
ivveis users module really run _after_ write_files?07:35
ivvecrap, it is07:37
ivverharper: well the problem is kinda obvious now, there is no user yet when write_files tries to use "owner:" since it is created in "users-group" afterwards07:39
ivvesimply put: File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/util.py", line 1418, in chownbyname uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid KeyError: 'getpwnam(): name not found: elasticsearch'07:39
ivvenot a bug, simply working as intended. the user must exist before write_files is executed..07:40
rharperblackboxsw: are we ready to split up the sru manual testing?17:39
blackboxswrharper: sil2100 mentioned an hour or so ago in #ubuntu-release that he'd be reviewing the new upload17:43
blackboxswwe are still waiting on the queu17:43
rharperso just waiting to hit -proposed ?17:43
blackboxswwe are still waiting on the queue17:43
rharpercan you upload to the ppa17:43
rharperwe can test with those17:43
blackboxswohh right, the daily ppa, will do17:43
rharperthe _proposed_ ppa17:43
* blackboxsw checks to refresh17:43
rharpernot daily, plese17:43
rharperlooks like we forgot on the 19.1 sru17:44
blackboxswrharper: I think we may need to add that step to the SRU procedure docs https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/17:47
blackboxswI'll add that as I've forgotten it17:47
rharperdoing that now17:48
blackboxswthanks rharper17:48
blackboxswrharper: the dput or the docs?17:48
rharperthe docs17:48
rharperyou can dput17:48
blackboxswdoing that now17:48
blackboxswuploads complete. waiting on builds https://launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/+archive/ubuntu/proposed/+packages17:53
blackboxswok our -proposed PPA published. I'm going through manual again EC2 rharper18:26
rharperblackboxsw: ok, i'll grab azure18:26
blackboxswrharper: I added https://trello.com/c/fuJm4Rrl/25-publish-to-cloud-init-dev-proposed-repo-to-begin-testing-while-awaiting-sru-queue-approval18:31
blackboxswrharper: I added you to https://trello.com/c/p2C9s3FH/10-run-manual-upgrade-cloud-tests and checked off the clouds we are trying to test so we don't collide18:31
blackboxswrharper: I guess we'll have to adapt our manual tests to source the ppa instead of official -proposed pocket18:33
blackboxswand maybe we should just extend build-and-push to also dput the changes file to our dev -proposed ppa to prevent forgetting that next round18:34
blackboxswadding that now18:35
rharperblackboxsw: yeah, that's a good idea18:36
blackboxswImproving team efficiency ++ :)18:36
blackboxswcloud-init -proposed officially got approved20:36
blackboxswrharper: straw man is up for openstack v2 . I still have a v2 global dns promotion corner case to settle with unit tests. (and various v2 test_configdrive unit test fixes)  But, it 's something to glance over as I'll finish cleanup on the dns promotion behavior tomorrow https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/37200921:04
rharperblackboxsw: +121:05

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