[00:04] hostnamectl set-hostname  isnt permanent? [00:07] analogical: changing permission on a system file to edit it is the wrong way to do whatever it is you are doing [00:08] kinghat: what version of ubuntu? [00:08] 18.04.03 [00:08] kinghat: server or desktop? [00:08] server [00:08] kinghat: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-change-hostname-on-ubuntu-18-04/ [00:09] ya im reading that right now [00:10] kinghat: the simple way is to just remove cloud-init [00:10] what does that do? [00:10] kinghat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit [00:10] first result on google for "ubuntu cloud-init" [00:12] i meant removing it [00:13] kinghat: prevents cloud-init from controlling your hostname [00:17] Hi all, I'm trying to mount an NTFS partition. 'fdisk -l' lists it as /dev/sda1, however ls /dev/ only shows 'sda', it doesn't show the partition, and so equally ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/ntfs fails saying /dev/sda1 doesn't exist. Where am I going wrong? [00:20] gimmel: plug the drive into a Windows machine and run chkdsk /f /r , then reboot TWICE [00:22] leftyfb: thanks - I was wondering if it was the hiberfil. I might try the ntfsfix route first. A Windows machine is hard to find around here. [00:22] gimmel: no [00:22] don't bother with mtfsfix [00:23] gimmel: your only solution is to run those checks from within Windows TWICE. [00:24] leftyfb: dang. Oh well, I was mounting it out of curiousity. I'll just wipe it ready for use as native *nix storage. Thanks for your help. [00:25] leftyfb: do i still need to set the hostname in /etc/hosts after i disabled cloud-init? [00:26] not really sure whats going on in this file. looks different than the article: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/a727992e/ === LouWestin is now known as Guest33383 === LouWestin_ is now known as LouWestin === zbenjamin is now known as Guest53688 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:05] should I use apt or apt-get? [02:14] amosbird: Apt :) https://mvogt.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/apt-1-0/ ; https://itsfoss.com/apt-vs-apt-get-difference/ . [02:29] ubuntu disco is 18 04? [02:29] disco is 19.04. 18.04 is bionic [03:05] Is there any risk to shrink the partition of a windows 10 drive on a work provided laptop? i want to install ubuntu on a separate partition and use it as a media server. [03:05] Windows is terrible garbage. [03:07] hmm [03:08] or should i just use ubuntu on a vm and do it that way? [03:08] risk of what? bricking the laptop? your employer finding out you have a separate linux installation? [03:08] Yes there are risks. Multiple pages on Google state that it is recommended that you back-up your data due to potential loss. Plus, depending on how strict your jobs IT policies are, you may get in trouble at work. [03:08] HyperTables: both i guess [03:09] it is a second laptop - which im not using anymore. but i just want to play it safe. i guess i could put it on a vm and do it that way. the problem is windows does its rubbish software updates, and they have their garbage monitoring software on windows etc [03:09] Of course they do. It's their laptop, hehe. [03:09] in ubuntu when you enable full disk encryption, the screen that prompts you to enter your password to get passed the FDE is plymouth? [03:10] i want to get change the color of the default purple, to black or image [03:10] that work monitoring software can't see anything that happens on an encrypted ubuntu vm - no traffic or anything, right? if i vpn from it and torrent and do all kinds of stuff, they wont know anything? [03:11] probably on oracle vm virtualbox [03:15] Can you help me get my hp envy 15" laptop working? :( I disabled Secure Boot, but trying to boot from the USB, after selecting "Try Ubuntu without installing", I get only a black screen. [03:17] !nomodeset | sappheiros [03:17] sappheiros: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [03:17] I was just checking https://askubuntu.com/questions/832163/black-screen-when-loading-ubuntu-live-usb -- thanks for this link instead. [03:18] i wonder how much i could get a really cheap computer - laptop or small desktop to act as a media server? as cheap as possible. although would need SSD. are there any recommendations? [03:19] sappheiros: :) Nvidia graphics ? Then, might have better results when the proprietary graphic's driver is installed. [03:20] It's Radeon Vega Graphics, AMD. [03:20] The screenshots in the explanation you gave me are missing: Instead I see blue question mark boxes, Bashing-om [03:20] at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132&s=a134a44d22e3dfd4a277ba7f8870896f&p=10069997#post10069997 [03:21] sappheiros: Odd for AMD to fail. [03:21] So I don't see instructions to follow to enable the nomodeset option. [03:22] This hp envy is touchscreen, if that helps clarify my situation. [03:23] Is someone able to update the !nomodeset command to a link that has all its images and content up-to-date? [03:24] https://askubuntu.com/a/832173 seems to be it ... I will try again. [03:24] sappheiros: ^^ the thread you posted opens fime for me - with the appropriate "nomdeset" instructions, [03:26] Is it simply replacing 'quiet splash' with 'nomodeset' after pressing 'e' at that GRUB boot menu? [03:26] Then ctrl+x to continue booting? [03:26] sappheiros: Not for the installer. [03:26] :( [03:27] sappheiros: At the purple splash screen (stick figure keyboard emblems at bottom of screen) -> hit any key -> [03:27] Language screen -> escape key to accept the default -> [03:27] Well then, would you please replied the images or screenshots of them for me from one of those file-sharing sites? [03:27] Booting options screen -> F6 key (other options) -> arrow down to the preset option(s) space or enter to accept and then the escape key to exit; [03:29] Is 'purple splash screen' the screen that has the menu where you can select 'try ubuntu without installing'? [03:29] at that screen I pressed 'e', which would be 'any key', and it took me to a setparams page, not a language screen [03:30] anyone here know how to use plymouth theme? [03:30] sappheiros: No, you want to get to grub's boot options - not the boot menu. [03:30] please help me I have NO sound on my laptop except for when I click "Test Speakers" [03:31] Well, I just did as https://askubuntu.com/a/832173 and it's still a black screen. Could the touchscreen capability be the problem? How do I get to this 'purple splash screen'? What does it look like? [03:32] sappheiros: There is a difference between the installer options and the installed operating system options. [03:34] I am at (the UEFI's?) Startup Menu (hp's Startup Menu?): I have System Information, System Diagnostics, Boot Device Options, BIOS Setup, and System Recovery, or ENTER to continue startup. I select F9 boot device options to proceed to select the USB to boot from, right? [03:35] sappheiros: Right - you want to boot the USB as the installer. [03:36] Okay, then ... [03:36] now I have a blue boot manager showing OS Boot Manager(UEFI), USB Hard Drive(UEFI), and Boot From EFI File. I pick the middle USB Hard Drive to boot from my USB stick, of course, right? [03:37] *the middle USB Hard Drive(UEFI) option, I mean [03:37] arrow key down to it, then ENTER to select ... I'm presuming this is of course obvious to select, to begin the booting from USB process ... [03:37] sappheiros: That looks sane to me too. [03:38] AUGH it only gave me like five seconds at the GRUB menu before automatically selecting the 'try without installing' option ... gotta hard off and do again. i was reading the text at the bottom of the screen that seemed perhaps to corroborate your instruction ... [03:38] i'd like that to _not_ automatically proceed, to require the user to choose ... ... [03:39] !@#$ hp is "preparing bitlocker recovery" -- i didn't tap 'escape' soon enough this time apparently [03:40] okay, tapping the down arrow made some text go away but I've still got "Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before booting or 'c' for a command-line. ESC to return previous menu. [03:41] Are you saying I should ESC to the previous menu rather than 'e' to edit the commands? [03:41] sappheiros, the text that went away probably was the countdown info. [03:41] (I'm at the screen: GNU GRUB version 2.02) [03:41] Sven_vB yeah i hope so; would make sense [03:41] sappheiros: I have not had much experience with UEFI , But as soon as the firmware (uefi) screen clears spam the escape ky . the next screen you want to see is the language selection screen. [03:42] okay, i hit escape and it took me to "grub>", the text at the top reading "Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions." [03:43] so apparently ESC at the GNU GRUB version 2.02 window enters a grub> command prompt, and hence is not the 'purple splash page' ... [03:43] Possible commands are: ...... a lot. ._. [03:43] . [ acpi ... zfsinfo zfskey [03:44] i guess i'll enter 'reboot' and try agan [03:45] Sven_vB you were correct, it said something like "The currently selected option will begin automatically in: 4s" before I tapped the down arrow this time. [03:45] sappheiros: Legs are cramping up - I must get up and walk them off:( [03:45] :( Get well soon! Jog instead of walk so you can return sooner and helpu meeeee <3 [03:46] * sappheiros should also exercise more. [03:48] Here's the text I've got: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PqkmgtQ2g4/ [03:48] https://askubuntu.com/a/832173 says I need to replace the text 'quiet splash' with 'nomodeset', but when I tried that I got a black screen still ... ... unless I accidentally typed 'nosetmode' ... [03:48] I guess I'll try again? [03:50] :( I proceeded to boot with ctrl+x instead of F10 this time, and still a black screen. [03:50] So Secure Boot disabled and 'nomodeset' replacing 'quiet splash' i still can't get it to work. [03:52] I dont know if someone is playing a trick on me or what [03:52] For the past week I've had no audio except for the speaker test [03:52] Now the speaker test doesn't work and the only audio I have is the little pops when I change the volume [03:53] Are these instructions correct for UEFI systems? https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#3 [03:53] Target system "BIOS (or UEFI-CSM)" [03:53] sappheiros: Past couple of days I have been working outdoors in extreme heat - cooling down now, As to your issue: indications are that you are booting an installed operating system, not the installer . [03:53] ... I followed that tutorial I just linked to create the USB ... [03:54] I think I see your point. So how do I ... hmm ... [03:54] anyone know how to do iperf3 but for a long time? [03:55] or an amount transferred? [03:55] I'm in hp's BIOS Setup Utility now to see if I can make USB the first to check for booting ... [03:55] ah I think I found it [03:56] UEFI Boot Order is currently OS Boot Manager, then USB Flash Drive ... perhaps if I reverse this order it will boot *from* the USB instead of loading the OS as you say? [03:57] sappheiros: :) .. yup .. you want the liveUSB as the 1st option. [03:57] well, that took me straight to this GNU GRUB version 2.02 now ... [03:57] I mean, after I saved & restarted exiting the BIOS menu [03:58] once again deleting 'quiet splash' to type 'nomodeset' ... [03:58] then F10 to boot ... [03:58] still a black screen :( [03:59] * sappheiros checks https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/46201/discussion-between-peter-daily-and-l-d-james [04:00] seems a different issue, as legacy mode is disabled for this 'hp envy' laptop; it was using UEFi and I used the default rufus instructions ... [04:00] (to generate the bootable USB) [04:01] (from amd64 iso) ... Bashing-om could you show me those images from the instructions, or is there something else I can do? ... [04:01] <|Anthony|> hello all! i'm having issued with getting my dell laptop to resume from suspend. i've tried to follow several how to guides with no success. can someone point me in the right direction [04:02] |Anthony| try searching askubuntu for dell d620 resume from suspend [04:03] not sure if i had that issue though but i might have asked about it [04:04] sappheiros: I am not fathoming why you still seem to be booting the installed system - reboot, with the liveUSB as 1st boot priority, and as soon as the bios splach screen appears hit a key - what now do you see ? [04:05] I don't see a bios splash screen: As soon as I power on, after a second or two of black the USB stick flashes its LED and I'm taken to the GNU GRUB menu. [04:06] It looks like it's booted from the USB stick to me: That GNU GRUB menu is what I saw from the lubuntu USB when I was trying it with another laptop (the dell d620 actually). [04:08] I'm thinking the touch capability is causing that black screen, preventing the graphics from loading ... Is that possible? ... [04:08] like, a different driver expected for touch screens vs non-touch screens? [04:09] my ubuntu dell desktop got freezed as soon as i login just only mouse cursor is showing and if i CTRL+ALT+F1 entering in to shell prompot and working [04:09] kindly help me how can i fix it [04:09] <|Anthony|> sappheiros what you referred to was an unanswered question [04:09] <|Anthony|> sooo... solidarity? [04:11] |Anthony| lol i guess ... sorry [04:16] |Anthony|, you haven't told us what you are running; boot the same 'live' image on multiple desktops/laptops, I've found the way they 'wake' from suspend differs between makes/models, eg. some wake with any key, some wake only with power button - but you've provided little detail [04:17] sappheiros, did you use the 'check disc for defects' option on your 'live' system to ensure you write-to-install-media (plus download) were flawless? I'd suggest using it always [04:18] guiverc just selected it at your suggestion and it's another black screen. [04:19] I'm checking https://askubuntu.com/questions/1162746/why-wont-my-hp-envy-x360-laptop-with-ryzen-7-3700u-boot-ubuntu-live-cd now. [04:19] do the test on another box; if it's black there - I'd suspect a bad-write (or bad download unless you verified that before write-to-media) === ImAdPER|SLeePINg is now known as iMadper [04:19] sappheiros, what OS are you talking about? (esp. release) [04:20] i'm trying to install the 18.04.3 LTS amd64 just downloaded from the ubuntu.com page yesterday [04:20] looks like i found the page describing my problem. [04:20] sappheiros: I do routinely boot a lot of different liveDVDs - all of then have the ability to boot up to that boot options screen - If you do not see a language selection screen then we are not on the right path. [04:20] Bashing-om: https://askubuntu.com/a/1163672/883486 [04:21] i think i have to quit and go to bed now. -_- it really seems like God doesn't want me to be working with computers [04:21] they usually go wrong for me, even when i follow instructions ... [04:21] does everyone _constantly_ encounter bugs? [04:22] sappheiros: are you on a ryzen system? whats going on? [04:22] yes. [04:22] AMD Ryzen 7 sticker on my hp envy laptop. [04:22] sappheiros: We will still be here when you are ready to resume. Computers are so literal - it is their way or no way :P [04:22] i want to try this page's instructions [04:23] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1162746/why-wont-my-hp-envy-x360-laptop-with-ryzen-7-3700u-boot-ubuntu-live-cd [04:23] sappheiros: 5700 graphic's card ? there is a work-a-round ! [04:25] holy !