
sarnoldNight_Elf: it might be worth putting some time into openssl s_client to try to reproduce the problem00:01
Night_Elfsarnold: I will see to find what I can. Need to get me familiar with the openssl utilities and check. I'd think that Ubuntu and Mint use the same. While Debian probably has something slightly different, regardless of the same version number.00:03
matzy_found this issue.  fucking hp: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239279700:04
Night_ElfIt is worth mentioning that I have noticed this even 2 years ago. Last I tried was these last few days, thinking that it might have been fixed. To what I remember, it could as well be some parameters in the hashing algorithms, regrding sizes.00:05
sarnoldmatzy_: woooooow that sucks00:06
Night_ElfI have started to avoid HP laptops for years now. I have seen that the best to use with any linux, are Lenovo and also Fujitsu.00:08
jeremy31Night_Elf: I bought a HP laptop in December and the only issue was having to change OS boot manager to ubuntu for it to boot into ubuntu00:10
abcloveif battery of laptop inflated then it is dangerous like explosion?00:25
abclovebut i have no money to buy battery now :( i can’t close my laptop cover now :(00:26
abclovei want to cry now :(00:26
OerHekssure, dangerous, firehazard.00:26
abclovei use macbook pro 13 inch now00:27
abclovei use it without back cover, it is ok? OerHeks  and sarnold  ?00:27
OerHeksoke, good luck00:27
sarnoldabclove: do not use it. do not charge it.00:28
OerHeksthat question is not for ubuntu, maybe ##hardware will anser otherwise than dangerous and firehazard00:28
sarnolddang i was too slow to pass along https://www.ifixit.com/Wiki/What_to_do_with_a_swollen_battery00:28
Betalhe will find out somehour00:29
parak0vskyhow do you tune mouse wheel scroll speed?00:44
sarnoldif you're using the standard ubuntu install there's something in the control panels for that00:45
OerHeksand gnome-tweaks-tool hase some more00:47
OerHeks!info gnome-tweak-tool00:47
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB00:47
s0rcereris there a xfce tweak tool? ;o00:48
OerHeksnope, there is a theme manager00:50
OerHeksand tons of guides with tweaks and tips00:50
coffeecowHi, what are some tips for power and temperature management? Is there a tool that will allow me to put my laptop in low power/temperature mode (underclock on-the-fly)?00:54
OerHeks!info laptop-mode-tools00:57
ubottulaptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.71-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 83 kB, installed size 378 kB00:57
sarnoldcoffeecow: I don't recall seeing a way to flip from high-power to low-power, but this may help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagement/ThermalIssues00:57
OerHeks!info tlp00:57
ubottutlp (source: tlp): Save battery power on laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 55 kB, installed size 284 kB00:57
OerHeksuse one of the 2, tlp is an old project, laptop-mode-tools is preferred00:57
devslashMy desktop is running Ubuntu 19.04. The other day I installed the updates and nothing else and now I can't log into the UI (I can still log in at a terminal shell prompt). When I try to log in, the screen goes black for about 20 seconds then takes me back to the login screen01:08
Night_Elfdevslash: I have seen that behaviour too. I have no idea what it might be. My resolve to that was to just install another login manager and desktop environment altogether.01:11
Bashing-omdevslash: 'Nother thought - broken graphic's driver - what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?01:12
devslashlet me check01:15
Bray90820So when my bluetooth keyboard connects it thinks it's a number pad until I plugin a wired keyboard and manually hit numlock01:17
Night_ElfBashing-om: for me that option seemed improbable. I was using an external driver for my graphic card, one I got from nvidia and installed manually. So the update didn't change the driver.01:17
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Night_Elfyes we read you gambl0re. Please keep the random greetings to a minimum, to reduce the chit-chat and keep a 1130 member channel tidy and efficient.01:19
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gambl0reNight_Elf, hey01:19
gambl0reanyone know how or have a guide how to install wine on xubuntu/ubuntu?01:19
devslashBashing-om, https://termbin.com/1xwn01:20
Night_Elfgambl0re: sudo apt-get install wine does not do it?01:20
gambl0rei didnt try but i read a whole bunch of articles and they want you to do enter all these commands and not sure if it's even necessary01:20
gambl0reNight_Elf, is that it?01:20
Night_Elfgambl0re: Most probably you want  "sudo apt-get install wine64"01:21
gambl0rewhats the diff between wine and playonlinux?01:22
Night_Elfyou can check what you have with "apt-get search wine01:22
Night_ElfA front end for wine.01:22
devslashBashing-om, I also did apt list | grep nvidia and I see packages for nvidia with different versions not sure if that matters01:22
gambl0reis it better to install playonlinux instead?01:22
Betalapt-cache* search ?01:22
Night_ElfWhat you can do, is install synaptic (if it is not there already) and then use that to install stuff.01:23
Bashing-omdevslash: Well not a driver issue "configuration: driver=nvidia" nvidia module did load. Next in my process of elimination is authority - what shows ' ls -al .ICEauthority .Xauthority ' ?01:23
OerHekswine + winetricks scripts = playonlinux01:23
Night_ElfBetal: yes. apt-cache search <nameofwhatyouneedhere>01:24
OerHeksand there is wine 4.01 out https://tecadmin.net/install-wine-on-ubuntu/01:24
devslashBashing-om, ahh i fixed it it was a perm issue01:24
Night_Elfah yah... I wrote it wrong abobe. Sorry for that everyone. Seems like tiredness has kicked in01:24
Bashing-omdevslash: :D .. and to see what nvidia installes ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' :)01:25
gambl0reNight_Elf, i need to use photoshop on linux01:27
Night_Elfgambl0re: I think you have a bit of a bumpy road ahead. There might be libraries you need more that what wine provides for using complex software such as photoshop.01:29
gambl0reNight_Elf, https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/install-adobe-photoshop-linux/01:30
OerHeksapplication help in #winehq01:30
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:30
gambl0reNight_Elf, :)01:31
OerHeksdarktable is much better01:31
devslashBashing-om, i rebooted and the problem came back01:36
devslashsame issue. terminal login works. ui crashes01:38
devslashback to login01:38
juanonymoushi, this question is kind of an off-topic but do you know where i can get a detailed information on how to setup e-mail server?01:39
sarnoldjuanonymous: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/email-services.html01:39
devslashi have a GTX 750 TI graphics card. which nvidia card should i be using01:39
OerHeksdevslash, 334 and up .. https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/73666/en-us01:41
devslashi have multiple versions apparently01:42
devslashat least 5 different versions01:42
OerHekssudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall # picks the right one IIRC01:43
devslashwhat about all of the other versions that i have installed01:43
