
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @TotalSonic [<reply to media>], psst wanna try another osk toy? :p00:29
ubptgbot<deedend> Anyone here uses uadblock? Is it good? Which blocklist do you suggest?02:09
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @deedend [Anyone here uses uadblock? Is it good? Which blocklist do you suggest?], uAdBlock is excellent.  I currently use AdGuard.02:13
ubptgbotRose Hamlin was added by: Rose Hamlin02:14
ubptgbot<Rose Hamlin> (Photo, 200x200) https://irc.ubports.com/O9JhY0h8.png02:15
ubptgbot<Rose Hamlin> (Photo, 672x430) https://irc.ubports.com/p2MmAsmb.png02:15
ubptgbot<Rose Hamlin> u on boeaosdgg scw tcblx02:15
ubptgbot<Rose Hamlin> [Edit] http://bit.ly/2YOcCNb?1719202:15
ubptgbot<deedend> @TotalSonic [uAdBlock is excellent.  I currently use AdGuard.], Thanks mate02:16
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @deedend [Thanks mate], actually AdGuard just let some ads through - trying out the Energized list now - seems to be better for the page I had problems on02:40
ubptgbot<deedend> OK, I'll try that. Thank you02:42
ubptgbot<Tygerpro> @UniversalSuperBox @Flohack spam02:53
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> where? I don't see no spam02:53
ubptgbot<Tygerpro> Just disappeared02:53
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> wink wink02:53
ubptgbot<Tygerpro> My note 4 port has gone backwards, no idea whats going on with it02:56
ubptgbot<SpecialSpac> Little Question. With the new Fairphone 3 launched, will UBPorts be able to support it?03:33
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @SpecialSpac [Little Question. With the new Fairphone 3 launched, will UBPorts be able to supp …], the answer - maybe eventually - but definitely not at all when it is first launched03:34
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> as it runs on android 9 :p03:34
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> ... and as far as I know no one from the UBports team has one, nor have they even had any access to a dev kit03:35
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> me typing speed deffo not close to steve03:35
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> heehee03:35
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> even the specs were unknown to UBports until Fairphone published them to the public03:36
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> then again not completely used to me new layout :>03:36
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] then again i'm not completely used to me new layout :>03:36
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @Fuseteam [then again i'm not completely used to me new layout :>], my Meizu Pro 5 is my daily driver so I was actually sweating when I first installed Kuigi's PR OSK.   Given I don't want to go through that twice in a single day - you will have to forgive me for not testing your Flick OSK as well.03:38
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> lol sure no problem03:38
ubptgbotkajinoz was added by: kajinoz04:06
ubptgbot<deedend> Wow Ubports on librem 5 devkit is quite snappy, it's promising!04:12
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @deedend [Wow Ubports on librem 5 devkit is quite snappy, it's promising!], 👀05:06
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it does look smooth, I guess on par with nexus 505:06
ubptgbot<deedend> Is the compass on the OPO with ubports working?05:39
ubptgbot<deedend> I can rotate it in stellarium, but maybe I am doing something wrong05:39
ubptgbot<deedend> Sorry, CAN'T05:39
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> The stellarium port doesn't use location services at all to my knowledge.05:40
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Or any other sensor05:40
ubptgbot<deedend> Yeah, it uses at least the accelerometer05:40
ubptgbot<deedend> I can tilt the view tilting the phone05:40
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @deedend [I can rotate it in stellarium, but maybe I am doing something wrong], That's an issue with the Stellarium app itself.05:43
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @deedend [I can tilt the view tilting the phone], https://t.me/UbuntuAppDevEN/19692.05:45
ubptgbot<deedend> I see, thank you05:46
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> You're welcome.05:47
ubptgbotMasmusum was added by: Masmusum08:08
ubptgbot<RedXXIII> @TotalSonic [<reply to media>], What is it and how to install it ?08:37
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @RedXXIII [What is it and how to install it ?], it is additional controls for the OnScreen Keyoboard. To install type `sudo ubports-qa install PR-78` in the Terminal08:41
