[11:29] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Michael Kellat: Media Operations Proposal @ http://coyote.works//posts/MoreCoherentOperationsProposal20190901/ [17:02] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: RaspEX Project Now Lets You Turn Your Raspberry Pi 4 into a HTPC with Kodi @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/raspex-project-now-lets-you-turn-your-raspberry-pi-4-into-a-htpc-with-kodi-527225.shtml (by Marius Nestor) [19:06] WIKI594 up for review - ensure this is what we want to present to the world :D [19:07] Bashing-om: Hello, and Ok. [19:08] EoflaOE: :D .. awaiting the critique :D [19:13] Bashing-om: Made a slight change in the docs earlier in the summary of "Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS now makes it easier to patch kernel without rebooting" on Gdoc, however not updated on Wiki. [19:14] EoflaOE: Will look and see what I can do :) [19:38] EoflaOE: Done ^ . [19:38] Bashing-om: I will look at a change. [19:39] Bashing-om: Thanks! Now everything is fine. [19:41] EoflaOE: There is too those little things to watch out for - camel cases - double spaces .. spaces at the end of the paragraphs --- and such on. Sometimes I do not catch all of them. [19:43] Bashing-om: OK. When's the publishing? [19:52] EoflaOE: I do expect Monday 20:00GMT to publish :D [19:53] Bashing-om: OK. [21:44] Looking [21:47] Wild_Man: :D [21:56] Bashing-om, looks good to me [21:59] Wild_Man: :) 2 down and 2 to go for acceptance. [23:39] Bashing-om, my only comment was removal of a " " (space) ; in the press [23:40] guiverc2: uUFF ,, I missed one ! [23:46] guiverc2: ^^ done - thanks for that attention. [23:52] :)