juanonymoussarnold: thanks01:43
Bashing-omdevslash: Also purge all the old drivers - and the config file if the purge does not get the config file .01:44
devslashBashing-om, https://termbin.com/p75sw01:46
devslashshould i remove all 252 of those packages01:46
Bashing-omdevslash: What command did you run to get that generic output ^ ? show us ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' instead.01:47
devslashi did01:48
devslashapt list | grep nvidia01:48
sarnoldthat's not a useful list :) any of us can generate that one, it doesn't tell us anything about *your* system01:49
devslashso ubuntu-packages list shows 340,430,390 and 41501:49
Bashing-omdevslash: ^ that shows you all that the repo contains for nvidia :P not what is on your install.01:49
devslashi thought that apt-cache search does that01:49
Bashing-omdevslash: "apt search" is a refinement.01:50
devslashok so whcih ones should i remove01:50
Bashing-omdevslash: show us -zar3- the output of ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' whicj shows the nvidia files installed to the system. to see the modules run ' lsmod | grep nvidia '.01:53
devslashBashing-om, https://termbin.com/kpwe01:54
thelastHi all. I've installed a fresh version of Ubuntu 18.04 and nvidia-driver-430, and I can't figure out how to get my nvidia driver settings to persist across reboot. I change something in the layout, and then go "Save to Configuration File", and save it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and then I reboot, but it doesn't load the changes from that config file. I01:56
thelast've also tried putting it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf, etc/X11/Xsession.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf, nothing seems to work. Any tips? Thanks.01:56
devslashi dunno what else to do01:56
devslashim also ready to reformat01:56
Bashing-omsarnold: radio talk for repeated request :P01:57
sarnoldBashing-om: aha! :D thanks01:57
Bashing-omdevslash: mir ? What Gives ? Show us ' echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE ' .01:58
devslashhjow so you list the actual packages installed when i do dpkg -l it shows packages that arent installed because apt-get remove says that'01:58
sarnolddevslash: dpkg -l | grep ^ii01:59
devslashthats not correct01:59
sarnoldin what way?01:59
devslashit lists packages that arent installed01:59
sarnoldtry it01:59
devslashi did01:59
devslashthats what i am trying to explain01:59
devslashit lists packages that apt-get remove says arent installed02:00
sarnoldthen please show us what happens when you try to apt-get purge a package that is in state ii02:00
Bashing-omdevslash: Why would you think your package manager would lie to you ?02:00
devslashi dunno its not working right02:00
devslashany package i rtry to remove it says its not installed02:00
Bashing-omdevslash: You came here for help - and we are trying .. but if you go off somewhere we do not know about ,,, we can not follow and help.02:01
devslashi havent02:02
devslashi did dpkg -l | grep i nvidia02:02
sarnoldgrep i02:02
sarnoldis not the same as02:02
sarnoldgrep ^ii02:02
devslashit lists for example nvidia-headless-390 if i apt-get remove it its not installed02:02
devslashno -i02:02
devslashgrep -i02:02
sarnoldI'm done. good luck,02:03
Bashing-omdevslash: we need to see that output in a pastebin . It shows what parts of the nvidia driver is installed.02:03
devslashwhich command02:03
devslashthe echo command ?02:03
Bashing-omdevslash: ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' will work for my present purposes :)02:04
devslashBashing-om, https://termbin.com/maee02:05
devslashi think im just gonna reformat. this thing is hosed02:06
Bashing-omdevslash: well ,, that is one option :) .. but we may be able to fix this install . Still curiois how mor and wayland play here .. as nvidia and wayland is still a work in progress. what shows ' echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE ' ?02:07
devslashthat is blank02:08
devslashdont use it i dont think02:08
Bashing-omdevslash: Let's try this -pastebin ' loginctl session-status ' . see here if we can figure out the environment you are in.02:11
devslashim currently in a term session02:12
devslashdoes that matter02:12
Bashing-omdevslash: You do show "i  mir-platform-graphics-eglstream-kms16:amd64" which makes me consider that you are attempting to run Wayland with proprietary driver . That is still under development.02:14
devslashi dont want to mess up what youre trying to do to help me but i removed all nvidia drivers because i had 4 different versions02:15
devslashwhen i try to log in it says Unity (default)02:16
Bashing-omdevslash: Maybe .. are you aware the the "rc" means - (R)emoved but (C)onfig files remain ?02:16
devslashwhere do you see that02:16
Bashing-omdevslash: Your https://termbin.com/maee :)02:17
devslashwhat should i do02:18
devslashi still cant log in02:18
devslashi purged all nvidia drivers. dpkg -l | grep nvidia shows nothing02:20
devslashand rebooted02:21
Bashing-omdevslash: Well - we still need to know the environment for the desktop that you have - then see if we are to purge the Nvidia driver or whatever. 1st is to know the environment. By the way unity ? what release is this ? post back ' lsb-release -a ' .02:21
devslashwas working fine earlier02:21
devslashrebooted then it started up again02:21
bray90820 So when my bluetooth keyboard connects it thinks it's a number pad until I plugin a wired keyboard and manually hit numlock02:22
Bashing-omdevslash: As you have removed Nvidia, then nouveau should have loaded - did it ? show ; ' lsmod | grep nouveau ' .02:24
devslashshows that its loaded02:31
Bashing-omdevslash: And looks like this: https://termbin.com/y34q ?02:35
devslashyes. just a sec ive made some progress02:36
devslashso i was able to log in without nvidia02:38
devslashi installed 384 and the problem returned02:38
Bashing-omdevslash: Pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display '.02:39
devslashdoo you want to see that with or without nvidia drivers installed02:39
Bashing-omdevslash: As the system is now :)02:40
devslashBashing-om, https://termbin.com/x4n502:42
devslashno nvidia drivers installed02:42
Bashing-omdevslash: Yup - " latency=002:43
devslashmy cpu fan spins up for a few seconds every minute or so when i use ubuntu without nvidia drivers02:44
Bashing-omdevslash: Opps on that last ; Yup "onfiguration: driver=nouveau latency=0" where the nouveau driver is loaded .02:44
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-430 disco | dev02:46
ubottudev: Package nvidia-driver-430 does not exist in disco02:46
devslashi just thought of something else02:47
devslashsecure boot must be disabled in the bios in order for nvidia drivers to load02:47
Bashing-omdevslash: Well, nvidia reommends the 430 version driver for that GeForce GTX 750 Ti card.02:47
Bashing-omdevslash: Yup . agreed .. secure boot disbaled .02:48
devslashnot in my repo02:48
devslashim trying 38402:48
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-384 disco02:49
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-384 does not exist in disco02:49
devslashwhich iirc worked well in the past02:49
