
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashxubuntu-desktop pulls in light-locker and xfce4-screensaver10:59
brainwashxubuntu-desktop^ does not10:59
brainwashxfce4-session depends on..11:01
brainwash |Recommends: light-locker11:01
brainwash |Recommends: xfce4-screensaver11:01
brainwash  Recommends: xscreensaver11:01
brainwashxfce4-session (4.12.1-6ubuntu1) says:11:04
brainwash- Recommends no longer include xscreensaver (LP: #1754872)11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1754872 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "apt install xubuntu-desktop does not resolve dependencies properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175487211:05
brainwashbut now it's back in the 4.14 package?11:05
bluesabrethat's certainly not ideal11:08
brainwashxfce4-screensaver | light-locker11:08
brainwashthis is ideal, or?11:08
brainwashor maybe even no light-locker at all11:09
brainwashit's not supported anymore I think11:09
bluesabrepretty much... the only person that actually *gets* light-locker disappeared11:10
brainwashversion 1.9 was released in april though11:10
brainwashby someone else11:11
brainwashbut neither ubuntu nor debian have it11:12
ochosibluesabre: someone from elementary has taken over (at least some) lightlocker maintenance12:38
ochosii added him to the admins a month ago or two12:39
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- Reminder: Next meeting chair is knome17:00
Unit193brainwash: That and other things are why I always recommend the task and not the meta, since there's other "decisions" it does wrong as well.  Also, xflock has support for light-locker, so I'd leave it.  Personally I'd list everything xflock has support for.17:49
brainwashUnit193: why was xscreensaver readded? can light-locker be put at the end?18:35
brainwashthose are the questions18:35
brainwashalso, how to spread the info that xubuntu-desktop should be installed as task?18:37
brainwashit's not very likely that we can add a warning message to apt18:39
bluesabrebrainwash: probably the thing to do would be adding it to the docs, and then point anybody that direction any time the question comes up again... apt isn't smart, and installing the task is simply the right use case in that case.22:27

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