual "package could avoid a useless dependency if"11:11
cpaelzerit seems like all of DPDKs helper libs creeped in11:12
cpaelzerthat looks much like the libdpdk-dev dependencies11:12
cpaelzerhmm, IÄ'm on something ...11:13
cpaelzerjamespage: there is a -Wl,--no-as-needed in the libtool commandline11:14
cpaelzerall after that seem to be what was overlinked11:14
cpaelzerhmm yeah11:15
cpaelzerthat is from the pkgconfig of dpdk11:15
cpaelzerjamespage: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpdk/+bug/184175911:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1841759 in dpdk (Ubuntu) "over-linking due to dpdk pkg-config" [Undecided,Triaged]11:20
rbasakDoes anyone else get irritated by indentexpr being set by default in vim packaging nowadays?11:24
rbasakFor me it's almost always wrong and I'm forever unsetting it :-/11:24
cpaelzerjamespage: I have a test fix building and will submit it upstream if it succeeds11:44
cpaelzerI already ahve an ack for the approach by the Debian co-maintainer11:44
cpaelzerrbasak: I guess I'm not new enough11:45
cpaelzerrbasak: what is it set to by default nowadays?11:46
* cpaelzer is reminded of mouse=v in Debian which Ubuntu avoided to get (was also always wrong)11:46
cpaelzerrbasak: upstream doc still lists it as default ""11:47
cpaelzerrbasak: and it isn't set for me (in eoan conainer)11:49
cpaelzerI get "  indentexpr= " by :set indentexpr?11:50
cpaelzerother options report their value nicely11:50
cpaelzerrbasak: could that be a drop in config from any extra packages on top of what my eoan container has?11:50
rbasakI think it gets set automatically depending on what is being edited11:51
rbasakI couldn't pin down the exact place in the default init scripts11:51
rbasak"vim -u NONE" works around by doing nothing, but then I don't get the other goodness11:52
rbasakExample: if I edit a shell script, it uses an tab-based indent level of 8, which is almost always wrong11:52
cpaelzerrbasak: what do I need to edit to get the behavior?11:52
rbasakcpaelzer: try a bash script maybe?11:52
cpaelzerI have opened a shell script and now get11:53
cpaelzer  indentexpr=GetShIndent()11:53
rbasakWhat happens to me is that it auto-indents to eight, with tabs, and then backspace unindents the tab too far to fix it, etc.11:53
rbasakIt's really irritating11:53
cpaelzerrbasak: but in Bionic I have the same11:53
cpaelzerset when opening a shell file11:53
rbasakMaybe it's been doing it longer than I think then11:54
rbasakOr perhaps GetShIndent() has changed?11:54
cpaelzerthe option I get in Bionic and eoan11:54
cpaelzerbut in eoan it is a 8char tab11:54
cpaelzerwell bionic is probably modified by me, let me try a container there as well11:54
cpaelzerrbasak: ok bionic does the same11:55
cpaelzerit was just my local config that saved it11:55
cpaelzerhas the same option set and does a long 8 char wide tab11:55
rbasakSo perhaps I'm too late to drive any change in Ubuntu11:59
rbasakThank you for looking11:59
coreycbjamespage: sahid: if we want to completely drop py2 this cycle then we'd need to remove those couple of remaining BDs that we're keeping for uca backports12:03
coreycbjamespage: sahid: i don't know if it's that high of a priority yet but we'll have to do it this cycle or next I'd think12:05
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cpaelzerjamespage: I have a fixed build to avoid the dependency issue in a PPA, waiting for upstream response on it now12:33
cpaelzerjamespage: you can find all you need for now fromt he bug (e.g. if you want to PPA copy my build to yours)12:33
jamespagecpaelzer: ok testing13:07
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seb128LocutusOfBorg, thx for that colord sync by I was about to do it, when an Ubuntu dev do a fake sync or an upload to Debian you can usually assume they are dealing with the update and that is no need to conflict/duplicate work (I'm mentioning it now because it's not the first time you do that)13:39
