
ubptgbot<deedend> I believe 2 fingers is really not sensible at all01:03
ubptgbotDennis Vasquez was added by: Dennis Vasquez01:12
ubptgbot<Dennis Vasquez> (Photo, 540x720) https://irc.ubports.com/8sHT8zmL.png01:12
ubptgbot<Dennis Vasquez> (Photo, 680x360) https://irc.ubports.com/4UD6N94M.png01:12
ubptgbot<Dennis Vasquez> jvlmu pgtvnabv vgkxu01:12
ubptgbot<Dennis Vasquez> [Edit] http://bit.ly/2YXWVmM?7229701:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> We need a solution that works for all input methods and screens01:17
ubptgbot<mateosalta> perhaps just a few gu dead zone on the right where you would swipe, or use scroll often?01:17
ubptgbot<mateosalta> [Edit] perhaps just a few gu dead zone on the right where you would  system swipe, or use scroll often?01:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mateosalta [perhaps just a few gu dead zone on the right where you would  system swipe, or u …], No, because this penalizes everyone for the sake of a few01:18
ubptgbot<mateosalta> don't see it like that when everyone is accidently swiping on emails, and chats01:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> Making it so they don't swipe on thise things, will only change their complaints to being about right edge sensitivity, while everyone else will now complain they can't swipe on messages or whatever01:29
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @deedend [I believe 2 fingers is really not sensible at all], why not?  Two fingers to trigger vertical scrolling is a standard for track pads and many multi-touch applications.01:31
ubptgbot<mateosalta> not really standard for phone/tablet application though01:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TotalSonic [why not?  Two fingers to trigger vertical scrolling is a standard for track pads …], The complaint has nothing to do with vertical scrolling01:32
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> in multitouch tablets it IS standard in web browsers in my experience01:32
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @dohbee [although probably not, since i think that's a windows phone], nokia is on android now :p01:33
ubptgbot<mateosalta> anyone want to test out call recording?01:33
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @dohbee [The complaint has nothing to do with vertical scrolling], yes it does - because horizontal swipes being accidentally triggered when one only wants to vertically scroll is a very real problem in regular use of Teleports in my direct experience01:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> @TotalSonic [yes it does - because horizontal swipes being accidentally triggered when one on …], No, because the specific complaint was about right edge swipes vs listitem swipes01:35
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i have no issue with either.........01:37
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> different strokes for different strokes.  I will be ok either way01:43
ubptgbot<deedend> @dohbee [No, because this penalizes everyone for the sake of a few], I really don't see how a small side area (let's say even 1/8 of the screen each side, for the sake of accessibility to the left handed people) penalizes anyone. I reckon it's actually the other way around, you should take inspiration from SailfishOS, it has one of the be02:17
ubptgbotst gesture based UI that I ever tried, and it works like that: if you swipe from the very edge you multitask, if you swipe from a bit inside the screen (but still, close to the edge) you activate the in apps gestures. I really miss that behaviour, it's unfortunate that it's proprietary 😔02:17
ubptgbot<Tygerpro> @Fuseteam [nokia is on android now :p], I have a few Nokias now, I havent gone through them all yet but Im sure one of them can be a UT device02:24
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @dohbee [No, because the specific complaint was about right edge swipes vs listitem swipe …], I suffer this when using the gallery and swiping photos06:47
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> I always trigger the app selector06:48
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> This is worse when I give my phone to someone who never used UT before06:48
ubptgbot<markvesime> @TotalSonic [yes it does - because horizontal swipes being accidentally triggered when one on …], agree, and more prevalent in teleports than other apps07:06
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Well that issue i dont see in fluffychat for ezample so maybe it can be used as a reference07:08
ubptgbot<mark alexa> Do devs accept a functionality / feature requests ? 🙂08:32
ubptgbotДмитрий Иванов was added by: Дмитрий Иванов08:49
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @mark alexa [Do devs accept a functionality / feature requests ? 🙂], Of course. Open an issue08:51
ubptgbot<mark alexa> @malditobastardo [Of course. Open an issue], Github ?08:57
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Yes08:58
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Prioritisation of the requests is resource-dependent, though. Mainly based on time available.08:58
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Like anything else.08:59
ubptgbot<Javacookies> to me, the issue with TELEports is that horizontal swipe on listitems is easily triggered even when vertically scrolling09:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Javacookies [to me, the issue with TELEports is that horizontal swipe on listitems is easily …], Yeh I know this. I really dont know why it felt differnetly in the old app. Its the same QML code more or less09:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Tygerpro [I have a few Nokias now, I havent gone through them all yet but Im sure one of t …], cool!09:57