Bashing-omdevslash: Ya know this is not Windows ? .. what shows ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' to see what drivers are presently available with what the system has to choose from.02:50
devslashahh shit02:51
devslashit boots into emergency mode now02:51
devslashjust a sec let me see if i can figure out whats going on02:52
devslashi did dpkg --configure -a because i guess dpkg was interrupted and now im stuck on the purple ubuntu screen02:54
devslashi think this pc is screwed up02:55
devslashBashing-om, do you have any other suggestions02:56
devslashit boots to initramfs prompt now02:57
Bashing-omdevslash: Could be - you are the best judge of that circunstance - consider - only takes 30 minutes to RE-install and copy backups back in place - I can do it in 15 as I have had practice :P02:57
devslashwell im gonna do it on a new ssd if i go that route02:57
devslashthis pos is f*cked beyound repair02:58
nshireapparently my ubuntu 18.04 LTS install is on kernel version 5? is that right? I though LTS version 18.xx would only get kernel 4.xx02:58
Bashing-omdevslash: Can you boot a recovery console from the grub boot menu ?02:58
devslashi tried booting into single mode and it boots to initramfs prompt02:58
Bashing-om!hwe | nshire02:58
ubottunshire: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:58
devslashi added single after quiet splash at the grub prompt02:58
nshireinteresting. didn't expect to get kernel 5 on 18.xx lts03:00
sarnoldnshire: the HWE stack is "rolling" these days https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack03:00
sarnoldnshire: so you'll get the disco kernel shortly after disco comes out, the eoan kernel shortly after eoan comes out, etc03:00
devslashBashing-om, i chose recovery but when i get to an initramfs i cant type03:01
Bashing-omnshire: ^^ now if it is your desire to remain on the 4.15.0-58-generic kernel series, then one installs the 18.04.1 release.03:02
nshireits a vm so it seems fine. I'll see how my laptop goes, not sure if its updated yet03:02
devslashi think my ssd might be bad03:03
sarnoldnshirelaptop: what'd you find? :)03:03
Bashing-omdevslash: In the event of "bad ssd" thoughts - one runs a SMART test for a status.03:04
devslashi dunno just a guess03:04
devslashbut now my fricking kb doesnt work at an initramfs prompt03:04
user__ /exit03:26
mmarconmhow i can specify domain name using netplan ?03:36
bray90820 So when my bluetooth keyboard connects it thinks it's a number pad until I plugin a wired keyboard and manually hit numlock04:02
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sam_wongI successfully installed Windows10 a few minutes ago on top of Ubuntu 19.04 by VM virtual box. Nevertheless, the speed of Win10 was extremely low that the new OS is almost unusable. Does anyone have any idea?07:06
tomreynsam_wong: maybe you did not assign much RAM to it, or you have some virtualization supporting CPU flags disabled in your BIOS setup07:32
tomreyngenerally, any virtualization will consume an amount of resources, so don't ever expect things to be as fast as they would be when running natively.07:33
sam_wongtomreyn: Actually, I have assigned 4G of Ram for the new OS.07:34
tomreynsam_wong: which hardware do you have there?07:35
tomreynjournalctl -b | grep 'DMI:'07:35
sam_wongtomreyn: How to enable those cpu flags07:35
sam_wongAsrock H55 LGA1156 with 10G of DDR307:36
tomreyngrep vmx /proc/cpuinfo | head -n107:37
sam_wongtomreyn: i3@2.93Ghz cpu07:37
tomreynbut does it report vmx?07:38
sam_wongtomreyn: no07:38
tomreynthen you should enable "VT-X" in bios07:39
sam_wongtomreyn: Do all motherboards have this function (VT-X) in bios?07:40
tomreynany that are slightly recent07:41
tomreynlike, the past 10 years or so07:41
tomreynthat's on intel platforms, but you have that07:41
tomreynyou should also see VT-d, enable this too.07:41
sam_wongtomreyn: My motherboard was bought 8 years ago so it should have this function too, I think07:42
tomreyni would think all intel core CPUs have it07:42
tomreynat least VT-x07:42
ricks_there are cases of cpus having vt-x but the mb not supporting it07:43
sam_wongricks_: If my board doesn't support this function, do you mean there is nothing I can do?07:44
tomreyn"Asrock H55" does not actually exist, but there are many other similarily named ones07:44
ricks_if you're certain you have it you can install refind as your bootloader; it has an option to force it07:45
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mysticwhen is ubuntu 20 out?   19 is too unstable08:19
rud0lfin 2020?08:19
M_aDmystic: you're kidding?08:19
M_aDApril 202008:20
rud0lfmystic: the release number comes from the year of release08:20
mystickidding?  no.  lots of stuff wouldnt work for me.08:20
mysticoh i see... definately 2020 then lol. good.  look forward to it08:20
M_aDfirst up is 19.1008:21
mysticprobly be rubbish too08:21
mystici'll avoid it08:21
mystic18 is fine , then jump to 20.    19 is more for testers08:21
M_aDstick with LTS releases then08:21
mysticYes sir08:22
abclovehttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2144619      <—i can’t install ubuntu 08:24
mysticubuntu installer is very good.. easy gui.   i was trying to install mx linux but gave up due to havign to choose your own partition tables /swap etc...08:25
jeremy31abclove: What computer?08:28
abcloveis is made in 2005 with 500mb ram08:28
mysticprobly 32 bit then...08:28
abcloveyeah correct08:28
jeremy31Isn't minimum ram for Ubuntu about 2GB?08:29
M_aD500MB RAM? forget it08:29
mysticu might be better trying lubuntu or something smaller08:29
abclovei will upgrade ram soon08:29
mysticthen install ubuntu soon, not before lol08:29
abclovei tried to install lubuntu08:29
M_aDeven with 2GB RAM Ubuntu won't run that great, go with Xubuntu instead08:30
tomreynubuntu alternative server installer may work08:30
abcloveanyway i can’t install linux on laptop?08:30
FManI've still got 14.04 on one system08:31
M_aDnope, upgrade the RAM first if it's possible08:31
mysticthats naughty FMan08:31
abcloveM_aD: i think that it is not related with ram, because 44 mb is enough to install ubuntu08:31
M_aDwhat a stupidity this morning08:32
* M_aD heads out08:32
mysticyea. 44mb and 12 kb hdd space08:33
mysticeven linux isnt that magic... well some of them tiny distros almost are lol08:34
abclovexubuntu don’t have 32bit?08:34
mystici usually sound like a blundering idiot in here abc,   thanks for taking that awayfrom me lol08:35
M_aDabclove: 18.04 LTS is 32bit  https://xubuntu.org/download08:37
M_aDor if you want 19.04 then download the netinstall/mini iso08:37
abcloveM_aD: ?08:38
abclovewhat do you mean of link?08:39
M_aDread what i said08:39
M_aDanyway, chat later, gotta go08:40
abclovehttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2144619    i can’t slove this problem?08:44
abcloveno one know it?08:44
jeremy31abclove: That post is about Ubuntu 13.04, been unsupported forever08:45
abclovebut it is same for 18 or 1908:46
abclove:( jeremy31 :(08:46
jeremy31abclove: how much hard drive space?08:46
abclove64gb or more08:46
abclove512 mb08:46
jeremy31abclove: It could be that your video card isn't supported08:47
sylarioI am looking for a tool to backup postgresDBs and a few folders.  any idea ?08:48
abclovethen i can’t install ubuntu finall?08:48
