
lotuspsychjegood morning01:51
lotuspsychje; )01:59
lordievaderGood morning06:26
ducassegood morning06:36
EoflaOEgood morning07:33
lotuspsychjemorning EoflaOE07:33
EoflaOEgood morning to you too lotuspsychje. How is your day?07:33
lotuspsychjestarts good, sunny, coffee,..07:33
lotuspsychjehows your start going07:33
EoflaOElotuspsychje: My start is good.07:38
EoflaOEHow is the kernel going?07:39
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: i had a user with realtek & kernel 5.0 flickering too07:39
lotuspsychjei had him also affect the bug07:39
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: i dont expect a solution fast..07:40
EoflaOElotuspsychje: Yes. Which Realtek device? The same Ethernet one?07:40
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: ill see what happens on next kernel releases07:45
EoflaOEHello marcoagpinto08:48
marcoagpintolast Friday I bought three metal CDs!!!08:49
OerHeksA choco donut and a cherrybeer walk into a bar ..08:49
EoflaOEhello OerHeks08:50
OerHekshi EoflaOE08:50
EoflaOEHow are you doing?08:50
marcoagpintodear brothers, 19.10 is almost due08:51
OerHeksi am waiting for my breakfast08:51
EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: And it will get an official wallpaper soon08:51
marcoagpintodamn... yesterdat at 6:30am I improved my Proofing Tool GUI webpages a little... but I haven't uploaded because it was work day and I need to reread them again08:54
marcoagpintoI will do it today08:54
EoflaOENice. I just made a new version of KS yesterday08:54
marcoagpintoit is risky to do project stuff in week days08:54
marcoagpintowork days*08:54
marcoagpintoi am always stressed08:55
marcoagpintoguys?! I have no cola :((((((((((08:59
marcoagpintoI will buy some soon08:59
marcoagpintoyesterday night dad was in an hurry so I didn't have time to buy it at work08:59
marcoagpintoI only had time to buy a moldure and print a photo in Kodak09:00
EoflaOEmarcoagpinto: OK.09:00
marcoagpintowill 20.04 bring 512-bit filesystem?09:02
EoflaOEI have no idea if 20.04 will support 512-bit filesystem.09:04
Ben6419.10 doesn't even exist yet, 20.04 stuff definitely isn't set09:05
marcoagpintoI was wondering if in the next few years someone will implement a standard for 256-bit IPs09:07
marcoagpintothe idea is to use it after we spreed to other planets09:07
marcoagpinto2^256 gives tons of IPs09:07
marcoagpintoit will happen in the future and I hope to be in my lifetime09:07
marcoagpintospace is the place09:08
marcoagpintosoon we will have bases on the moon and colonise Mars09:09
Ben64ipv6 is already more than we'll ever use09:10
EoflaOEBut I still use ipv4 for some reason. Will ipv6 be enforced in the next years?09:11
marcoagpintoBen64: I am thinking in the future when there will be space colonisation09:12
marcoagpintowhich is also one of the reason why I refer to 512-bit file system09:12
marcoagpintosorry for the typos09:12
Ben64ok but still, ipv6 is more than we'd ever use09:12
daftykinsthat's utterly silly09:12
Ben64also, you can't have internet work that far09:12
marcoagpintosilly? :)09:13
Ben64it is09:13
marcoagpintoit is the future09:13
daftykinsno it's not09:13
marcoagpinto"we will do it not because it is easy, but because it is hard"09:13
Ben64it's not hard, just silly09:14
daftykinsno they'll never connect other planets to the same earth-based internet09:14
Ben64until wormholes09:14
daftykinsthey would most definitely have to get routed and not all have their own IPs xD09:14
daftykinsthere have been some interesting takes on this in sci-fi games that include galaxy wide species communicating09:15
Ben64a lot of the stuff i see just says it goes faster than light, problem solved09:15
daftykinsah in Mass Effect they have relay buoys that have to cache up and send things when congestion dips, then there becomes a rich and poor internet as your data will come through / be sent sooner if you pay more09:16
marcoagpintoBen64: it looks huge... I forgot to do a 2^128 :)09:16
Ben64each gram on earth would be able to have 56979632773 ipv6 addresses09:17
Ben64so... we'll never run out09:17
marcoagpintogood to know :)09:17
marcoagpintothank you09:17
EoflaOEBut I still use ipv4 for some reason. Will ipv6 be enforced in the next years?09:18
marcoagpintobut a 512-bit OS is still viable since in the near future we will have 1 PT SSDs09:18
Ben64ipv4 needs to die09:18
marcoagpintoyes, ipv4 needs to die09:18
marcoagpintomy ISP still uses it09:18
marcoagpintoit sucks09:18
Ben64marcoagpinto: still no on the 512b09:18
daftykinsthere is nothing wrong with v409:19
Ben64plenty wrong with v409:19
marcoagpintodaftykins: it only gives 4 millions addresses09:19
daftykinsi still seem to be online and breathing? :)09:19
daftykinsi can think of much greater issues in this life09:20
marcoagpintoBen64: let me calculate09:20
daftykinscrying over addressing versions is simply daft09:20
Ben64says DAFTykins09:20
marcoagpinto4 294 967 29609:20
marcoagpintoahhhh... right09:20
marcoagpintoI have been wrong all these years09:20
daftykinsBen64: so you noticed that huh :)09:21
Ben64there's just not enough to go around09:21
Ben64that's why NAT exists09:21
Ben64and in the beginning they gave huge blocks to companies and it just needs to go09:21
daftykinsit's ok we just need to put our masks on and go and raid some from Africa09:21
* lordievader doesn't want to retrieve a web page from a server on another planet, the latency alone would bore me to death09:50
OerHeksspace internet uses huge relays09:50
marcoagpintoback from the store!09:53
marcoagpintolordievader: 5G :)09:53
marcoagpintothen it will come 6G, 7G, etc.09:54
marcoagpintoInternet will become faster and faster09:54
lordievaderThat will not solve the latency problem.09:54
marcoagpintoohhhhhhhh :((((09:54
marcoagpintoI have no answer for that yet09:55
marcoagpintogoverments will come up with a solution09:55
lordievaderNo. The distance is simply too large.09:55
lordievaderEven with a fiber link between planets the latency will be huge.09:56
lordievaderHave you seen the film Passengers?09:58
lordievaderBasically spaceship from earth to a far away planet. Halfway on that journey they send a message back to earth. Estimated time for a reply... a year. Sure, it is a film, but the principle still applies.09:59
marcoagpintothe name rings a bell but I haven't seen that film10:13
OerHekscluelessperson likes to rant about his dual touchscreen setup, not recognising touch events when desktop is span over 2 displays11:17
lotuspsychjealways the same nicks ranting11:20
lotuspsychjeim getting like dozen-dejavu's11:20
EoflaOEhi lordievader11:30
BluesKajHi folks12:03
EoflaOEHello BluesKaj12:04
marcoagpintoBluesKaj!!!! Hello my dear brother! >:)12:04
BluesKajhey marcoagpinto12:05
EoflaOEHello BluesKaj12:07
BluesKajhey EoflaOE12:08
=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychje!info sssd-common bionic14:16
ubot5sssd-common (source: sssd): System Security Services Daemon -- common files. In component main, is extra. Version 1.16.1-1ubuntu1.3 (bionic), package size 951 kB, installed size 4488 kB14:16
Bashing-omUWN594 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue594 :D20:20

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