ubptgbot<RedXXIII> @TotalSonic [it is additional controls for the OnScreen Keyoboard. To install type sudo ubpor …], Thanks I will test that! Is the OnScreen Keyboard the default keyboard or an other KB I need to install first?08:43
ubptgbot<Javacookies> please do it at your own risk! … if something fails, you might need to reflash  … just a gentle reminder 😁08:43
ubptgbot<Javacookies> that's just the default OSK which is actually the only option … just added some other functions aside from moving the cursor by pressing and holding the space key08:44
ubptgbot<RedXXIII> @Javacookies [please do it at your own risk! … if something fails, you might need to reflash  … ju …], That is surely a precious reminder! I will not test it on my daily device then thank you =)08:44
ubptgbot<Javacookies> it's currently in an open PR but there's still an on-going discussion, you can just wait for it to land on devel if you have the patience 😁08:44
ubptgbot<RedXXIII> @Javacookies [that's just the default OSK which is actually the only option … just added some ot …], 👍08:45
ubptgbot<RedXXIII> @Javacookies [it's currently in an open PR but there's still an on-going discussion, you can j …], Well then I will install it if I found time. Anyway my test device is on devel so I may wait for it also. You guys are doing amazing things =)08:46
ubptgbot<RedXXIII> @Javacookies [it's currently in an open PR but there's still an on-going discussion, you can j …], [Edit] Well then I will install it if I find time. Anyway my test device is on devel so I may wait for it also. You guys are doing amazing things =)08:46
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @Javacookies [it's currently in an open PR but there's still an on-going discussion, you can j …], Its not possible to distribute it as a .click?08:49
ubptgbot<Javacookies> nope, the keyboard is installed via deb I believe08:49
ubptgbotcasetTJISFgrv was added by: casetTJISFgrv08:54
ubptgbot<RBVTX> i have a question. i run ubuntu touch on nexus5, it has quad core cpu. it is possible to run native python3 in terminal and use threads and asyncio?08:55
ubptgbot<bkos> Hey everyone! Maybe this has been discussed before, but are there any  plans to support the fairphone 3, like the fairphone 2 is/was supported?09:05
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @bkos [Hey everyone! Maybe this has been discussed before, but are there any  plans to …], the fairphone 3 runs on android 9. If Fairphone releases a Fairphone Open version, that could be used to try and port Halium to it, and if that is a success, Ubuntu Touch could be built on top of that. right now that's a bit too many if's to say09:08
ubptgbotanything about it.09:08
ubptgbot<YougoChats> another if: if someone (Fairphone themselves or independent donators) want to donate a number of devices to Ubports on which they could work...09:09
ubptgbot<bkos> That is a lot of ifs, that is true, but somehow the fairphone 2 ended uo being a promoted device, what was the process, did fairphone reach out to ubports, or did they just have to develope open fair os, which enabled development of the Halium port?09:14
ubptgbot<bkos> [Edit] That is a lot of ifs, that is true, but somehow the fairphone 2 ended uo being a promoted device, what was the process, did fairphone reach out to ubports, or did they just have to develop open fair os, which enabled development of the Halium port?09:15
ubptgbot<bkos> [Edit] That is a lot of ifs, that is true, but somehow the fairphone 2 ended up being a promoted device, what was the process, did fairphone reach out to ubports, or did they just have to develop open fair os, which enabled development of the Halium port?09:16
ubptgbot<Flohack> @bkos [That is a lot of ifs, that is true, but somehow the fairphone 2 ended up being a …], Well its a bit more complicated. First, FP2 was an Android 5.1 device, and there was no Halium, it was ported in the "classic" way with lots of hacks and glitches on the way. Then, Fairphone themselves supported the process a bit but there was more09:16
ubptgbot like a sponsorship involved, also by other parties. So it was not an easy process, but ongoing over months and a lot of discussions since there were just a few people, not even called a community or a foundation ^^09:16
ubptgbot<Flohack> So when we decided to go Halium, we knew it will not help that we have all the old ports. The are incompatible.09:22
ubptgbot<bkos> I appreciat the feedback, although I was hoping for a bit more :), but it is like always, only buy a device for the features it has, not for features it could potentially have09:22
ubptgbot<Flohack> So for Fairphone 3, we will see. No promises, plus first someone must give a device to one or more devs09:22
ubptgbot<Flohack> TBH Fairphone has totally surprised us with the release09:23