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @deedend [I really don't see how a small side area (let's say even 1/8 of the screen each …], i'm not sure how much your description differs from ut's current system09:59
ubptgbot<deedend> @Fuseteam [i'm not sure how much your description differs from ut's current system], It differs because the swipe from the edge conflict with the in app horizontal swipe. It can appears as a small thing, but the devil is in the details. I used a Jolla for 3 years and I never had this problem.10:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> My TV doesn't have the issue either, but that's not relevant10:04
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @deedend [It differs because the swipe from the edge conflict with the in app horizontal s …], really? I thin in SFOS case, you go back instead of home, I believe that happened to me before although I really did not use it as daily driver10:04
ubptgbot<mark alexa> Guys, I'm gonna submit the feature request here 'coz Git hub requires an account for submitting feature requests. I use GitLab so I'm not gonna be opening Git hub account just to leave a feature request.10:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> @mark alexa [Guys, I'm gonna submit the feature request here 'coz Git hub requires an account …], Telegram is not a request tracker10:05
ubptgbot<mark alexa> @dohbee [Telegram is not a request tracker], Let forget about it then....10:06
ubptgbot<Taekky> How do I report a bug? Using nexus 5 and when making phone calls, sometimes my voice can't be heard.10:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @deedend [It differs because the swipe from the edge conflict with the in app horizontal s …], it sounds like the edge swipe area is too thin for your taste … personally i have not encountered this issue … iirc UTTT does allow you to resize the area10:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @mark alexa [Guys, I'm gonna submit the feature request here 'coz Git hub requires an account …], about what? you could submit it on gitlab?10:28
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> [Edit] Well that issue i dont see in fluffychat for example so maybe it can be used as a reference10:34
ubptgbot<Tygerpro> @Fuseteam [it sounds like the edge swipe area is too thin for your taste … personally i have …], UTTT does have that, I have tweaked the swipe area on my N5 cause I was having issues, I havent tried UT apps enough though as Ive been trying to pinoint issues on my port more lately10:38
ubptgbot<mark alexa> @Fuseteam [about what? you could submit it on gitlab?], UT has an account on GitLab too ? OK, good to know. 👍10:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you.....didn't know?10:40
ubptgbot<deedend> @Fuseteam [it sounds like the edge swipe area is too thin for your taste … personally i have …], Mmmmm I have to try as soon as I have my OPO. At the moment I am not at home. Do you know where I can find this setting?10:46
ubptgbot<deedend> @Fuseteam [you.....didn't know?], Neither did I, honestly10:46
ubptgbot<deedend> The Ubports guys should advertise the GitLab account better10:47
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> they.....do......10:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> UTTT is the Ubuntu Touch Tweak Tool10:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you can find it in the open store10:49
ubptgbot<Tygerpro> Very useful tool IMO, wish it came stock rather than a additional app, very usegul for figuring out things like scaling11:03
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Tygerpro [Very useful tool IMO, wish it came stock rather than a additional app, very useg …], well the features it has are those that are experimental or not officially supported so I guess if anythibg there that can be official can be added to the system settings app11:06
ubptgbot<Tygerpro> Yeah, the scaling would be nice to have, I use that to figure out what I need to set the config to on my ports11:10
ubptgbot<Javacookies> thanks to me then heh! 😝😂11:14
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/qud34L13.png11:17
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/D5ZFlxWO.png11:17
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Puremaps guiding me like a boss11:17
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> Wonderful app!11:18
ubptgbot<Javacookies> are you observing the speed limit? 😝11:25
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Tygerpro [Yeah, the scaling would be nice to have, I use that to figure out what I need to …], I think the icons need to be smaller. I am only applying scaling to fit more icons on the home screen. Wouldn't need it for text. But yep, that could be in system settings.12:16
ubptgbot<Danfro> As for the swipe issue. With several people having issues, maybe we really should consider adjusting the swipeable areas. I wouldn't say 1/3 is sufficient, but maybe a small change might significantly reduce those issues.12:18
ubptgbot<Danfro> We (several people) should try to test different settings using UTTT to see if that would helpö12:19
ubptgbot<Danfro> [Edit] We (several people) should try to test different settings using UTTT to see if that would help?12:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> tbh i've set mine to be smaller than normal, the smallest it can be, and i have no issues12:45
