
JonelethIrenicussarnold: not findign iproute200:13
JonelethIrenicussarnold: is it called another way from the terminal?00:13
sarnoldJonelethIrenicus: it should be installed by default everywhere; check dpkg -l iproute200:13
JonelethIrenicussarnold: oh it is just "ip"00:14
sarnoldJonelethIrenicus: there's a handful of different tools in the iproute2 package; ip and ss are the 'main' ones, but there's a handful of other commands00:14
JonelethIrenicusahh ok00:14
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paddyhello, with ufw i would like to set a rule that allows ssh traffic only from a certain ip range. but i cant get the syntax right. instead of "ufw allow ssh" i tried variations of "allow ssh from". how can i do that, please?01:25
cluelesspersonwhat does ubuntu use for dns?01:25
cluelesspersonI don't see a running process, but it says
sarnoldcluelessperson: that'll be systemd-resolved01:30
cluelesspersonsarnold   I don't think this is systemd01:31
* cluelessperson looks01:31
sarnoldcluelessperson: oh. uh. you might be right. sigh. I read too quickly. I think something running on is likely to be a local tool01:33
ChiLLabiSpaddy have you looked in /etc/ssh/sshd_config? Try ListenAdress in there01:36
sarnoldChiLLabiS: paddy left a few minutes after asking01:36
ChiLLabiSmissed it01:36
ChiLLabiSThanks for the notice :)01:36
sarnoldheh yeah it's too easy to have a conversation with someone who's gone missing01:37
sarnoldChiLLabiS: btw do you know you can use tab to complete nicknames? pad<tab> would have completed to 'paddy' when the client was still connected, but doesn't do anything once the client is gone01:37
sarnoldit's an easy and cheap way to either notice that someone's gon emissing, or, more often, accidentally tell someone else something :)01:38
ChiLLabiSTrue, i usually do that writing to people.. Dunno why i didn't now01:38
sarnoldcool cool01:39
lincoln16Can anyone help me set my static IP on 18.04? Netplan and straight ifconfig aren't working properly and I've read so many guides and SO answers that aren't working for me01:41
lotuspsychje!netplan | lincoln16 start here01:41
ubottulincoln16 start here: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/01:41
sarnoldlincoln16: if you pastebin your netplan config someone'll probably be able to give it a look01:41
lincoln16Pastebin sarnold https://pastebin.com/kyAXYGV201:44
ubottuNetplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/01:45
sarnoldlincoln16: alright, I can't spot anything that looks funny there.. does the IP get assigned? does the default route get assigned? DNS servers?01:48
lincoln16The ip gets picked up in ifconfig01:50
lincoln16when I do ip route, there are two default lines so is that the problem?01:50
sarnoldoh weird. I've only ever seen a single 'default' line..01:51
sarnoldcan you pastebin the ip route output?01:51
lincoln16shows `default via dev em1 onlink` and `default dev em1 proto static`01:51
lincoln16I can pastbin the rest01:52
lincoln16the rest has to do with docker and bridges and stuff that aren't related01:53
sarnoldof the three machines I've got easy access to, I don't have a line like your default dev em1 proto static ..01:54
sarnoldbut there's every chance that those three machines are funny because they've all got loing historical baggage before netplan01:54
lincoln16I dropped them with `ip route del ...` but still no connection after `netplan apply`01:55
sarnolddid they come back after netplan apply?01:56
lincoln16`default dev em1 proto static` came back01:57
sarnoldlincoln16: hmm.. this section of the faq suggests that with multiple interfaces that a 'routes' key should be used instead: https://netplan.io/examples#using-multiple-addresses-with-multiple-gateways02:00
sarnold.. instead of 'gateway4'02:00
lincoln16sarnold I changed around my yaml and no dice 🥺02:05
sarnoldlincoln16 :(02:06
lincoln16I've been messing around with this for hours02:07
sarnoldlincoln16: can you file a bug against the netplan.io source package? ubuntu-bug netplan.io  ought to do the trick02:07
lincoln16I can. Is there a workaround without netplan to get this thing working?02:08
lotuspsychjelincoln16: we have users that purge netplan, and go oldskool but..02:09
ryuolincoln16: i've left netplan unconfigured and just configured networkd directly. i gave up trying to get it to work for some of the more unusual network setups.02:09
lotuspsychjesince its evolution, think netplan will stick a while with ubuntu02:09
ryuoi intend to try netplan again in 20.04, but for 18.04 i shelved it.02:10
sarnoldlincoln16: I think lotuspsychje's suggestion is the easy way to get you working again; something like apt install ifupdown netplan.io-02:10
lincoln16I had some concoction working last night. Reboot messed that all up and now I have a networking headache02:10
sarnoldlincoln16: then you can go back to /etc/network/interfaces as usual02:11
lincoln16even trying to use Networkd didn't work when I tried it earlier02:11
lotuspsychjelincoln16: there are also tons of netplan examples out there, maybe you should dig a bit deeper before you throw it out? https://vitux.com/how-to-configure-networking-with-netplan-on-ubuntu/02:12
ryuolincoln16: what's your network configuration? maybe i can help.02:12
ryuoi had to use an esoteric configuration because of how my server host does IP assignment... the gateway wasn't on the same network as my allocation so i had to defined the routes in an unusual way.02:13
ryuootherwise the kernel would reject the default gateway as unreachable.02:13
sarnoldheh at least in this case the gateway *is* within the cidr block02:13
lincoln16I've registered for a static ip from my univ that's all they gave me. its possible my gateways or something are messed up that's beyond my CS background02:14
ryuoyea, because my host gives /32 and /128 addresses.02:14
sarnoldI had to doublecheck with wa since /20 is a funny one that I can't do in my head :) https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=
ryuolincoln16: and you've gotten it to work before?02:15
lincoln16it was working last night02:15
ryuowhat happens if you leave it unconfigured? are you able to set it up manually?02:15
lincoln16although with all the spaghetti I threw at the wall with netplan and ifconfig and Networkd it's impossible to recall what worked02:15
sarnoldbeen there done that :(02:16
ryuoi've moved on to using 'ip', but w/e works for you.02:16
sarnold(not with netplan, but the general problem :)02:16
lincoln16I can try using `ip`. sucks because most resources online just use netplan02:18
ryuolincoln16: well, can you undo your configurations and we can try starting from scratch?02:18
ryuofirst need to figure out how to even get it working before thinking of configuring it permanently...02:19
lincoln16like delete my netplan yaml and remove ifconfig entries?02:19
ryuouh... if you're using ifconfig from something that runs during boot02:19
ryuoi wanted to try starting from a fresh state. sometimes stale settings can confound this process.02:20
lincoln16~shrug no clue what's happening02:20
ryuome either, but i'm not there so what else can you do?02:20
lincoln16I can undo configs and try to see what else we can do02:20
lotuspsychjelincoln16: it might help leaving a: journalctl -f running while your playing, maybe the logs will help you understand better whats happening02:22
lincoln16alright configs are gone (I hope) and journalctl is running02:24
ryuodid you reboot?02:24
ryuook... what were you told to do to configure it?02:24
ryuoor what were you given02:24
lincoln16I got an IP and that was basically it02:26
ryuodidn't they at least give you a default gateway?02:26
lincoln16Switching to DHCP has let me ping google, but will that keep my static IP02:26
lincoln16nope :))02:26
ryuouh... hm.02:27
ryuoare the static IP and DHCP one in the same network?02:27
ryuoi'm wondering if you could reuse the default gateway from DHCP.02:27
ryuoi could determine it if you gave me the CIDR of both.02:28
lincoln16DHCP is currently giving me the same IP as I was trying to set for static02:28
ryuo... interesting.02:28
lincoln16Maybe I just have to set it to DHCP and since they have my MAC address they'll just route that?02:29
lincoln16`curl ipecho.net/plain` gave me back the static IP I'm wanting02:29
ryuowell, it's possible they could be just giving you the same allocation each time.02:29
ryuoso it's kinda static.02:30
ryuoif so, just set DHCP and forget it.02:30
lincoln16Weird. I'll reboot to see if it sticks02:30