vltsylario: There's pg_dump to export the databse in a consistent state. Then there's rsync. Another solution is having your database data on something like LVM and to take a snapshot.08:50
abclovejeremy31: ?08:50
jeremy31abclove: can you even boot Ubuntu ISO?08:50
abcloveyeah using usb. jeremy3108:51
jeremy31abclove: Where does it quit working?08:51
abclovegraphic initialization failed Error setting up gfxboot boot:  Loading bootlogo...08:53
mysticI just sewed on a button08:54
jeremy31abclove: what graphics card08:54
abclovei don’t know it08:54
sylariovlt : I was hoping for some tool with logs and scheduling. I do not really know how rsync works08:56
abclovejeremy31: no idea?08:56
jeremy31abclove: I have no clue what video card you have08:57
abclovewait i will search it now08:57
vltsylario: Scheduling can be done via cron. What info do you want to log?08:57
vltsylario: rsync (like most other tools) has a man page: `man rsync`.08:58
sylarioI was using the backup ruby gem to backup a few big rails app08:58
sylariobut the gem stopped and they support up to ruby 2.308:59
abclovejeremy31: no idea i can’t know it09:03
bqqcould not startx : http://termbin.com/zmx009:12
bqqit worked before.09:12
tomreynwhich ubuntu release is this?09:13
spinningCatis there a software for making bootable windows 2012 server iso ?09:15
tomreynprobably woeusb09:15
spinningCathope woeusb have capacity to consist windows server bootable usb09:18
hsnis there www browseable content of package https://packages.ubuntu.com/en/xenial/lrzsz ?09:19
hsnI am interested in debian patch set09:19
tomreynhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/l/lrzsz/lrzsz_0.12.21-10~build0.16.04.1.debian.tar.xz contains the patches09:22
bqqaha no space left on root device09:22
tomreyn!crosspost | bqq09:23
ubottubqq: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.09:23
tomreynspinningCat: please don't crosspost either, thanks.09:29
spinningCatsure sorry09:30
bqqtomreyn: sorry I only asked in linux and this ubuntu. no other channels. I asked in linux channel first with no reply, guess i asked wrong channel then asked here09:31
bqqtomreyn:  then i found the issue myself.09:32
tomreynit's still peculiar, since /tmp is usually a tmpfs on ubuntu, and current ubuntu releases would store those files in /run/... rather than in /tmp09:36
tomreynbqq: ^ this said, i'm glad you were able to solve your issue there.09:38
sylarioI do not understand the incremental copy of rsync, it's only useful if keep all the backup?09:52
lapionI am wondering why linux-source relies heavily on linux-source-4.15.0 and not on the latest 5.0.009:56
lapionBecause certain other programs require the original kernel of 18.04 to be compiled09:56
BlackDalekI am looking at an Asus laptop with an RTL8821CE wifi card and no physical ehernet port. As all solutions to get WiFi working seem to assume an ethernet interface being present, how do I get around that and install this RTL8821CE card working in Ubuntu?10:11
jeremy31BlackDalek: Can you tether to a smart phone for internet?10:12
BlackDalekjeremy31, not sure. Bluetooth is working, but there's no wifi. I will see if my phone supports tethering through bluetooh10:13
jeremy31BlackDalek: If it android, you should be able to USB tether10:13
BlackDalekjeremy31, ok it has boh usb and bluetooth... I will try usb since it seems less troublesome\10:16
jeremy31BlackDalek: If you have any issues, I would replace the realtek card with a Intel 8000 series wifi10:17
BlackDalekjeremy31, ok. I have a network connection now. If I can't get wifi card working I will just replace the card. I have many spares.10:18
BlackDalekthanks... bye10:18
abclovelubuntu == xubuntu?11:50
abcloveor which is better for old laptop?11:51
ioriaboth are ok; i'd go with lubu (18.04)11:51
abclovethanks :)11:51
abclovexubuntu sound better than lubuntu11:52
abclovelike mable super hero or xman11:52
abcloveioria: you can fix this problem? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214461911:56
abcloveso i can’t install ubuntu now :(11:56
abcloveioria: ?11:57
ioriaabclove, do you have a Toshiba NB255-250 ?11:58
ioriaabclove, what is ?11:59
abclovelaptop made in 200511:59
ioriaabclove, what 's the brand ?12:00
abcloveLG xnote12:00
abcloveno idea? ioria ?12:02
ioriaabclove, read the  sticker12:02
BluesKajHey folks12:02
abclovewhat sticker?12:02
ioriaabclove, there are a lot of LG xnote; you need to know thew exact model12:02
svendreI'm creating a bootable barebones ubuntu system, and I've got it processing commands in init, but I have a question about libraries.  I noticed some libraries in /lib64 appear to be symlinks to gnu stuff inside /lib/..  I'm puzzled how this works.  I mounted my project and copied files into /lib64 and it's fine, I also created symlinks to the libraries in /lib/.. and it still works with both chroot and booting.  How is12:02
svendrethis possible?12:02
abcloveioria: wait a min12:03
svendreif the symlinks in /mnt/lib64 point to /lib/.. shouldn't they fail when I reboot and /mnt/lib64 becomes just /lib64 and the original filesystem is gone, or is it just pointing to a different copy of libraries in /lib when I reboot (the path changes relative to root, and doens't link to any inode)12:07
trackballhow do i allow users in a chrooted environment to change their passwords with passwd? i've already copied the files shown with ldd /usr/bin/passwd to <CHROOTDIR>/usr/bin. but when i try to use passwd in chroot i get the error: "passwd: Cannot determine your user name."12:07
svendretrackball: well my guess would be that you need more infrastructure than simply the libraries needed to run passwd12:09
svendretrackball: just a thought, perhaps you should pull up some references on passwd and see everything that it tries to do when you execute it (what files it looks for, etc.) then start recreating those12:12
trackballsvendre: ok12:13
svendrethis is the link I'm puzzled about: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2  - it appears that it'll work to change file permissions even if you remove the chmod binary, what the heck.12:25
svendreit seems required to even boot, so how in the world is it created as a symlink pointing to only a specific file in the first place...12:27
abclove Bodhi Linux is good?12:41
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pragmaticenigmaabclove: This channel focuses its attention to Official Ubuntu flavors only. Bodhi Linux is not supported here.12:54
abcloveah yeah12:55
abclovei can’t install lubuntu to old laptop, so i want to try others12:56
pragmaticenigmaabclove: If you want to talk about other linux distributions and derivatives, you're welcome to join the #ubuntu-offtopic channel12:56
PeanutHi, I'm looking for a way to get Unicode U+26C5 (Sun behind cloud) on Ubuntu. Is there a way to see which fonts have it?13:14
pragmaticenigmaPeanut: It's not a font that provides that. The Operating itself has to support the glyph, which depending on your version of Ubuntu may not be available yet13:24
Peanutpragmaticenigma: It seems to work in my browser, and I found "http://design.ubuntu.com/font" which seems to support it. Switched my terminal to that font, still no luck - so I guess you're right there. Btw., I'm on 19.04.13:26
