
cchello,my ubuntu phone systerm is Ubuntu 15.01(OTA-15),is it lastes?01:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> no, you are still on canonical images. what device is it?01:52
ccMeizu Pro5 Ubuntu Edition01:52
cchow to get the lastes systerm?01:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> you need to get the installer at https://ubuntu-touch.io/get-ut and install again, to switch the phone over to ubports updates; there will be some things that no longer work though (some of your apps, and most importantly fingerprint auth if you used that)01:53
cci can't connect the openstore and any other app store01:54
ccwhich one should i choose?01:55
ccmy computer is win 1001:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> then the one for windows of course01:56
ccbut my phone is ubuntu systerm...01:59
ccshould i download it on my computer?01:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, but the installer you run on your pc01:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> the phone has to be flashed again to be switched to ubports builds02:00
ccthanks a lot! may i ask if i found other question ?i am new at this,not good at about computer...02:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes. though if you can use telegram, it would be better to use that and join https://t.me/WelcomePlus02:03
hallynheh, about that.  so i installed teleports, i can receive and then reply to telegram messages, but can't seem to join anything new.  Is that just not yet implemented in teleports, or am i missing something?02:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [heh, about that.  so i installed teleports, i can receive and then reply to tele …], i think the t.me links aren't handled properly yet; so you might need to join with telegram-desktop, webapp, etc… for some groups; but i think groups with names can be joined by referencing like @WelcomePlus in teleports02:07
cctelegram cant bu used on china02:11
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @hallyn [is there a better terminal?  bc scrolling etc on this one is driving me mad], scrolling is with two finger unless in nano etc iirc02:22
hallynorly.  ok lemme try that in a bit.  i also sometimes can't seemto bring a keyboard up.  tapping on the keyboard icon does nothing.  is there another gesture i can use for that?02:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [orly.  ok lemme try that in a bit.  i also sometimes can't seemto bring a keyboa …], no, th ekeyboard should come up in that case. perhaps you are hitting some sort of bug :-/02:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hallyn: this might be usefull for you https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/terminal-chapter-1-11302:31
ccmy phone cant connect to my computer02:37
ccshould i download this  ?02:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> you can see the files on your phone when connecting it?02:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> you also need to install the adb/fastboot drivers02:38
ccadb drivers02:38
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you need both02:38
ccokey,i'll try02:39
cci've run it02:40
ccit seems noting help02:40
ccstill cant connect02:41
hallynuh, ok...  thanks i guess02:53
ccshould i download android studio ?02:54
ccbut my phone systerm is ubuntu..02:54
hallyncc: when you were getting https://img.vim-cn.com/91/3dfef261ac1c59f81fd502b6210bd965848e5d.png ,02:57
hallynhad you rebooted your phone, ie. with holding down vol-down and power, or hwatever boots into fastboot on your phone?02:58
hallynIf so - I also had this problem on two phones (sony experia x and nexus 4) when i was using a bad usb cable which worked fine for charging02:58
cchallyn: i just rebooted my phone, ie. with holding down vol-down and power03:00
ccand my phone has some words03:01
ccFstboot mode(unlocked,unrooted)03:01
ccwhat's that mean03:01
ccthe UBports Installer still cant connected03:02
hallynah, well, that is good,03:05
hallynsorry, back in a few,03:05
hallyncc: meanwhile, have you looked at https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/turbo# ?  if you look at the "manual installation instructions" link on that page, some of that I think applies to you even when using the installer,03:10
hallynin particular, mkae sure the phone is in developer mode03:10
ccof course,i've opend developer mode03:10
hallynok :)  well in that case i would suggest trying a differnt usb cable...  the installer should be doing everything else for you.  you can try 'fastboot oem unlock' by hand...03:16
ccNote: Meizu Pro 5 devices that are sold with Android have a locked bootloader, so installing UBports' version of Ubuntu Touch is only possible on devices that come with Ubuntu in the first place.03:25
ccwhat's that mean?03:25
cci found it03:25
hallynfound the problem?03:26
cci found the note on this website03:27
ccdoes it cause the problem?\03:27
ccthe UBports still cant connect on my phone03:27
ccwhen i make my phone connect on my computer by usb,i can see this03:30
