
wallyworldmagicaltrout: are you trying to add your square brackets to an attribute in the "config:" section of the charm podspec yaml? can you post to the discourse topic the yaml or a suitable snippet so we can reproduce any issue? is this with juju 2.6?00:34
thumperanyone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1059401:32
babbageclunkthumper: looking - trade you: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1058801:48
thumper,e ;ppls01:48
* thumper looks01:48
babbageclunktypes without putting his fingers on home01:48
thumperbabbageclunk: why the two line test?01:51
thumperif you are outputting the same thing01:52
thumperaren't those to the same?01:52
babbageclunkYou mean in the Makefile? No, they're subtly different - the old one includes the full list of packages which is super long01:52
thumperso what does it output now?01:53
babbageclunkThe same command but with $PROJECT_PACKAGES instead of the actual packages01:53
babbageclunkthumper: It's the same thing we do in go-install01:54
babbageclunkIt just means you don't get spammed with a huge list of packages when running `make test`01:55
* babbageclunk finds an example...01:56
* babbageclunk gets 2FA'd01:57
thumperI see it now01:57
thumperbabbageclunk: I have a makefile change coming too01:57
thumperand it overlaps with yours01:57
thumperbut let's get it reviewed, and I'll deal with the conflicts01:58
anastasiamacwallyworld: PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1059501:59
wallyworldok, give me 502:00
anastasiamacnw \o/ thnx :)02:01
thumperbabbageclunk: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1059602:04
thumperwallyworld: what is the best, most current, guide to follow to create k8s charms?02:08
wallyworldthere's an (oldish) discourse post02:09
wallyworldi can find it02:09
thumpersome of our tests don't honour tmpdir02:13
* thumper digs02:13
wallyworldthumper: https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/writing-a-kubernetes-charm02:17
thumperwallyworld: ta02:18
* thumper wonders how to isolate which package is writing to /tmp...02:23
babbageclunkPut some logging into the stdlib02:25
* babbageclunk half-winks02:25
thumperbabbageclunk: with the simple TMPDIR change, we catch most of the /tmp files02:26
thumperdefinitely all the go-build and go-link ones02:26
thumperand the check- and the mgo ones02:26
thumperbut there are a few store-lock ones left02:26
thumperbased on timestamps, I think it is just two packages02:26
wallyworldanastasiamac: lgtm02:27
anastasiamacwallyworld: \i/02:27
anastasiamac\o/ even :)02:27
* thumper decides to go one package at a time while doing emails02:29
wallyworldkelvinliu: here's that actions PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1059702:35
* thumper thinks there has to be a better way to do this02:37
* thumper thinks of bashisms02:37
wallyworldthumper: when you are free, a huge PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1059802:42
anastasiamachaha if thumper is going to run tests pkg by pkg, he is not likely to b free this century...02:45
thumperwallyworld: done02:45
thumperanastasiamac: for i in $(ls -d */); do echo ${i%%/}; touch /tmp/latest; cd $i; TMPDIR=/tmp/fake go test ./...; cd ..; find /tmp -path /tmp/juju-store-lock-\* -newer /tmp/latest 2> /dev/null; done02:53
thumperthat is what I came up with to keep my sanity02:53
thumperanastasiamac: and it tells me it is /api/backups02:53
thumperjust like that02:53
anastasiamacthumper: m very impressed :) we do prefer it if u could do everything in ur power to keep ur sanity02:54
anastasiamacand backups need some attention (not just the tests of course)02:54
* anastasiamac honestly does not know what's with this new trend of keeping leaders sane... 02:55
thumperyeah, I know03:01
anastasiamacbut m kind of happy that it's backups and not something more recently developed :)03:05
kelvinliuwallyworld: just back home, looking soon03:28
wallyworldno worries03:28
wallyworldhpidcock: here's a PR which adds a new hook command that you may find interesting to look at. no rush. https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1059905:19
parlosGood Morning Juju!07:26
yan0sI'm trying to setup juju with an OpenStack provider and I get the following error08:15
yan0scaused by: failed executing the request https://ncc_url:8774/v2.1/servers08:16
yan0scaused by: Post https://ncc_url:8774/v2.1/servers: EOF08:16
yan0sI saw this related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/165571608:17
mupBug #1655716: retry failed API calls <eda> <landscape> <Autopilot Log Analyser:Fix Committed by fginther> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1655716>08:17
danboidI want to set up a juju controller. Is it as simple as installing the juju snap?09:28
danboidWill that create the database for me too?09:28
danboidI'm looking at https://jaas.ai/docs/installing and it doesn't give any pointers as to what the next step is after having installed the snap09:29
danboidI had a look into setting this up a while back and I seem to remember the controller needs a DB09:30
danboidI ran out of time and didn't get it running but can't remember how far I got09:31