ryuootherwise, you could grab the network settings DHCP is using and set it manually.02:30
lincoln16I can SSH in so that's working02:30
lincoln16yeah that at least gives me some settings to copy from02:30
ryuoit's not unusual at all. dnsmasq does the same. it tries to assign the same IP address to each client with their unique settings.02:31
ryuoit uses their supplied hostname, mac address, and other identifying information to calculate an assignment.02:31
lincoln16I guess that's maybe what my univ is doing. I'll check after reboot02:33
lincoln16getting a nice IP storm after posting here :)  thanks
ryuosounds like they chose to give you just an IP address so you'd know how to reach it and were using DHCP to give it an allocation from a range of addresses reserved for static allocations.02:34
ryuolincoln16: did the address change before you requested this?02:35
lincoln16That makes sense02:36
ryuoif so, you could just leave it as DHCP and not mess with this.02:36
lincoln16It's been the same, so I'll just let it be and see if any spiders fall out in a bit02:37
lincoln16reboot is holding IP so DHCP is the way to go!02:39
flog 03:12
philwongHey guys03:27
philwongWould Ubuntu work well on Intel Integrated Graphics 4000 or should I use something lighter?03:27
ayewWhy do you lead with the iGPU and not the CPU/Ram, in asking if you need a light weight distro?03:39
ayewThat's one of the low end celerons from around 2015 isn't it?03:39
philwongNot sure although mine is on an i5 3230M03:40
philwong16gb Ram03:40
philwongIts from 201303:40
sarnoldmy intel hd graphics 4000 is in what was a high end mobile i7 back in 201203:41
philwongI am wondering is my specs would work on Ubuntu optimally or should I get a new laptop03:41
sarnoldit ran unity alright; when ubuntu moved to gnome I moved to i303:41
sarnoldseems fine for me, but I don't do much beyond urxvt and firefox03:41
philwongI see03:42
philwongSo I get the feeling my hardware might be a little old for Ubuntu03:42
sarnolddepends what you want to do with it I think03:42
sarnoldno idea about gnome, but i3 works great03:42
philwongNot game03:42
sarnoldbut I'm under no illusions that this thing would play games well :)03:42
philwongbut multi taskl03:42
sarnoldI tried alacritty and it was slower than urxvt :)03:43
philwongI keep a lot of tabs open and do multiple things at the same time03:43
philwongNone are graphic intensive though03:43
sarnoldoh yeah I used to have a few hundred tabs open03:43
sarnoldnow I'm down to 92 tabs03:43
philwongfew hundred??03:43
philwongmy gosh03:43
philwongDoes it keep up ok?03:43
philwongor does it slow down like windows?03:43
sarnoldfirefox only loads the ones that I actually focus, so it's probably only like twenty loaded into memory after a few months03:44
sarnoldI don't get around to the 'middle' tabs all that often; just the top ten or twenty, and the bottom ten ..03:44
philwongwow, if I had few hundred tabs open on my Windows 7 here it would probably crash03:45
sarnoldit's just driving a single 1920x1200 monitor03:45
sarnoldit can do 1920x1200 and 1920x1080 at once but I find the laptop monitor too different from the external monitor to use them both at once, so I turn off the internal03:46
chietawhy there is job like this on CRON[772]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && if [ ! -d /run/systemd/system ]; then /usr/lib/php/sessionclean; fi) ?04:09
OerHeks"What is the purpose of touching all opened session files before cleaning up?" https://serverfault.com/questions/954650/why-does-debians-php-sessionclean-script-touch-all-open-files-first04:11
OerHeksbest answer i could find04:12
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chietasorry for my silly question, OerHeks04:34
OerHeksno, it is correct, it is a 2 stage cleanup04:35
chietaphp way or is it ubuntu way?04:37
chietanoted, that's php way04:37
toffeHi guys05:53
toffeAny tip for me, I'd like to have multiple IP's and MAC addresses on the same network on one pc05:53
toffelike spoofing around 1500 devices on a network05:54
toffeInstead of actually connecting up 1500 devices it would be easier for us to use one device to pretend to be 150005:54
SpiritHorseinterfce alias05:54
toffeSpiritHorse: will that allow me to have different mac's aswell?05:55
toffealso it needs to be dhcp05:59
guiverc2toffe, the kernel allows virtual network interfaces; and yes mac address can be spoofed, but it sounds more like you want to hack something, rather than a legimate use case06:32
zzarrI would need a gdb for armhf (trying to debug remote on armhf) but I can't find a package for it06:52
toffeguiverc2: nah, its for production testing of our software.06:53
toffeinstead of having 1500 servers we just want to spoof the functiions that our status software uses06:53
toffeguiverc2: kinda wierd why would a "hacker" want 1500 network interfaces? :P06:53
guiverc2toffe, i assumed 1500 was a made-up number to indicate lots; trying to overload a cheap-router's ....   I can't really advise except i've done it (3 interfaces only on a port) back in kernel 2.6 days & it required me to recompile kernel to enable the feature as it was disabled as I recall07:00
doug16kanyone running both amd and nvidia gpus in the same machine? any chance of that working?07:29
doug16kmany years ago when I was still using windows 7, it just worked perfectly07:30
toffeguiverc2: ah, nah we need to test our software for 1500 - 2000 - 3000 or sometimes 200 installations to see if it can handle it.. So kinda hard to do with out small office installing ofr 1500 raspberry pi's .. so hoped I could run one on 1 instead07:30
Ben64doug16k: i have both, one is used for passthrough though07:34
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doug16kBen64, which way around? amd on linux, nvidia on pass thru?07:39
Ben64doug16k: other way07:48
Ben64nvidia doesn't like to passthrough07:48
OerHeksamd and nvidia passthroug? lolz07:49
OerHekssli ?07:50
Ben64nvidia is for linux, amd is for passthrough07:50
doug16kBen64, thanks07:50
g0tchahey guys, how can i give myself user writes to /var/www/html directory so i do not have to sudo every time i want to edit or make changing to the apache server?07:58
OerHeksg0tcha, tons of guides show you how to be member of www-data08:05
g0tchaOerHeks, i added myself to the www-data group but the directories are owned by the root user08:06
escanorGuys i am using ubuntu 18.04 LTS08:30
escanorRecently my ubutntu starts with pink color screen08:31
escanorI don't  see any other option08:31
escanorWhat is the issue and how canweresolve?08:32
lotuspsychjeescanor: do you mean grub screen adter you power ON? and you dualboot or so?08:32
escanorI have only ubuntu installed08:32
lotuspsychjeescanor: whats your problem exactly?08:32
escanorOS is not booting08:33
escanorI just get a pink screen when i turn on my system08:33
lotuspsychjeescanor: try to press F1 and see if you can textboot08:33
escanorNope i tried08:33
lotuspsychjeescanor: what kind of graphics card do you have?08:34
escanorSOrry i tried F1 but it generates bunch of error messages08:34
escanorIntel i guess!08:34
lotuspsychjeescanor: yes, error messages are usefull for us volunteers to debug, like the last error lines where you stuck at for example08:35
escanorWill have to check08:35
escanorJust let me check08:35
escanorlotuspsychje:  Where can i upload the pic08:39
lotuspsychjeescanor: imgur.com08:39
escanorlotuspsychje: https://imgur.com/a/jBb4eVr08:42
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | escanor try this please08:43
ubottuescanor try this please: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter08:43
escanorubottu: lotuspsychje : where to insert this option08:51
ubottuescanor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:51
mysticubottu you are stupid08:52
ubottumystic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:52
escanorlol :p08:52
mystici like insulting robots08:52
lotuspsychjemystic: dont08:52
mystici like it.  i like to go on eh AI chat and insult them.. or amazon alexa08:53
escanorlotuspsychje: I have changed the input to motherboard still i am getting the error08:53
escanorGuys please 😅08:53
lotuspsychjeinput to motherboard?08:53
escanorConsider me a noob :p08:55
escanorlotuspsychje: How can i provide the following input !nomodeset08:56
lotuspsychje!kernelparm | escanor08:56
ubottuescanor: To add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters08:56
escanorhow can i select the option to go to grub menu09:00
