[02:02] rbohling was added by: rbohling [02:03] Has anyone ran Touch on Nexus 6P? [02:12] @rbohling [Has anyone ran Touch on Nexus 6P?], a port was started but ran into some (usual) problems - https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/56 [02:12] Halium issue 56 in projectmanagement "[device-port] [angler] Huawei/Google Nexus 6P" [Ports, Open] [02:17] @TotalSonic [a port was started but ran into some (usual) problems - https://github.com/Haliu …], Thanks Steven. [02:17] Link was right, this community is helpful! [02:30] I'm getting an error saying that I don't have enough free space in /var when I try to run the ubports-qa command [02:31] trying to install PR-86 [02:34] AIIoT C was added by: AIIoT C [03:07] @YougoChats [They don't do the free part any more it seems], Nextcloud has 15 free affiliates. When I signed up Webo was the one offered as the official free plan. It's still offering 5gb free. [03:19] surrounder was added by: surrounder [04:27] leo was added by: leo [04:58] @YougoChats [No. Dekko needs it off, and less secure acces on, iirc], Eh? You can keep 2FA working and use dekko2 [05:18] (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/rlHRconG.png [05:19] Successfully modified network-manager to use as hotspot range. [05:27] @Flohack The network-manager modification was successful. Clients connect to hotspot now in the range. If you need more info with details, please let me know. [05:28] wow, I'd like that as well … would be cool if you can decide the range [05:28] you think it'll be something that can be integrated into the system? [05:40] Francisco Reyes V. was added by: Francisco Reyes V. [05:42] hello, I want to make a query I want to install ubuntu touch on my samsung s7? [06:09] is there a command to restart the dash? [06:09] nevermind, I guessed it … `restart unity8-dash` [06:09] I tried just `unity-dash` earlier and it obviously won't work 😅 [06:19] Saurabh Sakhare was added by: Saurabh Sakhare [06:25] @Javacookies [wow, I'd like that as well … would be cool if you can decide the range], Unfortunately the range is hard-coded into network-manager binary. To change, we should modify the source code, rebuild, then reinstall. However latest versions of nm seem to got rid of this limitation (I have to check, dough) [06:30] oh I see..... [06:32] at least I know now that it's possible, I'll do it if I get desperate 😅 [06:33] (Sticker, 360x512) https://irc.ubports.com/pf3t0Nxg.webp [06:38] @FeketeZoli [@Flohack The network-manager modification was successful. Clients connect to hot …], Awesome. Could you please open a forum post explaining the steps to do it? For further reference :) [06:41] @malditobastardo [Awesome. Could you please open a forum post explaining the steps to do it? For f …], Sure, yes. [06:43] Great. Thank you so much 👍 [07:17] @FeketeZoli [@Flohack The network-manager modification was successful. Clients connect to hot …], See what we are doing here: https://github.com/ubports/network-manager-packaging/pull/1 [07:17] ubports issue (Pull request) 1 in network-manager-packaging "WIP: Rebase on Debian 1.14.6-2" [Open] [07:17] Which version did you use upstream? [07:22] @Francisco Reyes V. [hello, I want to make a query I want to install ubuntu touch on my samsung s7?], A port has been started here. You can collaborate to help develop it or you can just test it. … https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/48 [07:22] Halium issue 48 in projectmanagement "[device-port] [herolte] Samsung Galaxy S7" [Ports, Open] [07:23] @rbohling [Has anyone ran Touch on Nexus 6P?], I have on lying around but no time right now. Currently it does not boot correctly, but i was already further. I am currently focusing on TELEports development ^^ [08:32] Hi everyone [08:32] I updated my FP2 to this week release candidate build [08:32] and there is an infinite loop! [08:32] I can't use my phone anymore :( [08:32] https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/1222 [08:32] ubports issue 1222 in ubuntu-touch "Huge regression in release candidate: infinite loop make the CPU 100% and kill the phone in minutes" [Open] [08:33] I don't even succeed to grab the logs [08:47] :( [08:48] definitely can't keep my phone up at the moment [10:20] Boot into fastboot and reflash stable. [10:30] MarceloHFilho was added by: MarceloHFilho [10:55] pjk2012: that would make me lost all my data, won't it? [10:59] no as long as you don't select wipe [11:01] hm [11:01] I added more infos to the github issue [11:01] maybe such a regression won't stay in RC a long time and be patched quickly [11:01] I'll wait until tonight [11:12] @malditobastardo [Awesome. Could you please open a forum post explaining the steps to do it? For f …], Could you please give me the url of the right forum to open the topic in? [11:19] @FeketeZoli [Could you please give me the url of the right forum to open the topic in?], Support I think is a good place. :) [12:23] You know why the website and doc are not updated ? I can see good translations in git hub sources but not on the website. … ☺ [12:55] Neeraj was added by: Neeraj [12:56] Will you guys be making