@#$ this looks like i have to be an IT guy ... ... well, it's ... AMD Integrated SoC chipset, Rota code name, AMD Radeon(TM) RX Vega 10 Graphics [04:25] sappheiros, just an idea, maybe try 18.04.2; - i recall a recent askubu question which was resolved with an older install followed by release-upgrade to latest once installed... [04:26] is this "Vega 10" a "5700" graphics card? [04:29] guiverc is that available from the downloads page? [04:29] of ubuntu.com? [04:29] i am using version Versions 16.04 [04:30] well, i got my crappy glitchy win10 working again [04:31] i guess i can go to bed satisfied that i only lost sleep and inconvenienced people getting accidentally locked in a building ... [04:31] not sure of my next step, actually [04:31] sappheiros, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.2/ (i use my local mirror so some mirrors still have it) [04:33] Linux version 4.15.0-60-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-024) (gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10)) #67~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Aug 26 08:57:33 UTC 2019 (Ubuntu 4.15.0-60.67~16.04.1-generic 4.15.18) [04:37] <|Anthony|> guiverc thanks for the reply. i didn't want to just info-dump. i'm willing to provide any relevant info needed to nail down this issue [04:37] <|Anthony|> i'm about to try to suspend via pm-suspend [04:38] sappheiros: Hummm : https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=297917 reading now and so far indictes you need the 5.2 version kernel for vega10 graphics. [04:39] what is 'the 5.2 version kernel'? [04:39] (if Bashing-om is correct; try 19.10) [04:40] ah [04:40] instead of 18.04.2, 19.10? [04:41] would 19.04 work? [04:41] or i should wait until next month??? [04:41] |Anthony|, is best if you provide all info (ideallly a single long line), and people will respond as they are able. patience is required as people here do other things (are volunteers) [04:41] i was trying to be rid of this terrible win10 os :( [04:41] sappheiros, 19.04 uses 5.0, 19.10 can be tried using "try ubuntu" (or flavor), download daily iso, write to thumb-drive & try it (try before installing in docuemntation) [04:41] i just clicked 19.04 and got immediately a download link [04:43] sappheiros: 19.10 daily has the 5.2 kernel. But that release is in development - expect bugs ! [04:43] sappheiros, if you want to give 19.10 a sping (ie. download & try it) http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/404/builds -- note 19.10 being development is off-topic in this room, you need to use #ubuntu+1 [04:44] s/sping/spin [04:44] I suggested 19.10 as it contains the 5.2 kernel; and was an easy way to test what Bashing-om found/suggested [04:45] LOL bugs 4 life [04:45] surely ubuntu's bugs are better than win10's bugs ... [04:46] isn't 19.10 to be released next month? [04:46] is there a date set? [04:47] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EoanErmine/ReleaseSchedule says oct-17 (I'm runnign it now though) [04:47] should i select 'Install (auto-resize)' for the typical install case? i mean, i've already used windows' disk partition to set aside space [04:47] erm, one moment, i will ask in #ubuntu+1 [04:49] october 17th [04:51] sappheiros: I also have 19.10 - solid as a rock with no issues ; daily updades require a lot of bandwidth. [04:51] is 19.04 not going to solve my problem? [04:51] i absolutely need 19.10 to overcome this black screen ryzen 7 problem? [04:51] (i'm burning a 19.04 USB; in a few minutes i'll find out i guess) [05:17] bleep [05:48] how do I get flash plugin working on firefox 69, in ubuntu 18? [05:49] try > sudo apt install flashplugin-installer [05:59] Mr_Cyclops -- that was about the 5th or 6th thing I have tried, but to no avail [06:26] is there a way to repair grub without CD or usb? [06:27] I have updated to ubuntu 19.04 and now not able to boot ,failed boot detection [06:28] aum, after installing flashplugin-installer , see here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/flash-blocklists . Note that flash is a big security risk, officially deprecated in Firefox, and support is slated to be completely removed in standard firefox releases in 2020. [06:30] fiter, if you're not getting to any GRUB prompt, you'll need some kind of media to boot from. There's no way to repair things without booting the computer. (Well, I suppose you could move the hard drive to another system, but I doubt that helps you much) [06:31] mheath i am getting a grub prompt,if i go to advaced options it cleans, check etc [06:32] but does not load even in recovery [06:34] 18.04.3 and gnome desktop, seems to be gdm-wayland-session? but X running, I intermittently seem to lose the "tray icons" for apps like telegram and slack [06:34] any idea? [06:34] they're sometimes there, sometimes not... [06:34] even if I do nothing [06:35] mheath the security issues of flash are not lost on me - I would not be touching it with a barge pole, except that my current role requires me to use a management portal that's implemented in Flash widgets, and is due to be replaced in 6-9 months [06:37] the other issue is that I have no idea where to put libflashplayer.so so that Firefox 69 can pick it up [06:38] aum, if you install via apt-get it puts it in the right place for you. [06:38] mheath I've installed both adobe-flashplugin and flashplugin-installer, but in firefox, about:plugins shows nothing [06:39] fiter, does the prompt say grub> or grub rescue> ? [06:39] https://askubuntu.com/a/1033801/87630 this one seem to have worked [06:40] aum, firefox 69? try about:addons and go to the Plugins tab. [06:40] aum: did you really restart [06:40] mheath, it only shows OpenH264 Video Codec [06:40] about:plugins does show Path: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so [06:40] ztane I restarted firefox [06:41] like killall -9 firefox restarted it ;) [06:41] ztane ps aux|grep -i firefox shows nothing [06:42] also you'd wanna check that your firefox is "for Ubuntu canonical" [06:42] in about [06:42] ztane it says Firefox Quantum 69.0 (64-bit) [06:42] and below that? [06:43] about dialog says "Firefox Quantum -- 69.0 (64-bit) Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical - 1.0" for me [06:43] Firefox is up to date Firefox is designed by Mozilla, a global community working together to keep the web open, public and accessible to all.Want to help? Make a donation or get involved. Licensing information End-User Rights Privacy Policy [06:43] maybe if you've got a custom install then it doesn't drop in the place [06:43] aum, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Determining_plugin_directory_on_Linux [06:44] just my 0.02 cents [06:47] mheath, I copied to 3 of those locations, plugin now present, thans for help :) [06:48] aum, no problem :) [06:55] is there an irc channel for the ubuntu graphics ppa? I want to check on the status of 435 [06:55] for 19.04 that is [06:56] mheath can you tell how to open grub> [06:56] may be i could be able to do so [06:59] fiter, you mean the grub config? Not sure. Try /etc/grub/grub.cfg [06:59] let me look [07:01] magic_ninja_work during boot [07:02] oh, you just press e when you select the entry to edit the entry [07:02] then you can change the boot parameters with an emacs-like editor to add/remove stuff. If you are having issues try removing the "quiet" option. That will give you a more verbose boot. [07:16] fiter: /etc/default/grub and after you edit the file do a : sudo update-grub [07:20] ChiLLabiS: did you get response on your bug yet? [07:21] Yeah but it wasn't helpfull.. And now i've forgotten what the dude in #ubuntu-kernel write [07:21] wrote* [07:22] ChiLLabiS: ChiLLabiS, the buggy version is 5.0.0-27, the fix is in -proposed and at version 5.0.0-28; at least according to the bug [07:22] Yeah but i can't install that kernel.. or don't know how to rather [07:23] ChiLLabiS: i think its when you enable proposed repo, then sudo apt update [07:23] Aslong as it will be released next update i'm happy.. Just dont remove it from source [07:23] kk [07:24] ChiLLabiS: still they need someone to test it, to make sure it gets solved/confirmed [07:24] i did activate the proposed repo and tryed but it didn't fix anything [07:24] Hi. I have some keyboard scripts I like to run on login. These use `synclient`. xinput lists only a wayland mouse and no synaptics properties. [07:24] ChiLLabiS: but are you sure that activated kernel -28? [07:24] That i didn't. just did and update and upgrade [07:24] running synclient tells me that the synaptics driver is not loaded. It is installed. What do I do to enable the synaptics driver? [07:26] What I want to fix is: my touchpad right mouse button is now left clicking [07:26] and also maybe disable the touchpad while typing. [07:26] Can I do this without synaptics? [07:28] ChiLLabiS: after apt update, maybe you can apt-cache search the kernel and install? [07:28] Okay will try that later [07:28] cool, good luck ChiLLabiS [07:29] Thank you [07:35] ChiLLabiS pressing e while boot I have [07:35] opened grub menu [07:35] it shows set params ubuntu [07:36] now how can i update grub? [07:39] Dunno really. I just edit grub inside GNOME [07:39] fiter: what are you trying to do [07:39] I'm a newb xD [07:42] EriC^^ i am not able to load, grub failed [07:42] boot detection so i wanna recover grub [07:44] what happens when you turn on the pc now [07:46] EriC^^ ubuntu dot keep on moving again and [07:46] again [07:46] did you try pressing esc? [07:46] EriC^^ let me chekx [07:48] EriC^^ nothing happens it comes to the menu [07:48] what menu? [07:48] ubuntu , adavanced , windows etc or grub [07:48] i meant pressing esc when the dots appear [07:49] oh i was doing it on start, let me do it [07:50] EriC^^ now loaded wow , [07:50] why is that? [07:50] coincidence [07:51] lol [07:51] :D [07:51] try "cat /var/log/syslog | nc termbin.com 9999" [07:51] paste the link here [07:52] EriC^^ now i will log in from that machine [07:52] ok [07:52] so meet you with output.of.this command [07:55] EriC^^ its here https://termbin.com/q1id1 [08:01] fiter: next time it happens, try pressing esc and you should see the log of the boot, see if it mentions what it's doing [08:02] fiter: if that doesnt have any clues you could try adding more logging to the grub kernel line, and or boot a live usb and take a look at the syslog to see the very last boot [08:03] EriC^^ but when I tried to load using recovery mode without the esc then I was seeing the line failed grub detection [08:03] Is there a way to check whether the issue is with grub or not? [08:04] or make sure persistent logging is enabled and check the last log with journalctl [08:05] ducasse how to check last log with journalctl? [08:06] journalctl -b -1 [08:06] fiter: i dont think it's grub related, if you get grub then you're probably good, grub-wise [08:09] EriC^^ thanks for the help for now its very nice for me to have a fine working system looks very nice [08:09] fiter: but make sure /var/log/journal exists before rebootimg [08:09] great no problem fiter [08:09] fiter: if you want the persistent logging of boots as ducasse mentioned , do these steps https://askubuntu.com/questions/765315/how-to-find-previous-boot-log-after-ubuntu-16-04-restarts [08:10] EriC^^ ok [08:11] in 18.04 and up it should be on by default [08:11] ducasse it 19.04 [08:12] ah really ducasse ? [08:12] then you don't need to turn it on [08:12] fiter: try "journalctl -b -2" [08:12] EriC^^: really :) [08:12] that's nice :) [08:13] EriC^^ https://termbin.com/cqwz [08:15] can you see my messages? [08:15] my connection was dropped but know there is not issue thats great [08:15] this seems kinda interesting "ammar-Latitude-E6540 gnome-shell[1365]: Failed to create backend: No GPUs found with udev" [08:16] its dual mode with windows installed [08:16] seems after that it proceeded to shut down [08:16] EriC^^ is there something that needs to be fixed? [08:17] fiter: i wonder if that msg is in all or no [08:17] fiter: hit me with "LANG=C journalctl -b -0 | nc termbin.com 9999" for a quick check [08:17] that would be the current boot, that's working [08:19] fiter: seems that error might come up if nomodeset is set, which is what recovery mode usually boots with, so that might be why its there [08:20] yeah, the kernel line has "bef0-1d006d9b57d0 ro recovery nomodeset" so that boot attempt was from recovery mode [08:21] fiter: the boot attempt right before the current one, was it normal or from recovery mode? [08:34] got a weird issue on a ubuntu 18.04 machine. dnsmasq suddenly is not resolving anymore. but ichange my resolve.conf instead of to the dns server i want. then it works just fine. so how could debug dnsmasq/ systemd-resolve --status [08:46] ws2k3: Just to rule stuff out: It's resolv.conf [09:10] @er [09:11] EriC^^ so the issue is due to nomodeset? [09:14] fiter: that particular one yeah, i dunno if the other boots were using nomodeset [09:15] EriC^^ how this can be fixed? [09:17] fiter: run the commands above to see a boot that failed that didnt use nomodeset [09:18] hello. i'm setting up a vm with nextcloud and am wondering if anyone knows how much GB that approximately is (snap or no snap). [09:18] EriC^^ this one ? journalctl -b -2|nc termbin.com 9999? [09:21] sleepymario: the size the OS will take (probably around 5 GB), plus the size that nextcloud and dependencies will take (probably around 1 GB), plus the size you want to have available for nextcloud storage, plus the size you want to have remain available (e.g. to keep file systems fast, swap etc.) [09:23] tomreyn: okay, sounds good. thanks for your help :) [09:24] tomreyn: oh 1 more question: how much RAM would be wise? [09:24] totally forgot about that [09:25] tomreyn: nevermind, found it. [09:25] fiter: no [09:25] fiter: "LANG=C journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999" [09:30] https://termbin.com/z16v [09:30] EriC^^ [09:30] fiter: that's also a recovery run [09:31] fiter: perhaps with -b 3? [09:31] you want it not to say "ro recovery nomodeset" at the top [09:31] EriC^^ where? [09:32] in the 3rd line [09:32] right [09:33] so EriC^^ the issue was previously ubuntu 18.04 was loaded with recovery mode and in recovery mode I updated to 19.04 so you will find recovery modes [09:36] fiter: i dont think so [09:36] EriC^^ ok [09:37] fiter: type "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg" [09:37] and cat /etc/default/grub [09:37] fiter: sorry, "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999" [09:38] EriC^^ only last one? [09:38] yeah [09:44] EriC^^ no output [09:50] fiter: what does "cat /proc/cmdline" give? [09:51] EriC^^ BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.0.0-27-generic root=UUID=98240c5d-abcd-47f1-bef0-1d006d9b57d0 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=1 [09:56] fiter: ok, so you're not using recovery or nomodeset right now [09:56] EriC^^ ok what to do then? [10:04] fiter: as i said try various boot logs til you find one without nomodeset that had a problem while booting so you can troubleshoot it [10:04] journalctl -b -4 -5 -6...etc [10:32] hi [10:33] are the cuda 10 drivers available for this machine? https://bpaste.net/raw/8vUA [10:33] I am getting errors trying to use the latest tensorflow 1.14 [10:33] InternalError: cudaGetDevice() failed. Status: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version [10:33] seems tensorflow requires cuda 10 drivers [10:35] CoolerX, what GPU exactly? [10:35] i read: the NVIDIA driver needed for CUDA 10.0 is version 410 or greater, you have 390? [10:36] OerHeks, it is in the paste [10:37] no, i see no gpu details, just "GeForce GTX TIT".. titan X? [10:37] GPU 0: GeForce GTX TITAN X (UUID: GPU-ae5dc3aa-e829-3a4a-569f-8503a95ec695) [10:37] GPU 1: GeForce GTX TITAN X (UUID: GPU-db240fda-2ac6-32a6-55a6-2e8a634b8a9d) [10:38] OerHeks, I contacted the server admin and he said that the official repos don't have cuda 10 drivers [10:38] cuda 10 drivers are available from 3rd party repos and he doesn't want to use 3rd party stuff [10:39] well, we have an official driver ppa; https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [10:40] This PPA is currently in testing, you should be experienced with packaging before you dive in here: [10:41] OerHeks, seems to be in testing, does it have the latest drivers? [10:41] you said I need 410 or higher for cuda 10? [10:41] else no, standard repos do not give 410 https://launchpad.net/nvidia-drivers-ubuntu/+packages [10:42] CUDA 10.0 is the first CUDA release with official support for Ubuntu 18.04. [10:42] that's from here https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/How-To-Install-CUDA-10-together-with-9-2-on-Ubuntu-18-04-with-support-for-NVIDIA-20XX-Turing-GPUs-1236/ [10:43] So ubuntu is supported? where are the drivers then? [10:44] download the cuda package from nvidia? and install the 410+ driver from driver ppa [10:44] all these contradicting reports make it hard to understand what the situation is [10:44] toons of guides, https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/How-To-Install-CUDA-10-together-with-9-2-on-Ubuntu-18-04-with-support-for-NVIDIA-20XX-Turing-GPUs-1236/ [10:46] OerHeks, that guide is not about installing drivers [10:46] oh wait maybe it is [10:46] This will pull down and install all of the CUDA 10 packages along with dependencies AND the 410 NVIDIA display driver. [10:48] jups [10:48] OerHeks, so is that not officially supported? [10:49] Is that considered 3rd party? [10:50] not sure, it is the driver ppa official supported by the community [10:50] one could file a bugreport against the ppa packages, 3rd party is out of our hands [10:54] OerHeks, but it is the official driver released by the hardware vendor [10:55] how is that 3rd party? wouldn't the ubuntu ppa be 3rd party since it is not managed by the hardware vendor [10:55] ? [10:58] real 3rd party would be the .run file from the nvidia stire [10:58] site* [10:58] we offer prebuild debs [10:58] those .run files give no upgrade routine, so you need to check them manually [11:00] OerHeks, what? [11:00] OerHeks, https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&target_distro=Ubuntu&target_version=1804 [11:01] they provide deb as well [11:02] the driver, no the toolkit > https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/150803/en-us [11:03] OerHeks, that deb includes everything, driver and toolkit [11:35] hi [12:10] Hi, i just installed my Rx5700XT, with the newest Kernel 5.3 rc8 and Mesa 19.2 - however my graphics card is not being reccognized correctly https://hastebin.com/alifojizav.sql [12:10] I basically got the same versions of kernel and mesa as https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=rx-5700-july&num=1 where it got detected correctly [12:11] thyriaen, elementary is not ubuntu, join #elementary for support? [12:20] howdy all [12:20] BluesKaj, hey guy ") [12:21] hi coz_ [12:21] BluesKaj, it "appears" we are the only 2 awake ") [12:22] :-) [13:10] What's the kernel param to boot into the ramdisk? [13:20] wadadli: you mean you want a live usb to put everything into RAM? [13:22] hi [13:34] a 3rd party build script will provide an ISO image created by grub-mkrescue. it will contain 4 partitions. the 2nd will contain some FAT FS (12, 16 or 32) and the 3rd will contain a HFS+ FS. how can I adjust the file system labels for those? [13:35] do I need to mount the iso as a loop device, then install fat and hfs equivalents of e2label? [13:35] or might there be an easier way? [13:35] maybe even one that doesn't need root privileges? [13:37] (on a side node, if you're in a similar scenario and want to adjust partition labels, gdisk can do it.) [13:37] oh right the ISO will have a GPT as its partition table. [13:38] in case that matters [13:41] Sven_vB: yes iso loop and partprobe [13:43] thanks! [13:45] Sven_vB: np [13:52] Hiho, i just installed Ubuntu 19.04 with mx Rx5700 XT and the graphics card does not get detected my glxinfo output is: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jWg64dqjq7/ [13:55] I have windows now and going to install windows beside it. I run live USB make partition for windows and run usb with windows iso and done? [13:56] i meant to say, i have ubuntu now* [13:57] fengway, not sure what you mean by "live usb make partiiton ... and done " but its important to install windows last, so you are on a good track [13:57] fengway: yes sir, as always backup important stuff [13:57] fengway: didn't you ask this yesterday? [13:57] Hiho, i just installed Ubuntu 19.04 with mx Rx5700 XT and the graphics card does not get detected my glxinfo output is: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jWg64dqjq7/ [13:57] EriC^^ Yea, just want to make sure so i don't screw anything up [13:58] gotcha [13:58] EriC^^ Do I need to do something special to make live windows usb or just put windows iso on usb? [13:58] fengway: you need to create a fat32 partition, and copy the contents of the iso (not the iso file) there [13:59] And when I make partition for windows i restart and i will get option to boot that partition or something? [13:59] fengway, yes, or select the usb partition to boot from in your bios [14:00] oh i see thanks [14:00] what do you mean by contects of the iso and not the iso file? How do I do that? [14:00] contents* [14:00] fengway: right click the iso of windows and mount it then copy the contents [14:01] oh cool [14:01] i don't see any option to mount it when i right click iso file [14:03] its called archiver mount or so for me [14:03] what happens if you double click it [14:03] nothing happens when i click that [14:05] nothing on double click either [14:06] fengway: right click open with> ? [14:06] fengway: i think it's supposed to show in the filemanager as a mounted fs if you double click on it [14:07] oh right, it's only showing a txt file [14:07] doesnt seem right [14:07] fengway: what's the iso's filename? [14:08] I have windows now and going to install windows beside it. ??? [14:10] EriC^^ Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso [14:10] is there a tool for changing the file system label (not GPT partition name) of a HFS+ partition? https://serverfault.com/questions/361474/ says parted could do it but I can't find a command for that in man parted. [14:11] OerHeks I meant to say I have Ubunt* [14:11] i just can't write today... [14:11] stresssed out [14:11] fengway: ok, type "sudo losetup -f Win10..........iso" while you're in the dir of the iso [14:11] fengway: then type "lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:12] EriC^^ Done [14:13] Sven_vB, i find none [14:13] I just fresh installed Ubuntu 19.04 and my Rx5700XT is not being deteced, can someone help me out ? [14:13] so, do that action from mac osx? [14:13] i clicked on it again and a notification showed up and i clicked on it and i see the files now EriC^^ [14:13] thyriaen, again: elementary is not ubuntu, join #elementary for support? [14:13] the one on file manager only shows the .txt file [14:14] OerHeks, i am on Ubuntu 19.04 now [14:15] thyriaen: please pastebin: uname -a && lsb_release -a && sudo lshw -C video [14:15] EriC^^ I formatted USB to FAT and now it's gone, how can I put content of ISO there if UBUNTU can't read FAT? [14:15] fengway: it can read fat [14:16] fengway: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:16] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GDjB9hjK5f/ [14:16] lotuspsychje, [14:16] EriC^^ Error: /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p3_crypt: unrecognised disk labelhttps://termbin.com/uh62 [14:16] thyriaen: sudo lshw -C video didnt show [14:17] lotuspsychje, ah im sorry, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GRGBfHzWn2/ [14:17] fengway: type 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt' [14:17] fengway: the 15gb one is the usb right [14:18] thyriaen: ok your card isnt recognized, did you add any external ppa's to your system? [14:18] the 64gb is for windows iso [14:18] fengway: oh ok [14:18] fengway: yeah the filesystem doesnt exist now [14:19] how do you know the one is 15gb? [14:19] fengway: type 'sudo gdisk /dev/sdb' [14:19] lotuspsychje, yea - i had this state before and i tried adding the oibaf ppa - should i purge that and resend the info ? [14:19] fengway: it says so at the top [14:19] thyriaen: we dont support external ppa's, we reccomend to use vanilla sources.list to keep ubuntu running nicely [14:20] !ppapurge | thyriaen [14:20] thyriaen: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [14:20] oh i see [14:20] lotuspsychje, okay, i will revert to the original [14:20] what do i do after i type that EriC^^? [14:20] fengway: press "o" to create a new partition table [14:21] EriC^^ are you sure, it's giving warning abour overlapping or something [14:21] fengway: any pastes would be nice [14:21] EriC^^ https://pastebin.com/0jq62P8f [14:21] lotuspsychje, i purged the ppa - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m9YS6vSZvV/ [14:22] fengway: you're sure you typed in /dev/sdb right? [14:22] ops, i have gdisk