hallyncc: no,03:30
ccbut  https://img.vim-cn.com/3a/16a5b4c8079c67d9cd74f35056ec7cfa3c22f1.png03:31
ccit's still cant03:31
hallyncc: your phone had ubuntu to begin with right?03:31
hallynso you have unlocked bootloader03:31
ccmy phone is ubuntu systerm03:31
hallynright.  so when you get it to boot to the 'fastboot mode', maybe unplug it, plug it back in, use the volume up to make the box say "recovery", and click power buttton?03:32
ccwhen i make the phone "fastboot mode"03:34
ccit has nothing03:34
cconly one words03:34
ccFstboot mode(unlocked,unrooted)03:34
ccand i cant use volume up or down to choose anything03:35
ccit has nothing to choose,only this words03:35
ccit's like this  https://img.vim-cn.com/27/014943712a1822384485c709475b61e08fca40.png03:41
hallyncc: and did you try 'fastboot oem unlock' with the phone in that state?03:45
ccer,,, i dont understand what is that....03:49
ccfastboot oem unlock?03:49
ccwhat is oem unlock?03:50
ccwhere can see it?03:50
hallynit was mentioned in the page I referred to earlier.  another citation at https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1252/problems-flashing-ubports-on-meizu-pro-5-android-international-edition03:50
hallyn(page I referenced earlier being https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/turbo , and boy do i hate that style of web programming)03:52
ubptgbotMichel182 was added by: Michel18204:21
ccer,let me have a try04:21
ccfirst i shoud run the command,but erro.04:27
hallyncc: no, the fastboot command is executed on your windows computer04:40
cci use win1004:41
hallynI don't - but the instructions lead me to believe you can run the fastboot command from the msdos prompt in win1004:42
ccthis i just already done04:43
ccfinish it04:43
ccbut still cant connect to UBports04:43
hallyncc: but when you ran 'fastboot oem unlock' on your computer, did it say it worked?04:44
hallynif so, maybe next try the next two commands on that list04:45
ccsudo cant be used on windows04:45
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @cc [Note: Meizu Pro 5 devices that are sold with Android have a locked bootloader, s …], follow the instructions here to install UT on a Meizu Pro 5 that has Android (usually installed as Meizu's "Flyme OS" variant) on it.   I have a 4gb/64gb not-originally-Ubuntu version that is working great with the most recent UBports OTA10 on it05:00
ubptgbot-  … https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2755/meizu-pro-5-flyme-os-to-ubuntu-touch-modem-update-fingerprint-function05:00
cci'm not flyme os to ubuntu,i'm ubuntu-ubuntu.05:02
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @cc [i'm not flyme os to ubuntu,i'm ubuntu-ubuntu.], You should be able to just use the UBports installer for that then05:15
ccbut UBports cant connect my phone05:16
hallyncc: you don't need sudo05:16
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> hmmm - have you tried using different cables?05:16
hallynright, i suspect the usb cable05:17
hallynthat was my problem05:17
hallynbut in any case, if 'fastboot oem unlock' can talk to your phone then we know that's not it05:17
cci change the usb cable,still05:17
ccfastboot oem unlock in where?05:18
hallynwell that *could* mean you have two bad cables but that seems less likely :)05:18
cc- -05:18
hallynon the windows system05:18
ccnot really like05:18
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> Do you have options for what computer to hook up to it?  Sometimes I have had easier results with the UBports installer on my Ubuntu laptop than I have had on my Windows desktops05:18
ccbecause i can see the picture on my computer from my phone05:18
hallynoh, yeah05:18
hallynthen that cable should be fine.  drat.05:19
ccmaybe i change another computer?05:19
hallynor even boot yours from an ubuntu livecd05:19
ccmake me crazy05:21
ccwhy it's so hard fo me... i just want to release the new systerm....05:21
ccUbuntu 15.04 OAT-15 is toooo old05:22
cci think05:22
cceven i cant open the app shop05:22
hallynit's being a pain, but it should be worth it05:22
ubptgbot<Jorge> https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/08/microsoft-is-bringing-exfat-to-the-linux-kernel05:23
hallynmight post in the forum and see if anyone there has a meizu 5 and can give ideas05:23
hallyngreat!  i don't need ext4 or xfs any more05:24
cci'm not sure something is wrong05:24
hallynwhat do you mean?05:24
ccer,.. i'm not sure what i do is correct05:25
cceg:"Install ADB and Fastboot on Windows: "05:25
cci have done that,and all is ok,no erro05:26
ccand i find this05:26
ccit means the adb is correct05:27
ccbut why still cant connect ubport?05:27
ccit's so strange05:27
hallynwell, you might just try the full manual instructions05:28
cclike this?"https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2755/meizu-pro-5-flyme-os-to-ubuntu-touch-modem-update-fingerprint-function"05:28
hallynoh, no,05:31
hallynlike https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/turbo   , in the pop-up window when you click on "Alternatively, you can follow the manual installation instructions."05:32