stickupkiddanboid, to run it locally you should be able to do https://gist.github.com/SimonRichardson/1609d6f93dcfdfbd97771afa7c1b38f009:32
danboidstickupkid, Thanks! `juju bootstrap lxd test` will do what exactly?09:33
stickupkiddanboid, bootstrap to a local lxd provider.09:34
stickupkiddanboid, so this will setup a juju controller for you on a lxd provider, is what I should of said09:34
danboidThat will create a juju controller called test? I presume it will use lxd on localhost? If lxd isn't installed on the local machine, how does it know where to look for one?09:36
stickupkiddanboid, you are correct, it will attempt to use the one on localhost. If lxd isn't installed, it will fail to bootstrap.09:37
danboidOK, sounds easy enough09:37
stickupkiddanboid, let me know how your adventures go09:38
danboidstickupkid, I will. Thanks!09:38
danboidI presume it is advised to run the juju controller on a separate machine to your maas controller? It is possible for them to run on the same machine tho too right?09:40
stickupkidthe latter is the way to go when first setting up, but yes you can run your controller somewhere else if you so desire09:41
parlosanybody got any idea how to handle "Unable to allocate static IP due to address exhaustion"...09:43
stickupkidparlos, you got any more info?09:44
parlosnot really, my maas has lots of IP addresses available in all the networks juju may want to use...09:45
parlosstickupkid not really, my maas has lots of IP addresses available in all the networks juju may want to use...09:46
stickupkidparlos, i'm assuming you've filed a bug, so we can track it... that way i can point people in the right location09:48
parlosstickupkid nope, no bug filed.. Assumed that it was user error :( Not sure if its a juju or maas bug...09:49
yan0sAny thoughts on "juju bootstrap" resulting in:09:49
stickupkidparlos, one way to find out :D09:49
yan0scaused by: failed executing the request https://ncc_url:8774/v2.1/servers09:49
stickupkidparlos, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+filebug09:49
yan0scaused by: Post https://ncc_url:8774/v2.1/servers: EOF09:49
stickupkidyan0s, what's the provider you're bootstrapping to (lxd, manual, MAAS)?09:51
yan0srocky release09:51
danboidstickupkid, I'm running lxd init on my maas controller. I said yes to "Would you like to connect to a MAAS server" now it is asking for an API key. Should I create a new MAAS user just for lxd or use my personal API key or...09:58
parlosanyway to 'replace' a machine that failed in a deployment. Without destroying the model and redeploying it?10:01
danboidstickupkid, I suppose the idea would be that every maas user would have their own juju controller/API key?10:02
danboidstickupkid, So is it not possible for multiple maas users to share a juju controller?10:03
parlosdanboid, afaik no...10:04
stickupkiddanboid, so you would allow juju to manage maas and allow juju manage the users...10:04
stickupkiddanboid, see `juju users --help`10:04
stickupkidparlos, remove-machine?10:05
parlosdanboid; In my setup, I've got one juju controller on it i deploy models from different different maas users/keys. So, enables me to track (on Maas) what nodes are ued by what user.. (would be nice to push tags from juju to maas during deployment)10:07
parlosstickupkid, would remove-machine trigger a redeployment of the apps that were destined for that machine?10:07
stickupkidparlos, nope, you'd have to use `--to` directive10:08
stickupkidwhen deploying10:08
danboidparlos, That sounds like a setup I want to try. So when you were configuring lxd, which API key did you give it?10:09
parlosstickupkid, so the work around would be to allocate a new machine, move the units to that machine and then remove the machine that failed...10:09
stickupkidparlos, rick_h would know more tbh10:10
danboidparlos, I'm configuring lxd on my maas controller, gonna run a juju controller on there too10:10
stickupkidhe comes online soon10:10
parlosstickupkid, ok. Will submit bug, and hang around.10:11
danboidlxd init failed: `Couldn't find the specified machine`. When it asked "What's the name of this host in MAAS` I just gave the hostname of the MAAS controller which was the default but there is obvs some more, missing config10:20
danboidHmm. No. Under MAAS General, MAAS name the controller has a name which is the same as the hostname so I dunno why lxd init failed10:21
danboidMaybe I can get away with skipping the MAAS options in lxd init if it is running on the same machine?10:23
danboidmaybe it'll let me get away with using for the controller name?10:26
danboidSo I suppose my most important question is, does lxd need to be configured to access/use MAAS at all?10:29
danboidSo long as juju can use lxd fine, is there any need to link lxd and MAAS?10:31
danboidI suppose I'll just have to try without and see how far I get10:33
danboidThere seems to be a clash between bind running on my MAAS controller and lxd init wanting to create lxdbr010:50
danboidSo I either install lxd and juju ob a different machine or...10:51
danboidNot sure there is an or10:53
danboidunless MAAS doesn't need to use bind/named10:54