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> so i think i think it differs per user per device12:47
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Fwd from YougoChats: does anyone with a fp2 on edge channel have gps? it was slow before but now i get an access error. the indicator doesn't turn white either12:53
ubptgbotEugene Best was added by: Eugene Best12:55
ubptgbot<Eugene Best> (Photo, 200x200) https://irc.ubports.com/RseX5LdH.png12:55
ubptgbot<Eugene Best> (Photo, 647x357) https://irc.ubports.com/tcZkZHD7.png12:55
ubptgbot<Eugene Best> sgcddjvrq12:55
ubptgbot<Eugene Best> [Edit] http://bit.ly/2YTE7Vt?2142412:55
ubptgbot<mimecar> First they write a normal text12:55
ubptgbot<mimecar> Later, edit to add the spam12:56
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @YougoChats [does anyone with a fp2 on edge channel have gps? it was slow before but now i ge …], wait, after yet another reboot now it responds.12:57
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> hmmm13:01
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @YougoChats [does anyone with a fp2 on edge channel have gps? it was slow before but now i ge …], edge channel seems to have a probkem with location, rebooting fixes it usually...not tried GPS in real applicatjon though, I just see the indicator turn white13:04
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @mark alexa [Let forget about it then....], dont listen to him, what is bugging you. maybe there is something people here know13:05
ubptgbotcofwax was added by: paletuco13:05
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @Javacookies [edge channel seems to have a probkem with location, rebooting fixes it usually.. …], placed the phone out in the yard and got a perfect fix in 2 minutes. once it responds, it just works 👍13:06
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @YougoChats [placed the phone out in the yard and got a perfect fix in 2 minutes. once it res …], yes, that how gps works on UT right bow, no roof allowed 😁13:07
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @mateosalta [dont listen to him, what is bugging you. maybe there is something people here kn …], i've redirected him to gitlab13:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> gps works fine for me under a roof, it does however take longer13:20
ubptgbotJ F was added by: J F14:06
ubptgbot<J F> Just installed utouch on oneplus one. Most features working beautifully except bluetooth. The device cannot find any pairable devices nearby. Any tips?14:07
ubptgbotwaynefowler was added by: waynefowler14:09
ubptgbot<J F> Also wanted to let you all know that I tried utouch for the first time last week on a Nexus 5. While the OS worked perfectly well, I could not get cell  data to function. Turns out my carrier, Tmobile, no longer supports phones that cannot connect on LTE. Got a oneplus one and all is good as far as that goes.14:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> @J F [Also wanted to let you all know that I tried utouch for the first time last week …], Nexus 5 does LTE14:12
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> OnePlus One and Meizu Pro 5 both work well on T-Mobile in my experiences.14:13
ubptgbotdraghiman007 was added by: draghiman00714:15
ubptgbot<Waldbursche> Hi, is the openstore offline?14:22
ubptgbot<Waldbursche> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/2tbcDRs6.png14:23
ubptgbot<aurnytoraink> @Waldbursche [Hi, is the openstore offline?], I think so I can't access to it to14:24
ubptgbot<aurnytoraink> @Waldbursche [Hi, is the openstore offline?], [Edit] I think so I can't access to it too14:24
ubptgbot<Waldbursche> Okay, let's wait...14:26
ubptgbot<Danfro> Brian is looking into it. Patience...14:28
ubptgbotww rr was added by: ww rr15:26
ubptgbot<ww rr> hi guys,Can I install Ubuntu Touch on PlayBook?15:29
ubptgbot<mimecar> @ww rr [hi guys,Can I install Ubuntu Touch on PlayBook?], no, you can't15:29
ubptgbot<ww rr> thank you15:31
ubptgbotsausagii was added by: sausagii16:35
ubptgbot<sausagii> Hi, … can anyone tell me if Ubuntu touch is working with Electrum? Meaning getting the wallet on a Nexus running on Ubuntu Touch?16:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is no native wallet app in the store afaik16:38
ubptgbot<sausagii> Ok, thanks. But can Electrum it be installed on Ubuntu touch?16:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> i suppose if there is an armhf build for ubuntu 16.04, it can be installed in libertine, which is an experimental feature for installing and using legacy apps in a container.16:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> but considering said app is developed for traditional PC environments, it likely won't be usable on a phone16:43
ubptgbot<sausagii> Ok thanks. That's pretty shitty, as I intended to use Ubuntu touch especially for this purpose. Then I'd probably rather use a Laptop with classic Linux.16:46
hallynhm, there is no eoan Release file for ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa :(16:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> @sausagii [Ok thanks. That's pretty shitty, as I intended to use Ubuntu touch especially fo …], well you are welcome to build a converged app instead. no need to be rude though. Ubuntu Touch is a phone OS not a classic PC distro. If you have complaints about electrum not being usable on phones, you should direct your complaints to them tho16:48
ubptgbotugh, not us.16:48
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [hm, there is no eoan Release file for ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa :(], yeah, there is no more sdk ide. what are you trying to get from there, though?16:49
