
bluesabreali1234: seems to be compatible enough to debian's armhf (at least so far)00:34
bluesabrecurrently repackaging glibc, so we'll see how much that stays true :D00:35
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193...I did a merge of libxfce4ui, I have no idea where it went...03:07
Unit193Found it!03:12
Unit193....I pushed it to my repo, which doesn't accept source-only uploads.  Cool, I don't need to re-do it!03:12
Unit193(I'm just glad I wasn't stupid enough to push to Debian, but I'm not in the habbit of pushing loads of things there anyway.  I think dput would reject that.)03:13
Unit193bluesabre: It's basically done, just waiting for thunar to have a new release then will update xfdesktop4 there too.  Other than that, it'd just be -settings and -session missing.04:15
Spass[m]Unit193: what do you think about adding thunar-archive-plugin 0.4.0 to the QA Staging for bionic?08:47
Unit193"It's not there already"?08:47
Unit193Err, "It's not there already?"08:47
Spass[m]in my case I had to install it manually from the DEB from disco08:49
Spass[m]because I've noticed that "Extract here" menu entry disappeared08:50
Unit193You asked what I thought, I told you what I thought.  I also backported it just now.08:50
Spass[m]heh, I see :) awesome, thanks!08:51
Unit193Let me know if you run into any more, but you shouldn't.08:52
Unit193(I know of a couple panel plugins that are gtk2, but they've since been removed from the archive and are long dead, so I have zero interest in supporting them.)08:53
Spass[m]ok will do, but so far that was the only small hiccup I had, other than that everything works great08:54
bluesabreUnit193: awesome thanks!09:37
Unit193bluesabre: So, catfish? :P09:49
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, waiting until this weekend for that one (pushed a bunch of translation changes last weekend)09:49
bluesabreAnd there was a debian bug I "fixed" in the previous release that I apparently forgot to push anything but the changelog for09:50
Unit193Hah, well I was just poking about the packaging.  Also, either the new -screensaver or -power-manager is blanking the screen after a couple minutes when I open the lid and unlock.  This happens when in the middle of typing or whatnot...09:53
bluesabreThat's not good09:57
bluesabreUnit193: you can try setting the blank screen settings in the screensaver to some super high number to see if it might be to blame, though it's timer is only supposed to run while/after the screen is locked10:00
bluesabreUnit193: curious, do you know if debian and ubuntu have arch-specific build farms or is everything cross-compiled?11:02
Unit193Native or does a VM count?11:02
Unit193https://db.debian.org/machines.cgi see this for example.  Why do you ask?11:04
bluesabreNeat. Was just curious really.11:04
Unit193Porterbox == ssh, schroot, testbuild!  I used a porterbox to test a patch that was supposed to fix ftbfs on mips or something crazy like that.11:06
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::platform:: fwupdate-signed -> fwupd-signed (LP: #1841744) @ http://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/commit/?id=205a3d172f721e6a5ce76723a4cd0e4437a4d8c3 (by Mario Limonciello)18:20

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