cchallyn: let me have a try,my english is so so so poor,i use google translate to make these words to chinese05:38
ccand then to do05:39
cci think the bigest problem is the langue05:39
hallyncc: :( good luck.05:40
cci should download  wget  and  sha256sum05:41
ccand where should i put these command?05:41
hallynwell, you could just download the files with your browser instead of wget,05:41
hallynyou're supposed to be able to run an ubuntu bash shell in windows...  maybe that would be easiest here05:42
cc"Create a new temporary folder for the installation and navigate your console there." is it mean i should creat a new folder on my phone?05:42
hallynthat surely would provide you the basics.  i'm sure there are windows ways of doing these steps, but...05:43
hallynthat's on your computer (i think05:43
cc"Run these commands to download all the Ubuntu Touch installation files and check their integrity." where can i run these command?05:44
cccomputer or phone?05:44
hallynyou'll download them to the computer then copy them onto the phone05:45
cc"them" means wget and sha256sum ?05:45
ubptgbotrcmainak was added by: rcmainak05:46
hallynno, them means the files like http://cdimage.ubports.com/devices/recovery-turbo.img05:48
ccoh,these things should be used wget.exe to download into my computer05:49
hallynthat sounds good :)05:53
ccwget can be run05:53
ccsha256sum.exe can05:53
cclike this05:54
ubptgbot<Christopher> I'm sorry if this was asked here but... does anyone know of a way to get a fairphone in the US?06:05
ubptgbot<Christopher> the fairphone3 looks really awesome06:05
ubptgbot<Christopher> should someone in the US plan to use ebay for this?06:06
ubptgbot<shibork> @Christopher [should someone in the US plan to use ebay for this?], Couldn't even find one on eBay06:17
ubptgbot<shibork> (Photo, 622x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/RtgO0M1Y.png06:17
ubptgbot<Christopher> same result here06:18
ubptgbot<Christopher> I did find results for fairphone2...06:18
ubptgbot<Christopher> maybe a fairphone3 will appear in the coming weeks06:19
ubptgbot<Ralph> I ordered a fairphone 3, maybe i will share my experiences06:20
ubptgbot<Christopher> yes!06:23
ubptgbot<Christopher> it looks like winner already06:23
ubptgbot<Christopher> i ordered a librem 5 a long time ago and they finally released an image of what it will most likely look like...06:25
ubptgbot<Christopher> https://www.phoronix.net/image.php?id=2019&image=librem5_pcb_3_med06:25
ubptgbot<Christopher> 15mm thick (more than half an inch thick)06:25
ubptgbot<Christopher> I ordered it such a long time ago...06:26
ubptgbot<Flohack> @hallyn [heh, about that.  so i installed teleports, i can receive and then reply to tele …], Group creation and joining will come soon06:30
ubptgbotAntesignanus was added by: Antesignanus06:30
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> Anyone successfully installed it on a 2013 Nexus 7 recently ? :)06:33
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/1s0VB1tO.png06:33
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/mzfTZppE.png06:33
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> (Photo, 583x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/DqYoW6dx.png06:34
ubptgbot<Sconio> @Antesignanus [<reply to media>], Oh06:42
ubptgbot<Sconio> Wait06:42
ubptgbot<Sconio> Flash twrp06:43
ubptgbot<Sconio> And delet partition + Wipe dalvik + cach + system +data +internal06:44
ubptgbot<Sconio> And retry install UT installer06:44
ubptgbot<Sconio> ;)06:44
ubptgbot<Ralph> @Antesignanus [Anyone successfully installed it on a 2013 Nexus 7 recently ? :)], Ikke06:44
ubptgbot<Ralph> But i use it really rarely06:45
ubptgbot<Sconio> [Edit] And delet partition reboot recovery and Wipe dalvik + cach + system +data +internal06:45
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> I just found it in storage. Haven't used it for five years :)06:45
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> Figured out why not :)06:45
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> (Photo, 583x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/imRx00rr.png07:07
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> Seems to have worked :)07:07
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> Installed TWRP , tried format but it kept saying couldn't mount07:07
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Antesignanus [<reply to media>], Congrats! Which version of installer did you use, we need testers for the release candidate07:07
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> But as soon as I tried flash ubports again its going :)07:08
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> 0.2.5 beta07:08
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> (Photo, 583x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/COvjFAjm.png07:11
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> :)07:12
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> Read to quickl @flo08:13