escanorlotuspsychje:  I am not able to select grub options09:02
mysticinstall rub customizer?  hen se what options you cna include in menu09:03
mysticthen see*09:03
mysticgrub *...  :/09:03
escanorGuys i am not able to get the bootloader options09:07
escanorInitially it used to show the boot option09:07
escanorNow it boots directly09:08
escanorlotuspsychje: :)09:12
EoflaOEescanor: Pastebin the output of /etc/default/grub09:14
tomreynescanorthis seems to state cleary what the issue seems to be: this nvidia hardware is not supported by this nvidia driver.09:19
tomreynescanor: i.e. you need a different nvidia driver than 340.107 for the graphics card installed on this system, which is identified by PCI ID 10de:1b0609:22
escanoryep but i am not getting grub option09:22
tomreynif bios booting, hold down shift, or mash it  during boot. if uefi booting, mash escape during boot09:23
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escanorI got the grub option option which parameters to edit?09:43
tomreyn!nomodeset | escanor09:45
ubottuescanor: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:45
escanortomreyn: Should i type this option in grub command line09:45
tomreynor just boot to recovery09:45
tomreynno, it's something to set on the grub menu09:46
escanorJust be with me i will uplod the image where the command to be set pls confirm09:46
tomreynescanor: just boot to recovery09:48
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode09:48
escanortomreyn: i am getting list of options on recovery mode09:49
escanorresume clean etc09:49
tomreynescanor: mount file systems / enable networking, then start a root shell09:50
tomreynthen you can uninstall the nvidia driver or replace it by one which will work for your hardware.09:50
escanori am able to log on super user console09:51
tomreynyou could probably boot to a (slow non-accelerated) vesa driven graphical desktop now by just existing. or you can remove the nvidia-driver* package, or replace it by one which is supposed to work with your hardware.09:54
escanorhow can i unistall  the nvedia drivers ?09:59
cluelesspersonescanor  for what?10:00
aloceruse the driver manager :)10:00
ollehartried do-release-upgrade from 14.04, now my system is fucked10:00
escanormy system is unable to boot becuse of driver error10:00
olleharrunning apt gives:10:01
olleharapt: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-pkg.so.5.0: symbol _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7compareERKS4_, version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference10:01
mysticfresh install ollehar?10:01
olleharwould reinstalling libstdc++ help?10:01
escanorstarted ubuntu in recovery mode need to unistall the nvidia drivers10:01
olleharmystic: worst case, yes, but I'd like to save my machine :p10:01
mysticmaybe would be more stable with a fresh instal lanyway...   if you can just save your files off the broken os10:02
mysticdont install 19 though...  wasnt very stable for me.  18.04 is good10:02
tomreynescanor: this should list all nvidia* packages, those with "ii" are installed:   dpkg -l nvidia*10:02
tomreynescanor: to delete a package, use   apt purge PACKAGENAME10:03
olleharmystic: yeah, the machine is still running (writing from it) and I can mount usb and copy files10:03
olleharmystic: thanks, will do 18.0410:03
mysticWelcome.. I'm no expert but I know what works well for me , stability etc10:04
escanortomreyn: Thanks a lot got it working :)10:07
vimarHow for christ sake reset Key Ring password (chrome) after changing user password, 18.04?10:46
choonhttps://github.com/systemd/systemd/milestone/20 when will we see it in ubuntu? want DNS over TLS... Come on, it is 2019!10:51
Cheezwhat's 2019 got to do with it?10:57
mysticwhats 2019 but a second hand emotion?10:58
choondns should be encrypted in 201910:58
mystici say it should be encrypted in 202410:59
mysticim not oepning a link with naked in the url11:00
choonI assume your not in the infosec community11:00
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mysticim chair of infosec southeast uk11:01
chooneven android pie support "private dns" but not ubuntu...11:02
mysticusr tor choon?11:05
choonI do, [choon] is connecting from *@gateway/tor-sasl/chuun
Stormpiejoin #reprap11:26
ws2k3is it possible to create key binding on the Super key?11:30
ws2k3i wish to change ctrl+c to super+c in my ubuntu desttop but im not sure how i should do that11:32
moldyws2k3: if in doubt, setxkbmap should work11:34
moldyubuntu might also have a gui to do that somewhere in the settings11:34
darutokowhat is the best way to configure all my mouse buttons?12:08
darutokois this up to date? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MouseCustomizations12:10
BluesKajHi all12:11
pragmaticenigmadarutoko: All community help pages have a last updated time stamp at the bottom of the page. The one that you linked to is from 2012, so it is quite a bit out of date. xorg.conf files are no longer used12:18
pragmaticenigmaat least not in the manner that is suggested on that page12:18
darutokopragmaticenigma, thanks12:20
CoolerZI have a problem with firefox12:30
CoolerZwhen i launch it it says "you have launched an older version of firefox, ..."12:30
CoolerZsays it could corrupt my profile and so on12:30
lotuspsychjeCoolerZ: update your system?12:30
CoolerZhow do I fix this?12:30
lotuspsychje!uptodate | CoolerZ12:31
ubottuCoolerZ: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.12:31
CoolerZlotuspsychje, that doesn't make sense12:31
CoolerZI am asking why it is displaying that message12:31
lotuspsychjeCoolerZ: its not the first you ask a question here, lets start with your details please: ubuntu version, firefox version?12:31
CoolerZI have an idea12:32
JonelethIrenicusanyway to control my display based on current power situation like plugged in vs not12:43
pragmaticenigmaJonelethIrenicus: nothing that I know of is baked into Ubuntu for that kind of control. There are ways to attach scripts to "events" that could execute the preferences for you.12:46
theantzhi. anyone else having issues with the latest kernel of ubuntu 18.04 (4.15.0-60)? I get seemingly random freezes within like 10 minutes after booting. It reacts to nothing then, mouse pointer is frozen, too. Didn't find anything in the logs. I'm back now to 4.15.0-58 and the issue seems gone.13:13
lotuspsychjetheantz: there has been some bugs about it yes13:13
lotuspsychjetomreyn: ^13:13
lotuspsychjebug #184244713:14
ubottubug 1842447 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Kernel Panic with linux-image-4.15.0-60-generic when specifying nameserver in docker-compose" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184244713:14
lotuspsychjebug #184262913:14
ubottubug 1842629 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic not syncing with 4.15.0-60-generic" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184262913:14
lotuspsychjetheantz: can you check both, if you are affected too?13:14
theantzI'll try to, looking into it now13:15
um1b0zuok wtf13:16
lotuspsychjeum1b0zu: can we help you?13:16
um1b0zuremember that article a few years ago about the lock screen problem, where before the signon screen shows up, an image of your desktop shows up?13:17
um1b0zuand how it's a major security issue because under no circumstances should that ever happen?13:17
um1b0zuit's still going on in 19.0413:17
um1b0zuwhat is the deal with this? I thought this was fixed?13:18
um1b0zuI obviously can't simulate it and show anyone, but when I come back to my computer and move the mouse before the signon shows, an old image of my screen appears. it's usually from some time ago since I see applications I closed a long time ago.13:19
um1b0zuwhat is possibly caching in my system to save an image of my screen and show it to anyone who doesn't have a password?13:19
hggdhum1b0zu: your best option is to open a bug and refer to the old one13:21
lotuspsychjetheantz: you could try comparing your dmesg to the bugs, see if you can also find panics?13:22
theantzIt should be in /var/log/kern.log right? no panics there13:24
theantzRegarding 1842447, I'm not familiar with the dns setting of docker compose, could this be related to the systemd-nameserver stuff? Because there was a systemd update, too, and the systemd-dns stuff bit me in the past already (seems to not like funcy stuff with network namespaces)13:26
lotuspsychje!dmesg | theantz13:26
ubottutheantz: dmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.13:26
um1b0zuwhere do we send ubuntu bug reports?13:27