in front, don't know why [14:22] no i mean [14:22] gdisk /dev/sdb [14:23] yea [14:23] ok, press continue [14:23] thyriaen: did you reboot? [14:23] EriC^^ enter is continue? [14:23] lotuspsychje, nope - hang on [14:24] fengway: i guess, you should reach a menu [14:24] then press "o" there [14:25] EriC^^ This option deletes all partitions and creates a new protective MBR.Should I do that? [14:25] yes [14:25] done [14:25] press 'w' [14:25] actually wait [14:25] press 'n' [14:25] RX 5700 XT needs amdgpou 19.30 ?? https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-5700-series/amd-radeon-rx-5700-series/amd-radeon-rx-5700-xt [14:25] lotuspsychje, i reran it just to be safe - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qnXStwznC3/ [14:26] EriC^^ Partition number (1-128, default 1): [14:26] fengway: keep it blank press enter for default [14:26] thyriaen: pastebin your dmesg please [14:26] EriC^^ chose everything as default [14:27] oibaf ppa is needed here, i guess [14:27] fengway: yeah [14:27] fengway: when it asks for type, put in "ef00" [14:27] lotuspsychje, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/khGk3Vn3Fz/ [14:27] OerHeks: his card was unclaimed also with oibaf [14:28] EriC^^ https://pastebin.com/WfzPwxxT [14:28] fengway: it's ok [14:28] fengway: after it's created the partition [14:29] press "t" to change the type to ef00 [14:29] done [14:32] EriC^^ What now, it's still not showing up [14:32] fengway: press 'w' to write the partition table [14:33] done [14:33] fengway: type 'sudo partprobe /dev/sdb' [14:33] lotuspsychje, any advice or direction i should go now for help ? [14:33] thyriaen OerHeks https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2019/07/09/the-current-state-of-amd-ryzen-3000-cpus-and-radeon-rx-5700-gpus-on-linux/ [14:34] thyriaen: work in progress, you might wanna try older kernels [14:34] so I used a hex disk editor to replace my HFS+ partition's original filesystem label "ISOIMAGE" with "cooldoge", replugged the thumb drive, restarted gparted, but it still shows ISOIMAGE as the label, while grep confirms that there is no "ISOIMAGE" anywhere on the entire thumbdrive. what's wrong? [14:34] lotuspsychje, older ones ? ( i am on 5.0 ) [14:34] EriC^^ done [14:35] back to 18.04.3 .. [14:35] lotuspsychje, his setup was exactly 5.3 mesa 19.3 - on 19.04 [14:35] lotuspsychje, https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=rx-5700-july&num=1 [14:37] fengway: type 'sudo mkfs.fat /dev/sdb1' [14:37] thyriaen: this looks also interesting: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2425799 [14:38] EriC^^done [14:38] too new hardware, just be patient.. [14:38] EriC^^ done [14:38] fengway: ok you should be able to mount it now [14:38] fengway: mount it and copy the contents of the iso there [14:38] lotuspsychje, oh thanks, i didnt know that thread and it seems really up to date - ill give that a read [14:38] oh interesting. in /dev/disk/by-label/ there's now ISOIMAGE _and_ cooldoge. [14:39] EriC^^ Pulled usb out and in still not showing up [14:40] fengway: try "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" [14:41] EriC^^ https://termbin.com/vsyn [14:41] fengway: looks good [14:41] type "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt: [14:41] type "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt" [14:42] still not showing up, should i replug it? EriC^^ [14:42] fengway: no, run the mount command. [14:43] i did and it doesn't show up on left side on file manager EriC^^ [14:43] fengway: that's ok [14:43] fengway: it should be mounted at /mnt [14:43] EriC^^ So how do i copy over the files then? [14:44] Hello, I'm having trouble installing radeontop, I believe I need libdrm the launchpad sight lists three different files to download, I'm not sure which I need [14:44] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdrm/2.4.95-1 [14:45] fengway: type "sudo -H nautilus" [14:45] fengway: browse over to the windows files, copy them, paste them in "/mnt" === jhutchins_wk1 is now known as jhutchins_wk [14:46] EriC^^ how do i find /mnt? [14:46] EriC^^ Oh it's the folder on root [14:46] iffraff, are you installing packages manually? it asks for libdrm2 (>= 2.4.3) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/amd64/radeontop/1.0-1 [14:47] iffraff, so if you want to build it, you need those 3 packages together, but why, as it is available in launchpad [14:47] brb fengway [14:48] OerHeks: yes, thanks, I just don't understand the launchpad page. I see a bunch of info but nothing about a ppa repository to add or a way to install. could you explain how it works please? I know it's a noob question [14:48] EriC^^ I will try this out and report back, thanks so much for the help [14:49] I was following https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/install-and-configure-samba#3 to create a samba share on ubuntu. if I check the service, `service smbd status` it says its running, but if I nmap the server I don’t see the port open and I can’t connect to the share. [14:49] !info radeontop | iffraff [14:49] iffraff: radeontop (source: radeontop): Utility to show Radeon GPU utilization. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0-1 (bionic), package size 19 kB, installed size 63 kB [14:49] iffraff, you looked at the source page, that is all. just install: apt install radeontop [14:50] !info radeontop [14:50] OerHeks: when I try that it says it can't find that package [14:50] omg [14:51] it just worked. wtf. Ok well, so that I at least learn somethhing, if it shows up in launchpad, does that mean it's available via apt? [14:51] EriC^^ Or not, just tell me when you're back [14:51] iffraff: if you need software on ubuntu, always search apt first [14:51] I swear I tried sudo apt install libdrm as well and it said that one didn't exist either [14:52] iffraff, maybe that was before you did `apt update` [14:52] lotuspsychje: apt api is kind of unintuitive, how do you search it? like apt-cache or soemthing? [14:52] if you are way behind it can error out when the thing exists [14:52] iffraff, it is called libdrm2 [14:52] !info libdrm2 [14:52] libdrm2 (source: libdrm): Userspace interface to kernel DRM services -- runtime. In component main, is standard. Version 2.4.97-1ubuntu1~18.04.1 (bionic), package size 33 kB, installed size 118 kB [14:52] iffraff: apt-cache search foo [14:53] apt search foo should work nowadays [14:53] very old versions of ubuntu only had apt-cache search [14:53] ok, cool. thanks folks good info. I'd like to say I had not run update in a while but I have. So I must have just done something rediculous. but it works now. Thank you. [14:54] mgedmin: apt-cache search still works [14:54] but it's more typing ;) [14:54] I guess while I have your ear, the real issue is that I installed an egpu on my laptop with a radeon rx 580 and now my mouse is acting strange and my keyboard is hanging. [14:55] I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I guess I should mention I did a fresh ubuntu 18.04 install. maybe I need logitech drivers, but I can't seem to find any on line [14:55] hello. How can I change main display <> secondary display order in lxde ? [14:56] I want my taskbar to be on the other display [14:56] keyboards are practically guaranteed to just work, for obvious reasons, no need for special driver unless it has some fancy lighting thing or other non-standard thing, and even then, only playing with colours won't work [14:57] no nothing fancy, just wireless. So that's why I was thinking maybe the gpu was maxing out or something. [14:57] To confound things, my laptop has intell onboard gpu and nvidia gpu as well. I don't know if maybe the system is confused as to which one it should use? [14:58] iffraff, I have a laptop like that, just works for me in ubuntu [14:58] or maybe there's a problem with the thunderport throughput [14:59] doug16k: so I have added an egpu, with amd radeon rx 580. so it has three gpus noe [14:59] it's called "optimus" for "nvidia's gpu + intel cpu integrated gpu" thing [15:00] in that case you are always using the intel gpu - the nvidia gpu just writes the framebuffer to RAM with DMA and the intel gpu always drives the monitor output [15:01] doug16k: but what about the amd radeon? [15:02] note that what I am describing is a laptop thing. on a desktop, it probably won't apply. do you mean you have an intel cpu with HDxxxx graphics and you have two PCIe GPU cards plugged in? if so, forget what I said about optimus [15:03] no, I have a laptop with intel onboard gpu, some nvidia gpu ( both inside ) and I added an external enclosure that takes a pcie video card and connects via thunderport [15:03] in the external thing I installed an amd radeon rx 580 [15:04] now it's deisplaying two external 4k monitors. but the mouse is acting kind of funny, and the system hangs for a couple seconds every so often [15:05] the standard sys monitor shows everything nice and low, so I'm thinking it has to do with the gpus [15:06] perhaps I need some special settings for my new graphics card? a xorg.conf or whatever that file is called? [15:12] Greetings. I am using terminal to ssh to a remote host, and on that host i am using tmux. I would like to highlight some text and copy it to the clipboard. On OSX i have to hold alt to do that, this doesn't work on ubuntu [15:13] iffraff, ah, sorry I have no idea about external gpus via thunderbolt, haven't touched that yet [15:13] deanc[l]: try holding shift [15:14] mgedmin: that did something, now how do i paste :p [15:14] mgedmin, oh! thank you for that [15:15] deanc[l], ctrl-shift-c for copy on gnome-terminal, ctrl-shift-v for paste [15:15] Habbie: holding shift and dragging selction didnt work [15:15] something else is still o the clipboard from befeore [15:15] in theory thunderbolt shouldn't need to much special handling, since thunderbolt is almost just an external pcie + displayport standard [15:16] do you, or anyone know much about xorg.conf? I don't have one of these files, and I wonder given that I have 3 gpus if I need one [15:17] iffraff, in settings / devices / screen display, do you see three monitors? [15:17] er, do you see all your monitors? [15:18] deanc[l]: it's shift-drag to select, ctrl+shift+c to copy [15:18] (alternatively it's shift-drag to select, middle-mouse to paste what's been selected, but you need to turn middle click paste on somewhere in the settings) [15:18] doug16k: yes I do. they all appear correctly in the gui [15:19] (also alternatively shift-right click will show the terminal menu where you can select copy/paste) [15:19] (and fwiw shift is needed only when the currently running terminal program wants to handle mouse events by itself) [15:20] EriC^^ back? [15:20] iffraff, in a terminal, run `dmesg`, do you see any complaints about failures or timeouts or anything near/at the end? I'd run `dmesg | less` and comb through it seeing if it complains about anything related to your thunderbolt or gpus [15:21] ok, I"ll try now [15:21] fengway: hey, yeah [15:22] EriC^^ so putting the files on mnt folder is correct? [15:23] which was under "filesysten root" [15:27] doug16k: I keep seeing a call trace and the first line is nvkm_bar_flush+0x1f/0x30 [nouveau] . nouveau I believe is the open source dirver for nvidia. I see that it's stalled and or timeout [15:27] makes me think it's trying to use the nvidia card at the same time it's using teh amd card [15:29] I'd like to increase mouse sensitivity beyond the max given by the slider in settings, is there a way to do this? googling around I found a number of ways to do so, generally with xinput or xset, but these didn't seem to do anything. is adding a config file for the mouse under xorg.d a way to do it? or is this not supported? the display is a large, high-dpi TV, so the normal sensitivity slider would likely be [15:29] fine with a normal display but not this one :< [15:32] Togra, gnome-tweak tool gives more options [15:32] !info gnome-tweak-tool [15:32] gnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB [15:33] i think acceleration profile is what you want, on hidpi [15:34] iffraff, I suggest you run "Software & Updates", go to the additional drivers tab, and select the nvidia-driver-xxx (xxx is probably 430 right now) [15:34] no guarantees, never tried that with multiple gpus but it should work (famous last words) [15:34] But I don't want nvidia to run, I want only the amd to run [15:35] is there a command to show which gpu is running, which drivers are running etc? [15:36] I'd rather have non-screwing-up driver on the nvidia though, it could be screwing up xorg somehow when those errors happen [15:37] it's a miracle nouveau works at all imho [15:38] I see, but can't I just tell ubuntu not to use that gpu at all? [15:38] you can probably blacklist the nouveau driver [15:39] how would I do that? I've heard of it but never done it [15:40] iffraff, `sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf` and in there add a line that says: blacklist nouveau [15:41] you can verify that "nouveau" is correct by doing `sudo lsmod | grep nouveau`. whatever name comes up there is the name to blacklist [15:41] nice, thx [15:43] do I need to reboot? [15:44] most likely. if you are feeling ambitious you can try `sudo modprobe -r nouveau` to do it without reboot. [15:44] xorg probably won't like you [15:45] I would expect an error saying the module is in use [15:45] thanks mgedmin works :) [15:46] I was trying to research earlier a suitable wireless usb-adaptor that works out the box on 19.04. I couldn't find