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> @Flohack , i just took the default, but i can reflash08:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Antesignanus [@Flohack , i just took the default, but i can reflash], Can you retry with https://github.com/ubports/ubports-installer/releases/tag/0.2.6-beta08:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> Just same settings, also you dont need to wipe data08:15
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> Ok08:16
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> Want me test from Windows 10 Enterprise or Ubuntu 19.0408:19
ubptgbot<Flohack> Both, if you can though windows will be harder08:27
ubptgbot<Flohack> I tried yesterday and again was missing the right USB drivers for device "Android" => thats not a failure of the installer, among the universal ADB package you need device-specific stuff sometimes08:27
ubptgbot<TuxThePenguin> Often the google driver will work but won't automatically be used08:28
ubptgbot<TuxThePenguin> It's really inconsistent08:28
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> @Flohack . Was it 16.04/rc u wanted me flash ?08:35
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Antesignanus [@Flohack . Was it 16.04/rc u wanted me flash ?], As you like, can be the final channel you desire08:35
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> ill flash rc as u mentioned rc further up. Just wasnt sute if you meant the app or the image08:43
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> ill do edge08:43
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> as i like living on it08:43
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/ATOM6wkJ.webp08:43
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> flash stopped. Could not find latest version: device flo chanel: ubports-touch/16.04/edge08:45
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> ill try another08:45
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> submitted it github08:45
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> rc flashed fine08:49
ubptgbot<Antesignanus> booting now08:49
ubptgbot<Bekkenes> Changed my username  to match what I use other places08:50
ubptgbot<Bekkenes> if i could be as bold as to make a request here: when you unlock and enter pincode, it would be nice if i could do it in portraitmode, not only landcape.09:23
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Bekkenes [flash stopped. Could not find latest version: device flo chanel: ubports-touch/1 …], The Ahh edge might not be built for all device slol09:30
ubptgbot<Flohack> Thanks so can you give me input for the test matrix at the above beta link?09:31
ubptgbot<j2g2rp> talking about landscape to unlock the sim. There are any plans to support rotation for logging screen?09:34
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Flohack [The Ahh edge might not be built for all device slol], It'd should work (http://system-image.ubports.com/ubports-touch/16.04/edge/flo/)09:35
ubptgbot<Flohack> @advocatux [It'd should work (http://system-image.ubports.com/ubports-touch/16.04/edge/flo/)], Hmm then we got an issue maybe09:47
ubptgbot<Bekkenes> I can try again :)11:07
ubptgbot<TuxThePenguin> Hey does Ubuntu Touch have GPU acceleration for things like the scopes page and switcher? I'm not sure if my port doesn't have fully working GPU support or if UT just runs slowly on a 1440p screen even on an SD820, most animations especially in the switcher seem to stutter a bit11:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> @cc [sha256sum.exe can], You may need to run windows installer as admin.12:02
ubptgbot<dad_and_alive> I would need to urgently forward a mail attachment from my Outlook account. Morph is not opening outlook.com,  forwarding a mail apparently makes Dekko2 crash and a new email with the required attachment gets stuck in the outbox. All known? Or should I clean up and/or re-install something?12:41
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dad_and_alive [I would need to urgently forward a mail attachment from my Outlook account. Morp …], I get taken to a sign in screen when I go to outlook.com - does it not work past that?  Have you tried setting Morph to "desktop mode" in the settings before trying to access the site?13:08
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dad_and_alive [I would need to urgently forward a mail attachment from my Outlook account. Morp …], what are your outgoing account settings in Dekko2? Make sure that authentication is set to "login" and not "plain" for starters13:09
ubptgbotcsakalinuxjo was added by: csakalinuxjo13:27
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/U7gPvsDO.png13:28
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Working fine. I even changed the view to the unfriendly mobile beta13:28
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> You can also try by using one the outlook webapps available in the openstore13:29
ubptgbotUki Na was added by: Uki Na14:51