um1b0zuI can't seem to find it on the discourse.ubuntu.com site13:27
lotuspsychje!bug | um1b0zu13:27
ubottuum1b0zu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:27
um1b0zuI'm trying to search for it again.13:28
hggdhum1b0zu: Ubuntu uses bugs.launchpad.net for the BTS13:28
um1b0zuI feel like this bug came up a few years ago and was fixed but has somehow resurfaced13:28
hggdhum1b0zu: it *may* be a regression; it also might be a brand new bug, difficult to say13:29
theantzubottu: yes but kern.log is the log file for it, right? Either way, no panics in both13:29
lotuspsychjetheantz: could you pastebin your dmesg on -60 please, volunteers could take a look13:32
um1b0zuquestion. does anyone know what program runs the lock screen and if there is a way to get a dump of the logs from it?13:32
lotuspsychjeum1b0zu: when you file a bug, also duplicates are being suggested13:33
theantzlotuspsychje: yes but what's '-60' (sry for stupid question)? And should I filter out iptables stuff (quite a lot of that in there making it hard to read)?13:35
lotuspsychjetheantz: 4.15.0-60 kernel13:36
theantzoh lol sure13:36
lotuspsychjetheantz: so its needed to get the dmesg after booting that kernel, and not the -58 one13:36
lotuspsychjetheantz: otherwise we wont find nothing13:36
theantzlotuspsychje: I found the spot where it froze but there's nothing interesting there. What's weird is that the log cleanly stops. Usually with kernel panics I get some weird half written crap there when it panics13:37
lotuspsychjetheantz: find anything?13:50
lotuspsychjeum1b0zu: the errors/text from boot till login, you can see with pressing F1 at boot; the system errors afterwards you can see in !dmesg13:51
Sven_vBum1b0zu, you can also configure the kernel options via GRUB to always show boot messages. (remove "quiet" and "splash")13:52
um1b0zuso that's the thing13:52
um1b0zuit's not "booting"13:52
um1b0zuit's just unlocking13:52
um1b0zuI submitted a bug report on launchpad though13:52
Sven_vBas soon as boot completed, you can SSH in to debug13:53
theantzlotuspsychje: on it right now. About to pastebin it but didn't find anything in there13:53
um1b0zuit's just weird because I also can't find the blog post13:53
um1b0zuthe blog post talked about the same issue and the dude made it clear that he saw porn in the desktop view. Then there was a long winded post about how to find the bug. I remember this post from like... 2015 but I can't find it. It's exactly the same issue. I lock my screen, go away for a few hours, then come back and before the lock screen comes down, an old view of my workspace shows with all the applications up.13:54
ezzieyguywufI am running lubuntu in a qemu virtual machine. Whenever I first boot up the machine, it seems that for some reason the network adaptor does not connect. It shows that it is connected in the network manager gui, however I have to click on the connection to have it re-connect before I have network connectivity13:54
ezzieyguywufis there some sort of option I can adjust such that my network is available on boot?13:54
GossetHi, I work on Ubuntu 18.04, and due to my Envidia GeForce Drivers my system can't shutdown or restart, and I've read a lot of users have the same issue. Changing GRUB parameteres do not solve the problem :-(13:54
Gossetand I can't uninstall these propietary drivers because doing this I lose graphics config13:54
theantzlotuspsychje: https://0bin.net/paste/qfeq27Uyy0L-PzIt#EI1bsS6uTeQkxJktWg74WdLgJmwuN-E3X5LOWxWFxUV13:56
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lotuspsychjetheantz: yeah i cant find something neither14:02
Gossetthe Nvidia problems must be a recurrent topic here14:03
lotuspsychjetheantz: how about in /var/crash nothing there?14:03
lotuspsychjeGosset: before we can start debug, please send details to the channel like: ubuntu version, graphics card chipset, driver version, kernel version etc14:03
theantzlotuspsychje: Seems nautilus crashed last week, nothing recent14:04
lotuspsychjetheantz: what about booting into kernel -60 and journalctl -f and watch until it freezes in realtime14:05
GossetUbuntu 12.04, Mate DE, Kernel 5.0.0-27-generic, Graphics: NVIDIA GP107 GeForce GTX 1050....14:06
Gosset*Ubuntu 18.04 sorry14:06
theantzlotuspsychje: going to try that now14:06
lotuspsychjeGosset: ubuntu-drivers list, shows how many driver versions please?14:07
Gossethow can I retrieve that list14:07
lotuspsychjeGosset: open a terminal: ubuntu-drivers list14:07
lotuspsychjeGosset: what you could try is to add the ubuntu graphics ppa and switch to a lower version as a test14:08
Gossetbut using the first one I guess14:08
lotuspsychje!nvidia | Gosset14:09
ubottuGosset: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa14:09
Gossetthanks lotuspsychje14:09
lotuspsychjeGosset: perhaps the 418 or the 435 test14:09
JonelethIrenicushey since we are talking about nvidia drivers anyone know when we will have proper graphics switching on optimus based laptops?14:10
JonelethIrenicusi heard it was coming down the pipe14:10
Gossetnot only on laptops but on PC too14:10
lotuspsychjeJonelethIrenicus: optimus cards on nvidia already have a switchmode after installing the nvidia driver version14:10
lotuspsychjeJonelethIrenicus: aka, nvidia-prime & nvidia-settings14:11
JonelethIrenicuslotuspsychje: yeah and that is great but it still requires a logout right?14:11
JonelethIrenicusim talking about it being automatic based on the application14:11
JonelethIrenicuslike on windows14:11
lotuspsychjeJonelethIrenicus: that could be more a discussion topic for #ubuntu-discuss if you like14:11
Gossetfor the newbie user it causes a lot of trouble installing Ubuntu with Nvidia GCard :/14:12
Gossetsorry to say with those words14:12
lotuspsychjeGosset: there are a lot of driver versions, ubuntu cant install them all at once, its also the user who needs to help choose what he needs14:13
JonelethIrenicusGosset: on my laptop it auto installed nvidia gpu for me14:13
GossetI know it's my fault because these cards are for Microsoft soft but still14:13
Gossetwell thanks anyway14:14
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bobjungawhen my Lenovo X1 Yoga running 19.04 resumes from sleep, some windows (thunderbird and terminal) move and resize.  When I google, I get lots of info about multiple monitors setups but cant find anything about my situation. Any ideas on how to fix this?14:20
theantzlotuspsychje: so far it seems to not freeze while I idle around with `journalctl -f` running. Trying to find what triggers it now14:21
lotuspsychjetheantz: if you say it doesnt happen on -58, we dont need to look at dpkg logs neither i presume14:22
lotuspsychjebobjunga: for lenovo machines we advice to update your bios to latest always, do you know if this is the case?14:23
bobjungalotuspsychje, I will check14:23
lotuspsychjebobjunga: normally your dmesg will also show14:23
bobjungalotuspsychje, thanks, was just about to ask if I could check without rebooting:)14:24
fred1807what is the correct pkg? proxychain, proxychain-ng or proxychains4 ?14:26
theantzlotuspsychje: yes -58 seems fine, on -60 it seems to happen within about 10 min after booting, except right now with just journalctl and some terminals open. It's also kind of random when it happens so I have to wait some time after starting new things and wait if it triggers it14:27
lotuspsychjetheantz: your graphics were amdgpu right?14:30
lotuspsychjetheantz: nothing suspects a freeze from there? maybe give your pc a bit of graphic violence to test :p14:31
guivercfred1807, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=proxychain  you decide for yourself & your unstated release14:31
bobjungalotuspsychje, my bios is at 1.33 and 1.34 is latest. I will disconnect to go update. I will be back in a while if it persists after update. Thanks for the suggestion.14:32
lotuspsychjebobjunga: some lenovo models can also update firmware via gnome software, maybe you can check first?14:32
rafajafarhey I just woke up and there were updates to Ubuntu. I accepted them. It prompted for a reboot, which I accepted. Now my wifi adapter isn't found.14:32
rafajafarLenovo Thinkpad, new one14:33
lotuspsychjebobjunga: or: fwupdate -l14:33
lotuspsychjerafajafar: wich wifi adapter do you have on wich ubuntu version/kernel?14:33
bobjungalotuspsychje, that would be awesome! I was going to reboot into windows to update. checking...14:34
rafajafarI dont know the adapter but this is the exact model w/o customization: https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/thinkpad/thinkpad-p/ThinkPad-P73/p/22WS2WPWP7314:35
