
pmatulisi rebooted a machine and status shows 'hook failed: "leader-settings-changed"'. how do i get out of that?01:24
anastasiamacpmatulis: 'juju resolved <unit-name>', see for 'juju help resolved' for more info01:32
anastasiamacpmatulis: u might need to do it for all units on that machine.. altho we r hoping u have a unit/machine01:32
pmatulisanastasiamac, hi! awesome. i did it for three units on the machine and everything looks fine now01:38
anastasiamacpmatulis: \o/01:39
pmatulisanastasiamac, btw, what is an elegant way to simulate a downed unit? nova-compute/1 to be precise01:41
anastasiamacpmatulis: i dont know specifics for nova-compute but when i need to have a 'downed' unit, i stop it's machine01:42
pmatulisanastasiamac, yeah, that's what got me into trouble :) i neglected the fact that this is a hyperconverged openstack node01:44
anastasiamacpmatulis: :)01:44
pmatulisi guess i'll go monkey around with the processes in the machine01:45
thumperpmatulis: the best way is to ssh into the machine and stop the unit agent02:12
pmatulisthumper, and that will stop the corresponding "service" (e.g. nova-compute)?02:42
pmatulis(same as 'systemctl stop nova-compute.service ?)02:43
thumperpmatulis: no02:52
thumperif you are trying to replciate a workload down02:52
thumperthen you need to take the workload down, not the agent02:52
thumperunless you are trying to replicate a machine down02:52
pmatulisthumper, right, that's what i thought02:53
wallyworldkelvinliu: lgtm! a few small things before landing. let's get it in and make progress04:43
kelvinliuwallyworld: just back from lunch, thx for review,05:24
wallyworldno worries05:24
kelvinli_hi wallyworld saw some of the comments are not different with the spec, got time HO to discuss further?06:16
wallyworldkelvinli_: forgot to ask - with ken's external-ip issue - is it just sufficient for us to assign a user supplied external ip value passed in at bootstrap time to the correspondoing "external-ips" controller service attribute06:35
kelvinli_wallyworld: im not sure, need to take a look further06:35
wallyworldok, next week :-)06:35
manadartTrivial review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1057907:22
elox /msg NickServ identify 1ircpassword07:39
eloxfantastic passwordchange?07:40
manadartachilleasa: I was talking to rick_h about the network/space remodelling work last week and he mentioned you would be in the slot to move on to this soon.08:12
manadartThis is worth a read, as it is something we are looking into as part of the work: https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/multiple-space-bindings-per-endpoint/199908:13
achilleasamanadart: thanks for the link!08:17
stickupkidachilleasa, if the series isn't valid and we don't ask the user to use force, can they still use force?10:11
achilleasastickupkid: I guess they could but it would still fail right? Could it be a valid series that the client doesn't know of yet?10:13
stickupkidachilleasa, so if the client doesn't know about it, we don't either, so in that instance we would need a new release... using force wouldn't help either, as no binaries... but it seems very total.10:14
achilleasastickupkid: I guess we could leave it as-is then. It's highly unlikely that people will try to bootstrap with an invalid series name to begin with, right?10:17
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achilleasastickupkid: I pushed a commit to my packaging PR which addresses the review comments. As per John's suggestion I will extract the FromURL method and move it to my upcoming juju PR10:45
stickupkidachilleasa, i'll swap you then https://github.com/juju/os/pull/1210:56
achilleasastickupkid: approved11:01
stickupkidachilleasa, ta11:06
stickupkidachilleasa, i approved yours as well11:06
stickupkidgood spot about users in urls11:06
stickupkidthat was a disaster waiting to happen11:06
achilleasastickupkid: that's why we should never log errors :D11:14
achilleasastickupkid: I removed the URL bits. Can you do a final check before I merge?11:15
stickupkidachilleasa, yeap, happy with that11:18
manadartstickupkid: I responded to you comment. in my patch. Take a look when you've the time.12:39
rick_hstickupkid:  manadart made a suggestion for the wording. Let me know what you think.14:00
manadartrick_h: Works for me; will mod.14:00
stickupkidrick_h, yarp, much better14:02
hmlmanadart: i updated the comments for items you had questions in my pr.  pls take a look and see if they make more sense14:12
manadarthml: Thanks. All looks good.14:21
magicaltrouthello fine people15:30
magicaltrouti need to bootstrap a kubernetes cloud15:30
magicaltroutand its been a while and i'm stuck15:30
magicaltroutrick_h: wake up! ;)15:33
stickupkidmagicaltrout, think he's out atm, where you stuck?15:35
magicaltroutjust trying to figure out the bootstrap docs stickupkid15:36
magicaltroutso anyway15:36
magicaltrouti have a k8s cluster with not much in it, few namespaces and a couple of pods and i need to write some k8s charms15:37
magicaltroutso i'm trying to bootstrap it15:37
magicaltroutworks using kubectl on the same box as juju15:37
magicaltroutbut i get that, but i can't find any docs telling me what blanks I should be filling in there15:37
magicaltroutfor kubernetes spun up from juju, what is the cloud name/type/region blah15:38
magicaltroutI just get told its wrong when I guess15:38
stickupkidmagicaltrout, is it a local one?15:38
stickupkidmagicaltrout, "juju add-k8s kubernetes --local" would work in that case15:39
magicaltroutwell thats the other thing, i saw local in the help.. i have zero clue what local refers to15:39
magicaltroutlocal to what?15:39
magicaltroutoh like "If you just15:39
