
zakihey pavlushka 17:40
pavlushka zaki hello17:41
pavlushkazaki: anything new?17:41
zakipavlushka, I tried changing grub menu resolution many way it's not working 17:43
zakialways automatically changed back to default 17:43
zakiwhich is 1024x768 may be17:44
pavlushkazaki: why you want to change it?17:44
zakiwhile boot to windows it shows some weird color 17:46
pavlushkazaki: mey be the grub resolution is hardcoded in the source, that's why?17:52
zakitried changing grub config17:54
pavlushkazaki: heck the source and then recompile it accordingly17:54
pavlushkazaki: I meant sourcecode17:54

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