theantzlotuspsychje: it seems a bit buggy from time to time, like sometimes the window manager dies and kicks be back to the login manager. Booting up the big box right now so I dont have to type on the cell phone :)14:35
lotuspsychjetheantz: this is stock amdgpu driver right, not from the amd site?14:35
lotuspsychjeor ppa14:35
rafajafarI had to install rtl8821ce if I recall to get it working a few weeks ago14:35
theantzAll stock, no ppas14:35
lotuspsychjeok tnx theantz14:36
theantzlotuspsychje: well thank you for the help14:36
rafajafaroh and I'm on 18.04 whatever the latest kernel update is probs14:37
lotuspsychjetheantz: welcome, lets hope you find the cause14:37
bobjungalotuspsychje, whats the relation between fwupdmgr and fwupdate?  fwupdmgr is already installed.14:37
lotuspsychjerafajafar: lsb_release -a && uname -a14:37
theantzlotuspsychje: now I have openvpn running in firejail, that's part of my standard-after-login routine14:38
lotuspsychjerafajafar: can you boot an older kernel version to test please?14:38
rafajafaryes I do that through advanced boot options correct?14:38
lotuspsychjerafajafar: correct14:38
rafajafarok let me try that now back in a bit14:39
bobjungalotuspsychje, "fwupdmgr refresh; fwupdmgr get-updates" reports that 1.33 is the latest and there is nothing to upgrade. 1.34 was release only about 2-3 weeks ago so maybe there is a lag in the linux support14:40
lotuspsychjebobjunga: ah, tnx for feedback this could indeed be a database issue, not showing latest yet14:41
rafajafarlotuspsychje, I'm talking to you on my wifi adapter now so rolling back to -58 kernel worked14:42
rafajafarfrom -6014:42
lotuspsychjebobjunga: well till you get your hands on the latest one, you could check your dmesg for acpi related issues on suspend14:42
lotuspsychje!acpi | bobjunga see also14:42
ubottubobjunga see also: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI14:42
rafajafarmy question is what is the going-forward path for this machine? Should there be a patch? Just use -58?14:43
lotuspsychjerafajafar: ok, can you boot back to -60 now, ill hand you over a kernel line to test14:43
rafajafarok booting out and sticking network cable back, back in a bit14:43
bobjungalotuspsychje, its so great to see fwupdmgr on linux!  will try those routes...14:44
rafajafarlotuspsychje, I'm back ready to connect to kernel line14:45
lotuspsychjebobjunga: yeah for some machines its a great project already, mine doesnt support it yet :p14:45
lotuspsychjerafajafar: ok open your grub config14:45
lotuspsychjerafajafar: /etc/default/grub14:46
lotuspsychjerafajafar: and after quiet splash i915.fastboot=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=414:46
theantzlotuspsychje: bunch of firejailed openvpn instances seem fine, now adding firefox14:47
rafajafarGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"14:48
rafajafarbecomes GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.fastboot=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=4"14:48
lotuspsychjerafajafar: correct, save after and sudo update-grub14:48
rafajafarok updated14:49
lotuspsychjerafajafar: ok now reboot and test -60 again plz14:49
rafajafarback in a bit14:50
rafajafarlotuspsychje, back and the wifi adapter is still not found14:53
lotuspsychjerafajafar: ok tnx for testing this! you can now edit back that line to 'quiet splash' and sudo update-grub again14:53
rafajafarok lotuspsychje I did that14:55
lotuspsychjerafajafar: lets file a new bug now, do you have a launchpad account?14:56
rafajafarI dont recall14:56
rafajafarnot a power user, just a guy who prefers to code in ubuntu14:56
lotuspsychjerafajafar: could you create a launchpad.net account please?14:57
rafajafarlooks like I had one14:58
lotuspsychjerafajafar: cool, ubuntu-bug linux (from terminal)14:58
lotuspsychjerafajafar: it will ask you to report the bug, and choose a bug title14:59
lotuspsychjerafajafar: after title, you enter your story in the bug description, also mentioning you tested kernel -58 and its working there15:00
lotuspsychjerafajafar: maybe also attach your dmesg log to your bug too15:00
ioriarafajafar, can you paste lspci -nnk ?15:07
rafajafarlotuspsychje, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/184268615:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1842686 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wifi adapter not found after -60" [Undecided,New]15:12
rafajafarioria, I added that information to the ticket15:13
rafajafarby your request15:13
ioriarafajafar, so yo uhave an Intel wifi chipset  ?15:14
rafajafarguess so15:14
ioriarafajafar, and you tried the  rtl8821ce  for what ? for the card reader ?15:16
theantzlotuspsychje: lol starting to doubt my mental sanity. After having it freeze twice I now can't reproduce it, like at all so far15:16
rafajafarioria, I needed to use rtl8821ce to get it working after I purchased the laptop 3 weeks ago15:16
rafajafarI attempted to reinstall15:16
rafajafarit said it was already there and did nothing15:16
rafajafarsecureboot is disabled in bios15:17
ioriarafajafar, sorry, again : you needed rtl8821ce   for what device ?15:18
theantzlotuspsychje: except running an instance of `journalctl -f` somehow fixes it but that'd be next-level weird15:18
rafajafarioria, when I purchased the laptop and installed Ubuntu on it (dual boot) it, the Wifi adapter was not found. I went through some stuff to get it working. One of those things was installing rtl8821ce15:19
jformanhi all. can anyone recommend how to debug what kernel module i might be missing when iptables gives me this error "iptables: No chain/target/match by that name." ? i'm using the 'set' iptables module on ubuntu cloud image 18.04.3 LTS15:19
ioriarafajafar, but it's not realtek , it's an Intel chipset15:19
rafajafarI really wish I had documented my steps at that time but it was working, and I'm fairly sure rtl8821ce was the fix15:19
rafajafarok then must not have been15:19
rafajafarI went ham on googling solutions, not a power user15:20
ioriarafajafar, afaiu, you have a Intel Wireless-AX200 (and i'am surprised it worked before with that kernel)15:22
rafajafarioria, geeze then I definitely wish I recorded what steps I took15:25
JonelethIrenicuswhy isn't the snap folder in my home directory a hidden directory?15:26
ioriarafajafar, can you confirm that the intel wifi works with the 4.15 -58 kernel ?15:26
JonelethIrenicusseems like it should be hidden or in .config15:28
rafajafarI can boot into that version of th kernel and give some more data if it's helpful15:28
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rafajafarright now I'm plugged in via cable15:28
rafajafarlmk how to help ioria15:28
ioriarafajafar, can you reboot with that kernel and paste again lspci -nnk ?15:28
lotuspsychjeioria: bug #184268615:39
ubottubug 1842686 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wifi adapter not found after -60" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184268615:39
iorialotuspsychje, yeah, tx, i saw that15:40
lotuspsychjeioria: he added your command15:41
rafajafarioria, sorry for the delay I'm on -58 using my wifi adapter now15:42
ioriarafajafar, lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999915:42
rafajafarioria, https://termbin.com/6fmo15:45
ioriarafajafar, dmesg | grep iwl | nc termbin.com 999915:46
rafajafarioria, https://termbin.com/hviy15:46
ioriarafajafar, and it's working atm ?15:48
rafajafaryes I'm speaking to you on WiFi right now ioria no cable plugged in15:49
ioriarafajafar, ok, so i suggest you reboot with -60 and run  again  dmesg | grep iwl   (probably a firmware issue); but something you can do is install a newer kernel with the  HWE15:50
rafajafarwhat's hwe?15:51
rafajafarnow when I reboot, you want me to run that w/o network connectivity yes? or does it matter?15:51
ioria!hwe | rafajafar15:51
ubotturafajafar: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack15:51
ioriarafajafar, but not sure, 'cause a lot of people have issue also with the 5.0 kernel15:52
ioriarafajafar, with that intel card, i mean15:52
rafajafaralright so I'm going to try and get that data for you and be back on -60 using a network cable15:52
rafajafarioria, dmesg | grep iwl15:56
rafajafarreturns nothing15:56
ioriarafajafar, so it's not loading ; try to manually load it15:58
rafajafarok! Teach me sensei15:58
ioriarafajafar, sudo modprobe iwlwifi15:58
rafajafaryup nothing ioria16:00