ubptgbot<Uki Na> Hello! If a set an alarm on my Nexus 5 and plug-in the headphones, the alarm sound comes out (only) from the headphones, whereas I'd prefer the alarm come out from the phone speaker. Is that possible? This is a small annoyance; I'm overall very happy user of ubports.14:55
hallyn@Flohack - great, thanks - just wanted to make sure i wasn't seeing how to use an implemented feature.  Looking great, thanks :)14:59
ubptgbot<JonRG> anyone has vim on their terminal? i have installed both vim-common and vim-tiny packages using apt but when i type vim it says command not found15:22
ubptgbot<JonRG> is there something that i am missing?15:23
ubptgbot<JonRG> (I'm not familiar with apt btw)15:23
ubptgbot<JonRG> [Edit] (I'm not very familiar with apt btw)15:23
ubptgbottarakbpatel was added by: tarakbpatel15:34
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @JonRG [anyone has vim on their terminal? i have installed both vim-common and vim-tiny …], Yes, a few of us have got Vim running, fully souped-up.15:36
ubptgbot<tarakbpatel> Can I install Ubuntu touch on older Android device like Samsung j2 sm-j200g15:37
hallynJonRG: I don't know...  I just run 'vi', but macros ('q') work, so clearly it's vim, not just vi15:38
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> It's `vim.tiny` by default.15:41
hallynok, dekko just isn't reliable for me.  going to need to go look at the forums for hints.  sometimes it fetches, sometimes fails15:42
ubptgbot<tarakbpatel> @tarakbpatel [Can I install Ubuntu touch on older Android device like Samsung j2 sm-j200g], Please any help15:42
ubptgbot<Sconio> @Bekkenes [<reply to media>], I find it annoying that at startup the screen is positioned this way, because the format of the Nexus 7 is closer to that of a phone15:42
ubptgbot<tarakbpatel> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/vs0VZwbB.png I want to test on this15:43
ubptgbot<Sconio> @Bekkenes [<reply to media>], [Edit] I find it annoying that at startup the screen is positioned this way, because the format of the Nexus 7 looks more like that of a phone15:43
ubptgbot<Sconio> @Bekkenes [Installed TWRP , tried format but it kept saying couldn't mount], 👍🏻15:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> @tarakbpatel [Can I install Ubuntu touch on older Android device like Samsung j2 sm-j200g], no, only https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io devices. otherwise it needs to be ported15:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> @JonRG [(I'm not very familiar with apt btw)], installing things in rootfs with apt is not supported. if you installed in libertine container, you will need to shell into the container first, as per documentation `libertine-launch bash` for example if you only have one container15:48
ubptgbot<tarakbpatel> @dohbee [no, only https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io devices. otherwise it needs to be porte …], How can I port it15:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> @tarakbpatel [How can I port it], http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html15:53
hallynmaybe i'll try using mutt in a libertine container instead15:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [maybe i'll try using mutt in a libertine container instead], you can for sure15:56
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @hallyn [maybe i'll try using mutt in a libertine container instead], Let me know how you get along.  I've been meaning to get around to this for ages.  Actually, the one thing stopping me is that I want `neomutt` and I can't get access to that package for 16.04 anymore.  It would have to be built.16:05
hallyncan you install from a ppa into a libertine container?  that might be the easy way?16:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [can you install from a ppa into a libertine container?  that might be the easy w …], yes. anything built for xenial armhf arch can be installed16:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, most anything (sudo and similar things will break stuff)16:08
hallynyeah, i see an 'add ppas' option16:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> i wouldn't trust the GUI though, it's still pretty buggy16:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> but you can `libertine-container-manager exec -c add-apt-repository -u ppa:foo/bar` to add something16:10
ubptgbotCiscoCamelo was added by: CiscoCamelo16:10
hallynOk now i'm going to get cranky.  got onto wifi, and dekko started syncing my home email again.  While on 3G, it would sync gmail but not home mail.16:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [Ok now i'm going to get cranky.  got onto wifi, and dekko started syncing my hom …], just be like me and don't read e-mail from your phone. saves a whole lot of stress :D16:12
hallynWell I just need notifications16:12
hallyna beeper16:12
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> I do most of my e-mail from my laptop but having Dekko while on the move is invaluable.16:12