danboidI suppose the other option is to create the bridge interface myself then get lxd init to use that11:00
rick_hparlos:  no, it won't auto redeploy. Recovery is up to the operator because we don't know what restrictions the operator is expecting. "don't autodeploy to that machine, I'm keeping X and Y on different hosts..." or the like11:17
rick_hparlos:  so you'd in theory use add-unit for anything running with any constraints/placement notes11:17
rick_hparlos:  and then yes, remove the machine with the units on it when you were happy to deal with it11:18
magicaltrouthttps://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/square-brackets-in-env-vars/2024/2 rick_h !!! any ideas?! :)12:00
parlosrick_h; would have been nice with replace-machine, that would just deploy a new machine with the same specs as the one that failed...12:14
danboidYay! I have a juju controller on my MAAS box now! :)14:47
danboidNo idea what to do with it now :)14:49
stickupkiddanboid, congrats14:49
stickupkiddanboid, juju deploy :D14:49
danboidstickupkid, Thanks! :)14:49
danboidThis is to start playing with openstack14:50
danboidjuju deploy openstack ?14:50
danboidI'm sure there will be a guide online somewhere, I'm just being a bit overly lax :)14:51
pmatulisdanboid, https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/install-openstack.html#deploy-openstack14:53
danboidpmatulis, Thanks!14:53
pmatulisdanboid, kindly open doc bugs if needed --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-deployment-guide/+filebug14:54
danboidpmatulis, Yeah. I think the juju install page could do with a bit of tweaking too14:55
pmatulisdanboid, that guide will take you through deploying OpenStack by individual service. you can also try a bundle14:55
pmatulisit all depends what you want to do/learn14:56
danboidpmatulis, Thanks!14:57
pmatulisdanboid, how many MAAS nodes do you have? and what resources do they have? it's typical to require multiple disks and network cards15:01
danboidpmatulis, I have 1 MAAS controller with 5 nodes attached. They are Xeons, 3 have 64 GB RAM and 2 have 256 GB. They've all got at least 1 TB of disk space and multiple NICs15:05
danboidBefore I run juju deploy, is it something I need to run under screen/tmux or will it background itself?15:06
stickupkidachilleasa, when we deploy a bundle, the overlay is merged on to the base bundle yaml, so I can upload that to the server to get the changes?15:06
danboidI'd imagine there is a bit more config before I can deploy the bundle. I'll need to tell it which nodes to use at least right?15:07
danboidor does it automaticaly use all available nodes?15:10
pmatulisdanboid, it sounds like you should do some experimenting with stuff that is lighter than openstack15:16
pmatulisjust to get the basics. did you look at the documentation yet?15:17
danboidNope. I've been playing with MAAS for a while but not in-depth. I haven't touched juju yet15:17
danboidThe problem is those docs seem to be JAAS centric, rather than focusing on a on-prem juju setup15:19
stickupkidjam, what happens if you want the BestFacadeVersion, but the facade doesn't exist on old controllers?15:20
danboidor at least thats the case for the Getting Started guide15:22
pmatulisdanboid, nope. jaas is just one tiny thing in the docs. url notwithstanding15:22
danboidWhat would you suggest I try putting together before attempting openstack?15:24
pmatulisdanboid, just go through the main topics in the docs. there are a couple of beginner tutorials15:26
achilleasastickupkid: any overlays are sequentially merged to the base bundle. What do you mean by "upload to the server"?15:36
stickupkidachilleasa, ho?15:36
magicaltrouthello fine people... if anyone in the US has any clue about https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/square-brackets-in-env-vars/2024/2 that  would be very useful indeed! ;)15:51
magicaltroutlike, does anyone know if there is something I can do to get GO to parse some YAML read by some Python? or do I need to chop up the upstream container to make it happen?15:52
rick_hmagicaltrout:  was looking...stop breaking things! :P15:53
rick_hmagicaltrout:  I think we'll have to create some test cases and get back to you unfortunately. Honestly it's probably better as a bug15:54
magicaltroutfair enough. Yeah I dunno what I can try cause I don't know how the yaml -> python -> go handoff works15:55
magicaltroutso i gave up at that point15:55
magicaltroutI'll file it and mash up the container for now15:55
magicaltroutwant to get this demo stack done for ApacheCon next week15:55
mupBug #1842691: Array in YAML causes Kubernetes charm failed deployment <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1842691>16:04
stickupkidachilleasa, i ejected - it would take to long, but my PR for exposing the method on the API server is solid - can you give a CR, i'll start on bringing this into pylib https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1060116:21
achilleasastickupkid: sure, let me check16:21
stickupkidrick_h, merge master into 2.7 branch, for pylibjuju https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/35317:01

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