ubptgbotTimothy Shaw was added by: Timothy Shaw16:50
ubptgbot<Timothy Shaw> (Photo, 200x200) https://irc.ubports.com/By8wbN01.png16:50
ubptgbot<Timothy Shaw> (Photo, 676x396) https://irc.ubports.com/n4mX26qZ.png16:50
ubptgbot<Timothy Shaw> qtwjua ec16:50
ubptgbot<Timothy Shaw> [Edit] http://bit.ly/2YXYy3S?5682716:50
hallyndohbee - i'm just following the dekko/docs/dev/development/setup.md instructions to try to build dekko16:51
hallynjust figured i'd try to build the desktop version and see if i can reproduce my bugs there16:52
ubptgbot<dohbee> @hallyn [dohbee - i'm just following the dekko/docs/dev/development/setup.md instructions …], ah, well i guess it's very out of date16:52
hallyn(occasional hour delay to see new mail, and duplicate emails)16:52
ubptgbot<sausagii> @dohbee [well you are welcome to build a converged app instead. no need to be rude though …], No offend, didn't mean to be rude, I just meant it's a "pretty shitty" situation (for me). I'm no  programmer, so I won't be able to build a converged app. I was just looking for a solution. Thanksanyway.16:53
ubptgbot<John (Marlin)> @sausagii [Ok thanks. That's pretty shitty, as I intended to use Ubuntu touch especially fo …], You could try the Android version in Anbox, but Anbox is also experimental and most the the apps I have tried in it don't work.17:29
ubptgbot<sausagii> @John (Marlin) [You could try the Android version in Anbox, but Anbox is also experimental and m …], Thanks, but I'd rather use nothing experimental, as I'm afraid of loosing my coins. I am looking for a safe method 🤔17:32
ubptgbot<John (Marlin)> Good luck and have fun!17:34
ubptgbot<sausagii> @John (Marlin) [Good luck and have fun!], 🤡17:36
ubptgbotNuno Costa was added by: Nuno Costa18:42
ubptgbot<Nuno Costa> @Danfro [Brian is looking into it. Patience...], Thanks for the info. I just opened a github issue for this before I found out the telegram group18:44
ubptgbot<Nuno Costa> @Danfro [Brian is looking into it. Patience...], [Edit] Thanks for the info. I just opened a github issue for this issue, before I found out the telegram group18:48
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Nuno Costa [Thanks for the info. I just opened a github issue for this issue, before I found …], I am sure Brian will be happy if he can close that issue. Not nice. The server/database provider is down.18:48
ubptgbot<Nuno Costa> it seems openstore is not part of ubports, as mentioned on GH issue I opened » https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/121618:52
gitbotubports issue 1216 in ubuntu-touch "Openstore does not show any applications" [Closed]18:52
ubptgbot<Nuno Costa> [Edit] it seems openstore is not part of ubports, as mentioned on a comment on the GH issue I opened » https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/121618:53
gitbotubports issue 1216 in ubuntu-touch "Openstore does not show any applications" [Closed]18:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Nuno Costa [it seems openstore is not part of ubports, as mentioned on a comment on the GH i …], right, it is managed on https://gitlab.com/theopenstore but the issue is with a third party cloud service (many services depending on heroku have had problems today)19:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> there is also i think already an open issue about openstore app not behaving well when there's no connection to server19:01
ubptgbot<Nuno Costa> @dohbee [right, it is managed on https://gitlab.com/theopenstore but the issue is with a …], Thanks for the link. I thought it was managed by ubports because it came preinstalled. Will keep tracking on openstore git repo19:25
ubptgbotlazyfox24 was added by: lazyfox2420:21
ubptgbotDave L was added by: Dave L20:29
ubptgbot<Dave L> Can someone help with a failed install?20:30
ubptgbot<Dave L> I used the UBports Installer (0.2.5-beta) on Ubuntu 19.04.  Attempted to installed to a stock Oneplus One, but the installation hung on downloading 5 of 12.  Now, from the phone, it's stuck at Powered by ubuntu, supported by ubports.  Ubuntu and the installer are no longer detecting the phone.  How do I complete the install from this point20:39
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @jimmy_UbunTouch [is it possible to have more info on unread video? @TotalSonic], Jimmy - in my testing I got one of my avi's to work - but the avi which did not work can be downloaded at http://www.rapconverter.com/sample-avi-videos21:17
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @jimmy_UbunTouch [is it possible to have more info on unread video? @TotalSonic], also, flv and wma did not work for me either.  Will test more formats soon as well (done on my Meizu Pro 5 running RC)21:18
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @jimmy_UbunTouch [is it possible to have more info on unread video? @TotalSonic], also - UrPlayer played 3g2 videos correctly, but the player does not come up as an option when videos in the 3g2 format are opened in File Manager.21:20
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @Dave L [I used the UBports Installer (0.2.5-beta) on Ubuntu 19.04.  Attempted to install …], Hold the power and volume down buttons until it reboots, continue holding volume down until you reach UBports recovery22:17
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Then the installer should find it22:17
ubptgbotMicheal Macpherson was added by: Micheal Macpherson23:04

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