
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabrethanks Unit193 01:57
Unit193Don't forget to push and tag.01:57
knomeochosi, want it removed? :P04:57
bluesabredone, thanks again Unit193 09:15
knomeso... meeting09:15
knometbh i'm not sure i'm able to schedule a meeting that i can make for sure and that is a useful time for most09:16
bluesabretomorrow is a holiday in the US... if that helps with flexibility at all09:19
knometomorrow is a no go09:35
knomebasically all days from sat-tue every week is very unstable :P09:35
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Unit193bluesabre: Glad to be able to assist.10:20
Unit193knome: Also, I figure it's because he posted with his one account, it got held since it's not the one he's subbed with so he posted again with that.  You later came along and approved the held one, thus two emails were sent to the list.10:38
knomei figured it might be on purpose for these kinds of reasons.18:07
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=== Guest44755 is now known as flocculant

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