
cpaelzerdoko: I think I found an issue in glibc 2.30 vs python triggering further issues in samba https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.7/+bug/184261807:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1842618 in python3.7 (Ubuntu) "python3.7 might need a rebuild against the new glibc 2.30 - fails with stropts define" [Undecided,New]07:53
cpaelzerdoko: once you are around it would be great if you could let me know if you agree and schedule a python3 rebuild or if it is more complex than that07:54
cpaelzerbecause in case of the latter we might (for now) add some silly but working emergency patch to get samba updated07:54
cpaelzersbeattie: ^^ FYI07:54
dokocpaelzer: uploaded08:09
cpaelzeruh, ok that seems like a "yes I agree" :-)08:09
cpaelzerthanks doko08:09
RikMillsLP: #1842382 any clue why /proc/self/maps in a live session now shows nothing much?08:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1842382 in vlc (Ubuntu) "vlc won't start; eoan 19.10 ubuntu/lubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/ubuntu-mate daily" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184238208:11
RikMillsum cyphermox I mean08:11
RikMillsany clue why /proc/self/maps in a live session now shows nothing much?08:11
Laneydoko: will look at mhash08:28
Laneyfirst I've heard of it though08:28
Laneyquite an easy one, lucky :-)08:33
fredldotmehello, fine folks!08:51
fredldotmeI'm here on behalf of UBports. We run into an ugly ICE with gcc-5 from xenial and would need some help to get this fixed.08:52
Laneydoko: there you go09:05
Laneynmued it too for good measure09:05
fredldotmethe issue we encounter is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-5/+bug/183841909:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1838419 in gcc-5 (Ubuntu) "ICE in emit_block_move_hints, at expr.c:1144" [Undecided,New]09:53
fredldotmeas I see it doko already fixed the issue on the Debian side with gcc-6.09:54
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rafaeldtinocogood morning o/10:36
rbalintsil2100, what should i press to make bileto trigger autopkgtests? https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/379810:50
Laneylander signoff I think10:51
rbasakxnox: incoming regression-update report: bug 184265111:42
ubottubug 1842651 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Regression: after Uprade from udev_237-3ubuntu10.25 to udev_237-3ubuntu10.26 network interfaces don't get renamed by 70-persistent-network.rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184265111:42
rbasakThough it looks like the reported version isn't the current one in -updates?11:42
xnoxrbasak:  yes.11:42
rbasakI would ask for verification about .28 but I thought maybe better to leave it with you then add another cook.11:43
xnoxrbasak:  that's a valid question, and i did ask that now. I fear this might be regression due to removal of the "retry renaming persistent interfaces" patch that was recently SRUed. Highlight ddstreet RAOF chrisccoulson11:46
xnoxrbasak:  but also i'm not sure if security update trumped the inflight proposed update or not11:46
xnoxchrisccoulson:  did https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/237-3ubuntu10.28 trump anything?11:46
chrisccoulsonxnox, it didn't - it's based on the version in -updates11:47
RAOFxnox: we worked to get the security update based on that SRU11:47
chrisccoulsonwell, it's in updates now - I based it on what was in the proposed pocket to avoid trumping it11:47
xnoxchrisccoulson:  tah =) so it was a chrisccoulson setup by having a regression in -proposed ;-)11:47
ddstreetxnox rbasak i don't think i had anything to do with that, looks like FourDollars drove that change11:48
xnoxddstreet:  ack11:49
chrisccoulsonxnox, RAOF, is this regression important enough for us to need to do a revert? We'd need to do that through the security pocket11:57
chrisccoulsonI can prepare uploads now if you think it's necessary11:57
FourDollarsddstreet: In fact, that commit has been accepted in the git repository before I start to do another bug's SRU.12:02
ddstreetFourDollars ok so the commit came from vicamo?  https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/systemd/commit/?id=832a06123f7b060b67394fe270123d80c8d7e37b12:11