any consistent information on this [15:46] doug16k: ok, thanks when I can't take it any more I'll reboot. thanks for the help [15:47] OerHeks ok cool, thanks, I'll check that out [15:51] if i do an in-place upgrade of ubuntu from 16 to 18 will it also upgrade all the applications such as redis, nginx, php, etc. to the latest version in the ubuntu 18 repo? [15:53] also, is there a quick command to upgrade from ubuntu 16 to 18 via the command line? [15:57] iffraff, you might want to add this line to that blacklist file you created too: options nouveau modeset=0 [15:57] and run: sudo update-initramfs -u [15:58] doug16k: ok what does the update do? [15:59] rebuilds the "initial ramdisk", which is a ram-disk that holds all the modules the kernel needs very early on (such as the modules it uses to even access the hard disk, etc) [15:59] becool: yes, and the command-line upgrade command is sudo do-release-upgrade [16:00] conceptually like a zip file that has all the files it needs super early in boot [16:00] ok, but omg my mouse is killing me, whenever I click it enters highlight mode, it's killing me. there's got to be something I can do about that [16:01] iffraff: did you try to remove the module and reload it? [16:01] sudo modprobe -r psmouse && sudo modprobe psmouse [16:02] hey [16:02] EriC^^: I'll try that now, if you don't see for hours something has gone wrong :) [16:02] can someone help me troubleshoot this? [16:03] CoolerX, probably [16:03] EriC^^: well it didn't kill me but it didn't do anything for my mouse highlighing problem :( [16:03] it's polite not to ask to ask in irc, just blurt our your issue/question :) [16:04] blurt out* [16:05] doug16k: did I do that ? [16:05] I meant coolerx [16:05] I am setting up a simple back process to a usb external drive. Other than the home folders, what would be best to save. I can easily reload OS and proably all applications. I have apache and mysql (already have db save). [16:06] ah, I never know when I have f'd up the protocal [16:07] BTW:It is a server, no desktop [16:07] so this is the server info https://termbin.com/i4hl [16:07] I am trying to use tensorflow but I get an error [16:08] InternalError: cudaGetDevice() failed. Status: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version [16:08] I checked the versions to see that they are compatible before installing https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source#tested_build_configurations [16:08] CoolerX, sounds like your gpu driver is too old, of course [16:08] tensorflow_gpu-1.12.0 2.7, 3.3-3.6 GCC 4.8 Bazel 0.15.0 7 9 [16:09] as you can see tensorflow-gpu 1.12.0 is compatible with cuda 9 [16:09] which is the one reported by nvcc [16:09] anyone else have issues with krb5p and NFS locking up and never finishing never giving prompt back to the user? [16:09] Cuda compilation tools, release 9.0, V9.0.176 [16:09] So everything should be working [16:09] Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? [16:10] CoolerX: nvidia-smi [16:10] paste the driver version [16:11] CoolerX, I have found that I need nvidia-cuda-toolkit for gpu compute even though technically I shouldn't, try installing that package [16:12] blender gpu raytracer needs it, for example [16:12] and folding@home if I remember correctly [16:14] kur1j, I already pasted that info [16:14] so this is the server info https://termbin.com/i4hl [16:14] CoolerX: sorry my works proxy blocks it [16:15] blocks termbin.com ? [16:15] doug16k, well I am not the admin on the server [16:15] yes [16:16] doug16k, I am confused why it doesn't work when it says it is compatible on the tensorflow website [16:16] https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source#tested_build_configurations [16:16] kur1j, can you see this? https://bpaste.net/raw/6ldg [16:17] CoolerX: I assume you just get the error when you go into python and try to import tesnforflow? [16:18] these are the packages I have installed in the conda environment https://bpaste.net/raw/8R7C [16:18] kur1j, no [16:18] thanks mgedmin [16:19] mgedmin: is there a way to roll everything back if something goes wrong or an application upgrade breaks an application due to incompatibility? [16:19] besides backups [16:20] kur1j, https://imgur.com/ungxSFc [16:23] CoolerX: modinfo /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko | grep ^version [16:24] modinfo: ERROR: Module /usr/lib/modules/4.15.0-60-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko not found. [16:25] kur1j, ^ [16:28] how about "modinfo nvidia | grep version" [16:28] CoolerX: ^ [16:29] kur1j, version: 390.116 [16:29] srcversion: C89BBAE72CC15D42E12DA3F === dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69 [16:34] CoolerX: what version of cudnn do you have? [16:35] Hi there, I was wondering if there is more information on the Rpi4. Just got my Pi4 and I want to install Ubuntu on it [16:36] kur1j, oh I have cudnn 5 [16:37] try upgrading that to cudnn 7? [16:37] i don't _think_ it would cause this [16:37] kur1j, https://bpaste.net/raw/MXNv [16:37] but TF in my experience has always been particular about everything related to CUDA [16:38] yeah cudnn 7 is needed for TF 1.12 [16:39] kur1j, well I have talked to the server admin about this [16:39] he said he will try installing tomorrow if people aren't using the server [16:39] thanks for the help [16:39] yup np good luck [16:47] Hi there, I was wondering if there is more information on the Rpi4? Just got my Pi4 and I want to install Ubuntu on it [16:48] StoOker: what information exactly? [16:59] anyone here have problems running gdm + gnome-shell 18.04 with the nvidia drivers? [16:59] BarnabasDK: wich chipset and driver version do you have? [17:00] the closed source nvidia drivers I sould say [17:00] gdm works [17:00] after some tweaking [17:00] hw wise [17:01] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NQD9s9M8Fv/ [17:01] seems to land me at "the purple screen" [17:02] mouse pointer works [17:02] BarnabasDK: can you check nvidia-smi please [17:02] !nomodeset [17:02] A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [17:03] yeah I could but right now I am on intel - so need to just fix that [17:04] BarnabasDK: try what OerHeks suggested [17:12] smi out https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mrRYfRS9wV/ [17:12] let me just say that I can easily use gdm -> llvm [17:12] for some strange reason not gnome-shell [17:13] or gdm->lubuntu I suppose [17:14] BarnabasDK: sudo lshw -C video && uname -a && lsb_release -a [17:15] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FBDmNFWKYh/ [17:15] now in lubuntu with the nvidia drivers [17:16] BarnabasDK: seems like its loaded? [17:16] it is [17:16] since its now lubuntu [17:16] what is the quality of the nvidia drivers in comparison to the ones for windows? [17:16] !ot | becool [17:16] becool: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [17:16] have been around the block a few times with linux and gpu drivers - no expert though [17:17] so - they work when gdm starts lubuntu - not gnome shell [17:17] BarnabasDK: what are you saying, login to gnome driver unloads? [17:17] no [17:17] becool, put that poll on askubuntu.com :-D [17:17] gnome shell hangs in the login at the purple screen [17:18] BarnabasDK: what is your base system, lubuntu or ubuntu-desktop? [17:18] OerHeks: it's definitely something that should be evaluated [17:18] ubuntu-desktop [17:18] added lubuntu to be able to do anything [17:18] BarnabasDK: ok, weird, does: ubuntu-drivers list show other driver versions? [17:19] and - it works with intel [17:19] no problems [17:19] T440 Lenovo [17:19] BarnabasDK: your card is an optimus, so after install of the nvidia driver you should be able to switch between intel vs nvidia [17:21] i am - but not with gnome-shell [17:21] BarnabasDK: should be indepedent of your DE [17:21] as I said it works perfectly with lubuntu [17:22] BarnabasDK: yes, but lubuntu works a bit different graphics-wise [17:22] yeah [17:22] BarnabasDK: did you try a reboot yet to login to gnome? [17:22] I know - almtost no hw acc [17:22] many times [17:22] BarnabasDK: did you check: ubuntu-drivers list [17:23] gives me [17:23] nvidia-340 [17:23] nvidia-driver-415 [17:23] nvidia-driver-390 [17:23] nvidia-driver-410 [17:23] n [17:23] BarnabasDK: how about you try a switch to 390 for example [17:24] BarnabasDK: You should use a pastebin instead and just post the link here for us, so the bot won't mute you for spamming [17:24] BarnabasDK, you know how to set a kernel parameter in grub ? [17:25] yeah - I work with linux - not the gpu layer and such [17:25] serverside [17:25] BarnabasDK, try 'nvidia-drm.modeset=1' and login in Xorg not Wayland [17:26] so custom.conf in gdm set to xwayland = no [17:26] or whatever [17:27] no need for that so far [17:27] just select the xorg session from gdm [17:27] ok .. letme try [17:27] but be sure to correctly set the parameter in grub [17:28] as I said i am no spring chicken [17:28] ok [17:28] not tried nomodeset? [17:28] nomodeset = black screen [17:28] hard to believe [17:29] well the next lappie I buy will be with an Intel cpu only .. problem solved .. [17:30] BarnabasDK: ubuntu works like a charm with nvidia optimus [17:30] <|Anthony|> Hello all! I've been trying to figure out a resume from suspend/hibernate issue and am still coming up empty. Here's a kern log of the suspend procedure [17:30] <|Anthony|> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7QZGPsPKnk/ [17:31] <|Anthony|> let me know if there is any additional info needed to diagnose [17:31] |Anthony|: kernel version and ubuntu version is a nice start [17:32] lotuspsychje, if you say so - any additional info? maybe it is just the particular T440 I am on and the level of bios flash it has - who knows [17:32] soon no more dock station and then thunderbolt [17:32] BarnabasDK: usually black screens workaround is nomodeset, then install the nvidia driver, reboot and solved [17:32] not a black screen [17:33] BarnabasDK: just make sure what ioria adviced, you are not logging into wayland [17:33] you did not read correctly [17:33] purple screen - where X loads and the mouse works [17:33] dock station .. is this where the issues come from? [17:33] gnome-shell never loads [17:33] If there is a version working on the Rpi4 already [17:33] is the best way to upgrade the kernel for ubuntu to use 'do-release-upgrade' or to upgrade to the latest linux kernel separately? the latter would seem risky for a number of reasons [17:33] does not work out of the dock either [17:33] !arm | StoOker [17:33] StoOker: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel. [17:33] except on intel [17:33] BarnabasDK, paste cat /proc/cmdline [17:34] StoOker, no, waiting is for ubuntu mate to release .. [17:34] !uptodate | becool [17:34] becool: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [17:34] Hmm bummer [17:34] if you have the 1gb, run a server on it? [17:35] I got the 4gb, and i wanna run a desktop version on it so i can use it as a mini pc [17:35] But i'm not satisfied with raspbian.. [17:35] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pcRNVJw3pc/ [17:36] anyways - I am getting to the point where I will just replace the problem with new hw [17:36] I think my lappie is one of the first that supported the daisy chaining of monitors [17:36] BarnabasDK, please, remove those and try nvidia-drm.modeset=1 [17:36] I will [17:38] StoOker: https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv6/raspberry-pi#installation [17:38] hi everyone. i just do-release-upgraded a 16.04 to 18.04 and it won't boot anymore. it seems to hang when loading the gnome display manager [17:38] i have booted from a live cd and can access the filesystem, but do not know what to do [17:39] nouveau.modeset=0 ? [17:39] i would be very thankful if you could guide me [17:40] opv, can you boot in Recovery mode ? [17:41] can't get a grub prompt, it immediately starts booting the os ioria [17:41] opv, use shift or esc ? [17:42] Is it possible to turn of the update notifications in Ubuntu? [17:42] can boot in recovery mode [17:42] try repair broken packages i assume [17:43] opv, try it [17:45] nope. fscked [17:46] i get all OK's, including where it hangs (started gdm) [17:46] though that line is gettting mixed up with other, previous ones [17:46] lotuspsychje: stop referring all of my questions to the bot, they are not specific or helpful [17:46] opv, enable 'networking' and then 'root shell' [17:47] becool: how about you tell us your end goal first..what are you trying to do? [17:47] upgrading the kernel [17:47] ioria: got the root shell [17:47] becool: you mean upgrading your system? [17:48] opv, uname -r [17:48] lotuspsychje: no, the linux kernel [17:48] 4.4.0-161-lowlatency [17:49] becool: wich kernel are you on now and wich kernel are you going to? [17:49] opv, do you get connectivity ? [17:49] opv, ping google.com [17:50] didn't automatically do dhcp [17:50] ran dhclient, have connec [17:50] lotuspsychje: not sure right now, i'm just planning. wondering if the best way to upgrade the linux kernel in ubuntu is to run some native upgrade tool oor to build a new kernel from the latest sources [17:50] opv, apt update [17:50] wow... apparently the job's not finished [17:51] let's upgrade those missing 1136 packages then [17:51] somehow on my screen there is a change background, display settings and settings prompt in the bottom right on top of every other window [17:51] how can i make it disappear [17:51] becool: so you are blaming me for trying to help you, but