pragmaticenigmaPeanut: Looking up the history, the glyph was added to unicode in 2015, so it is supported. Though you are going to find that terminal fonts, since they are monospace, many not render all the glyphs due to limitations on size.13:36
Peanutpragmaticenigma: thanks. I found a tool to show my fonts, and indeed the monospace fonts don't have it.13:38
PeanutAh well, back to work it is ;-)13:40
gimmelAnyone here with enough docker knowledge to know why I'm getting "ERROR: write /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob148623335: no space left on device" ? This is a brand new Ubunut Server install on a 120Gb ssd. There appears to be plenty of space on the partition.14:59
pragmaticenigmagimmel: That sounds like a question better suited for a Docker forum15:10
gimmelpragmaticenigma: Yes and no, I'm chatting to them too, but it seems that my root filesystem isn't using the full partition.15:16
leftyfbgimmel: sounds like whoever installed it didn't install it properly15:17
leftyfbgimmel: I thought you said it had plenty of space?15:17
lordcirth_gimmel, do 'df -h /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob148623335' to find out what partition it's actually on15:18
lordcirth_or possibly just /var/lib/docker/tmp/15:18
gimmelHere's some of the diagnostic info - https://pastebin.com/zDetBgC115:18
gimmelI can't see / understand where the 110Gb partition is being factored into the df -h output.15:19
leftyfb"/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv  3.9G  2.9G  856M  78% /"15:20
leftyfbyou only made it 4G in size15:20
leftyfbless than 1G left15:20
gimmelleftyfb: Granted, that's what I figuured from the output - but I don't see how I managed to do that. During install I used the whole disk didn't change any defaults. Why and when did it specify the 4Gb?15:21
gimmelGiven it's lvm, I can resize that, right?15:22
leftyfbgimmel: you setup lvms/encrpytion. Somewhere in that process you didn't specify the whole disk for the root partition15:22
gimmelleftyfb: Ok, I won't deny it, but I thought I was looking out for that. It was my first server install and the installer is somewhat different. Am I right that I can extend it?15:24
leftyfbgimmel: yes. Though I don't have that procedure for you at the moment15:24
lordcirth_gimmel, can you pastebin 'pvdisplay'?15:26
gimmellordcirth_: https://pastebin.com/LZ5qvVKs < pvdisplay15:29
lordcirth_gimmel, ok, that's good. your 110 GB partition is the PV. So you should be able to easily expand the / LV.15:29
lordcirth_gimmel, look at the manpage for 'lvextend'15:31
gimmellordcirth_: $ sudo lvextend -L 100G /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv15:34
gimmellordcirth_: is that looking right?15:34
lordcirth_gimmel, seems good to me15:34
tdsI missed the start of this, but often you'll want to do this with --resizefs to resize the filesystem for you at the same time15:35
tdsthough you can always do that by hand with a resize2fs or whatever after anyway15:35
gimmellordcirth_: and then $ sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv ?15:35
gimmeltds: haha, snap!15:36
gimmelWell that's done it - thanks guys! Still have no idea what question / dialogue I misread in the server install.15:36
nrtrianaHello friends!15:40
nrtrianaI need help with GDM315:40
lordcirth_Ah, I forgot that lvextend had a --resizefs flag to do it for you.15:41
nrtrianaCan anybody help me please?15:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:41
nrtrianaMy full username has accents and hyphens but they are not show in gdm3 login screen15:43
leftyfbnrtriana: don't put accents in your username?15:45
nrtrianaHow I can use Unicode characters in gdm3?15:45
nrtrianaMy username is nrtriana but my fullname is Néstor Rodríguez-Triana16:02
nrtrianaI want to show my fullname in the gdm3 login screen16:03
nrtrianaHow can I do that?16:03
jhutchins_wknrtriana: Maybe you can't.  Do you have your locale set properly?16:04
nrtrianaYes I have my locale set properly to es_ES.UTF816:05
nrtrianaI mean es_ES.UTF-816:05
EoflaOEBoth on login screen and the desktop? Did you apply it systemwide?16:08
EoflaOEnrtriana ^16:08
nrtrianaI apply the locale systemwide... but does not work in gdm316:09
nrtrianaIt's okay in my terminal and all my GNOME applications16:10
EoflaOEnrtriana: On the login and the desktop? Mine displays Arabic dates when set to ar_SY.UTF-8.16:11
nrtrianain the login screen appear only my username16:11
nrtrianain the login screen appear only my username not my fullname16:12
EoflaOEnrtriana: OK. before looking, which Ubuntu version are you using?16:12
nrtrianaif I change my fullname to Nestor Rodriguez Triana then it appear16:13
nrtrianaI use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS16:13
EoflaOEnrtriana: OK. If there are no solution, then you might have to open a bug report to GDM with screenshot.16:14
nrtrianaOk EoflaOE thanks you16:15
EoflaOEYou are welcome nrtriana16:15
mysticwhat is the ubuntu tool to create bootable iso ?16:17
mysticgui tool, like rufus16:17
saorStartup disk creator16:17
saoror etcher16:17
mystic'make startup disk' is greyed out16:18
saorTry this: https://www.balena.io/etcher/16:18
mysticwhy wont it let me select the iso ...  wwhen i select it it wont appear16:18
saorIs it an ubuntu iso?16:19
mysticmx linux16:19
EriC^^mystic: startup disk creator is just for ubuntu is16:20
mysticjeez..  thats not very efficient16:20
EriC^^there's unetbootin for other iso, personally nothing beats dd16:20
mysticlooks like i have to go back to windows yet again to do stuff :/16:20
saoror you could read and learn16:21
mysticwhen windows is so easy?  why?16:21
EriC^^mystic: just dd the iso, it's 1 simple command16:21
EoflaOEnrtriana: Pastebin the output of "locale" to see what is wrong.16:22
tieinvinsert a usb for it to show in startup disk creator16:22
EriC^^mystic: you can actually just "sudo cp /path/to/iso /dev/sdX"16:23
mystici get too confused abotu the path16:24
mysticno gui = no good for me16:24
thechitowncubsuse tab completion16:24
thechitowncubs /home/<TAB>16:25
thechitowncubswill show you directories16:25
mystictoo complex and bothersome16:25
thechitowncubsnot really16:25
mysticrufus will do it in seconds with mouse16:25
mysticfor me it is16:25
thechitowncubslol i understand16:25
thechitowncubsis rufus a good file manager16:25
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mysticso.. off i go over to windows again...  cheers & ciao16:26
thechitowncubsso sad16:26
thechitowncubshave fun in the windows store16:26
=== nullbyte_ is now known as sunzero
nrtrianaEoflaOE https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2hBMB5W8vr/16:27
EoflaOEnrtriana: OK. Is GDM3 on the latest version? It's
lordcirth_thechitowncubs, rufus is specifically for making bootable USBs, it's not a file manager.16:28
nrtrianagdm3/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 3.28.3-0ubuntu18.04.4 amd6416:30
nrtrianaEoflaOE: gdm3/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now 3.28.3-0ubuntu18.04.4 amd6416:32
EoflaOEnrtriana: Nice. You have found a bug, since nobody has experienced the full username rendering issue, and there is no solution yet.16:32
thechitowncubslordcirth, oh ya thanks16:33
nrtrianaEoflaOE: Ok, I'll report that bug16:34
EoflaOEnrtriana: Thanks. It's even better with screenshot and detailed description. You can run ubuntu-bug gdm316:35