hallynsigh - i wonder if i need to switch wireless carriers16:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [Well I just need notifications], is home e-mail a personal mail server running dovecot or such?16:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [yup], behind a firewall/vpn? :)16:14
hallyndovecot.  i did wonder whether the recent cve fix caused this, but ...16:14
hallynin a container16:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> but ports open to the world?16:14
hallynneither k9 nor the sailfish mail reader have any issues, just decco...16:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> live dangerously16:14
hallynk9 on differnet phone but same sim card, for what it's worth16:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> well they probably have more developers working on those too :(16:15
hallynoh, i'm not sure decco is to blame,16:15
hallyni'm just trying to envision where the problem might be :)16:15
hallyni looked for logfiles under .local/share/decco, but didn't see any16:15
hallynand no connection attempts in /var/log/auth.log or mail.log on the server.16:16
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @hallyn [i looked for logfiles under .local/share/decco, but didn't see any], All log files are under `~/.cache/upstart`.16:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> well it's dekko not decco, so that would help too :)16:17
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> You're welcome.16:17
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @hallyn [i looked for logfiles under .local/share/decco, but didn't see any], [Edit] All log files are under `~/.cache/upstart/`.16:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> but also, one thing i've noticed is a common mistake is login vs plain auth method16:17
hallynwell it was working until about 1.5 hours ago, stopped working, then started again when i turned on wifi...  while gmail kept updating the whole time.16:19
hallynanyway this jus tmeans i can't depend on this phoen for the next few (frantic) days.  but i'm not giving up yet16:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> ah, well16:20
ubptgbot<JonRG> @dohbee [installing things in rootfs with apt is not supported. if you installed in liber …], thanks!16:38
ubptgbot<dad_and_alive> @TotalSonic [I get taken to a sign in screen when I go to outlook.com - does it not work past …], Sorry for the late reply. The urgency has of course meanwhile been delt with (phoned somebody asking him to send the mail for me, who needs personal mail 😊). The outlook logo (https://bit.ly/2UjVcav) was shown, the circular progress ba16:54
ubptgbotr got shown and then I got a blank screen (with outlook.live.com shown). However, I have now cleared the application data with the UT Tweak Tool and all is fine now (clearing the cache didn't solve the issue). There was hence no need to try out "desktop mode". Thanks for your help!16:54
ubptgbot<dad_and_alive> mental note: never again integrate links to images in my Telegram messages if I don't want them to show up ... sorry folks16:56
ubptgbot<shibork> Does UT work on the Galaxy Nexus?17:17
ubptgbot<shibork> Oops forgot there was a list17:17
ubptgbotsecond_constantine was added by: second_constantine17:37
ubptgbot<Flohack> @shibork [Does UT work on the Galaxy Nexus?], Which NExus you are talking about17:54
ubptgbot<shibork> @Flohack [Which NExus you are talking about], Galaxy Nexus lol17:54
ubptgbot<Flohack> Oh dang. No it does not ^^17:55
ubptgbot<dad_and_alive> @TotalSonic [what are your outgoing account settings in Dekko2? Make sure that authentication …], Authentication is set to login. Server name is smtp-mail.outlook.com, port 587, SSL/TTS encryption, username and password the same as those for incoming server. Untrusted certificates not allowed, and the authenticate from server capabi18:01
ubptgbotlities set off.18:01
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dad_and_alive [Authentication is set to login. Server name is smtp-mail.outlook.com, port 587, …], I don't have an Outlook account so I can't confirm if that is all correct but I would make sure it all conforms to MS's suggested settings18:02
ubptgbot<John (Marlin)> @dohbee [well they probably have more developers working on those too :(], David vs Goliath here18:45
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dad_and_alive [Authentication is set to login. Server name is smtp-mail.outlook.com, port 587, …], Microsoft has never respected standards. Their IMAP in Outlook desktop was always broken like sh....19:12
ubptgbot<Flohack> And it wasnt better in Exchange server. I would not expect it to be different on outlook.com19:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> Theyx want you to use their software ^^19:13
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> You could always try Geary in Libertine to see if you can get your Outlook account to work better with that - but I'd suggest having an external mouse/keyboard hooked up to be able to navigate within the app.19:15