ubptgbot<YougoChats> us and the world09:24
ubptgbot<bkos> Still a surprise of the better kind... ;)09:24
ubptgbot<Flohack> @bkos [Still a surprise of the better kind... ;)], Yeah sure but it would be good if they inform some stakeholders earlier so we could have prepared a bit for it ;) - anyways, Halium for Android 9 has been started but it will still take a lot of time. Before that, no new device will be possible, no matter what vendor or release of Android09:26
ubptgbot<bkos> Ok, this makes sense, if there is a possibility to donate for dev devices, specifically fp3, sign me up09:30
ubptgbot<NotKit> @RBVTX [i have a question. i run ubuntu touch on nexus5, it has quad core cpu. it is pos …], yes, it should work, either natively or in Libertine09:31
ubptgbot<Flohack> If you are into this, maybe you can start a thread at the FP3 forum when its there, and see what interest there would be in their community. There was also kinda notorious poll some time ago apparently, where people upvoted UT on FP3 already ;)09:31
ubptgbot<bkos> Ok, will do, but from what I read on their site, they will support Android 9 maybe an open version of Android and an open bootloader bit no alternative os'. :(09:33
ubptgbotSinep Schulz was added by: Sinep Schulz09:34
ubptgbot<bkos> I will take on the forums as soon asbI have some time and start a discussion about financing devices for development09:34
ubptgbot<bkos> [Edit] I will take on the forums as soon as I have some time and start a discussion about financing devices for development09:34
ubptgbot<Sinep Schulz> Fairphone 3 + Ubuntu Touch = <309:35
ubptgbot<matv1> @bkos [I will take on the forums as soon as I have some time and start a discussion abo …], aside from the dev phones, If you do get in contact with the Fairphone people, you might want to point them to the funding model for open OS's that Pine64 has developed. It is pretty great imo10:06
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @Flohack [If you are into this, maybe you can start a thread at the FP3 forum when its the …], True. Take a look into this. They already know very well about the existence of Ubports10:37
ubptgbot<Pascal> @Sinep Schulz [Fairphone 3 + Ubuntu Touch = <3], Cannot sait !!!10:37
ubptgbot<Pascal> @Sinep Schulz [Fairphone 3 + Ubuntu Touch = <3], [Edit] Cannot wait !!!10:37
ubptgbot<dashinfantry> Do you know Cosmos  Communicator10:51
ubptgbot<dashinfantry> https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cosmo-communicator/x/22318472#/updates/all10:51
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> @Sinep Schulz [Fairphone 3 + Ubuntu Touch = <3], theres a new FP coming?10:51
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> @dashinfantry [https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cosmo-communicator/x/22318472#/updates/all], It's nice for business people but it looks too bulky for daily use...10:52
ubptgbot<dashinfantry> 304g10:53
ubptgbot<dashinfantry> 😂10:53
ubptgbot<danilo_thatsme> Fwd from matheussvilela: kd10:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> @danilo_thatsme [kd], Huh? Please don't forward messages from people not in the group and with no context. They will be deleted, and possibly considered spam.11:01
ubptgbot<Sinep Schulz> @FinlayDaG33k [theres a new FP coming?], Yes. https://www.fairphone.com/en/11:07
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> nice11:07
ubptgbot<NotKit> @FinlayDaG33k [It's nice for business people but it looks too bulky for daily use...], if you use at a small laptop and not phone, it's not11:10
ubptgbot<NotKit> @FinlayDaG33k [It's nice for business people but it looks too bulky for daily use...], [Edit] if you use as a small laptop and not phone, it's not11:10
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> @NotKit [if you use as a small laptop and not phone, it's not], even then I'd probably prefer something like a tablet but that might be just me (preferences differ ofc).11:10
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Sinep Schulz [Fairphone 3 + Ubuntu Touch = <3], This11:18
ubptgbotROSALEE ROWDEN was added by: ROSALEE ROWDEN11:20
ubptgbot<ROSALEE ROWDEN> (Photo, 576x768) https://irc.ubports.com/Aavz2qNV.png11:20
ubptgbot<ROSALEE ROWDEN> (Photo, 646x400) https://irc.ubports.com/diU95TSt.png11:20
ubptgbot<ROSALEE ROWDEN> b xlazrer k uouhxv l q11:20
ubptgbot<ROSALEE ROWDEN> [Edit] http://bit.ly/2YVkNYc?1072511:20
ubptgbot<hummlbach> @UniversalSuperBox11:22
ubptgbot<pjk2012> @Fuseteam [care to try?], Hi! I have a gitlab account. I would like to learn how to do this.13:36
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> sure, what would like to learn to do?14:21
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> sorry I forgot the context from when i said that14:24