ubuntu touch for xiomi devices? I really am intrested in using one. [12:56] that will need to be ported [12:56] @Neeraj [Will you guys be making ubuntu touch for xiomi devices? I really am intrested in …], Interest in making a port comes from volunteers, there are no strict plans to port to Xiaomi devices. [12:58] I am a novice in programming and stuff. Can I create rom for my xiomi device by following the instructions given on ubsports website guide? [13:00] @Neeraj [I am a novice in programming and stuff. Can I create rom for my xiomi device by …], If your interested in porting docs.halium.org is a good starting place [13:02] @Fuseteam [If your interested in porting docs.halium.org is a good starting place], Cool ! Thanks [13:04] But just to confirm, this project is still open right? [13:07] yes [13:32] Alex Ritch was added by: Alex Ritch [13:32] Martin was added by: Alex Ritch [13:35] uh. is this a spam? [13:36] no. [14:00] Unless they're someone you know, I think technically it is [14:08] any of the main devs - or those kernel developers - pinephone preoreder: https://www.pine64.org/2019/09/05/september-update-the-pinephone-is-real-shipping-soon/ [14:23] @malditobastardo [Support I think is a good place. :)], Published: … https://forums.ubports.com/topic/3094/switching-wlan-hotspot-to-custom-ip-address-range [14:26] @FeketeZoli [Published: … https://forums.ubports.com/topic/3094/switching-wlan-hotspot-to-custo …], Awesome. Thank you sir! :) [14:27] Always Happy to see people contributing for the sake of the community [14:29] @mateosalta [any of the main devs - or those kernel developers - pinephone preoreder: https:/ …], Happy to see this. [14:31] @malditobastardo [Always Happy to see people contributing for the sake of the community], Yes, without the community we wouldn't have this awesome mobile OS. So, it's worth to contribute :) [14:39] Mortazarezayi was added by: Mortazarezayi [14:39] Fwd from Mortazarezayi: Sign up for free and earn 3 libra (Facebook Digital Coin) … We will see as soon … 1Libra = 180$ 😍🤑 … IT'S FREE … HOW TO REGISTER ? … 1. Clik register link : [https://uplibra.io?refer=89117](https://uplibra.io/?refer=89117) … 2. Sign up with your Facebook account … 3. Verify your email address … 4. Get 3 L [14:39] ibra coin automatically added to your wallet … 5. Claim for more coin every hour [14:55] Totally :) [16:13] Thanks for postin @mateosalta [16:14] [Edit] Thanks for posting @mateosalta [16:37] I saw tha tphonephone had a bootable microSD, that's actually quite nice :> … a little bummer tha tit has so little RAM though (which also limits having read/write caches) [16:38] tphonephone? [16:40] . [16:40] pinephone XD [16:40] FML [16:43] do you have dev guys any public docs about the ubuntu touch, how it's working, about it's components and etc? [16:50] Porting docs could see an update [16:52] @RBVTX [do you have dev guys any public docs about the ubuntu touch, how it's working, a …], https://docs.ubports.com and the many pages under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch probably have the most info [16:57] @VeryOriginalUsername [Porting docs could see an update], what specifically? [16:58] Eeh it's gonna sound terrible, but few days ago I was thinking about suggesting some specific changes/additions but I didn't write them down 😐 [16:59] if you can come up with a list of suggestions feel free to tell us in the UBports porting channel. [16:59] Or better, send us a PR ;) [17:28] @dohbee [https://docs.ubports.com and the many pages under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch …], thanks a lot♥️ [17:29] mrjohn7777 was added by: mrjohn7777 [17:29] Hi [17:30] What is Ubuntu touch? How to use it? [17:32] @mrjohn7777 [What is Ubuntu touch? How to use it?], https://ubuntu-touch.io [17:32] I'm already open [17:32] But still not understand [17:33] crisistrustee was added by: crisistrustee [17:42] Anyone here using an k20 pro, how's it working? As I am thinking of getting a 9t pro as a replacement to my OnePlus one [17:43] Well, it won't run ubports for now, unless someone ports mainline kernel or creates halium-9 [17:44] I know but I am thinking as a general replacement and then I can fully dedicate my OnePlus one to ubports [17:45] Then it's not the right place to ask, there are a ton of reviews online, perhaps you should look into these [17:47] I know but as this place is quite tech focussed it was a possibility some people had it, and I mostly ask these sort of things personally as there is the possibility of online reviews being bought. [17:47] there are over 2300 people in this group, so please do try to keep things on topic and relevant to Ubuntu Touch, thanks. [18:04] 2300? … 🥂 [18:07] that's an average of 1.66 people gained per day. That's 'population positive' stat! woot woot [18:14] @mrjohn7777 [But still not understand], It's a free and open source Linux based operating system to give you an alternative to Google and Apple. You have to have a supported phone to install it, or buy one already set up. [18:37] @pjk2012 [It's a free and open source Linux based operating system to give you an alternat …], is this a new