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DarkTricksince upgrading from 18.04 LTS to 19.04  I experience various bug-like behaviors. I can't tell exactly how to reproduce them, though. Is it worth stating them somewhere?05:11
DarkTrick(like: display-backlight buttons have a huge delay (about 60 - 120 seconds); sound-control buttons dont work; redshift behavior became relative instead of absolute; firefox stop working arbitrarily; mouse menu won't react to mouseclicks; .... )05:14
DarkTrickmiddle mouse button arbitrarily stopps working05:17
well_laid_lawnDarkTrick:  in those situations I like to have   dmesg -w   running in a terminal to see if there's any errors mentioned05:19
DarkTrickwell_laid_lawn, thank you for your reply.  dmesg -w prints a large number of errors.05:23
DarkTrickshould I pastebin it here?05:24
DarkTrickThis one seems to appear regularly: [drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A (start=648375 end=648376) time 1840 us, min 1073, max 1079, scanline start 983, end 111105:25
DarkTrickwell_laid_lawn, I will try and check up on things dmesg tells. Thank you for giving me a direction05:32
DarkTrickubuntu 19.04 seemed to have introduced the feature [mouse-middle-click] => [insert]07:53
DarkTrickis it possible to revert that behavior?07:54
DarkTrickit seems to conflict with firefox's middle-click functionality (among other applications)07:54
DarkTrickmaybe it was just a hardware related issue. I will see over the next few days08:17
gnrpDarkTrick: Uhm, that is very basic unix behaviour Oo08:53
gnrpI mean, that is not newly introduced, the mouse buffer has been there for decades08:53
DarkTrickgnrp, thank you for the reply. For not it looks like there was a problem with one of my mice, that started appearing exactly after I did the upgrade09:14
DarkTrickopening the mouse fixed the problem.09:15
DarkTrick( I  was concerned, because even testing a second mosue (with the first one connected) didn't solve the situation)09:16
=== s0rcer3r is now known as s0rcerer
xubuntu32wi need help13:39
knomexubuntu32w, ask the question and maybe volunteers are able to assist13:40
xubuntu32wjust installed xubuntu and after this it went for a restart i pressed ok and screen freezed13:41
xubuntu32wwhat can i do ?13:41
knomewhich xubuntu version? what kind of hardware? old/new? laptop/desktop?13:42
xubuntu32w18.04.3 and the hardware hp pavilion gaming laptop model 15-cx0001nq13:43
Spassxubuntu32w, screen froze before the restart?13:47
Spassmaybe you can force shutdown and try to boot into your installation13:47
Spassyou can also try to install it again, if it;s a fresh install, where did you get the ISO from? did you check the md5/sha sums? maybe the ISO is broken13:49
xubuntu32wbefore instaling xubuntu i tried ubuntu and mint , same problem13:50
xubuntu32wi searched online and i dont know but i think is from video card13:50
xubuntu32wor something13:50
Spassah, so it's specific for Ubuntu-based and your hardware13:50
xubuntu32wyes , my pc dont swalow the linux13:51
Spasswhat I would try is to install Xubuntu from 18.04.1 ISO (it comes with an older kernel) or try with 19.0413:51
SpassI assume you have NVIDIA card in that laptop?13:52
xubuntu32wyes, i have13:52
Spassfrom what I know some newer cards have problems on older drivers, for example GTX 1660 Ti13:53
xubuntu32wi have a gtx 1050 ti13:54
Spassso yeah, I would suggest you go with 18.04.1, then 19.04 and then… well, I have one different distro in mind but let's stick with Xubuntu for now :)13:55
Spassbut back to my first question, does it froze before restarting?13:55
Spassmaybe it's installed and you just need to boot it, maybe just the installer exit fails13:56
xubuntu32wright after i pressed the ok button it freezed13:56
xubuntu32wthe curser went invisible13:56
Spassyeah, so there are chances that it's installed13:57
Spasswhat happens when you try to boot your system?13:57
Spass(hold power button to shutdown your laptop, remove your installation USB/DVD and boot)13:58
xubuntu32wwork fine untill i login ,i press ok to log in and it freeze13:58
xubuntu32wi did that13:58
Spassok, do you have network connection? you can try to install nvidia drivers from another tty13:59
xubuntu32wyes i have14:00
Spassok, so when you're on the login screen go to tty2 using Ctrl+Alt+F2, login to your account there and run this command "sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390"14:02
xubuntu32whow can i install those drivers ?14:03
Spassboot your laptop to the graphical login screen but don't log in, try what I wrote above14:05
Spassit should let you install the drivers from the text tty2 from your account14:05
alsenI have apt updated my 18.4 xubuntu and after reboot my screen is black, connectin via ssh I see an xorg process on 100% CpU after killing this process I see graphic screen19:44
alsensomeone had the same problem ?19:45
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