[04:25] good morning [05:16] Good morning everyone [06:35] good morning EoflaOE [06:36] Good morning lotuspsychje [06:36] all good over there? [06:37] Yes [06:37] And how is your day? [06:38] all nice, coffee & breakfast were nice [06:39] Nice. How is the kernel going? [06:39] until things are solved, im on 5.3 EoflaOE [06:40] EoflaOE: and when 20.04 development starts, im going to clean install on the affected laptop [06:40] EoflaOE: i always help debug LTS in early stages [06:41] Nice. I keep track of design and behavior changes [06:41] you like ubuntu's eyecandy? [06:42] Yes, but when it comes to Yaru icon theme, then no, I am switching to the old one. [06:47] EoflaOE: https://www.deviantart.com/lotuspsychje/gallery [06:59] lotuspsychje: Because I am on Android it seems to be loading 90s style instead of normal. [06:59] oh kk [07:00] By the way everything is nice [10:35] [11:33] I am very depressed :(((((((( [10:36] Hello marcoagpinto [10:37] hello EoflaOE [10:37] How is your day going? [10:38] I told my parents I wasn't going to work this weekend as I am feeling very down... mum shouted at me saying I live off them :( she told several times I am a parasite [10:38] I am drinking cola [10:38] 3,5 litres today [10:38] Nice, and I will be drinking it on lunch, too. So, how is the project going? [10:39] which one of the projects? [10:40] The project that you're working on. [10:40] well, I have the GB speller, Proofing Tool GUI and the PhD software [10:41] yesterday I made an important enhancement in the PhD software gaining ~3-5 minutes in simulations [10:42] usually in the 14'' laptop each simulation takes 23? 24? minutes (I am stressed and can't remember) [10:42] I only know I compared before and after the enhancement [10:43] Nice. About Kernel Simulator, I am making the new version. I am making sure that it's ready before going to school tomorrow. [10:44] you are going to school on Sunday? [10:45] Yes. [10:47] https://www.fernandocarvalhorodrigues.eu/en/curriculum-vitae.html##10 [10:47] I am the only PhD student left [10:48] (see at the bottom) [10:50] Nice. [11:02] frad: wich ubuntu/kernel are you running on clevo plz? [11:15] this wiki has been renewed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick [12:41] Hey folks [15:41] I have release an update of my PhD project tool :) [15:41] I sent it to the supervisors [15:41] ~3-5 minutes faster processing [15:43] ~3-5 minutes on the Celeron dual-core laptop... I wonder how much in mum's i7 quad-core :) [15:44] with kernel options: noibrs noibpb nopti nospectre_v2 nospectre_v1 l1tf=off nospec_store_bypass_disable no_stf_barrier .... 20 seconds [15:44] what? [15:44] :-D [15:45] all those crippling patches .. [15:46] anyway, some crazy things were going on my mind, so I decided to release an update :) [15:46] sorry for sharing [15:47] good to see you made progress [15:50] I created some "common procedures" which are functions included in my programs... in a simple way, I now have an include file with functions to be used all over my projects :) [15:50] this way I have them all in one file and it is easier to improve