FourDollarsddstreet: Yes12:12
ddstreetok, sounds like we need that removed patch back then (i.e. Revert-udev-network-device-renaming-immediately-give.patch)12:12
xnoxddstreet:  but that will then regress the "takes to long to connect to network upon duplicate macs"12:13
FourDollarsYes. XD12:14
xnoxddstreet:  somehow we need both, or like ignore/filter out duplciate mac nics....12:14
xnoxddstreet:  FourDollars: vicamo: the duplicate MAC nics.... am I crazy, or should we simply take those two NICs and automatically create a bond out of them?12:15
xnoxas that is the intention, no?!12:15
FourDollarsxnox: Sorry. I don't know much about it. What I SRUed is majorly for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1740894.12:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1740894 in OEM Priority Project bionic "KEY_RFKILL is not passed to userspace" [Critical,Fix released]12:17
ahasenackcpaelzer: so tl;dr for samba wrt opts header? Was a new upload of python done?12:39
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cpaelzerahasenack: yes it was done13:00
cpaelzerahasenack: it reached proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.7/3.7.4-413:00
cpaelzerso we can now hit rebuils on samba which I'll do now13:00
cpaelzerif all fits as expected it will now build just fine13:00
cpaelzerubt I'll check the header on the new python first13:00
cpaelzeroh someone started it already13:01
cpaelzerand it builds fine13:01
cpaelzerso things are good again13:01
ahasenackok, thx13:02
cpaelzerahasenack: here are the greens https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/2:4.10.7+dfsg-0ubuntu213:02
cpaelzerwith the usual slow arm taking a while13:02
ahasenackrafaeldtinoco: there is a history of test hints for ocfs2-tools13:03
ahasenackrafaeldtinoco: what we could do there is use that skippable check, if arch == s390x13:03
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: yep. im giving a last look at 3 functions dealing with bit shifts13:04
rafaeldtinocoand then right after will suggest that13:04
rafaeldtinocoif nothing is conclusive13:04
ahasenackok, didn't want you getting into a rabbit hole13:04
ahasenackcan also do both: skippable, and then work on the bug without a hurry13:04
rafaeldtinocoahasenack: no no, good stuff you got in public bug also13:04
rafaeldtinocotrue. i was mostly worried if all ocfs2 was broken for s390 ..13:05
rafaeldtinoco(because this comes from libocfs2)13:05
rafaeldtinocoand if it is, more than skip, we would have to remove the arch13:05
rafaeldtinocothats why I havent decided yet for skip the test13:05
rafaeldtinocolets see :\13:05
ahasenackrbasak: hi, I have a versioned build-dep question13:22
ahasenackrbasak: libpmemobj(src) has build-dep libpmemobj-dev(>=1.6~), libdaxctl-dev, libndctl-dev13:22
ahasenacksorry, let me rephrase13:22
ahasenackpackages have similar names13:22
ahasenackrbasak: libpmemobj-cpp(src) has build-dep libpmemobj-dev(>=1.6~), libdaxctl-dev, libndctl-dev13:23
ahasenackthe 3 build-deps I listed come from the same source: pmdk13:23
ahasenacklibpmemobj-cpp is another src13:23
ahasenackwith libpmemobj-dev 1.6.1 and later, the libdaxctl-dev and libndctl-dev build-deps can be dropped from libpmemobj-cpp13:23
ahasenackso we would have only Build-depends: libpmemobj-devel(>= 1.6~)13:23
ahasenackthe question I got in review is if I shouldn't then update that version, since it's only with 1.6.1 and later that I can drop the libdaxctl-dev and libndctl-dev build-depends13:24
ahasenacki.e., isn't this more correct for libpmemobj-cpp(src): Build-depends: libpmemobj-devel (>= 1.6.1~)13:24
ahasenackI remember vaguely we talking about something similar in the past, that versioned build-depends shouldn't be that strict in general13:25
* rbasak reads13:26
fredldotmedo you think there's a possibility someone at Canonical will take a look at our issue and backport the patch (https://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs/gcc?view=revision&revision=261588) to gcc-5?13:29
rbasakahasenack: the usual thing I go for is to not use depends (or build depends) for bugfixes, since 1) then things get awkward when bugfixes are backported; and 2) if fixing a bug we update the archive, everything updates and so no dependency is actually required13:30
