
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
thaurwylthHey, what is the Xubuntu Quality Assurance Tracker?09:16
Unit193You mean, iso.qa.ubuntu.com?09:16
thaurwylthProbably! So, what happens there?09:18
thaurwylth(I already checked the front page.)09:18
Unit193People test isos, report results.09:26
Unit193If people don't test the ISOs, there's no way to know for sure they'll work on the majority of computers.09:28
thaurwylthhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/404/builds     <~~~~~ Does each thread correspond to a single test case?09:29
MathomHello! :)  I installed Xubuntu on my new laptop, but when I type the free command, I only see 6Gb of ram instead of the 8Gb I have. Could anyone help me with this please?12:30
tomreynMathom: see the "available" (not "free") column reported by   free -h13:04
tomreynalso https://www.linuxatemyram.com/13:04
Mathom              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   availableMem:           5,8G        1,1G        119M         58M        4,6G        4,4G13:05
tomreyn!paste | Mathom13:05
ubottuMathom: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:05
tomreyni see what you mean, though. maybe one of your memory modules was not usable? sudo dmidecode --type memory 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999913:07
tomreynso you have a single DIMM with 8 GB memory (8192 MB)13:09
tomreynplease show   journalctl -kb | nc termbin.com 999913:10
tomreynyou have plenty of acpi errors there. they may (though less likely) contribute to it, and are something you should generally try to solve. look for a newer bios upgrade13:12
tomreynthis is an ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. TUF Gaming FX505DU_FX505DU/FX505DU, BIOS FX505DU.304 05/02/201913:13
tomreyni'm continuing to look for something memory specific in the meantime13:13
MathomOk, thank you! I'll look for a bios update in the meantime then13:14
tomreynlinux really thinks that only slightly above 6 GB are available:   kernel: Memory: 5895856K/6221884K available (14339K kernel code, 2335K rwdata, 4316K rodata, 2584K init, 5196K bss, 326028K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)13:14
MathomLooks like my bios version is 304. There is a version 306 release for my laptop, I'll try updating it13:18
tomreynok, i'm still reading.13:18
tomreynso that's an AMD mobile platform (CPU) with AMD RAVEN APU and a separate nvidia GPU with Optimus switching13:23
tomreyn2 GB of your RAM are dedicated to the APU13:23
MathomSo this is a correct behaviour then?13:27
tomreynyes. but those acpi errors you should still tackle. if they persist after bios upgrade, try https://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html13:28
Mathomhow do I check after bios update, if I still have ACPI errors?13:30
tomreynjournalctl -kb | grep ACPI13:31
tomreynso far you have "ACPI BIOS Error (bug):", "ACPI Error:", "ACPI Warning:"13:34
MathomI updated the bios and followed the tutorial. After running the script, and restarting, I started seeing grub options (I haven't had that before), but when I select boot to ubuntu, I see a black screen. I tried to add nomodeset to that boot option from GRUB with editing.13:44
Mathom(this is without before trying nomodeset)13:48
tomreynMathom: so were there still acpi errors after you upgraded the bios?13:52
Mathomyes, whenever I restarted my computer, I saw new ACPI errors in journalctl. (If I haven't restarted, just checked in 2-3 mins after boot, no new messages arrived though)13:53
tomreyndoes the system boot fine (not to black screen) if you remove the acpi_osi options?13:54
tomreynhmm. about the black screen, you could remove "quiet" and replace "splash" by "nosplash" and add !bootlog13:58
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, add the following !kernelparm: debug systemd.log_level=info13:58
tomreynthat should tell you what's going wrong at least.13:58
tomreynyou could also try adding amdgpu.dc=0 to counter the black screen.13:58
Mathomtomreyn I tried these (remove "quite", change to "nosplash", add "!bootlog" and "amdgpu.dc=0", while keeping the acpi_osi options), but I still get a black screen14:06
Mathomubottu I tried to add "!kernelparm: debug systemd.log_level=info" I still get a black screen14:08
ubottuMathom: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:08
Mathom(funny thing, I have 8GB of total ram after bios update O.o)14:13
thaurwylthDoes Xfce have a separate channel or is it the same as this one?15:10
AndrioThere is a #xfce channel.15:15
Rcck2getting some problems installing samba from the software center, anyone know how to solve them? retunr errors on install19:13
Rcck2like 404 error, bad link19:13
tomreynplease post full terminal command and output to paste.ubuntu.com, then share the url19:14
Rcck2well i talk about the one click software center19:15
Rcck2how can i cancel an installation from the software centeer? i click on one and its taking forever, need to cancel it, cancel button does nothing, looks disabled19:17
Rcck2task manager on xubuntu looks highly unacurate, it says CPU on 100% and its not bcos fan is no longer blowing after kill process19:27
Rcck2either it shows very delayed data ot its just fully wonrg, i dont know19:28
Bashing-omRcck2: Swap hammered ? what shows terminal command ' free -m ' ?19:33
Rcck2i dont know, i just shut it down, too much pain in the ass,19:35
Rcck2why they do it so complex always on linux? i mean, there is no way to try to use a system like the windows double click and "next next next" ? ready for idiots19:42
Rcck2and you are not limited to what appears or dont appears on the software manager19:42
Rcck2otherwise.... oh manual reading on hwo to isntall19:42
Rcck2how the hell a tar.gz must be isntalled? now you need to lose more time reading and trying commands19:43
bluecurveTrying to install the bluecurve icon set, but when I unzip the file containing all of the .ico files to /usr/share/icons the option to switch to the new icon set does not appear in the settings manager icon tab. What am I doing wrong?20:16
bluecurveI also tried creating a hidden .icons folder and unzipping it there in the home directory20:17
bluecurveis .ico the wrong file format for icon sets?20:21

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