rafajafardmesg | grep iwl = blank16:00
rafajafarafter running that command16:00
ioriarafajafar, lsmod | grep iwl16:00
rafajafariwlwifi               290816  016:01
rafajafarcfg80211              622592  1 iwlwifi16:01
ioriarafajafar, mmm, and nothing in dmesg ?16:01
SpiritHorserafajafar: can you try "rfkill list all"16:02
rafajafarioria, SpiritHorse https://termbin.com/yg6g16:04
ioriarafajafar, sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi   and sudo modprobe iwlwifi16:05
ioriarafajafar, and after check again dmesg16:05
NginUSWhat's the right way to prioritize a PPA over default repos using /preferenecs.d/foo?16:06
lotuspsychjeNginUS: we dont really advice the use of external ppa's16:07
ioriaNginUS, but check out 'pinning'16:07
lotuspsychje!pinning | NginUS16:07
ubottuNginUS: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto16:07
NginUSI've tried 4 different ways of pinning I found on Google & none work...16:08
ioriaNginUS, example here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Example_.231:_Pinning_the_ubuntu-x-swat.2Fq-lts-backport-precise_PPA16:09
lotuspsychjerafajafar: another idea could be trying some other !mainline kernels, help the devs debug your bug like this16:11
Sven_vBis there a command line tool to group lines that start with the same word?16:11
rafajafarioria, no response, just blank on both16:14
ioriaNginUS, dmesg should tell something  anyhow ....16:15
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: can this help? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/496684/group-lines-according-to-first-word16:15
NginUSioria: dmesg is full of UFW events, so muchh that otherwise is useles16:15
NginUSTried that pinning method, & it didn't help16:16
ioriaNginUS, sorry, not for you16:16
NginUSo np16:16
ioriarafajafar, , dmesg should tell something  anyhow ....16:16
lotuspsychjeNginUS: maybe if you could share your end goal, wich tool are you trying to prefer?16:16
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, looks like that approach has rather bad runtime cost if there are lots of different words. I'd rather write some lines of bash with a dictionary if there's no tool.16:17
ioriarafajafar, please try again    dmesg | grep iwl16:18
NginUSThe ubuntu-mozilla-security has just a few packages, including a current firefox- 69.0 as of today. I can 'Force Version' in Synaptic but then it won't update per that repo. Even w/ it pinned @ 400 it won't upgrade from the default version 68.0.x16:18
NginUS* ubuntu-mozilla-security PPA16:19
Sven_vBlotuspsychje, the sed D command approach might actually work. thanks!16:19
lotuspsychjewelcome Sven_vB ; )16:19
ioriaNginUS, sudo nano  /etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-mozilla-security.pref16:20
NginUSnew file16:20
NginUSOh, does it have to be a ".pref" file?16:21
NginUSsudo nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/priority-firefox16:21
NginUSwas that^&^16:21
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NginUSk brb16:21
ioriaNginUS, and the content :https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ygy4BfrSVv/16:21
doevhi. My x-server is running on the internal gfx chip. Additionaly I have a Nvidia GPU for cuda and similar. The nvidia driver is installed. How can I stop the driver and free the gpu device?16:23
NginUSioria: Thats exactly its content except 400 not 701. I thougght lower than 500 is needed to override defaults16:23
ioriaNginUS, try it16:23
NginUSsweeet tyvvm16:24
ioriaNginUS, goody16:24
NginUS.pref, ha!16:24
lotuspsychjeNginUS: just fresh in the news: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2019/09/firefox-69-0-enhanced-tracking-protection-enabled/16:26
NginUSlotuspsychje: exactly, whee!16:27
rafajafarioria, ccusce@AVAccusce:~$ dmesg | grep iwl16:27
rafajafarccusce@AVAccusce:~$ dmesg | grep iwl16:27
ioriarafajafar, ok, two options 1) wait for jeremy31 when active or 2) try this : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1156167/unable-to-get-wifi-adapter-working-clean-19-04-install-network-unclaimed16:28
vltHello. I got my network configuration via DHCP from my provider. Their DNS is broken at the moment. What is the recommended way to temporarily set a static nameserver?16:30
lotuspsychjerafajafar: or try !mainline kernels as other tests for your bug16:31
ioriarafajafar, but is  out-of-tree ?16:32
ioriarafajafar, modinfo iwlwifi16:33
rafajafarioria, https://termbin.com/tamr16:36
SimonNLcould be wrong but   https://askubuntu.com/questions/1156167/unable-to-get-wifi-adapter-working-clean-19-04-install-network-unclaimed shows kernel 5.1 is needed to support AX20016:43
SimonNLrafajafar:   ^16:44
rafajafarioria, backport-iwlwifi workd16:45
rafajafarI'm on wifi now16:45
rafajafarnot sure what it does16:45
ioriarafajafar, thanks chili55516:46
rafajafarthanks chili55516:46
rafajafarok back to work!16:48
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kur1jwhen I do "date" on this one particular server, I get this as the response "2019. 09. 05. (목) 01:49:46 KST" this server is in Korea16:51
lotuspsychjekur1j: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys are more familliar with it16:52
EoflaOEavatar_project: Hello, how can we help?17:04
avatar_projecthow run tftp server using tftpd-hpa? i try for hours17:05
EoflaOEavatar_project: Pastebin the output of "netstat -nap".17:06
avatar_projectEoflaOE, http://wklejto.pl/76174217:09
ioriaavatar_project, maybe  sudo systemctl restart tftpd-hpa  ?17:13
theantzouch I had -60 crash again on me. This time while I was afk with display-out off (screen locked). Didn't react to anything and nothing useful in the logs again17:13
lotuspsychjetheantz: ouch17:13
lotuspsychjeioria: theantz has also problem on -60 random freezes, not happening on -5817:14
avatar_projectEoflaOE, ioria http://wklejto.pl/76174517:14
ioriaavatar_project, again, netstat -a | grep tftp17:15
iorialotuspsychje, i see17:15
lotuspsychjetheantz: maybe you should also file a bug for this?17:16
lotuspsychjetheantz: you looked at those 2 other bugs, werent really related right? no kernel panics?17:16
avatar_projectioria, udp        0      0  *17:16
avatar_projectudp6       0      0 [::]:tftp               [::]:*17:16
ioriaavatar_project, should be running now17:16
theantzthe kernel panic one not (boots fine), the other one I think not17:17
lotuspsychjetheantz: ubuntu-bug linux17:17
theantz(I don't have docker containers running)17:17
lotuspsychjeok tnx17:17
theantz(just docker installed)17:17
theantzlotuspsychje: should I run this on -60 (assuming I can go through without freeze)17:18
lotuspsychjetheantz: yes please, as it will drag your system longs/info into the bug17:19
avatar_projectEoflaOE, ioria  http://www.wklejto.pl/76174817:19
avatar_projectthis is magic, lol17:20
theantzok, thx17:20
avatar_project3 hours!17:20
* theantz reboots17:20
avatar_projectservice restart and ... it works17:20
ioriaavatar_project, ok, it works17:20
avatar_projectioria, lets try with switch17:21
hydrianFighting an odd issue here. Every time I try to set a my 64bit Ubuntu guest VM over 4GB of ram, it resets back to 4GB. My host is a 64bit host. I have 24GB of RAM.17:24
hydrianRunning on KVM17:24
lotuspsychje!crosspost | hydrian17:24
ubottuhydrian: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.17:24
EoflaOEavatar_project: Nice to get it working. Can you boot to PXE?17:26
avatar_projectEoflaOE, i want to repair switch using serial console17:26
avatar_projectValidating and Writing System Software to FLASH...17:30
avatar_projectlooks good ..17:30
avatar_projectand fail, old FW17:34
avatar_projecti will find older relase17:34
courrierany idea how dnsmasq on Docker/Ubuntu with nginx serving a.example.org and b.example.org could end up with nslookup a.example.org pointing to the right address but b.example.org pointing to
courrierb.example.org is well served on the server itself but clients try to connect to
Ben64courrier: sounds like a dns problem17:54
theantzlotuspsychje: Bug report is out (#1842726)17:58
theantzlotuspsychje: thx for your help with this17:58
makr8100heyyy there's nobody in that channel17:59
courrierBen64: got it! My server hostname was "b" so b was resolved as
courrierThat's the drawback of getting dnsmasq in Docker I guess18:00
courrierThere's someone a double configuration18:00
avatar_projectEoflaOE, ioria i updated my crashing switch18:03
avatar_projectthank you!18:03
avatar_projectso,only last question18:11
avatar_projectThis product requires the Java language, which is either disabled or not available on this browser.18:11
