
paul__When I fire up Ubuntu Studio, I get some message that xfce4-panel isn't running. I click "execute" and I'm in. What ails it?02:12
paul__There' something else to the message, but I'd have to log out and in again to get it. Something like I can't make changes. But, the changes I made before the last reboot are there, all saved.02:13
paul__Tried to copy and paste, but it didn't make it to the clipboard I guess.02:13
paul__Our Mackie HDR24 is finally crapping out, so I'm trying to get this rig up and running, to get me compadre at the studio used to Linux. Hoping that between this and one of those Scarlett boxes, we can do it. We never cut more than two tracks at a time anyway.02:15
paul__Actaully, brb. I've got one more set of updates running on this fresh install. Maybe that will fix it.02:18
paul__Nupe... Same message.02:20
krytenYou got the full message for us this time then?02:22
paul__Bah, no. I even actually hit Ctrl C and still it didn't make it to the clipboard. I'd have to reboot, and take a picture, then stick it pju on Google drive or something.02:22
paul__I can do that... Give me a few minutes though02:23
paul__kryten, Ok, hang on, now I've got to stick pic ups for you to see.02:25
paul__Installing chromium first...02:26
paul__I forget how fast rebooting on a fresh box is... This puppy was a LAMP box a couple hours ago.02:27
paul__kryten, https://drive.google.com/open?id=11S56IBZ_K8VbkLFR0elWSmuUoEWxCxDL02:28
paul__After that (when I hit Execute) I get this other one: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11RNxxqhP01PhxixLE4b9wa91GKiltoO502:29
krytenpaul__: https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?pid=46780#p46780 - try what the OP did at the end here.02:36
paul__kryten, I've got no xfce4-panel.xml in /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml02:48
paul__I do see a xfce4-session.xml...02:48
paul__And there is an /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml02:49
krytenWell, you certainly read the path wrong then.02:49
paul__I ran sudo find ./ -name xfce4-session.xml from /02:49
paul__There's another in /home/paul/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-session.xml02:50
paul__I'll nix the ~/ one and see what happens...02:50
paul__Neither one. Is there a way to regenerate these?02:54
paul__The panels are still the way I set them a few reboots ago, so nothing is really broken, I'm just trying to make life easier for Paul when I give this box to him.02:55
paul__This is replacing an XP box...02:56
krytenDid you find an 'xfce4-panel.xml' in your '~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml' directory then?  Also, the full path to the session cache would be '~/.cache/sessions' as indicated in the post I referred to.02:58
paul__kryten, found them, then got locked out completely. Weird. I installed cinnamon and I'm in. That's more liek Windows anyway, by default, so he should be all set.03:12
dagdagrunning latest ubuntu studio...i have an internal dvd player/burner that doesnt play cd's or dvd's automatic,and doesnt burn..first i would like to know the commands in removable drives to run automatic with vlc player..then i tried to burn an iso and after a few seconds it just stops..does anyone know whats going on..08:33
dagdagwhat are the commands to start a cd and dvd in removable drives and media(multimedia),,to start a cd or dvd automaticaly with vlc player08:40
gretsh56Ubuntu studio de mes deux14:55
gretsh56bon ben quoi faire après avoir installer KVirc ? Undernet Freenode #ubuntustudio14:57
gretsh56It seem that nobody speak french, have a nice day :)14:58
gretsh56ouin moé /disconnect14:59
OvenWerksThat is probably true. I think there is a french ubuntu chanel though14:59
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:59

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