rbasakahasenack: for build-depends I think it's entirely up to ease of maintenance - if it holds a build back as needed, or will inform a backporter of a problem early, then it's useful13:31
ahasenackrbasak: this package in particular (libpmemobj-cpp) only exists in eoan, but the mentioned build-deps go back13:31
rbasakOtherwise there's no need.13:31
rbasakSo I think it's up to you.13:31
rbasak(>= 1.6.1~) is correct if you want to express that in the build dependency13:31
rafaeldtinocofredldotme: you mean for Xenial ? why dont u open a launchpad bug and suggest that ?13:31
rafaeldtinocoexplain why you need that backport and what situation it would solve.13:32
ahasenackrbasak: the reason to build-dep on 1.6~, is code-wise. To build-dep on 1.6.1~, is well, the build will just fail without the (now) missing build-deps13:32
rbasakahasenack: right. What I'm saying is: do you wish to express that in the build dependency?13:33
ahasenackrbasak: for eoan that would be correct. For < eoan, it would be introducing a bug, because 1.6.1 is not there, and with 1.6, the build-dep is not needed13:33
ahasenacknot seeing me doing a backport, though13:33
rbasakBecause almost every unversioned build dependency probably could correctly be versioned with a >=, but we don't do that for everything. There's no requirement to do so, except when it's convenient for us.13:34
fredldotmerafaeldtinoco already did: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-5/+bug/183841913:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1838419 in gcc-5 (Ubuntu) "ICE in emit_block_move_hints, at expr.c:1144" [Undecided,New]13:34
ahasenackrbasak: right13:34
rbasakfredldotme: do you mean Canonical, or Ubuntu?13:35
rbasakfredldotme: Canonical will generally only do things for customers or if there's a big impact to Ubuntu users, since everything else falls off the priority list.13:35
rbasakfredldotme: however anybody can contribute to Ubuntu and all are welcome and encouraged to do so.13:35
rbasakfredldotme: if you have a patch and would like to drive landing the fix in Ubuntu yourself, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-5/+bug/183841913:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1838419 in gcc-5 (Ubuntu) "ICE in emit_block_move_hints, at expr.c:1144" [Undecided,New]13:36
fredldotmerbasak I see, if someone from Ubuntu would like to help us that would be great. All the information required to get the backport in is in the launchpad bugreport13:37
rbasakfredldotme: you'd be expected to work on as much as you can yourself, according to our documented policy and processes.13:37
fredldotmerbasak ofc13:38
rbasakfredldotme: if you have specific questions about our processes, you're welcome to ask here.13:38
rbasakfredldotme: I would start by checking the page I linked to ensure that your proposed patch is acceptable to land according to our policies (which exist to protect Ubuntu users)13:38
rbasakfredldotme: your goal would be to get the bug fully documented according to our requirements, and to present us with a debdiff ready for sponsorship.13:39
rbasak(and then you'd be expected to help with QA afterwards)13:39
rafaeldtinocoAND, for this case, in particular, you said gcc-6 in debian has a fix for the same issue13:41
rafaeldtinocoyou could even use that patch for the Ubuntu SRU (stable release update)13:41
fredldotmethat would be my first thing to try, backport the fix to gcc-5 with a PPA up and running, then we can discuss how to proceed with merging the patch.13:43
ahasenackrafaeldtinoco: the bug you just filed on crmsh, about parallax13:43
ahasenackrafaeldtinoco: I've seen that backtrace before13:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1687095 in crmsh (Ubuntu Xenial) "crm cluster health does not work: python3-parallax and cluster-glue (hb_report) dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:43
rafaeldtinocoahasenack:i used your previous bug13:44
ahasenackoh, wait13:44
rafaeldtinocochanged its title to add eoan13:44
ahasenackok, sorry :)13:44
rafaeldtinocoso its 2 issues13:44
ahasenackyou did me a confuse13:44
rafaeldtinocoahasenack:im glad you still remember13:44
ahasenack(dog speak)13:44
rafaeldtinocofredldotme: to be honest, after checking both build logs13:44
