
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193knome: Can you blacklist *@mailo.com from the -devel list?07:54
Unit193There were 70+ messages in the queue, a lot of them were from there.09:11
Unit193Sent log.09:13
knomesimon.steinbeiss@gmail.com is on the discard list.09:13
knomei wonder if that's intentional09:14
knomeanyway, done09:14
bluesabreUnit193: hello!11:47
bluesabreUnit193: syncing elementary-xfce11:52
Unit193Oh heh, looks like I forgot.12:01
ochosiknome: hah, really? maybe you just decided you dont like me anymore..? :D12:13
bluesabreUnit193: would you mind uploading menulibre-2.2.1 to unstable? https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/applications/menulibre12:28
brainwashbluesabre: how busy are you? maybe you can look into bug 183479815:54
ubottubug 1834798 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "incorrect labels and icons pulled from .desktop files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183479815:54
brainwashit's python code15:54
brainwashor, maybe you have an idea for a solution15:55
brainwashxfce4-screensaver appears as "Floating Xfce"15:57
brainwashbluesabre: and what do you think about bug 1835668?16:02
ubottubug 1835668 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Locking screen on live system no longer possible with Xubuntu 18.10/19.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183566816:02
Unit193I mean, we did ship https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/tree/debian/light-locker.desktop to keep light-locker from starting too...20:29
bluesabreMy opinion on that has always been, if a user that doesn't know about the default password locks themself out, they're going to stop testing Xubuntu right then20:31
bluesabreHowever, with xfce4-screensaver, the option to turn locking back on is super easy to get to (in the screensaver settings, even!)20:32
Unit193bluesabre: I think we can rm that file now.  Also, in -session isn't the upstart stuff, you know, not needed since...21:21
Unit193!info upstart21:21
ubottuPackage upstart does not exist in disco21:21
bluesabreUnit193: that stuff, I don't know about... I thought there was some sort of systemd shim that used it21:22
Unit193http://deriv.debian.net/Ubuntu/patches/x/xfce4-session/xfce4-session_4.13.1-2_xfce4-session_4.13.2-0ubuntu1.debian.patch not sure what's needed or not.21:26
Unit193Oh right!  menulibre!22:12
Unit193bluesabre: http://paste.openstack.org/show/n7NAcQgzzupnSllgK8tu I presume no last minute changes?22:24
Unit193git describe: debian/2.2.0-2-17-ga88495a22:24

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