[13:12] morning [13:44] hi [14:46] hi [14:46] hi [14:47] How goes? [14:48] It goes. [14:51] Same [15:00] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HADz7BMJ1aY FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS [15:00] window closed based on title alone :) [15:11] Yeah, don't worry, you didn't miss anything. [15:16] there is some truth to "death of desktop" but it isn't the truth that the phrase means at face value. [15:16] I don't have a desktop anymore [15:16] but I do have a NAS... [15:16] I kinda want one of the intel NUCs, but I'm weird [15:17] laptop is the new desktop. :) [15:17] Laptop is poor ergonomics and back problems. [15:18] Maybe if you hook an external keyboard/monitor to it, but they already have devices for that. What were they called again? [15:19] oh yeah, my laptop gets plugged into a 24" monitor, kinesis keyboard, and vertical mouse on my adjustable standing desk (which I mostly sit at now :( ) [15:19] So it might as well be a desktop with inferior cooling. [15:19] but I can unplug and go to coffee shop or work trips without worrying about syncing files/configs/etc [15:20] That's the other thing, I can at least service my machine and replace parts. Laptops are a pain to work on. [15:20] True, though I thought that's what the NAS would be used for. [15:21] pros and cons of each, I suppose. [15:22] when i read "death of desktop" I don't think about laptops. I consider laptops as desktops. I think about phones & tablets replacing traditional desktop/laptop OS functions. [15:22] really, that's what my puppetization is for, ensuring the config would be the same (theoretically that's true with my old x201s, but I haven't booted that thing in ages) [15:23] They need to make those SSD cards in a cartridge format so I can just move it from one to the other. [15:23] jrwren: yeah, I was wondering if that's also part of it. I knew people in 2010ish who truly believed laptops were over [15:23] (they were apple fanbois/gals who as soon as the ipad came out where saying everything else is worthless) [15:23] greg-g: every year I see more and more, who WANT to replace shit with their ipad. for me, an ipad is nearly useless. too much can't on it. I really prefer a fully functional limit-less computer, even if it is potentially less sexure. [15:24] secure.. wow...x is right next to c, lol. [15:24] less sexy and secure ;) [15:24] funny how we both point to ipad. [15:24] speaking of secure and iOS: https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2019/08/a-very-deep-dive-into-ios-exploit.html [15:25] was just linked in our SRE backchannel :) [15:28] I KNOW! amazing right?!? [15:28] that one is so crazy. [15:45] Freudian type :p [15:47] Apple as if they weren't horrible already has gotten cheap. Keeping the price high while cutting as many corners as possible was an awesome idea! [15:49] Nice link though, shared to #2600 on ofdoom.org [15:51] has apple gotten cheap? [15:51] I thought it was more expensive than ever. [15:51] also, horrible compared to what? [15:51] apple is least horrible of the FAANG companies... well, maybe netflix isn't horrible :) [15:52] so... second least horrible. [15:52] I mean in quality, not price [15:53] Lots of bugs they should have beta tested away with limited first editions. [15:54] I mean if you're going to charge an arm and a leg for your devices you should at least make sure they're rock solid before release. [15:54] Then they act like it's YOUR problem and you are an asshole for bothering them in the first place. [15:55] "Just buy a new one" rather than fix it, as if everyone has thousands extra in disposable income to throw down. [16:02] ugh, yup. [16:02] touchbar is the worst downgrade of general tech in a long time. [16:14] ++ [17:01] what is faang? [17:02] i think apple hardware is as premium as ever, with the exception of the keyboard which was a design flaw not a failure of material quality [17:02] touchbar is a very poorly conceived idea [17:02] hate mine [17:02] i would be fine with it if it had a physical esc key similar to the power button [17:03] but more key-like obviously [17:03] faang is facebook, apple, amazon, netflix, google. [17:03] the 5 biggest tech growth companies. [17:03] got it [17:04] not hard to be the least horrible in that crowd [17:26] There were some overheating issues too on one of the Macbooks IIRC. Planned obsolescence is one thing, designed to fail is another entirely which is almost what it seems like it was made to do. [17:26] There was a great youtube video on it, though Apple probably copystriked them down. I'll see if I can dig it up. [17:27] the MBP i9 cpu overheating issue was fixed with a firmware update. [17:28] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mcpslGcRdE not it but funny [17:32] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgeh7ZJRhZU this was it. But yeah new firmware can fix it! [18:11] i doubt apple would design their laptops specifically to fail on day 1 [18:11] which is what this was [18:12] thats some serious tinfoil hat if you think the highest end laptop was designed specifically to slow itself down for..... some reason? [18:12] to get you to return it and buy another, cheaper one? [21:37] another cheaply made one*