magicaltroutwant to update the local cache and not a running controller, use15:39
magicaltroutthe --local option."15:39
stickupkidmagicaltrout, yeah15:39
magicaltroutwell I have a controller, is this not the generic controller?15:39
magicaltroutlike its on a box which already has a juju connected to an openstack cloud...15:40
magicaltroutdon't i just use that controller?15:41
magicaltroutits not clear15:41
pmatulismagicaltrout, generally you add a cloud to your local client15:44
magicaltroutconsider me well confused... we always use controllers and now i'm being told to add stuff to a local client...15:45
tvansteenburghmagicaltrout: it sounds like you're trying to do the bootstrap step before you do the `juju add-k8s` step15:47
magicaltroutno i'm running the juju add-k8s step tvansteenburgh15:47
magicaltroutlocal gives me the same error15:48
magicaltrouti still dont' know what to type! :)15:48
tvansteenburghAnd I don't know what you've already typed! :)15:48
magicaltroutthat was my last guess cause stickupkid told me to do --local15:48
pmatulismagicaltrout, just curious, did you look over any of the documentation? maybe that stuff needs improving15:49
magicaltrouton that box, juju status, shows my bootstrapped controller and kubectl get namespaces runs fine15:49
magicaltroutpmatulis: https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/using-kubernetes-with-juju/109015:49
magicaltrouti have this page open15:49
magicaltrouti have run  juju add-k8s --help15:50
magicaltroutand i'm absolutely non the wiser15:50
tvansteenburghmagicaltrout: Pipe your kubeconfig to add-k8s15:50
magicaltrouti've tried a few different methods of getting kubectl in15:52
magicaltroutbut i also know its reading it cause i messed the file up15:52
magicaltroutand it failed with another error message15:52
magicaltrouti mean, it all seems to be working, so i'm clearly missing something dumb but its not obvious in the docs15:53
magicaltrouti mean16:07
magicaltroutif i wanted to fill out the cloud and region16:07
magicaltroutwhat the hell goes in them?16:07
magicaltroutI do see any examples anywhere16:07
achilleasastickupkid: I am trying to find a place in the juju code-base to add the "get snap store assertions" helper. Any ideas? "snap/assertions" would be great but "snap" is used for the snapcraft bits16:12
achilleasa(there is also a service/snap which doesn't seem right)16:12
stickupkidachilleasa, do they reference any of the juju/juju code base, if not, then core/snap/assertions?16:12
stickupkidalthough core should be renamed to pkg or internal :)16:13
achilleasastickupkid: no, it's just the bit that I removed from the juju/packaging PR. Ok, I will put it there for now...16:14
magicaltroutit actually added something16:15
magicaltroutso tvansteenburgh to get it to add the cloud i had to run16:17
magicaltroutjuju add-k8s k8s-test-cloud --debug --region openstack/RegionOne --storage openstack-standard16:18
pmatulismagicaltrout, ^^^16:18
pmatulisalso: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/183094916:18
mupBug #1830949: [k8s] add-k8s command has ambigious UX <usability> <juju:Fix Committed by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1830949>16:18
magicaltroutah yeah that tutorial has the region in as well pmatulis yeah, i picked that up a few minutes ago from another tutorial16:20
magicaltrouttrying to bootstrap now thanks16:21
rick_hmagicaltrout: geeze, had to take the dog to the vet. Sorry :P16:25
rick_hmagicaltrout:  you get going?16:25
magicaltroutno probs rick_h16:26
magicaltroutthe thing seems to be trying to bootstrap16:26
rick_hmagicaltrout:  that's a good thing16:26
magicaltroutthat add-k8s command is a mindfuck16:27
rick_hlol, a little bit16:27
rick_hmagicaltrout:  going to get some food, but feedback/etc in discourse is helpful for sure.16:28
magicaltroutI think the issue pmatulis linked to in launchpad captures the problem pretty well16:29
rick_hI'm hoping we can get to a point that add-cloud/add-k8s are pretty much the same walk through of stuff vs the different worlds they have now.16:29
rick_hmagicaltrout:  yea16:29
magicaltroutbut if i hit more I'll bring it up. I need to get some k8s charms written for Druid16:29
magicaltroutso I'm sure i'll hit some more fun16:29
magicaltroutepic, bootstrap came to life16:34
magicaltroutthanks folks16:34
magicaltroutrandom k8s charm question20:53
magicaltrout      username: %(docker_image_username)s20:53
magicaltrout      password: %(docker_image_password)s20:53
magicaltroutwhat are they when they're at home?20:53
magicaltroutlike, don't you push the docker image as a resource, so what does it relate to?20:53
magicaltroutetc. is that just some juju thing then?20:57
rick_hmagicaltrout:  hmm, not seeing that in the spec definition. Is that something image specific?21:16
magicaltroutna its in all of them... it looks like its how juju authenticates with the juju docker repo I guess21:16
rick_hoh maybe21:17
magicaltroutwell when I say all of them21:18
magicaltroutI mean mediawiki and mariadb21:18
magicaltroutmy sample pool :P21:18
magicaltroutokay basic charm works22:16
magicaltroutthats pretty cool22:16
magicaltrout  type: stateless | stateful22:16
magicaltrout  service: cluster | loadbalancer | external22:16
magicaltroutanyone know where that goes? to get a loadbalancer IP?22:16
magicaltroutit seems to suggest it goes in metadata.yaml22:16
magicaltrout"Charm metadata syntax looks like this"22:16
magicaltroutbut if I stick it in there charm build tells me to get lost22:17
magicaltroutproof: E: Unknown root metadata field (deployment)22:18
magicaltroutah thats just a proof thing22:27
magicaltroutit still deploys and does what it claims22:27
magicaltroutgood stuff22:27
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