nrtrianaEoflaOE: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/184181016:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1841810 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu gdm3 login screen does not show Unicode characters in fullname " [Undecided,New]16:50
EoflaOEnrtriana: Saw the report in #ubuntu-bugs-announce16:50
EoflaOEnrtriana: Hopefully the developers will look at it. Thanks for reporting.16:53
nrtrianaI hope it is solved EoflaOE16:53
EoflaOEnrtriana: Yes. When I have time, I will check it in 19.10 and see if it still has your issue.16:54
nrtrianaThank you EoflaOE!16:55
EoflaOEnrtriana: You are welcome16:55
mysticmanaged to make an mx linux os on usb.   but it messed up my boot menu. can only boot if i select usb.  if usb not plugged in i get some grub error.  how to fix my grub menu?  i have windows 10 and ubuntu 18 on there17:27
mysticim installing 'boot repair'   might work17:28
tonytgrubrescue is another option mystic17:29
tomreynboot to ubuntu, install grub to where it should be installed17:30
ubottuUbuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle17:30
mysticwell, i followed the online guide but 'ubable to locate package boot-loader...17:30
mystici dont mind what I use but it would be nice to use one  that i CAN use?17:30
lordcirth_mystic, what guide? "boot-loader" isn't a package.17:31
Bladenikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ uname -a17:31
BladeLinux ubuntu-ivan 5.3.0-050300rc6-generic #201908252033 SMP Sun Aug 25 20:35:26 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:31
tomreyn!paste | Blade17:31
ubottuBlade: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:31
tomreynmystic: are you currently unable to boot ubuntu?17:31
mysticsee, t yhats the problem.. people always tell me to google it and follow guides.. adn this is what happens. i look at some incorrect garbage, bit ive no idea whats wrongor right17:32
lordcirth_mystic, ah, ok. Did you add the repo like it said?17:32
mysticyea.. i can boot into it when i select usb but17:32
mystici copied and pasted the commands yea17:32
lordcirth_mystic, and did it succeed in adding the repo?17:33
mystici dont know17:33
mysticReading package lists... Done17:33
mysticBuilding dependency tree17:33
mysticReading state information... Done17:33
mysticE: Unable to locate package boot-loader17:33
lordcirth_mystic, well, you should have read it's output, then.17:33
tomreynpersonally i'd usually trust current recommendations from ubuntu.com, wiki.ubuntu.com, help.ubuntu.com, and high scoring answers on askubuntu.com17:33
tomreyn(if current)17:33
mystici can only boot into my ubuntu or windows if my mx liinux usb stick is in..17:34
mysticotherwise the grub is broken17:34
tomreyn<tomreyn> boot to ubuntu, install grub to where it should be installed17:34
mysticso now i haev booted into ubuntu, i can remove the mx linux usb.. andtry to fix the grub17:34
mysticbut how17:34
tomreynwhere was grub installed before you overwrote it?17:35
mystici dont know.. on my system i guess17:35
mysticsdd inside laptop17:35
tomreynsudo fdisk -l | pastebinit17:35
tomreynpost this ^17:36
mysticgot no result17:36
tomreynyou need to run these commands in a !terminal17:37
mysticworked without the line at the end17:37
mysticgod i really dont like this...17:37
tomreynthat you overwrote your grub installation? that's understandable.17:38
mysticinevitable, its too hard to understand the mx linux installer17:38
tomreyncan't comment on that, we only support ubuntu here17:38
mysticbut the grub menu works only if i have usb plugged in and boot from it. so i guess its been moved to my usb mx linux17:38
mysticso if i unplug the stick, i can maybe fix the grub17:39
mysticthen both with work17:39
mysticbut the guide i saw didnt work17:39
tomreynapt install os-prober17:39
tomreynmystic: ^ run this.17:40
tomreynyou have /dev/sda, a 465.8 GiB disk which seems to contain windows and linux file systems as well as an EFI system partition.17:40
tomreynthis is apparently the only installed disk17:41
mysticboot repair installed no i used a different guide17:41
tomreyndo you want to boot from this disk?17:41
EoflaOEmystic: Does boot repair start?17:41
mysticyes.. as i said.. the mx linux is on a usb.. which i unplged.. so the boot repair will fix what i need to be fixed only17:41
mysticbut i cant select next 'grub still present'17:42
EoflaOEmystic: Are there no options to reinstall GRUB?17:43
mystici resterted it.. seems to bo doing it now17:44
mystickeeps telling me to copy and paste stuff in terminal.. am doing17:45
tomreyni have little experience with "boot-repair", and it's not in Ubuntu. Personally I would use standard utilities provided by Ubuntu to install a boot loader if the system is still bootable.17:46
mystici would have just triple booted on the same disk, windows 10 ubuntu, and mx, but too difficult for mw17:46
tomreynEoflaOE seems to have more experience with it, so i suggest you continue working with him now.17:47
mystici want to try mx and linux for a few weeks ,see what ia prefer.. but running mx only on usb isnt a fair comparison17:47
mysticthats the summary... brb will try a reboot17:48
mysticworked like a charm.. am now using grub customiser to clear up the pointless boot entries17:54
lordcirth_mystic, great17:54
EoflaOEmystic: Nice. Make sure you don't remoe something important.17:54
mysticwill remove adnvaced options for ubuntu, the windows eufi stuff, and just leave ubuntu, windows 10, and system setup on there17:55
EoflaOEmystic: Do you mean Windows Boot manager?17:56
mysticyea. kept that..  i will restart and see if its all tidy17:56
mysticbrillaint, all tidy, and my mx linux doesnt interfere with boot up even when its plugged in.  only boots from usb if i hit f11 and select it17:59
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EoflaOEmystic: Nice, so is that what you want?18:02
mysticideally triple boot but i geuss thats asking too much.. i think this is ok thanks18:02
mysticcant put mx linux through its paces via usb18:02
mysticand leave windows 10/ubuntu well alone on my main sdd18:03
EoflaOEYou are welcome.18:03
mysticCheers   again,  back later18:04
=== HostileButtplug is now known as shadoxx
makr8100on a recent update of xserver-xorg-video-intel it seems that i915 drivers are broken on E6xxx CPU's but is working on E8xxx CPU's on 16.04, anyone else having this issue?18:50
makr8100I'm comparing core 2 duos - E6550 and E850018:51
makr8100I can't find it again, but something made it seem like the gpu was running in 32 bit on the 655018:52
sarnoldmakr8100: hm, do you have older kernel packages still installed? I'm curious if rebooting into an older kernel may help18:52
makr8100I'm not sure18:53
makr81001 more note on this, it was found because the process [hromium-browser --type=gpu-process ...] is spiked ~100% nonstop18:54
makr8100these machines are updated on a script at boot time, and I've got ~100 to manage18:55
makr8100thinking about disabling hw accel in chromium as an easier fix18:56
makr8100can't run glxinfo from ssh >.< not that I'm surprised, just annoyingly reminded of it lol18:57
IkoIkohi, i'm trying to install the latest me-tv 1.3.7 on ubuntu 19.04 and i get dependency error, anyone know a fix?18:57