you dont know wich kernel you have? [17:51] opv, apt full-upgrade [17:51] ioria: i assume i can do a full-upgrade right away, no? or should i rather do upgrade, then full-upgrade [17:51] opv, apt full-upgrade [17:52] deanc[l]: can you screenshot please [17:52] lotuspsychje: it doesn't matter, it's the process i'm asking about [17:52] ioria: can't apparently. have broken dependencies which prevent apt from going forward [17:53] becool: for volunteers to be able to help you its adviced you are on the computer that has issues [17:53] opv, apt --fix-broken install [17:53] lotuspsychje: ive no idea how to take a screenshot, but it's the right click prompt from right clicking on desktop, but only displaying 3 of the options [17:53] becool: if not, you can join #ubuntu-discuss to 'wonder' about the process [17:54] lotuspsychje: if i right click on the desktop again, it moves the permanent right click dialog with all the rigth options, and then as soon as i move the mouse away it collapses down to 3 and sits on top of all windows [17:54] can't. must run dpkg --configure -a before apt does anything, but that doesn't change anything [17:54] dpkg doesn't fix the missing config due to broken dependencies [17:55] & apt refuses to do dependencies bc of dpkg [17:55] opv, we need to see those errors .... [17:55] opv, maybe better to boot a livecd [17:55] difficult, the errors scroll by, and then it jumps back to the recovery menu [17:55] i saw xwayland apparently is unconfigured [17:56] opv, boot the live [17:56] does it have to be an ubuntu live [17:56] yes [17:56] lotuspsychje: https://imgur.com/a/sV4pIpx [17:56] fsck... don't have one here [17:57] opv, apt --fix-broken install | nc term.com 9999 [17:57] opv, apt --fix-broken install | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:57] check [17:57] sec pls [17:58] deanc[l]: try xkill to kill the window [17:59] lotuspsychje: which window :P [17:59] deanc[l]: the desktop background options you wanna get rid of? [17:59] I’ve tried to instrall nfs-kernel-server 9 times on ubuntu 18.04.3, I always get a missing dependency for NFSD. I’ve gone through all the posts about this issue using google. It Is Broken. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/1590799 https://askubuntu.com/questions/1113470/org-freedesktop-policykit1-was-not-provided-by-any-service-files [17:59] https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com&q=subject:%22%5C%5BBug+1590799%5C%5D+Re%5C%3A+nfs%5C-kernel%5C-server+does+not+start+because+of+dependency+failure%22&o=newest&f=1 none of the solution presented in any of these sites worked. [17:59] Launchpad bug 1590799 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu Zesty) "nfs-kernel-server does not start because of dependency failure" [Medium,Fix released] [17:59] !pm | becool [17:59] becool: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. [18:00] ioria: i posted to termbin but didn't get an url back. works as designed? [18:00] Hello! I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.1 and facing a very weird issue. Some of the symptoms are 1. When I open any application the cursor control immediately jumps at the end of the screen e.g. If I have opened Firefox then sites like reddit, youtube will start scrolling continuously on their own, If I have opened nautilus then it'll select the last directory/file automatically (even if I click on some other file it'll immediately jump to the said last file) [18:00] what's the best way to upgrade to the latest kernel on ubuntu 18? [18:00] lotuspsychje: it's not a window though, and it managed to kill my terminal :P [18:00] rootkea: install all the pending updates, reboot, and come back if the issues prevail. [18:01] build the kernel from source or is there a native binary for upgrading just the kernel specifically? === dc is now known as deanc [18:01] opv, cd /home/$USER [18:01] becool: why do you need to run a higher version kernel? [18:01] opv, $USER = your user [18:01] yes? [18:02] opv, pwd [18:02] the regular one, not root i assume [18:02] yes [18:02] tomreyn: are there security fixes in higher kernel versions? [18:02] opv, pwd [18:02] i'm in the right directory, no worries :D [18:02] becool: you can update the kernel with just apt [18:02] no reason to build from source [18:03] opv, apt --fix-broken install > mylog [18:03] plytro: thanks. what's the syntax for upgrading the kernel with apt? [18:03] what is the goal with your planned kernel upgrade, just an upgrade? [18:03] becool: there are updated kernels which receive backported security patches. [18:03] becool: its the factoid i already forwarded to you, you didnt want to accept [18:03] that would be !hwe [18:03] becool: and there are kernel upgrades, if you really need a higher kernel version [18:03] yeah, just an upgrade. want to be running the latest as long as it won't break anything [18:03] becool - https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-update-kernel-ubuntu [18:03] ioria: https://termbin.com/xd11 [18:03] lotuspsychje, +1 [18:03] to take advantage of the best drivers, etc. [18:04] opv, is that all ? [18:04] yep [18:04] plytro: cool thanks, that was userful advice [18:04] plytro, that ukuu is not supported here, do you help him out? [18:04] apt full-upgrade will get you the latest kernel [18:04] opv, dpkg --configure -a > mylog [18:04] https://termbin.com/pxds [18:04] that suggested dpkg command doesn't change things [18:05] cause of the dependency issues [18:05] OerHeks: define ukuu [18:05] does ubuntu 18 only support a certain number of kernel versions? [18:05] deanc: did you try a reboot? [18:05] plytro, read your own url [18:05] i want to make sure the release supports whatever i upgrade to [18:05] lotuspsychje: that would be the nuclear option :p [18:06] lotuspsychje: im certain a reboot will fix, but ofc i'd like to avoid that [18:06] ukuu gives mainline kernels, those are just for testing [18:06] nfs + ubuntu 18 = does not work. [18:06] deanc: affraid to reboot on ubuntu-desktop? [18:06] OerHeks: it says run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [18:06] lotuspsychje: i just dont want to have to rebuild my tmux session [18:06] opv, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:07] OerHeks: you went all the way to the Option C [18:07] on 16.04 I had a failed drive and a failing drive, replaced both and replicated, but bootloader didn't install [18:07] https://termbin.com/8iul [18:07] grub-install outputs "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly." [18:08] any ideas? googling seems to have all sorts of scattered info and nothing really specific [18:08] plytro, so might the person who reads this blog.. [18:08] great! [18:08] maybe they can learn something [18:09] plytro: we reccomend linking mostly ubuntu factoids & official wiki's here as much as possible [18:09] turns out the safest way to upgrade the kernel in ubuntu is 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' [18:09] opv, ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:09] becool: which updates everything to the latest [18:09] all pacakges [18:09] kernel included [18:09] the latest versions available within your ubuntu release / your configured apt sources. [18:09] ioria: apt only looks at *.list files, right? [18:10] while ensuring all dependencies are included as well [18:10] does apt full-upgrade upgrade everything as well? [18:10] yes [18:10] opv, do you have ppa's installed ? [18:10] well more correctly stated - everything installed an managed from an apt repo [18:10] ioria: i have a couple of additional repos, namely kxstudio, teamviewer, and vivaldi [18:11] most of them are duplicates, with .save and .distUpgrade [18:11] though they still have *.list files too. hence my asking [18:12] looking at them shows everything is commented out [18:12] (cat *.list | grep -v \#) [18:13] opv, yep, cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:13] plytro: looks like we've covered a couple different commands that can be used to upgrade the kernel. is there any pro/con to using 'do-release-upgrade' instead of the other commands? [18:13] ioria: don't have a main.log, only main.log.partial. assume you want that one? [18:13] hard to tell which command is best to use without understanding the details [18:13] becool: have you looked at any docs? [18:13] yeah [18:14] apt and do-release upgarde are very different [18:14] still reading [18:14] opv, ok, that [18:14] becool, time to do some reading. why would we copy paste here?? [18:14] 13nn [18:14] becool: you could read some of the documentationyou've been pointed to, then you could better grasp the fundamental differences in these tools. [18:14] and do-release-upgarde may not do anything depending on your settings [18:14] reading docs now [18:14] plytro: ah, good to know [18:14] thx [18:14] i'm sitting over here with a dumb problem that I just live with in xubuntu [18:15] when I connect to a monitor at a higher resolution the task bar at the bottom is included in window maximum size when I maximize a window. When I go back to a lower resolution it no longer counts the bottom of my maximized windows hide behind it [18:16] ioria: i have two folders in there, date and timestamp show the upgrade time. want the first one or the newer one? [18:16] first one has main.log, later one also has apt logs [18:16] is there a way to flush the old kernel from GRUB after a kernel upgrade? [18:17] yeah but it doesn't matter if it's there [18:17] becool: how much documentation have you been reading during those 2 minutes before you asked the next question? [18:17] opv, paste main.log [18:18] ioria: in chronological order, ax7e and gx2z [18:18] plytro: i don't want anyone to ever "accidentally" choose it [18:18] multi-user system with a lot of room for people to make the wrong choice at boot [18:18] second one also has apt, apt-term and history [18:19] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [18:19] opv, ok... ll /var/lib/dpkg/ | nc termbin.com 999 [18:19] opv, ok... ll /var/lib/dpkg/ | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:20] but if you run apt-get autoremove it will dump your old kernels from the system and as a side affect, grub [18:20] ah, gotcha. thanks [18:20] ioria: yk5f [18:21] opv, mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status.back [18:22] then retry dpkg config all? [18:22] opv, touch /var/lib/dpkg/status [18:22] done [18:22] opv, apt update [18:23] "all packages up to date" [18:23] plytro: if you were just stating that the grub* packages or grub boot code get removed when you "sudo apt autoremove", then i'd disagree. but i may have misunderstood. [18:23] opv, apt clean [18:23] done [18:24] dump your old kernels from the system and as a side affect, from grub as well [18:24] opv, apt full-upgrade [18:24] corrected verbiage [18:24] ukuu seems like a pretty cool util for upgrading/removing a kernel [18:24] never used it [18:24] ioria: must run dpkg config all first [18:24] opv, ok [18:24] plytro: thanks for clarifying. [18:24] run that, get r672 [18:25] it's gui based, i haven't used a gui in years [18:26] !discuss | becool [18:26] becool: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [18:27] opv, ls ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ | grep friendly | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:27] opv, ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/ | grep friendly | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:28] list, md5sums, postinst, postrm, preinst, prerm [18:29] opv, dpkg -l systemd-sysv [18:29] not installed. i assume you wanted to grep for it [18:30] not installed ? weird [18:30] dpkg -l | grep does not yield results [18:30] though i've found this: [18:30] termbin.com/6zla [18:31] hi [18:31] i have problems with the sound card of an Asus E200H, this has a cx2072x which does not seem to work with Linux out of the box [18:31] opv, that is an 'important' package ... i don'tget why is not installed ... [18:32] can i purge friendly and try again? seems it's the only package that's still making problems [18:32] don't have to have a curses gui as long as have shell [18:33] opv, probably dpkg will error (we'll need to purge the config files); but try dpkg -P friendly-recovery [18:34] Flexman: see comment 113 https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=115531#c113 [18:34] bugzilla.kernel.org bug 115531 in Sound(ALSA) "Missing codec driver cx2072x, add support for it" [Blocking,New] [18:35] seems to me like it's hanging. shouldn't be taking this long [18:35] ubottu: but this problem is known since 2016, so i guess it won't be fixed soon. Is there anything I can do about now? [18:35] though no errors or anything. just stuck at removal [18:36] Flexman: ubotu is a bot [18:36] opv, wait a bit and then kill it [18:36] wow... can't even kill it. no ctrl+c [18:36] Flexman, a fix, and it seems that kernel 5.3 will have a fix https://github.com/heikomat/linux/tree/cx2072x/cx2072x_fixes_and_manual [18:37] i'd have to ctrl alt del or something [18:37] the link says it will appear in 5.3 which is in RC8 state as of yesterday and then the time to drop into an ubuntu package [18:37] !mainline | Flexman: You could try a mainline kernel (and a 5.3 release candidate there) [18:37] Flexman: You could try a mainline kernel (and a 5.3 release candidate there): The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [18:37] opv, nope, run ps -A | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:37] opv: try to type "xkill" in another terminal, then click on the