ubptgbotVishnu V A was added by: Vishnu V A14:41
ubptgbot<pjk2012> @Fuseteam [gitlab will rebuild the click for you so you can test], ^^^15:09
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ah, a webapp?15:22
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> try forking this project of mine … http://gitlab.com/Fusekai/uwdisqus15:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> after that you can make changes and gitlab should automatically rebuild the click packages15:26
ubptgbot<pjk2012> @Fuseteam [after that you can make changes and gitlab should automatically rebuild the clic …], Thanks. I'll take a look at how this works.15:35
ubptgbot<imraniqbal> @TotalSonic [it is additional controls for the OnScreen Keyoboard. To install type sudo ubpor …], One thing to be aware of when recommending this: it doesn't work on `edge` yet.  We don't want to break those OSKs!15:37
ubptgbot<TotalSonic> @imraniqbal [One thing to be aware of when recommending this: it doesn't work on edge yet.  W …], good point!15:38
ubptgbot<Jonesdavyy> Hey guys, is there a possibility for using a proxy?15:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> not system-wide yet15:44
ubptgbotI T was added by: I T15:44
ubptgbot<Jonesdavyy> But for the browser maybe?15:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> i think there's no way to configure a proxy in the browser yet either15:44
ubptgbot<Jonesdavyy> Alright, thanks rodney15:45
ubptgbot澹台昕 was added by: 澹台昕16:04
ubptgbot<澹台昕> (Photo, 200x200) https://irc.ubports.com/Pp09bWfM.png16:04
ubptgbot<澹台昕> (Photo, 612x381) https://irc.ubports.com/OVqRO1V0.png16:05
ubptgbot<澹台昕> gtxvtvq16:05
ubptgbot<澹台昕> [Edit] http://bit.ly/2YTBTW7?5733116:05
ubptgbotDr_tSin was added by: Dr_tSin18:00
ubptgbotHC_Strikker was added by: HC_Strikker18:00
ubptgbot<arunkumar413> @Fuseteam [so edit and reboot?], Is there a document on Ubuntu touch app lifecycle18:44
ubptgbot<arunkumar413> Ignore the mention in the above message18:47
ubptgbotJohnForrest was added by: JohnForrest18:56
ubptgbot<dohbee> @arunkumar413 [Is there a document on Ubuntu touch app lifecycle], https://gould.cx/ted/presentations/txlf15/Ubuntu%20Application%20Lifecycle.pdf18:58
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @arunkumar413 [Ignore the mention in the above message], eh?19:01
ubptgbot<HC_Strikker> Someone use it on Motorola Moto G7 Power?19:02
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you trying to port?19:04
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> wait use what? D:19:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> @HC_Strikker [Someone use it on Motorola Moto G7 Power?], https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io are currently supported devices. anything else would require porting19:05
ubptgbot<Javacookies> can I just say that I haven't opened webtelegram since the auto scrolling landed in TELEports. Great job guys! Looking forward to the day I uninstall webtelegram 😁19:32
ubptgbotmarcoschr was added by: marcoschr19:47
ubptgbotbErTi was added by: bErTi19:49
ubptgbot<J F> I can get my oneplus one with utouch to recognize 1 of my several bluetooth devices but cannot get it to pair with any of them. Any suggestions on how to get this to work better?19:58
ubptgbot<Lukas> Hi, I have a question: … I have the FP2. … Is there a way to limit the amount of energy (ampere) which is requested by the phone, while charging? … I already investigated some properties like "/sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_type" which is currently set to "fast". … But I don't know how to set these properties.20:10
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Lukas [Hi, I have a question: … I have the FP2. … Is there a way to limit the amount of ene …], First question is, why you want to do this20:11
ubptgbot<Lukas> @Flohack [First question is, why you want to do this], hehe 😊 I got an usb-charger on my bicycle, which is powered by the dynamo, and it is currently not able to feed the FP2...20:13
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> Do you have a buck-boost converter in it so it keeps a steady 5V?20:14
ubptgbot<Lukas> For the BQ e4.5 it works very well20:14
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> I think this has to do with the expected amperage on your phone side20:15
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> if your dynamo can't deliver a certain ampere at a certain volt it won't charge20:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> Normally phone hardware will choose the charging rate based on what you connect. But yes, maybe FP2 is more sensitive to voltage jitter or so idk. I dont think you can influence what the charging logic does20:15