rafaeldtinocohow are you sure that the backport would solve your issue ?13:44
rafaeldtinocomake sure to test it before, cause its in the same internal (to gcc) function but different issues/failures13:45
rafaeldtinocomake sure you explain that also (in the SRU).. having a working PPA would be +1 for the SRU acceptance also13:45
fredldotmerafaeldtinoco I was just following the lead from the Debian bug to the upstream gcc patch. it's certainly possible the patch doesn't fix our specific issue, there's only one way to find out: testing it :)13:49
rafaeldtinocofredldotme: yep, I'd bet there are more fixes related to arm64<->armhf cross compiling13:50
rafaeldtinocofredldotme: "tip" you can always use the upstream gcc-5 version, with "debian/" directory from Xenial (without applying the patches from debian/patches/*) and bisect generating pkgs..13:51
rafaeldtinocoso lets say from gcc5 to gcc7 this is fixed, you might be able to bisect the upstream source, by generating debian packages and testing, lets say.. just to give an example on what can be done13:51
rafaeldtinocoafter finding what fixed the issue, you can propose the SRU13:51
rcjrbasak and the SRU team: Can I get a review of the test SRU test plan @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ec2-hibinit-agent-Updates ?13:57
rcjsorry rbasak, that was meant for rbalint ^13:58
rcj(happy to have the review, but I flubbed the autocomplete)13:58
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rafaeldtinococpaelzer: alright. so ill drop ocfs2-tools s390 builds and explain in the LP and do a merge request.14:22
cpaelzeryeah, I mean all the years it was accepted that it doesn't work there but "kept"14:23
cpaelzeryet I'd agree that if it isn't working (and not meant to be working) there then the right thing would be to remove it14:23
cpaelzermaybe xnox or jfh have faced that (discussion) before14:23
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: im putting into a comment, but.. they are basically doing shifts in a (char *) that points to a (void *) and checking addr mask14:24
xnoxcpaelzer:  que que?! more context =)14:24
rafaeldtinocoxnox: ocfs2-tools s39014:24
rafaeldtinocoyou are aware of that already14:24
cpaelzerit doesn't work on s390x, and AFAIK it never did14:25
rafaeldtinocoanything against removing from s390 ? as libocfs2 is broken14:25
cpaelzerit was force-badtest all the time14:25
cpaelzerbut I'd agree that if it doesn work then there should be no s390x biary for it14:25
rafaeldtinocoocfs2_set_bit does little endian operations only (for masking addresses of the inode bitmaps)14:25
ahasenacksome tests pass, I guess there was hope it would soon fully work14:26
xnoxcpaelzer:  rafaeldtinoco: ideally it would have a unittest and the package is attempted to build, but ftbfs14:26
ahasenackor maybe some portions of it work14:26
cpaelzerxnox: wouldn't that prevent the other architectures from entering proposed?14:26
rafaeldtinocoxnox: bitwise passes.. test fails because asserts() fail (since bitwise are little endian aware only)14:26
rafaeldtinocobuilding is ok, logic is broken14:27
xnoxsuch that it doesn't produce binaries, but like attempts to do that, and like all the time.14:27
xnoxcpaelzer:  it will be fine.14:27
xnoxcpaelzer:  we will need AA to remove debs from release pocket, and everything will be fine from then on.14:28
xnoxcpaelzer:  as it wouldn't be a regression in arches support from then on.14:28
cpaelzeryeah if that works I'm ok with that approach14:29
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: do you think such a unit test would be easy to add?14:29
xnoxrafaeldtinoco:  that's what i'm saying, add a build time unit test which shows this broken logic and fails.14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745155 in ocfs2-tools (Ubuntu) "o2image fails on s390x" [Medium,Confirmed]14:30
rafaeldtinocoi could check if arch is big endian by checking 0xfff0 to 0x0fff14:31
rafaeldtinocoDEB_BUILD_ARCH_ENDIAN or just check that14:31
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: could we test this ocfs2_set_bit ?14:32
rafaeldtinocobut if all big endians are broken14:32
rafaeldtinococpaelzer: yep14:32
rafaeldtinocoI can create this14:32
rafaeldtinocodo a ocfs2_set_bit like test14:32
