
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey02:32
ImaginatrixHey all, could anyone help me with an issue. I am running Kubuntu 18.04.3 and for some reason, each audio source is creating a new instance in the audio manager that all starts with a default volume level... which is loud. is there a way to make firefox just be one volume or at least remember when i turn things down.05:27
Imaginatrixit's getting quite irritating having a youtube video auto play and then my speakers screaming at me lol05:28
Imaginatrixi would like to merge any audio output from an app to one thing, or at least have new instances respect previously set volume levels05:28
Imaginatrixlike if im stuck with the multi-instanced thing then each new one should open at the current volume level I have set05:29
=== Guest66334 is now known as lordievader
lordievaderGood morning06:29
justXuXGood indeed.07:12
dellhelp:who knows how to solve this problem??  Akregator is a component of "Kontact",a RSS reader.But when I open it,It always happens a error and crash and closed.KDE also gives a warning.But when I open Kontact and then open Akregator,it doesn't have error.Why?08:22
dellIn Kubuntu 18.04.3LTS.Just upgrade system to update.08:22
dellhelp:who knows how to solve this problem??  Akregator is a component of "Kontact",a RSS reader.But when I open it,It always happens a error and crash and closed.KDE also gives a warning.But when I open Kontact and then open Akregator,it doesn't have error.Why?In Kubuntu 18.04.3LTS.Just upgrade system to the newest edition08:30
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IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Good morning10:42
BluesKajHi folks11:28
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IrcsomeBotMichelle Eastham was added by: Michelle Eastham18:46
IrcsomeBot<Michelle Eastham> (Photo, 380x600) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/rLLr5PQT/file_17632.jpg18:46
IrcsomeBot<Michelle Eastham> ibyrhr dg nizmjpl18:46
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gumerhola que tal con todos...19:58
gumerHola con todos que tal ...19:59
gumeralguien que hable espaƱol19:59
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=== JHVH-1cafe is now known as wodencafe

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