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> oh wait, the FP2 only takes 5V1A20:15
ubptgbot<Lukas> @FinlayDaG33k [Do you have a buck-boost converter in it so it keeps a steady 5V?], I don't think so, it is a "supernova plug III"20:15
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> Ah yea, that has a built-in thing for that20:16
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> it only delivers a realistic power of 5V/500mA... which is really low so it might be too low for the FP220:17
ubptgbot<Lukas> Okay, I thought I could limit there something and set it from "fast charge" to "Standard" or something...20:17
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> "realistic" because you are very unlikely to bike faster than 20km/h :p20:17
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> no20:17
ubptgbot<Lukas> ahh, I am biking faster than 20 km/h average, but that does not impress the FP2...20:19
ubptgbot<Lukas> the BQ is starting to charge with 11 km/h20:19
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> also, according to kernel.org: … Represents the type of charging currently being applied to the …   battery. "Trickle", "Fast", and "Standard" all mean different …   charging speeds. "Adaptive" means that the charger uses some …   algorithm to adjust the charge rate dynamically, without …   any user configuration required. "Custom" m20:20
ubptgboteans that the charger …   uses the charge_control_* properties as configuration for some …   different algorithm.20:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> @FinlayDaG33k [it only delivers a realistic power of 5V/500mA... which is really low so it migh …], You can verify on any USB-hub which is bus-powered, what happens. They wont delive rmore than 500mA20:20
ubptgbot<Lukas> yeah, I hoped that it won't need more than 500mA to, if I could change some properties... what currently happens is, that ist wants to start charging, the display gets active and then it stops it's attempt to start charging.20:23
ubptgbot<Lukas> [Edit] yeah, I hoped that it won't need more than 500mA to, if I could change some properties... what currently happens is, that it wants to start charging, the display gets active and then it stops it's attempt to start charging.20:24
ubptgbot<Flohack> That hack is probably beyond the knowledge of all ppl here ^^20:29
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/power/power_supply_class.txt20:34
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> have fun :p20:34
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any damage <320:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> it's probably something you'd have to change in firmware20:35
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> Hey, anyone interested in Tuxracer? If yes, can someone help me in converting makefile into cmake clickable? I recommend this repo https://github.com/Danfro/tuxracer-touch as source. I'll upload my progress soon.20:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> why do you need to convert it to cmake?20:38
ubptgbot<dohbee> hmm, anyway, i guess a better discussion for the app dev group20:39
ubptgbot<Lukas> @FinlayDaG33k [https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/power/power_supply_class.txt], I already found this, bit still don't know how to set these properties.20:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Lukas [I already found this, bit still don't know how to set these properties.], you probably can't on that device20:40
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> YOu probably *can* by using the terminal but the question is whether you *should*20:41
ubptgbot<Lukas> @dohbee [you probably can't on that device], I got this impression too20:42
ubptgbot<Danfro> @nfsprodriver [Hey, anyone interested in Tuxracer? If yes, can someone help me in converting ma …], I am not the only one who tried to get that working. We did not get past a SDL error when building.20:43
ubptgbot<Lukas> @FinlayDaG33k [YOu probably *can* by using the terminal but the question is whether you *should …], I tried, but setting it directly gives me permission errors and I found no property which I could use with setprop command20:43
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> @dohbee [why do you need to convert it to cmake?], Cmake is the common way for clickable. Anyway, I'll forward it to the app dev group.20:44
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> @Lukas [I tried, but setting it directly gives me permission errors and I found no prope …], have you tried using sudo? if so and it doesn't do anything, you're out of luck20:44