avatar_projectTo use this product you must either upgrade your browser to one that is Java compliant, or enable the Java language on your current browser.18:11
avatar_projectjava? in 2019 year? :D18:11
JimBuntuJava is def still a thing and will be long after 2019, I don't get the reference avatar_project. Either way, what product, what browser?18:13
theantzbut java applets? ehhhuh :D18:13
lordcirth_I have that problem with some of our older server iloms. The new ones have a firmware update for an HTML5 version, it's great.18:14
avatar_projectJimBuntu, new FF relases do not support Java18:14
EoflaOEavatar_project: There are security issues as well, from what I understood18:14
* theantz shudders18:14
JimBuntuOk, don't use FF then18:14
avatar_projectalso not java support18:15
lordcirth_avatar_project, what site do you need java for?18:15
JimBuntuDon't use X then. Are you asking the volunteer #ubuntu support channel to fix some specific browser? Sorry, I'm a little but confused.18:15
avatar_projectJimBuntu, which browser supports java?18:16
JimBuntuavatar_project, idk I'll ask Canonical18:17
JimBuntuSorry, I don't mean to be rude, but that's not really a question/topic for this channel, as far as I know, I could be totally wrong though and apologize if so18:17
avatar_projectJimBuntu, sorry ...18:18
JimBuntuavatar_project, I bet ##linux could be a bit more helpful though18:18
avatar_projecttheantz, web interface of switch requires java support ... :D18:19
JimBuntuThat channel isn't so specific and they allow much more chit chat18:19
rumbler31I could use some advice.  I made a mirror with apt-mirror.  The client will pull the Packages file from my local repo just fine, but doesn't seem to notice that there are new packages available18:28
Mark88after upgrading to 16.04 (trying to get to 18.04) my desktop boots into xfce however when I click on file manager it returnes me with my old background and the whole desktop acts like unity or kind of a xfce-unity cross. anyone know how to fix this?18:40
sarnoldif you're on your way to 18.04 it might not be worth putting much time into fixing it?18:47
Mark88I'm afraid it might get worse lol18:48
makr8100ya I'd just install fresh18:50
makr8100I'm unfortunately stuck with a 14.04 server and the latest problem is with ntp :/18:50
ioriaMark88, are we talking about a broken upgrade to 18.04 or what ?18:52
Mark88no I'm on my way to it from 14.04 but already having issues with the desktop in 16.0418:53
makr8100he said he has a broken 16.04 after upgrading to it, and wants to go all the way to 18.0418:53
ioriaMark88, if you use xfce, you can upgrade to bionic ; if you want unity better to stay with xenial18:55
Lhefeguys, running xubuntu 18.04 on my laptop with i915 driver, everything functions fine except for the screen timeout. under power management, if i set screen to turn off it will turn off and on as designed, however if i select "blank screen" after x minutes, the screen will not come back on without ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+f7 will bring me back to desktop. Any ideas?18:56
Mark88no I use xfce18:57
makr8100Lhefe: there are a lot of changes for i915 in recent kernel updates, you'll want to make sure you have something very recent for a kernel18:58
Lhefemakr8100, I'm running 5.0.0-27-generic18:58
ioriaLhefe, some shell-extension installed ?19:03
ioriaoh, sorry, Xubuntu19:03
ioriaLhefe, what's in use ? xscreensaver ?19:06
LhefeI am not using xscreensaver19:07
LhefeVanilla install of 18.04 essentially19:07
Lhefeupdated, of course19:08
LhefeWhat does xubuntu use by default? light locker? Maybe there is the issue19:08
ioriaLhefe, dpkg -l | grep xscreen   and dpkg -l | grep light-locker19:09
rumbler31it does appear that /var/lib/apt/lists/ is not getting updated with my local mirror19:11
ioriaLhefe, if light-locker, check if  Presentation mode is checked19:12
Lhefelight-locker and light-locker-settings are installed, 1.8.0 and 1.5.019:12
makr8100Lhefe: I would try to upgrade to 5.2 if possible19:12
Lhefepresentation mode is not checked19:12
Lhefemakr8100, couldnt hurt I suppose. The issue is either there or with light-locker perhaps.19:13
ioriaLhefe,  you can remove light-locker and try xscreensaver , with a bit of attention19:15
CarlFKpidgin - how to do I get to my buddy list window?  upgraded to ubuntu from 16 to 18.04, I can't find the menu that used to be under an envelope icon on the status bar near the wifi/battery status19:20
ioriaCarlFK, with some extension maybe19:22
CarlFKioria: what?19:22
ioriaCarlFK, https://extensions.gnome.org/# and type 'pidgin'19:23
CarlFKioria:  none of those look like they will help - do you use pidgin?19:29
ioriaCarlFK, but you cannot expect the same desktop behavior on unity and on gnome-shell19:31
CarlFKioria: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin  "2. Click the Pidgin icon, then: Accounts..."  I have no "Accounts"19:35
EoflaOECarlFK: Pastebin the contents of .purple/prefs.xml19:36
ioriaCarlFK, Pidgin (last edited 2012-03-02 22:34:4719:36
ioriaCarlFK, if nothing works, the you can try the ppa (ppa:kip/pidgin)19:37
CarlFKoy!  https://paste.ubuntu.com isn't working?19:41
EoflaOECarlFK: Try Pastebin website19:41
ioriaCarlFK, cat $HOME/.purple/prefs.xml  | nc termbin.com 999919:41
CarlFKEoflaOE: https://dpaste.de/mCQE19:42
EoflaOECarlFK: In line 405, the buddy list visibility is currently disabled. Change the value into 1 so it looks like: <pref name='list_visible' type='bool' value='1'/>19:44
ioriaCarlFK,  you can try this: killall pidgin; change this line '<pref name='list_visible' type='bool' value='0'/>  from '0' to '1'; and restart pidgin19:44
EoflaOECarlFK: Did the buddy list appear?19:49
CarlFKEoflaOE: it did - thanks19:49
EoflaOEYou are welcome.19:49
CarlFKim still a bit curious how things are spozed to work - like I consider this "broken" - so where should an issue be opened?19:51
EoflaOECarlFK: You can open the issue, using "ubuntu-bug <package>"19:52
CarlFKI have a "pidgin Internet Messenger" menu on my status bar, but the only option under it is "Quit"  - is that expected ?19:53
CarlFKsame when I switch to Firefox - I get a FF menu that is just Quit19:54
Lhefeis replacing light-locker with xscreensaver as simple as remove one and install the other, or where is special attention needed19:55
EoflaOECarlFK: OK. What is your desktop environment? GNOME?19:55
CarlFKEoflaOE: how do I check?19:56
deadromxubuntu 18.04, no video thumbs in gThumb (neither in gwenview). what's missing?19:56
EoflaOECarlFK: I will look it up. Hint: If you are using regular Ubuntu, then the default one is GNOME19:57
CarlFKEoflaOE: I installed 16 back in 16, just upgraded to 18 a few weeks ago19:59
CarlFKso yeah, prolly gnome, but for stuff like this it is good to have some way to confirm it19:59
EoflaOECarlFK: Does "echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" say anything?20:00
EoflaOECarlFK: So you were using GNOME by ubuntu-session.20:01
EoflaOEWhat happens if you expand menu for all other apps like terminal?20:02
CarlFKEoflaOE: is "expand menu" the "Activities" link in the upper left corner?20:03
EoflaOECarlFK: No, I mean the application menu that is next to Activities20:04
CarlFKEoflaOE: ah - FF, Chrome, pidgin - those just have "quit" - term and settings have optins, like term: New tab, new window, prefs , help about quit20:06
EoflaOECarlFK: You can file a request about such options for FF, Pidgin, and so on, to Launchpad20:08
EoflaOECarlFK: Looking further, you can file a bug report for specific packages but specify that it was a feature request.20:11
bobjunga(returning after updating bios) when I resume from sleep my lenovo x1 yoga gen2 with current bios, some windows (but not all) move and resize. for example, Terminal wins move but chrome do not. I have captured acpi, dbus, dmesg, and upower logs over the suspend and resume but nothing stands out. Any ideas on how to debug this?20:14
bobjungaalso, I have disabled all startup applications and gnome extensions and rebooted and problem persists with just gnome-terminal windows open20:21
=== fginther` is now known as fginther
CarlFKbobjunga: chrome doesn't move?  um, try Alt-space, should give you a menu, 'move" and then arrows to move the window around (maybe mouse too)20:23
bobjungaCarlFK, no, all windows respond to control normally, but every time I suspend and resume, some windows are moved and resized. Other windows (like chrome and atom) stay in the same location.20:25