sil2100Laney: hey! Thanks for merging the ADT fixes - I have a small request though, I'd like to investigate the sru_regress_inform_state state file from the latest run14:59
sil2100Laney: could you copy it out/pastebinit for me somewhere?14:59
sil2100(since I have no access to snakefruit)14:59
sil2100Laney: nvm my earlier request!16:30
mwhudsonfoka: did you get to look at the golang-google-api tests on arm64 yet?21:35
mwhudsonLocutusOfBorg, foka: any ideas on golang-go.crypto?21:35
mwhudsonif not i'll start poking at that one21:35
fokamwhudson: golang-google-api, maybe I am doing it wrong, but I haven't been able to reproduce the test error on amdahl.debian.org.  My test methods were very simplistic, i.e. a simple "debuild -us -uc" run, and running something like "go test -p 4 -vet=off -count=1 google.golang.org/api/..."21:39
mwhudsonfoka: could just be noisy neighbour effects making the tests slow21:39
mwhudsonfoka: in which case i think it would be reasonable to badtest it21:40
fokaAs for golang-go.crypto, I notice the regression, but haven't got time to look at it yet.21:41
mwhudsonhmm the package _builds_ fine21:42
mwhudsonwhy would it then fail in autopkgtest21:42
blackboxswvorlon: or other SRU vanguards: I think we may have talked about this condition on a previous cloud-init SRU.      We've started an SRU already, but found a bug in upstream for a new datasource that is included in the SRU. I'd like to fix that as part of this SRU.  but wanted to add a new debian/changelog stanza and continue to reference the same SRU process bug we have currently open. Since we have an SRU21:42
blackboxswexception for cloud-init, (and have not yet fix-released #1841099. Can I add a 2nd stanza to cloud-init's debian/changelog referencing  example: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/SJW8cDrHm4/21:42
mwhudsonoh i bet some test is skipped because on the buildds because e.g. openssh-client isn't installed...21:42
fokamwhudson: Good thinking about openssh-client; that's probably it!  :-)21:43
mwhudson--- SKIP: TestInvalidTerminalMode (0.01s)21:43
mwhudson    test_unix_test.go:188: skipping test: exec: "sshd": executable file not found in $PATH21:43
mwhudsonwhat have i done wrong in life to have such good instincts about this sort of thing...21:44
vorlonblackboxsw: yes, it's fine to reuse the same SRU process bug21:48
blackboxswok thanks, I thought you had mentioned that before. wanted to double check21:48
mwhudsonfoka: yeah if i add openssh-server and openssh-client to build-depends the build fails too21:50
mwhudsongives me something to debug21:50
fokaAwesome! 👍21:52
mwhudsonfails in sid as well as debian fwiw21:53
mwhudsonas well as eoan21:53
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fokamwhudson: Yes, I just did a similar test build and failed on my Debian sid notebook too with openssh-{server,client} added to Build-Depends.  (My computer is a bit slow though, so it took a while to finish, hoho)22:00
mwhudsoni suppose it's time to look at what this test is actually doing22:00
mwhudsonthis is a very strange test22:10
mwhudsonit's essentially testing that the host sshd behaves in a particular way22:10
mwhudsonand in a way that's not mandated by the RFC, to boot22:10
mwhudson"and the server MAY ignore any modes it does not know about."22:11
mwhudsoner it passes on bionic though22:17
mwhudsonhm i suspect this is an unintended behaviour change in openssh vwiw22:33
mwhudsonfoka: going to file an upstream bug to remove this test case and then upload a patch to debian removing it (and adding openssh-server to build-depends)22:54
fokamwhudson: Neat!  Thank you so much!22:56
mwhudsonfoka: uploaded to debian23:25
mwhudsonthat's my go package fiddling done until tomorrow i think ...23:25
fokamwhudson: You are wonderful!  Thank you very much!23:38

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