one or are you referrring to TOUCH? [18:56] @Charlie Shekeris [is this a new one or are you referrring to TOUCH?], John is talking about Ubuntu Touch [19:27] @VeryOriginalUsername [Well, it won't run ubports for now, unless someone ports mainline kernel or crea …], *UT [19:29] UBports is the foundation :p [20:05] is this chat as dead as halium one? [20:06] huh? [20:06] I wouldn't consider either one "dead" [20:07] D: [20:08] maybe in the context of "population of the universe" ala Hitchhiker's Guide, they could be considered "dead" [20:08] lol [20:08] well, today i saw like idk 3ppl [20:08] Have anyone encounter a linker issue? [20:08] cannot launch camera nor morph-browser [20:09] Does the current edge channel on N5 have working GPS? My N5 doesnt seem to work with GPS [20:09] Yes [20:09] works fine [20:09] everything works fine on Edge [20:09] well, we don't have hundreds of people working full time to port phones and answer questions on telegram/irc, unfortunately [20:09] In what context Akatsu [20:10] Ok, I wonder if I will need a SIM card in it to make it work [20:10] when launching these apps i get something about not being able to launch linker, something like that. [20:11] @Akatsu [when launching these apps i get something about not being able to launch linker, …], you are trying to run them directly from CLI or something? [20:11] @Shakendo [Ok, I wonder if I will need a SIM card in it to make it work], It might be related to the update that was introduced for everyone in the OTA-10 about using the raw gps [20:11] it takes more time now to get the initial fix depending on where you are [20:11] @malditobastardo [It might be related to the update that was introduced for everyone in the OTA-10 …], Well test_gps nor the gps apps work, GPS works fine under android [20:11] which device? which channel? how are ya launching it, Akatsu [20:12] @Shakendo [Well test_gps nor the gps apps work, GPS works fine under android], clear skies, SIM, and good data connection? [20:12] No SIM, but yes to the other 2, thats why Im wondering if I need the SIM [20:12] its not official, im porting to j5xnlte [20:12] xenial rootfs [20:12] linked under docs [20:13] @Shakendo [No SIM, but yes to the other 2, thats why Im wondering if I need the SIM], you need a SIM, yeah. doesn't need to be activated though [20:13] or well, you need to wait an extremely long time without a SIM, anyway [20:13] Hmm did we have a porting irc channel @dohbee? [20:13] with a SIM it's i think around 5 minutes [20:13] Hmm ok, I didnt have one when I tried it in android so I thought it might be fine, Ill pop one in and see what happens [20:13] @Fuseteam [Hmm did we have a porting irc channel @dohbee?], the person is in halium channel already, hence their previous comments [20:14] Ah :p [20:14] ya [20:14] @Shakendo [Hmm ok, I didnt have one when I tried it in android so I thought it might be fin …], android has wifi/bt mac address location classification too. we don't [20:14] you need SIM to get cell tower agps along with clear sky to satellite [20:15] so this channel is only for supported devices? [20:15] the Halium channel is for cross-distro work though, Ubuntu Touch specific issues should be raised in the UBports porting channel [20:15] @Akatsu [so this channel is only for supported devices?], no, but it's not really about porting. but you still haven't said exactly what the error is, or how exactly you're trying to run those apps [20:15] *facepalms* I forgot about android using wifi and whatnot, but I dont recall turning that on when I tried it the other day on android [20:15] Yes this is the super group [20:15] found it [20:15] thanks [20:16] 10ppl xD [20:16] Alright 👀 [20:16] Most are on telegram [20:17] uh yeah, there's 2300+ people in here [20:17] don't let `/names` on irc fool you [20:17] 3000 here we come 😎 [20:18] Most of the names in here are probably just lurkers or inactive though [20:18] Are they? [20:18] :3 [20:18] I typucally see no more than 20 different names pop up for people that actually send messages [20:19] And it seems to be mostly the same names, with the random new user that pops on for a few days then disappears [20:19] so? [20:20] Just saying, from my POV most of the 2300+ people are either lurkers or inactive lol [20:21] there are plenty of active people in the subgroups that never writes anything here "lurkers" but still [20:21] Case in point lol [20:23] Lol [20:41] @Shakendo [Just saying, from my POV most of the 2300+ people are either lurkers or inactive …], it doesn't matter [22:56] hi people, anyone knows how to blacklist a contact on ubuntu touch, or if is there an especific app for that?? thanks [23:00] I dont think thats implemented in UT, you shoukd be able to accomplish that through your service provider though via a web portal [23:02] ok, it is a pity, I will have a look on the sim company... thanks [23:10] https://puri.sm/posts/librem-5-shipping [23:10] Yesss [23:11] [Edit] Yesss!!! [23:13] 404 not found? [23:16] ah, they changed the title [23:16] https://puri.sm/posts/librem-5-shipping-announcement/ [23:20] [Edit] https://puri.sm/posts/librem-5-shipping-announcement/