dpkg window [18:38] EriC^^, is in Recovery mode [18:38] don't have another tty [18:38] oh [18:38] cannot run anything, cannot ctrl+c [18:38] OerHeks: Kernel is Kernel is 5.0.0-27-generic, I'm using Lubuntu. So how can i switch to 5.3 there? [18:38] have to hard-reset [18:38] opv, yep, sy about that [18:38] opv: try "ctrl+z" [18:38] Flexman: ...or you could build your own kernel or use the pre-built ones at https://askubuntu.com/questions/1001071/how-to-build-the-driver-for-cx2072x-codec [18:38] that should background it, then type kill %1 [18:38] opv: ^ [18:38] nope. [18:38] yikes, try ctrl+alt+del to restart [18:39] Flexman: neither of these options are supported here, i'm afraid. [18:39] though the kernel doesn't seem to be hanging, i still get a light on numlock [18:39] yeah, ctrlaltdel it took [18:39] tomreyn: ok, so there is no solution for Lubuntu yet? [18:39] opv, reboot, shift, grub , advanced , enable network, root shell [18:39] yes, back in root shell [18:40] opv, dpkg -l | grep friengly-recovery [18:40] i could dpkg config all now [18:40] package is marked with pF [18:40] Flexman: i would think there is no support for this codec in any ubuntu release (or flavour) at this time. [18:40] *sigh* [18:41] opv, change to your home [18:41] apt full-upgrade says -f install to correct deps. go for it i assume [18:41] Hello ioria, could you help me with a problem? I cannot logout. It brings me back to the same desktop I logged in. A few weeks ago, somebody said there's a problem with my bashrc but I couldn't find and fix it. [18:41] opv, cd /home/myuser [18:41] Flexman: that's not a shortcoming of ubuntu, though, but of the hardware manufacturer, not (or not properly) supporting linux, though. [18:41] yes [18:41] what next [18:41] nfs does not work on ubuntu 18. i’m literally using python3 simple http server to share files instead. Wow, broken. smh [18:41] opv, mkdir friend [18:42] go on [18:42] opv, mv mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/friendly-recovery* /home/myuser/friend [18:42] opv, mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/friendly-recovery* /home/myuser/friend [18:42] done [18:42] viju: i can try helping, you mean when you press logout on the icon, it logs out then immediately back in the desktop? [18:42] opv, apt purge friendly-recovery [18:42] tomreyn: as usual. :( but it seems there is some driver you can build into your kernel. [18:43] done [18:43] opv, apt update [18:43] all up to date [18:43] EriC^^, the taskbar goes away for sometime and they come back, with some dialog box that asks me to enter keyring password [18:43] opv, apt full-upgrade [18:44] installing packages [18:44] friendly is not one of them [18:44] no prb (for now) [18:44] EriC^^, yes, forgot to answer that part. [18:44] but libc, libgcc, systemd and some other rather important ones [18:44] tomreyn: thank you, i'll check what i can do there. [18:44] Flexman: at some point, ubuntu 18.04 LTS will ship a kernel version via linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge [18:45] tomreyn: that means? [18:45] Flexman: that you could then install this package and benefit from the newly introduced support in linux 5.3 [18:45] a bit earlier than that, the latest ubuntu (non LTS) release should have a 5.3 kernel and thus support it. [18:45] ah ok, so with 5.3 it should work [18:45] opv be right back in 10 min [18:45] viju: what happens if you try to log out from a terminal? try "sudo login " type the password, then type "exit" [18:45] ioria: done. try reboot? or other things to do first [18:45] will that be installable on lubuntu too? [18:46] opv wait ... [18:46] rgr [18:46] Flexman: that's what the comment on the bug report i pointed you to states anyways. [18:46] opv dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:47] EriC^^, it prints logout [18:47] aaah i got it, thats great! [18:47] no matches [18:47] tomreyn: how is the releation with ubuntu and lubuntu? can i update to this kernal later in lubuntu too? [18:48] opv run 'dpkg -l | grep linux-image ' [18:48] viju: alright, try 'ps aux | grep -E "gdm|lightdm" | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link here [18:48] Flexman: yes, kernels and the package archives are shared amongst all official ubuntu flavours. [18:48] !flavor | Flexman [18:48] Flexman: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [18:49] in a docker image, I run `sudo apt-get update` followed by `sudo apt-get install -y aws-cli` but it says `E: Unable to locate package aws-cli` [18:49] EriC^^, https://termbin.com/1xvmp [18:49] ioria: no matches. in fact the only matches for 'linux' are libselinux1 and util-linux [18:49] tomreyn: ok great, so there will be a solution soon. :) [18:49] viju: that's the problem, you have numerous session childs [18:49] opv we have a problem .... be right back in 10 min [18:49] rgr [18:50] this sounds like 5.3 is not officially relesed yet? [18:50] Flexman: to complete the previous statement: sometimes flavors may add extra package archives. [18:50] EriC^^, what can be done to fix? [18:50] viju: i wonder what happens if you do "kill 2516" and "kill 2517" , if you have any work you need saved, save it before trying though in case it logs out by itself [18:50] Flexman: right, linux 5.3 is not released, yet. it is curreently in release candidate (rc) state: https://www.kernel.org/ [18:51] ok thank you [18:51] viju: i found this thread on the problem https://askubuntu.com/questions/1058015/unable-to-end-session-log-out-using-lightdm-16-04 [18:51] viju: seems one guy removed some pam related packages, the other guy opt'd to switch to gdm [18:52] Whenever I am using a external monitor (hdmi) with my laptop (intel graphics) I get these weird artifacts in dark areas on the display. Blinking green pixels... Have anyone experienced that? [18:53] viju: did you try killing the 2 sessions manually, just to see what happens? [18:54] I thought I would give uninstallation of the package a try [18:54] sure [18:54] Do you think I should try killing the process first? [18:54] nah if you have kwallet stuff installed might as well i guess [18:55] never mind it's actually `awscli`.. === Aavar_ is now known as Aavar [18:57] opv ls /boot | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:58] EriC^^, that didn't work. Should I kill the process now? [18:59] viju: maybe you need to restart completely before it will help [18:59] will do [18:59] ioria: wb. 42qy [19:00] opv not good .... df -h | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:01] still got room [19:01] 8shu0 [19:01] it has to have a kernel, it's recovery-booting after all... where's the issue exactly? [19:02] opv cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:02] <|Anthony|> anyone know if/when this fix will be included for us plebs https://cgit.freedesktop.org/drm/drm/commit/?h=drm-fixes&id=72cda9bb5e219aea0f2f62f56ae05198c59022a7 [19:02] fq0y [19:02] <|Anthony|> failing that, where do i get the info to apply the patch myself [19:03] <|Anthony|> it's been so long since i've done any linuxing [19:03] opv apt-cache policy linux-generic | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:03] <|Anthony|> or git even [19:03] <|Anthony|> :( [19:03] iote [19:04] opv apt install --reinstall linux-generic [19:04] running. with lots of dependencies [19:04] Did samba change the location of smb.conf in a resent release? [19:06] Hey EriC^^ logout worked this time. Thanks for your help!!! [19:06] viju: great! no problem [19:07] Aavar: we only support the samba releases packaged for (and when used on) ubuntu here. if there are changes across ubuntu release upgrades which affect system services, you should finddocumentation on it on the release notes for the release you're upgrading to. [19:08] !releasenotes | Aavar [19:08] Aavar: For release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [19:09] tomreyn: I was thinking about the package for 18.04. That being said, I can read the release notes :) [19:09] ioria: finished. with warnings that /etc/ld.so.conf.d/linux image can't be found [19:09] Aavar: still in the normal place on my 18.04 system [19:10] Ben64: Where is that? /etc/samba/smb.conf? [19:10] yep [19:11] Ben64: weird... mine is missing for some reason. I'll reinstall the package :) [19:11] opv apt-cache policy apt | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:11] is installed, 1.6.11 from bionic [19:12] opv apt-cache policy systemd-sysv | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:12] not installed [19:12] opv apt install --reinstall systemd-sysv [19:12] working [19:13] dependency prob of python3-dbus, python3 not configured [19:14] Ben64: thank you :) [19:14] also ldconfig keeps throwing the warning about not finding the linux-gnu_EGL and GL.conf in ld.so.conf.d [19:14] i have a bad feeling about that [19:16] opv apt install --reinstall python3 python3-dbus [19:16] internal error, no file name for python3:amd64 [19:17] which is weird, cause i can find it in apt-cache [19:17] opv dpkg --configure -a [19:17] I accidentally added i386 as an arcitecture to my server and would like to remove it. I tried sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386, but it gave me this error: dpkg: error: cannot remove architecture 'i386' currently in use by the database [19:18] ioria: termbin.com/bt4d [19:18] Aavar: -add-architecture would add, not remove it, the error message you quotes does not seem to match the command you state you hae run [19:19] tomreyn: sorry, wrong paste. I ran "remove-architecture [19:19] Aavar: generally, to remove a secondary architecture, uninstall all packages of this architecture first. [19:19] tomreyn: Figures :) THank you [19:20] dpkg -l *:i386 [19:22] opv apt --fix-broken install [19:22] same result [19:23] 8iho0 [19:23] i'm a saaaaad panda [19:24] opv: is 8iho0 a password that you need to change somewhere? (if so hopefully to a better password) [19:25] sarnold: no no, termbin.com/8hio0 [19:25] aha [19:25] :D [19:25] me too [19:25] I get a 404 there [19:26] yeah, cause i typoed the full url [19:26] iho not hio [19:26] http://termbin.com/8iho0 [19:27] exit [19:27] be honest with me... it's fscked, right [19:27] opv dpkg -l | grep python3 | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:27] 5dci2 [19:28] hi everyone [19:29] hi gimpnixon [19:31] I had a quick question about an app i have installed. On my desktop computer i have wine-stable installed. that is it. no other wine packages. and on my laptop when i try to install wine-stable it trys to bring in 1G of packages and every other wine/wine32/wine64 package with wine-stable. both computers are running 19.10. what could cause one computer to only draw in stable. wine v 3,0 and the other one [19:31] try to draw in wine-stable. v3.0 with wine64 and wine and wine 32 v 4.02-1 ?? the reason i'm tryign to do this i a program i use works on the desktop on wine-stable v 3 and not on laptop with the same wine install command because it draws in wine v 4.02-1 [19:32] gimpnixon: perhaps one machine has apt configured to bring in Recommended packages automatically, and the other one may be configured to not bring in Recommended packages automatically [19:33] sarnold that is a good idea, but on the laptop which trys to bring in a ton of stuff there are actually more Recommended packages that I could choose to bring in, so i'm not sure if this is entirely the case. where can i look to check the configureation at if I may ask? [19:34] gimpnixon: $ apt-config dump | grep Recommends [19:34] APT::Install-Recommends "1"; [19:35] it's harder to describe *where* it can be set, and what to look for, but this command is very convenient to see what the status *is* :) [19:35] yeah mine says 1, is this mean it is trying to pull in other stuff. let me check the desktop real quick for grep recommends [19:35] yes, this means apt will install a bunch of other packages that might or might not be helpful [19:36] the desktop is also set to 1. [19:36] opv try again apt install --reinstall python3 [19:36] hmm, then perhaps you've just selected other packages to install at some point [19:36] how can i change this to 0 for to test if it helps the laptop install only wine-stable? [19:36] it's easy to change it once, eg apt install --no-install-recommends wine-stable (I think that's it..) [19:37] I have a weird issue. My audio sometimes goes silent, and I need to change it (by software) a couple times, to hear it again. Like for instance, I have to set the volume from 20 to 60%, so I can hear it again... Why could this be?? [19:37] ioria: internal error, no file name for python3 [19:37] opv apt-cache policy python3 | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:38] this is much better, yes. but I think my issue is that it is installing both a wine 4.0.2-1 and ontop of it wine-stable v3.0 [19:38] says is installed, 3.6.7-1~18.04 [19:38] i wanna see it , please [19:39] i3o0 [19:39] sarnold, with the command you recommended i pass it is only trying to bring in 230MB instead of upwarsd to 1G and it is only saying to install libwine libvkd3dl wine wine-stable and wine64 [19:40] where wine64 and wine, are both versions 4.0.2-1 and wine-stable is v3.0 [19:40] opv apt purge python3-gi [19:41] done. with the previous dpkg config issue [19:41] also offers autoremoval of some packages. do it? [19:41] opv can you paste them ? [19:42] for you, anything [19:42] termbin.com/5ygm [19:43] sarnold, but this behavior is not present on my desktop system, only my laptop. [19:43] Basically the same install process on each, i