sarnoldIkoIko: pastebin the errors?18:58
sarnoldmakr8100: annoying :(18:58
sarnoldmakr8100: did you report the chrome thing earlier? that sounds ever so vaguely familiar18:58
IkoIkosarnold, how can i do that?18:58
makr8100I have to put on steel toes and ear/eye protection and leave irc to physically go to these machines so the more I can ssh the better lol18:59
sarnoldIkoIko: copy and paste the command you ran and the output you got to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ and then give us the url18:59
sarnoldmakr8100: cripes18:59
makr8100and no I didn't report the chrome thing18:59
sarnoldmakr8100: I'd defintely go to some length to avoid them too :)18:59
IkoIkoi dont know the command sarnold18:59
makr8100IkoIko: go to pastebin.com or something of the like and paste your terminal output there, then paste the link it gives you into here19:00
sarnoldIkoIko: ahhh.. how about a screenshot? can you take a screenshot and upload it to imgur.com or something similar?19:00
makr8100that way we can read your errors without flooding the channel19:00
IkoIkowhat is the command for terminal to get the error list?19:00
makr8100the output of the terminal command apt should suffice19:01
IkoIkoapt what?19:01
IkoIkofull command please19:02
ioriaIkoIko, do you know that me-tv is no more available (from xenial+ ) ?19:02
IkoIkoim on disco19:02
sarnoldthat's kind of why we wanted the screenshot or output of *somnething*, so we can suggest what package to try to install with apt :)19:02
ioria!info me-tv disco19:02
ubottuPackage me-tv does not exist in disco19:02
ioria!info me-tv xenial19:02
ubottume-tv (source: me-tv): Me TV, it's TV for me computer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.7-1build2 (xenial), package size 390 kB, installed size 1932 kB19:02
IkoIkosie, thnx, i hope its updated cause i love me-tv19:03
makr8100IkoIko: you can always seek out the .deb package and install it manually, or search for it in other/unofficial repos19:04
IkoIkoi guess all use kaffine for now19:04
PiciIkoIko: Looks like it was removed from debian because it was unmaintained and thus removed from Ubuntu, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=75545119:04
ubottuDebian bug 755451 in ftp.debian.org "RM: me-tv -- RoQA; RC buggy; orphaned since 2014; last released upstream in 2012" [Normal,Open]19:04
IkoIkomakr8100 been there done that. :)19:05
IkoIkooh, thnx Pici19:05
makr8100vlc maybe?  that's what I run19:05
makr8100depends on what you're trying to accomplish with said media player19:05
IkoIkoi havent figured out how to use tv tuner with vlc yet LOL19:05
makr8100oof, that limits things19:06
IkoIkoi need a totorial19:07
IkoIkome-tv is orphaned19:09
IkoIkooh well19:09
mysticwhat is the default hexchat server when using ubuntu?19:23
mysticim on mx linux, but the hexchat defualt is different and some rooms are missing19:23
mysticwant to use the same one as ubuntu19:24
ioriamystic,  try  irc.ubuntu.com/800119:24
mysticthanks. i'll try to find it on the list19:25
mysticits not on the list19:25
ioriamystic,  Add ?19:27
mysticdont know what you myean sorr19:27
mysticim just looking at the hexchat network list19:27
ioriamystic,  yo can add a new server in network List19:27
sarnoldmystic: you may find this useful too https://netsplit.de/19:27
mysticdidnt work, unknown19:28
mysticnobody else using hexchat here?19:29
makr8100sarnold: the older kernel version didn't fix it19:30
sarnoldmakr8100: dang :( thanks for giving it a try19:30
makr81004.4.0-93-generic vs 4.4.0-96-generic19:30
ioriamystic,  try chat.freenode.net19:31
makr8100perhaps an even older version might, but that seems too involved to be jumping kernel versions around all willy-nilly19:31
mysticdont think im doing it right. dont understand how to add19:32
ioriamystic,  press Add ?19:32
ioriamystic,  and then Edit19:33
sarnoldmakr8100: oh wow.. there's a *bunch* of i915 entries in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+source/linux/+changelog -- I'm getting the impression the newer 4.4.0 kernels should be around 159: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux  -- are you missing updates?19:34
mysticahh,, one worked, but no mx r room... other one didnt work19:35
uboneabout network namespaces, i did 'ip netns add ffox' and 'ip link set dev ppp0 netns ffox', how to assign address is what i'm supposed to do next?19:39
mysticgot a tar file here, how to install ?   last time i tried my self i messed up my os19:43
sarnoldubone: ip -n ffox ...19:44
mysticthats far to hard, you have to know the exact paths etc.  what a ridiculous system.  a mouse click to install is too simple?19:47
uboneusually it's make install, depends19:48
mysticyea, but wherem how... its ridiculous19:48
mystic'depends'  also... dammit no wonder windows is so popular19:48
mysticim just staring at the 'guide' clueless.  cant do it19:49
mysticplus on different linux os's there are different rules and commands19:51
mysticno way i can do that. giving up19:52
bpromptmystic:   why did you get the tar anyway?   I mean, some packages come with an installer like .debs or .rpms and you can install those in a cinch, a tar will mean most likely a source code, and thus it'd need compiling, the same is true in windows btw if you're compiling from source, as opposed to installing an .msi or .exe19:53
bpromptmystic:   maybe you simply got the wrong installation package, now if there isn't an installer provided by the package developer, then you get what's available19:55
mysticsoftware pacakge manager didnt install it, some error19:55
ubonehow to know what ip to assign to a namespace?19:55
mysticlinux is ridiculous for anyone but hobbyists19:56
mystictired of running into problem after problem19:56
lordcirth_mystic, that is both false, and off-topic.19:57
makr8100sarnold: I have 159 available for install19:58
mystici follwed terminal commands, they all 'worked'  and ran. yet the software is not installed or is not showing in my app drawer19:58
mystichad enough.. logging out of the dam thing19:59
sarnoldmakr8100: give it a try?20:00
makr8100best idea I've heard yet lol20:01
cow0wHi, trying to download entire website, but seems somes files are skipped, any idea why?20:03
makr81004.4.92: drm/i915/bios: ignore HDMI on port A20:03
makr8100I've tried 4.4.93 after starting on 4.4.96, will try upgrade first but possibly try to downgrade if that fails20:04
makr8100ignore HDMI?  D:20:04
makr8100but you weren't kidding about "lots" of i915 changes20:04
makr8100sarnold: -159 fixed it20:35
tomreynso installing updates helps, doh!20:36
sarnoldmakr8100: woot! :D thanks20:46
antlonghas anyone encountered the situation where pressing > makes < appear and you can't get < to work under any circumstance20:48
tomreynantlong: please don't cross-post20:55
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mysticwhy kik me21:18
mysticcan linux run on a commodore 64?21:27
OerHeksmystic, please troll elsewhere, thanks.21:32
mystici was genuine curious.  why is everything trolling to you21:33
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fabulaztikau can probably run netbsd on it21:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:47
Habbiefabulaztika, feeding the troll is not useful :)21:47
mysticwonderd when you'd chime in habbie... the only troll here is you22:01