ubptgbot<nfsprodriver> @Danfro [I am not the only one who tried to get that working. We did not get past a SDL e …], Um okay. But it should be possible 🤔️ Let's invest in that time after time...20:46
ubptgbot<Lukas> @FinlayDaG33k [have you tried using sudo? if so and it doesn't do anything, you're out of luck], sure ;-)20:47
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> then you're outta luck :p20:47
ubptgbot<Lukas> Ok, thanks for your answers, good night 😴20:49
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> gn21:00
ubptgbot<Flohack> @FinlayDaG33k [also, according to kernel.org: … Represents the type of charging currently being …], You have to see, this is mainline kernel. The Android drivers by the vendor can completly ignore this flag. Android is not GNU/Linux world, there are other rules obeyed21:00
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> tru21:06
ubptgbot<FinlayDaG33k> but I thought that because it's Ubuntu... well :p21:06
ubptgbot<Flohack> Ubuntu Touch is not ubuntu21:06
ubptgbot<Flohack> lowlevel its still Android ^^21:06
ubptgbot<mariogrip> @Flohack [lowlevel its still Android ^^], *it is ubuntu, but drivers are still android21:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, the underneath may or may not be an upstream kernel; in case of devices that ship with Android, it is the same kernel they shipped with, because that's how drivers work21:07
ubptgbot<GranPC> I mean, what talks to the bare metal is usually an android container, so it would be fair to say that low level is still android?21:08
ubptgbot<GranPC> except for the librem 521:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> right; on librem5/pinephone it's mainline. and all x86 packages are built for mainline kernel system21:09
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mariogrip [*it is ubuntu, but drivers are still android], For many people this means, install desktop apps and recompile their kernel ^^21:16
ubptgbot<Flohack> I keep the message simple but clear21:17
ubptgbot<mariogrip> haha :P i just dislike the word android lol21:17
ubptgbot<mariogrip> since it's technically just a small set of the low level hardware abstraction and bionic21:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack [For many people this means, install desktop apps and recompile their kernel ^^], "Ubuntu Touch is not a traditional PC linux distro"21:18
ubptgbot<GranPC> yeah, I get your point21:18
ubptgbot<GranPC> but still, the very underlying thing is unfortunately android21:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, it is aosp21:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> but yeah21:18
ubptgbot<J F> Any bluetooth help out there?21:18
ubptgbot<Flohack> @J F [Any bluetooth help out there?], Bluetooth is lost without any hope ^^21:23
ubptgbot<J F> really? how come?21:23
ubptgbot<Flohack> @J F [really? how come?], Because the bluetooth stack coming weith Bluez struggles with a lot of hardware and protocols it seems. We see all kinds of faults that one can imagine, including myself watching complete reboots on using the stuff21:25
ubptgbot<Flohack> We will try to upgrade to a later one soon, but its not clear what that will fix21:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack [Bluetooth is lost without any hope ^^], this is so not true21:26
ubptgbot<J F> ok. are there any work arounds?21:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> @J F [ok. are there any work arounds?], you never said what any of the devices are, but proprietary or fancy stuff is going to be problematic. most all standard keyboards/mice will connect just fine. most headsets will connect, but there are problems with audio support for calls, and some issues with rerouting audio, right now21:27
ubptgbot<J F> I am trying to connect my oneplus one to my car -2013 honda odyssey21:29
ubptgbot<Flohack> @J F [I am trying to connect my oneplus one to my car -2013 honda odyssey], Odyssey it will be...21:29
ubptgbot<Flohack> 😆21:29
ubptgbot<J F> any recommendations on compatible headsets?21:30
ubptgbot<dohbee> should work, at least to connect, but audio playback will probably be annoying21:30
ubptgbot<Flohack> Carkits are really the worst, every vendor does smth slightly different. Best for working was BMW21:30
ubptgbot<Flohack> working for me I mean21:30
ubptgbot<Flohack> Sometimes dialled numbers were empty, most of the time you cannot hear each other. Last seen on a Peugeot 30821:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> headset for use in calls will basically just work right now21:31
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Danfro [I am not the only one who tried to get that working. We did not get past a SDL e …], would be awesome to sdl going again, were they spinning a custom version?23:09

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