
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Is anyone else seeing dourble?01:59
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> (Photo, 1280x1014) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/W8XG6cCK/file_17657.jpg01:59
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Only reason I noticed double entries was that my laptop screen brightness keys were not working under Eaon. So I checked the key mapping and noticed the double entries under PM.  I had to reassign the duplicate entries to the brightness control to enable my screen brightness.  I will check another laptop on Eaon so see if its hw specific....02:02
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> BTW, this screen shot is from Disco with backports enabled.  Neon Dev Unstable does not have this issue (same laptop) and I have yet to find a but report that may contain a patch link.02:03
IrcsomeBot<x_sun> Check `~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc`. It should have doubled entries too06:06
IrcsomeBot<x_sun> Mine doesn't06:06
=== jdrab_ is now known as jdrab
BluesKajHi all12:11
RikMillsplasma 5.16.5 is now in Eoan and backports ppa for disco14:30
=== ichoquo0Aigh9ie is now known as jacky
crydotsnake-MHello :) !21:17

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