naftilos76Hi, my vps is a trusty box and the sources list off course do not work - what should i do in this case? Change them to subdomain old-releases.ubuntu.com ?22:04
cluelesspersonnaftilos76  What doesn't work?  What's the result?  What's the command you run?22:04
mysticand why did you do it22:05
naftilos76sudo apt update gets stuck22:05
tomreynnaftilos76: upgrade it to a supported release or reinstall using a supported release22:05
naftilos76when trying to connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com22:05
naftilos76i just need access to the packages even if they are old22:06
Bashing-om!14.04 | naftilos76 ^^22:06
ubottunaftilos76 ^^: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade22:06
OerHeksnaftilos76, a vps and trusty, are you really using that? no right on support here, ask your vps vendor for an upgrade22:06
OerHeksor support with getting files back22:07
naftilos76for god's sake - people - i do not want to upgrade because i would have to set up a million things in there - all i asked was about the sources list file...22:07
mysticever considered upgrading nat?22:08
OerHeksyour vps is heavily tweaked, i am sure we can not help22:08
naftilos76off course you can't22:09
sudoISSHey all, I hope everyone is doing well. I've got a Hyper-V Ubuntu Server 18.04 machine that doesn't connect to our network at boot. This is an easy enough problem to fix, thanks to that Hyper-V console window, buuuut... I'd like to know how to set it right, to do it automatically.22:09
saorUpgrading once support ends is what you are supposed to do, i wouldnt be so supprised when thats th advise you are given22:09
mysticor pay up naft....22:10
saorOr that, jsut make a good backup spinup a dev enviorment get all you stuff setup then turn off the 14.04 box.22:12
mysticlol.. im just kidding naft... sometimes ite helpful in here.. sometimes not.  im sure you noticed22:12
OerHeksmystic, you have been asked to troll elsewhere..22:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax22:14
mysticand i kindly aasked you to minf your own business22:14
tomreynsudoISS: how do you mean "doesn't connect to our network at boot", what exactly does it not do? why do you expect it to do this? and how were you abe to fix it outside of this system ("Hyper-V console window")?22:15
OerHeksan no PM, thanks.22:16
cow0whow do I download all files without any subdirs from a website, im trying with -r -l 1 -np, but for some reason it still downloading everything22:18
tomreyncow0w: are thosae options to the "download" command then?22:18
cow0wsorry  fogot to mation using wget;p22:19
OerHeks-l1: depth = 1 .. so it is not copying everything, just 1 level deep22:20
sudoISS@tomreyn: It doesn't pick up an IP address via DHCP. I'm playing with it now, but, basically all I have to do is `sudo dhclient` as my first command. Then I can use it.22:20
cow0wyeah.. but it is:( it download subdirs and stuff22:20
sudoISS@tomreyn: If you configure Ubuntu WITH a network at the beginning, it will do this automatically - however at setup, I deliberately told it not to, and now it just... doesn't pick up DHCP unless you tell it to. I suppose I could do an "at boot, immediately run `sudo dhclient`" cron job, but I'm not sure if that's the "best practice" method, or if there's a system service that does this that I should enable so it runs at boot.22:21
cow0wany idea why its ignoring my -l 1 ?22:21
tomreynmystic: please just leave now.22:23
mysticit could be a virus.. ok, i wont 'help'22:23
tomreynsudoISS: how did you install ubuntu 18.04 server? which version exactly, which installer exactly?22:25
tomreynsudoISS: generally, ubuntu 18.04 server will use systemd-networkd for nework configuration, with the option of managing this using netplan.22:26
tomreynall you probably need to do to make the system use dhcp automatically is to edit the network configuration.22:26
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server22:27
cow0wtomreyn, Im using: wget -r -np -l1 https://updates.jenkins.io/ -> But it keep downloading all subdirectories.. any idea why?;x22:29
OerHeksmaybe change to https://updates.jenkins.io/current/22:31
cow0wbut thats a different url;x?22:32
tomreynKOLANICH: this can be a fine script, but please don't advertise it on this support channel.22:34
OerHeksif i look in the https://updates.jenkins.io/ folder, there are multiple versions and updates and such22:34
cow0wyeah, I just wanna download the htmls and the jsons.. without any subdir22:34
tomreyncow0w: i do not know off the top of my head, would need to read the manual and test as well22:35
KOLANICHtomreyn: OK. BTW why isn't signed-by used by default in Ubuntu?22:38
mystickeep it on topic kolanchi22:39
KOLANICHmystic: why is APT in Ubuntu considered offtop?22:40
mystici dont know i dont understand it, but i saw toms warning earlier22:40
OerHeksKOLANICH, not sure what your script does, but our repo packages are signed, just https is not enabled, install apt-transport-https for that22:42
KOLANICHOerHeks: I know, but why are sources not tied to specific public keys, as Debian manual recommends?22:43
elmystic: if you can't stop being a smart alec then please remove yourself from the temptation to behave like that. you can rejoin if and when you need to ask another support question.22:44
eloh lol i'm still opped from the netsplit22:44
KOLANICHIn fact I feel like we should do even more and also restrict which packages can be installed from which repo.22:45
mystici can remove myself from the temptation.. i will be silent22:45
KOLANICH... and probably sandbox some packages installation.22:46
OerHeksdoes debian use different keys for universe, main an so on?22:47
OerHekssudo apt-key list # gives all current keys, and the key to the ubuntu repos, and iso. pretty neat and safe, if you ask me22:48
KOLANICHOerHeks: it is not about official, it is about unofficial ones. Though I don't think it improves security greatly, just reduced counts of possible attacks a bit. The main vulnr that apt is run from root and runs scripts and that any repo can overwrite everything is still the worst one.22:49
OerHekswell, talk to them, it is not an ubuntu issue, as 'unofficial' 3rd party ppas do have a key too22:50
OerHeksgoogle chrome deb on their site is in fact the ppa rule, and key. so no problem there22:51
KOLANICHOerHeks: the problem the script solves is the following. Let's assumme there are several repos added into sources.lists and several keys. Let's assume that some repos are accessed via an insecure channel and/or hosted on a rogue hosting (but signing InRelease is beyond adversary access because he doesn't know private key). Let's assume that adversary has managed to get access to private key of some other repo installed into system. If all the repâ22:55
KOLANICH…os are not bound to public keys he can combine compromised key with compromised connection and get RCE. If they are bound, he cannot.22:55
KOLANICHSo I wonder why doesn't Ubuntu bind keys to sources by default. It is a trivial to do, I don't see any good reason not to do that.22:56
OerHeksi see22:57
tomreyn!discuss | KOLANICH22:59
ubottuKOLANICH: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!22:59
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