
=== feodoran_ is now known as feodoran
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JussiAlrighty then. Trying to ssh into a server that only has an ipv6 address. googling is only confusing the issue... :/06:04
JussiIm getting: "Destination unreachable: No route"06:05
JussiAny thoughts on where I may be going wrong?06:05
lordievaderGood morning06:14
Jussimorning lordievader06:20
OerHeksdoes your IPv6 begin with fe80:: ?06:23
lordievaderThe link-local address does06:27
lordievaderBut you should have another address if you want to be reachable.06:27
JussiOerHeks: no.06:27
OerHeksif so, add %eth0 to the address06:27
JussiI did find this decent guide: https://www.linux.com/tutorials/practical-networking-linux-admins-ipv6-routing/ but how does one decide what the new ipv6 address should be?06:28
Jussithey only give one from the range reserved for exmples and docs06:29
lordievaderTypically you generate an IPv6 address based on the advertised prefix and your mac address.06:30
Jussilordievader: mhm... care to give me slightly more info?06:30
lordievaderDo you happen to have the package 'ndisc6' installed?06:31
Jussino idea, but checking/installing now06:32
Jussinow installed06:32
lordievaderAlright, run `rdisc6 -v1 eth0` (assuming your interface is named eth0).06:32
lordievaderIf router advertisments are enabled for your network that program requests an advertisement and shows it to you.06:33
Jussihrm, so what am I looking for here ?06:34
lordievaderThe important part here is the 'Prefix'.06:34
* Jussi scratches head06:34
lordievaderThe address your interface generates should fall in this range.06:36
lordievaderWhat addresses does your interface have?06:37
Jussi Source link-layer address: 60:83:34:4C:A5:XX06:40
Jussi from fe80::6283:34ff:fe4c:XXXX06:40
Jussi(mildly obfusicated)06:41
JussiIm sorry lordievader, Im really stiill quite confused :)06:42
JussiIt did say something about timed out...06:43
Jussi$ rdisc6 -v1 wlp2s006:43
JussiSoliciting ff02::2 (ff02::2) on wlp2s0...06:43
JussiTimed out.06:43
lordievaderWireless? Does your network support ipv6?06:45
JussiOh god... I guess I need to check that. Made a bad assumption...06:48
Jussilordievader: seems to be supported via the router settings.07:07
Jussialthough it does say unkown on the ipv6 address in the router status07:10
lordievaderCould you share a screenshot?07:15
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BluesKajHey folks11:20
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