
lotuspsychjegood morning to all01:56
lordievaderGood morning05:58
marcoagpintoguys, do menus and pop-up menus accept an image bigger than 16x16 pixels?07:49
BluesKajHiyas all11:12
marcoagpintoBluesKaj! Hello!11:15
marcoagpintodoing the exercises11:15
BluesKajhi marcoagpinto11:15
lotus|i5EoflaOE: UWN material ^ ?14:19
=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje
leftyfbman, pivot_root is insane17:59
leftyfbI just pivoted the running Ubuntu 16.04 and completely re-imaged it's drive with a new OS17:59
lotuspsychjepivot_root moves the root file system of the current process to the directory put_old and makes new_root the new root file system18:01
lotuspsychjesounds handy leftyfb never used it myself18:01
leftyfbit's pretty nuts18:01
leftyfbit still had some hold on the drive which prevented me from modifying partitions correctly. I actually removed the drive from the scsi_host and rescanned the bus18:02
sarnoldleftyfb: crazy indeed :)18:11
lotuspsychjewhats the deal currently with chromium? is it going snap only or not? i still see apt version too18:31
leftyfbI think I heard not until 19.10?18:32
EoflaOEhi lotuspsychje18:32
lotuspsychjehey EoflaOE18:32
sarnoldlotuspsychje: yeah it looks a bit like that's pushed to eoan but not the earlier releases18:33
EoflaOElotuspsychje: How are you doing?18:33
lotuspsychjefrom +1  Version 76.0.3809.100-0ubuntu1~snap1 (eoan)18:34
sarnoldtomreyn: i'm going to guess probably ondrej's openssl is installed too, and afaik the answer after that is "please file a bug report at ondrej's github"20:22
tomreynsarnold: ondrejs openssl would do this then?20:56
tomreynsorry, i only noted this now.20:56
tomreyni assume ondrej's openssl would not behave like a centos one.20:56
sarnoldtomreyn: heh, I'm not sure what exactly ondrej's openssl does :( I just know that it seems to cause more trouble than it solves21:42
sarnoldtomreyn: maybe the happy users don't come on irc to report that they are happy users..21:42
sarnoldthe php bits make perfect sense; we're not offering the variety of versions that he does. but openssl.. sigh21:42
tomreyni think the issue here was the virtuozzo hosting provider21:49
tomreynthey aparently replaced /usr/lib/ssl's default contents by something they found on a centos system.21:51
tomreynand a user, if they actually knew their trusted CAs was set / overridden that way it, could only fix it by mounting some other directory over this non-writable vtzfs (virtuozzo deduping file system) location.21:54
tomreynsarnold: ^21:54
tomreynvps (in the containers, not proper virtualization sense) are just bad, people should no longer rent them21:55
sarnoldtomreyn: *wow*21:56
sarnoldtomreyn: what a mess21:56
tomreynyes :-/21:57
sarnoldtomreyn: I know I've seen more than a few of *those* messes as well. "why I can't install security updates?" "tell your provider to boot into a kernel from this year"21:57
tomreynhardcoded CAs there, provided by hosting provider21:58
tomreyn<thaway> huh, can't move the directory: http://dpaste.com/0S7Y4RS21:59
tomreyn<thaway> hmm, / is a "vzfs" mount which apparently is a virtual fs type that allows sharing between containers22:01
tomreyn<thaway> tomreyn: openvz22:01
tomreynproper VMs are cheap now, 3 usd / month, there's really no need for doing this to oneself anymore.22:03
sarnoldno kidding22:04
sarnoldit's one thing to use containers *yourself* as a density thing22:05
sarnoldbut to have them done *to* you feels pretty mean22:05
sarnoldI think my irssi aws instance is about that, three-ish bucks a month. it'll never win performance awards but it's cheap :D22:05
tomreynyes, especially the way cheap hosts do them to you22:05
tomreynaws is more expensive, i think t2.nano on demand is 4.17 USD/month22:09
tomreynothers got double resources for half the price22:10
sarnoldoh yes? :) I'm by no means wedded to aws, I just happened to have an account there when I needed this thing on short notice..22:13
tomreyncx11 (default / shared cpu) is said to be very good: https://www.hetzner.com/cloud?country=gb22:15
tomreynthey dont seem to actually share those cores, yet22:16
tomreynand you can probably save 20% vat on it soon, too :-/22:17
sarnoldUS here, no VAT :)22:17
sarnoldI'm not used to seeing english on hetzner pages, hah22:18
tomreynoh, i was thinking you were in uk22:18
tomreynmaybe the ping is bad then22:18
sarnoldyeah, it wouldn't be anyuwhere near as nice as I've got now22:18
tomreynazure is also a lot cheaper than aws22:19
sarnoldsigh aws drops icmp.22:19
tomreynyou forgot to buy premium traffic.22:20
sarnolditmight be configurable .. but finding out would take time that doesn't *really* help anything :)22:20
tomreynyes, it really exist22:20
tomreynoh you mean icmp may be configurable, not sure there22:20
tomreynmaybe the firewall prolicies, yes22:21
tomreynhow about https://www.kimsufi.com/us/en/22:22
tomreyni.e. canada22:22
sarnoldiirc stgraber uses them22:23
tomreyndedicated server starting at 5 usd ;)22:23
sarnoldthose look pretty good. thanks tomreyn :)22:32
tomreynsarnold: make sure you also read the TOS, though. kimsufi is OVH's lowest support level. "ask in forum"22:34
sarnoldgranted I almost never *need* support22:34
sarnoldbut if I needed it going to a forum doesn't sound fun :)22:35
tomreynthey do handle those requests, but it can take a day or two to have a hdd replaced22:35
tomreynhmm actually they have a control panel there now, so maybe my info is outdated22:38
tomreynyes they have request ticketing now.22:38

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