cpaelzernot like "if big endian then die", but really call ocfs2_set_bit adn check against a expected value or so?14:32
rafaeldtinocoill add a DEP8 about this then14:32
rafaeldtinocoshould I fail build ?14:32
rafaeldtinocoor just the test ?14:32
rafaeldtinoco(are we removing it from s390x still ?)14:32
cpaelzerrafaeldtinoco: it must be a build time test, not a dep814:32
cpaelzerotherwise it won't work out the way xnox and I discussed14:33
cpaelzerxnox: btw while I always trust your advice, could you outline in a few words why this is better than Architceture: !s390x in d/control ?14:33
cpaelzerfor spotting when it ever starts to work?14:34
xnoxcpaelzer:  there is no way to declare !s390x, only explicit list of arches..... which is pain to maintain as whitelist especially when we are going to add more arches14:35
cpaelzerok, that is a reason14:36
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marcoceppifginther`: 👋 I've spent a bit of time with livecd-rootfs - grabed the latest from git, built and installed it. I set what I assume are the correct parameters and did a `lb config` and `lb build`. I'm just not sure what the result of that is, as none of files resemble that which is foud at cdimages for rpi3 images14:38
smoserrafaeldtinoco: around ?15:00
smoserhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-utils/+bug/1842682 :-(15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1842682 in cloud-utils "regression in test-growpart results in test fail device or resource busy" [High,Confirmed]15:00
rafaeldtinocoyep, next in my queue15:01
rafaeldtinoconah, i saw it yesterday15:01
smoserhumans (at least smoser) are so incompetant15:01
rafaeldtinocotks for the headsup!15:01
rafaeldtinocotoday is the ocfs2-tools s390 fun :\15:01
fginther`marcoceppi, I wasn't aware you were going to try to build images from scratch with livecd-rootfs, just modify an existing image. We actually use a helper utility to build with livecd-rootfs: https://github.com/chrisglass/ubuntu-old-fashioned15:09
marcoceppifginther`: Oh, then I'm not sure how to modify an existing image15:09
fginther`marcoceppi, that project is essentially a single bash script which does the setup and execution of a build15:09
marcoceppiI'm happy to build from scratch or modify15:09
smoserrafaeldtinoco: i'm just going to do an upload to eoan with that in it15:09
smoserthanks to rharper for quick review15:10
* tribaal notices the highlight.15:10
tribaalhi all :)15:10
marcoceppiwhichever you think would be the most sane fginther`15:10
fginther`hey tribaal :)15:10
rafaeldtinocosmoser: awesome, I can include the fix in the SRU15:10
rafaeldtinocoif you are ok15:10
smoseri'd let it get through an autopkg test though ;)15:10
fginther`marcoceppi, since you're already down the build from scratch path. I suggest to continue. The ubuntu-old-fashioned has some assumptions about which livecd-rootfs project to build (it defaults to the cloud builds). The rpi3 builds will be under a different project15:11
marcoceppiI'll take a look! thanks15:12
bdmurrayrbasak: Are you familiar with sphinxsearch at all?18:05
bdmurrayrbasak: I've discovered the answer to my question18:21
ahasenackbdmurray: is he familiar or not? :)18:30
bdmurrayahasenack: okay, I've discovered the answer to my original question! ;-)18:35
tarzeauif a gui app creates a window, that window should be movable independant of the main other window. i wonder who came up with the idea to let the main window move with the sub window. braindead! QT5!18:36
tarzeaucan i turn that crap off somehow?18:36
marcoceppifginther`: hey - thanks for your help. I'll be authoring up a blog post about what it took, but in short I was using the wrong IMAGEFORMAT parameter. Needed `ubuntu-image` instead of `ext4`20:22
fginther`ah, glad to hear! :)20:23
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
fginthermarcoceppi, I'd be interested in reading that post if you're willing to share :)20:24
marcoceppifginther: hopefully next week, depends on how far I get in baking in my changes needed for deployments20:27
CarlFKmarcustomlinson: long shot based on  "deployments" -  https://debconf-video-team.pages.debian.net/ansible/usb_install/usb_quick_start.html20:33

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