bobjungathe windows that move go towards the upper left as if maybe they are being resized because the resolution dropped down, but some windows dont change even if they are in the lower right20:27
CarlFKbobjunga: ah, "neat".  sounds like as your video card shuts down or wakes up it is reporting a wonky size?20:30
CarlFK(sorry if this has already been hashed out)20:30
bobjungaCarlFK, I thought so, but it seems that it not it because it does not effect all windows. Also, I manually change to a lower resolution and back and can not reproduce the behavior. (BTW, something remembers the window positions in that case and puts them all back to where they were)20:33
HumanSheepleHow do I remotely upgrade the kernel to my VNS server?20:34
CarlFKbobjunga: nother thought: when I plug in a 2nd monitor, move some winodows to it, unplug (and they all come back to the laptop) then plug it in again, they all go back to the 2nd.. but...20:35
CarlFKif I plug in a different monitor, they all stay put  (which is super cool).20:35
CarlFKso maybe whatever does that thinks a different display .. because this stuff thinks ya know :p20:37
bobjungaCarlFK, I wonder what component is remembering the window positions and changing them based on display changes? xorg or gnome?20:38
ArthurStrongHi all. Guys, my CPU fan under CPU load cools it, and that's OK. But it switching between 1440 and 1470 RPM each second. Which irritates me. What to do so it will not switch so often? I set INTERVAL in pwmconfig with no luck.21:04
doug16kArthurStrong, you can hear 30 rpm difference?21:25
ArthurStrongdoug16k: if your cooler is old and cheap...21:40
ncuxoHello everybody21:52
ncuxois it safe to remove the world permissions on everything?21:52
ncuxofor a private system why do I need them21:52
ncuxowhat is their purpose?21:53
sarnoldncuxo: which ones?21:55
ncuxoI wanna leave world/others with 0 permissions21:56
sarnoldwhich ones?>21:57
ncuxoon all the files in the OS21:57
sarnoldthat would be a mistake21:57
ncuxookay what is their purpose21:58
ncuxowhy do I need them if the system is used only by me21:58
ncuxoand its a private computer21:59
ncuxoI was reading a tutorial on linux and they were explaining the permissions21:59
ncuxoand maybe I have missed something because I thought it would be a great idea to leave others with 0 permissions22:00
ht3567My Ubuntu (18.04) had an update recently, after which, am unable to boot the system, without using the GRUB menu... It keeps blinking purple and black, blank, if I don't hold down the SHIFT key for GRUB...23:16
ht3567Is there some solution, which may not require me to re-install the OS?23:17
Bashing-omht3567: Graphic's driver ? - what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?23:18
disii just encountered `var = yield` (in a pytest hook)... how does that work?23:19
ht3567*-display UNCLAIMED23:19
ht3567description: VGA compatible controller23:19
disioops, wrong chan sorry23:19
ht3567description: VGA compatible controller23:19
ht3567description: VGA compatible controller23:20
ht3567physical id: 223:20
ht3567bus info: pci@0000:00:02.023:20
ht3567version: 0723:20
ht3567width: 64 bits23:21
ht3567clock: 33MHz23:21
ht3567capabilities: pciexpress msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list23:21
ht3567configuration: latency=023:21
xdeadbeefhey, random console weirdness.  All characters typed on keyboard add escape character ^[ before character. e.g. if I type b, I get ^[b23:21
ht3567resources: memory:d0000000-d0ffffff memory:c0000000-cfffffff ioport:f000(size=64) memory:c0000-dffff23:21
saorlol that multline paste tho23:21
xdeadbeefwhat's going on?23:22
ht3567Bashing-om: That's it... The message returned by terminal23:22
Bashing-om!paste | ht3567  Yeah no driver loaded; paste that result and we see what we can do.23:22
ubottuht3567  Yeah no driver loaded; paste that result and we see what we can do.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:23
ht3567Well... Duly noted... Have pasted the results line-by-line, though...23:24
Bashing-omht3567: Except in the above I do not see what the hardware is .23:25
ht3567How can I provide you that?23:26
ht3567It's Dell Inspiron 15 3567... But what hardware information is exactly required?23:26
ht3567Also, the system was working fine before the recent 250MB System Update23:27
Bashing-omht3567: pastebin sites :) .. an alternative pastebin (command) ' sudo lshw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .23:27
Bashing-omht3567: The result is a URL back in terminal - pass that link back here.23:28
sarnoldxdeadbeef: you could try 'reset' or 'stty -sane' and see if the problem goes away with one of those?23:28
ht3567Bashing-om: https://termbin.com/6a3i23:28
xdeadbeefnm, seems I just had to mash the keyboard.  sarnold, unfortunately, I couldn't anything as I couldn't login! :)23:28
xdeadbeefI *suspect* one of the F. keys had done something (scroll lock? changed input mode?).  anyway, all I had to do was ask and it's fixed so, thanks to the ether :)23:29
sarnoldxdeadbeef: aha! typical irc :D23:29
sarnoldask and it just goes away..23:30
Bashing-omht3567: Hummm Imtel, and Intel "just works" .. pastebin lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' .23:30
sarnoldxdeadbeef: perhaps alt was stuck?23:30
ht3567Bashing-om : https://termbin.com/8w8m23:32
ht3567Bashing-om : It'd be fine if the system could at-least go back to "just working", until I get to upgrade the Hardware, which am unable to visualize anytime soon :-/23:34
xdeadbeefsarnold, could be.  I'm amazed that eeepc isn't completely dead by now, however, works well as a security camera with motion.  I thought it might be hardware but a second keyboard plugged in did the same.  probably stuck key like you say.23:34
sarnoldxdeadbeef: oh wow an eeepc? :) neat23:35
xdeadbeef sarnold ubuntu server to the rescue :)  it's probably heavier than it needs but its easy to configure and light enough.23:37
sarnoldheh yeah, linux has been letting folks make good use of hardware way after windows isn't fun on it..23:38
Bashing-omht3567: Humm Intel only - is the driver available ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-intel ' .23:41
ht3567Bashing-om : https://termbin.com/pc8623:42
ht3567Bashing-om : It stated that the Graphics Driver may not load while booting from Ubuntu Recovery Mode, but the issue is, that am unable to boot the machine, otherwise, than by GRUB>AdvancedOptions>*******(recovery mode)23:44
Bashing-omht3567: Think'n.23:45
ht3567Bashing-om : Thanks for looking into this, though... I have recently switched from Windows, so, may not be helping much...!!23:47
Bashing-omht3567: "recovery mode" does defeat Kernel Mode Setting such that the driver does not load. In the recovery, what results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install ' . see here if this is a package management issue.23:47
ht3567Bashing-om : 333MB downloading ;)23:49
Bashing-omht3567: Maybe then :)23:49
ht3567Bashing-om : Yeah... So... Once it's done, should I just try rebooting the system, or, generate some other system status command for you to review?23:51
Bashing-omht3567: Try a normal boot :D23:51
ht3567Okay :D23:51
ht3567Bashing-om : Thanks a lot!23:52
Bashing-omht3567: That is IF there are no errors reported ny apt -f .23:52
ht3567Bashing-om: Just a few more seconds...23:53
Bashing-omht3567: By the way - welcome to linux :P23:54
ht3567The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | libllvm7 linux-headers-4.15.0-54 linux-headers-4.15.0-54-generic linux-headers-4.15.0-55 | linux-headers-4.15.0-55-generic linux-image-4.15.0-54-generic linux-image-4.15.0-55-generic | linux-modules-4.15.0-54-generic linux-modules-4.15.0-55-generic linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-54-generic | linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-55-generic|Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.|023:56
ht3567upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded|23:56
ht3567Bashing-om: Thank You... Is really fun to be on Linux...!!23:56
TeixeiraRafaelhey, I'm having some issues with broken dependencies when trying to install the compton package23:57
Bashing-omht3567: Reboot and lets see what a normal boot routine does :)23:57
ht3567Bashing-om : Okay               :D23:58
TeixeiraRafaelit sais it depends on libc6>=2.29 but 2.27-3ubuntu1 is to be installed23:58
TeixeiraRafaelalready tried "apt -f install"23:58

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