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dad_and_alive [Authentication is set to login. Server name is smtp-mail.outlook.com, port 587, …], You could always try Geary in Libertine to see if you can get your Outlook account to work better with that - but I'd suggest having an external mouse/keyboard hooked up to be able to navigate within the app.19:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack [Microsoft has never respected standards. Their IMAP in Outlook desktop was alway …], there's nothing special about this because they're microsoft. literally everyone implements IMAP spec wrong19:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> i used to work on evolution. it is full of all kinds of special case handling for different mail servers19:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> Hanlon's Razor is pretty much dead on here19:18
hallynspeaking of - i assume evolution in libertine would hurt?19:19
ubptgbot<dohbee> it'd probably be fine, assuming you have enough RAM19:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> fresh start of evolution on my PC is only using ~200 MB RES19:21
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @hallyn [speaking of - i assume evolution in libertine would hurt?], if it isn't launched it doesn't hurt anything ;)  Evolution definitely might be worth a try in Libertine.  The reason I suggested Geary is that it's gui is a bit better suited to mobile form factors and that it installs ok and can load accounts in Libertine in my test19:38
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @hallyn [speaking of - i assume evolution in libertine would hurt?], [Edit] if it isn't launched it doesn't hurt anything ;)  Evolution definitely might be worth a try in Libertine.  The reason I suggested Geary is that its gui is a bit better suited to mobile form factors and that it installs ok and can load accounts in Libertine in m19:38
ubptgboty tests.19:38
hallyni've never used geary, maybe i'll take a look19:42
hallyni just figured evolution would kill my poor little cpu in the nexus 4 :)19:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> well any mail client probably will, at least at first, if you have lots of mail19:45
hallynI keep close to inbox 0 :)19:45
hallynoh hey! every time i'm away from my laptop i remember i want to ask - what cable do you all use for connecting the phone to a monitor?19:46
* hallyn ready for some convergence19:46
hallynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/611738/ubuntu-phone-as-pc  omg such misinformation19:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> "convergence"19:50
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @hallyn [i just figured evolution would kill my poor little cpu in the nexus 4 :)], didn't realize you are on a Nexus 4.  That might explain some of your difficulties with Dekko 2 - as I think it might be a memory hog - but I have used it successfully with my OnePlus One and Meizu Pro 5  (both which have at least 3gb of RAM)19:51
hallynwell it has also crashed once or twice :)19:52
hallyni just got this phone last week just to try this out19:52
hallynwell, i also do like the size19:52
hallynmaybe i should just run fetchmail and a notifier and mutt19:53
* hallyn searches for biff19:54
hallyncan i notify-osd?19:54
hallyni'll play with it tonight (given time)19:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [maybe i should just run fetchmail and a notifier and mutt], just set up your mail server to send push notifications for new e-mail, and make a simple specialized app to set up to register for push and get the push token to your server19:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [can i notify-osd?], iirc, libnotify-bin is not installed in rootfs19:55
hallynwhat's the easiest way for me to pop up a notification?  (I may as well fetchmail to a local mbox so i can then read locally with mutt)19:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> from libertine, i don't know if libnotify will talk to the notification service on the host; i guess you could install libnotify-bin and do `notify-send Test test` or something to see19:57
hallynthere's no command i can run from a script running not in libertine?19:58
hallyn(i can bind mount in a file into the container and monitor it from the regular phablet shell, i assume, and do notification from there)19:58
hallynso far the phone hasn't succeeded in completing a container creation :)  so can't test just yet.  but i'll try the notify-send test19:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, all the things you're asking to do aren't installed in the rootfs19:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> i think there's a bug with creating containers from the settings UI19:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> if you do `libertine-container-manager create` from adb or ssh, it should do though20:00
ubptgbot<barabadzhi> Is anyone with frieza here? Does anbox work for you?20:51

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