try to keep them simular for maintainability === argusbr is now known as argus [19:44] gimpnixon: so.. my usual next step in trying to figure out why something was brought in, is to try to delete the thing in question and see what apt complains about :) apt purge .. the unwanted package and see if apt complains? === argus is now known as Guest52205 [19:45] opv dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq python3 [19:45] sarnold, All wine has been already purged from my laptop system. I am not willing to recreate this process on the desktop unfortunatally just in case because i have a working system over there at the moment. [19:45] gimpnixon: heh, makes sense [19:45] ioria: cannot bc python3-dbus [19:46] dependency [19:46] opv dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq python3 python3-dbus [19:46] done [19:47] opv dpkg -l | grep python3 | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:47] qzmm [19:47] opv apr install --reinstall python3 python3-dbus [19:48] *apt [19:48] the thing is that on my laptop the application in question was complaining about illegal 32 bit process, and core dumping. this has not been replicatable with wine-stable on the desktop, only in wine 4.0.2-1 on the laptop. but i'm getting no choice at all to only install wine-stable. without it pulling also v 4.0.2-1. I'm reluctant to install from ppa as i have a really clean system with only apt [19:48] packages. [19:49] internal error, no file name for python3 [19:49] is there a way to flag packages for to not be installed? I'm reading some of the apt informations online and i'm not seeing much in the way of to flag packages [19:50] opv: waaaah? can you pastebin the whole thing? [19:50] yes, immediately. i tried to recreate the issue to get a passte [19:50] it's a bit tricky with stdout, stderr, and apt still wanting me to press Y [19:50] termbin.com/otem === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [19:51] then i try again, and it throws that error i mentioned, no file name [19:52] opv: have you tried apt clean. then installing it? [19:52] * NegativeFlare hopes he's reading this right [19:52] same error [19:52] no file name for python2:amd64 [19:52] *python3 [19:53] There was a new update for Python on apt. Where can I read about the changes in the update? It's not a Python update as far as I know. I'm thinking it's an update to the ubuntu specific one? [19:53] !info python3.6 [19:53] python3.6 (source: python3.6): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.6). In component main, is important. Version 3.6.8-1~18.04.2 (bionic), package size 196 kB, installed size 326 kB [19:54] this should be installed already [19:54] opv: I can't see "no file name" anywhere in that paste, is that the correct one? [19:54] sarnold: that's the original error. when i run the command again i get that no file name error. sec [19:55] termbin.com/71pe [19:55] OerHeks: The update was python3.7:amd64 (3.7.3-2, 3.7.3-2ubuntu0.1) [19:55] typo [19:55] termbin.com/71pe [19:55] termbin.com/71pw [19:55] I'm trying to find out what 3.7.3-2 is. Python versions go 3.7.3 then 3.7.4 [19:55] opv apt-cache policy systemd | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:56] djsn [19:56] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.7 current versions [19:56] newdimension: apt changelog python3.7 [19:58] opv i'am giving up [19:58] hi [19:58] newdimension: probably https://usn.ubuntu.com/4127-1/ [19:58] ioria: it's ok... that's 2 hours you've been debugging this [19:59] probably a bug , not sure [19:59] i'm very thankful for your very gracious help [19:59] no prob [19:59] tomreynm hggdh: Thanks! [19:59] I was never clear on this: who released this, the Ubuntu team or the Python team? [19:59] time to save some files then... [20:00] shame, the install was really customized and everything, had a lot of work put into there [20:00] opv: what's the problem? [20:00] newdimension: I would expect this to have been an embargo-ed security fix (meaning prolly fixed by upstream, and with a coodinated release) [20:00] EriC^^: do-release-upgrade bugged out, now very much fscked state. i'm sure ioria can elaborate on the issue [20:00] ouch [20:00] EriC^^, basically, broken packages [20:00] opv: cripes, this is ugly :( [20:00] cause all i see is package fsckery [20:01] opv: hmm [20:01] it probably can be salvaged, but whether or not it's worth the effort vs a new install.. [20:01] hggdh: I see, how did you the link? Where does apt changelog pull data from? [20:01] depends... the install had a lot of customization, tweaks for audio, etc [20:01] EriC^^, http://termbin.com/otem [20:01] it'd be pretty painful to recreate all that [20:02] *how did you find the link [20:02] newdimension: (1) I subscribed to Ubuntu security announcements; (2) it pulls it from the source package changelog [20:04] newdimension: also, new security fixes are published in the security pocket. So, when you do a (full-)upgrade, you will see some packages been downloaded from security.ubuntu.com [20:04] opv: you could save a list of all the programs you have, and have them autoinstall after you clean install, and also backup your home dir, it would have any user configs and program configs/customizations [20:04] newdimension: also, you can always run apt-cache policy [20:05] EriC^^: if this is really the end of the line, yeah. backup homedir, reinstall from scratch [20:05] though it'll be a debian. at least i'm familiar with that [20:06] hggdh: What does apt-cache policy return? I see package repository (?) links [20:06] Also, am I missing it or is changelog not part of the man for apt [20:08] newdimension: it shows which repository the installed package came from, and newer versions [20:08] newdimension: changelog is not part of the manual pages. You usually can get it (for installed packages off /usr/share/doc/ [20:08] bye [20:09] newdimension: if apt doesn't know what to do with a command it actually passes it to apt-get, i think. and apt-get has a "changelog" command [20:09] well... this is the end of the road [20:09] thank you again for your help everyone [20:09] tomreyn: I guess that's what's happening. man apt-get does mention changelog [20:09] opv: I am late, and apologise if already done. But have you tried https://askubuntu.com/questions/167784/how-to-resolve-e-internal-error-when-using-apt-get-remove [20:10] newdimension: and those downloads come from http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/ [20:10] that's allright hggdh [20:10] the problem unfortunately is a lot deeper [20:11] ioria sacrificed 2 hours of lifetime on this [20:11] well... back to browsing with a phone for the near future [20:11] good night everyone [20:11] and thank you again [20:12] One last tangent from me: man pages are organized in sections with numbers e.g. (1) User commands. However, I don't see sections when I do man printf. Where are they? [20:14] man printf will display PRINTF(1) [20:15] newdimension: ^ and under "SEE ALSO" refers to section 3, i.e. "man 3 printf" [20:15] Hello! I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.3 and facing a very weird issue. Some of the symptoms are 1. When I open any application the cursor control immediately jumps at the end of the screen e.g. If I have opened Firefox then sites like reddit, youtube will start scrolling continuously on their own, If I have opened nautilus then it'll select the last directory/file automatically (even if I click on some other file it'll immediately jump to the said last file) [20:16] Sorry but got disconnect, I was still wondering if there was a way to tell apt to only install one package for example wine-stable v3.0 because when i apt install wine-stable. it also brings in wine v4.0.2-1 and wine64 v4.0.2-1 which i believe is causeing some conflict in mys system [20:16] tomreyn: How would one know how many sections there? See also would refer to what's relecant, and would not be exhaustive. Or would it ? [20:16] *sections there are [20:16] rootkea: feels likely to be a stuck key somewhere; try hitting all of the pageup / pagedown, shift, control, alt, end, home, etc keys [20:17] what/where do I get origin? (i think - I'm trying to build mainline kernal (to see if a patch applies) and it errors on ifeq ("$(origin V)", "command line") ... origin: command not found [20:19] sarnold, On terminal it prints ^[[F continuously. Though all the keys of my keypad are visibly not pressed maybe some key has some mechanical fault. May I know what key emits ^[[F [20:19] gimpnixon: can you pastebin the whole apt-get install -s wine-stable output? I don't see on my own system anything that looks like it'd be a wine 4, but I don't know what I'm looking for.. [20:19] rootkea: if you can run "xev" it might show what's being pressed [20:21] rootkea: unplug your keyboard - if it fixes it, 'good' - if not, we know it isn't a stuck key [20:21] sarnold, https://pastebin.com/KShBsL4q , in this paste bin you will see that only of wine-stable 3.0 it is tryign to bring in higer versions of wine ontop. this behaviour is not present on my desktop computer and I have only the wine-stable package installed with nothing else [20:22] EriC^^, Thanks. ^[[F is for End key. But End key on my laptop is in perfectly non-pressed condition. Also I should mention that this repeatedly pressed End key behavior only comes after some time. [20:22] hello, i'm running ubuntu 18 and I'm having a vertical shearing issue. I am using one of my display sideways, and I'd like to know how to do two things: 1) reconfigure/reset buffer memory (they seem to resize themselves and generate weird glitches between each other), and enable double buffering on the window manager to avoid vertical shearing [20:22] Callek, It's a laptop and sadly I don't have an USB keyboard at hand right now. [20:22] sarnold, on the desktop I do not have wine32 or wine or wine64 packages installed they never were installed or asked to be installed when i installed wine-stable [20:23] s/callek/carlFK/ [20:23] Oops sorry! [20:23] no worry [20:23] CarlFK, ^ === walnut_burl is now known as ThreePhase [20:24] gimpnixon: are you intentionally running the devel release eoan? that's pretty unusual (but thank you for beta testing things :) [20:25] rootkea: rats. I sometimes have problems where 'something' thinks a key is pressed, like tab, and so focus wizzes around. pressing and releasing each of my shift/alt/ctrl keys eventually fixes it. pretty sure it is software and not a physical key [20:26] CarlFK, Is there a way to disable the key programatically? Some tool I can use to just disable it altogether? [20:26] sarnold, if eoan is on both machines.. good spot [20:26] sarnold, Yes this is intentional, I am running v19.10 on both systems. I enjoy seeing the devel branches develope. sometimes I run into small issues but it is fun to work around them [20:26] !ubuntu+1 [20:26] Eoan Ermine is the codename for Ubuntu 19.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [20:27] CarlFK, But this End key behavior is also observed during grub list so may be it's in fact hardware? [20:27] sarnold, although this has been an unusual quark, but I honestly do not think that it is the devel branch fault about wine. [20:28] bugs and support for alpha releses is concentrated in 1 channel, gimpnixon [20:28] One thing I did think is that i am running different sources for each system, but the sources should be almost identicle as they are both offical ubuntu and sources shoudl not inperticularly effect what apt trys to pull down [20:29] CarlFK, May be my next course of action should be to use USB keyboard and see if it fixes the issue... [20:30] sarnold shoudl i move to #ubuntu+1 ? or is that jsut an automated message? [20:30] OerHeks, oh, ok. [20:30] hello, i'm running ubuntu 18 and I'm having a vertical shearing issue. I am using one of my display sideways, and I'd like to know how to do two things: 1) reconfigure/reset buffer memory (they seem to resize themselves and generate weird glitches between each other), and enable double buffering on the window manager to avoid vertical shearing [20:30] gimpnixon: it's worth a try, folks in there are more likley to know the lay of the land :) [20:31] alright. thank you guys for taking a look. [20:31] gimpnixon: I know neither wine well, nor follow devel closely, hehe [20:31] rootkea: somewhere I have a file that maps my 5 key to 'r' because my r key started to go. but I got a new keyboard and undid that and can't find a trace of how I did it. usb keybard is an easy test [20:33] CarlFK, https://superuser.com/questions/775785/how-to-disable-a-keyboard-key-in-linux-ubuntu looks promising! [20:41] anyone have any suggestions/ideas on why I would be getting this https://gist.github.com/vaskokj/96fc2ad530f7bde1dcac304fe52d7308 [20:48] kur1j: it looks like an nfs crash, but that's as far as my knowledge goes [20:48] CarlFK, xmodmap -e 'keycode 115 = NoSymbol' disabled the End key and fixed the issue for me! [20:48] rootkea: yay!! xmodmap sounds like what I used.. [20:49] rootkea: yep - bashrc # xmodmap -e "keycode 14 = r" [20:49] CarlFK, As for the grub I'll have to stick with my current strategy of keeping up arrow pressed (to go to first entry) and then pressing Enter [20:50] rootkea: check ebay and such for a new/used keyboard [20:51] CarlFK, That's the plan. Disabling End key is just a workaround till I get the new keypad for my laptop. Thanks for your help! :) [20:51] in #ubuntu+1 not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. unfortunatally [21:01] I'm wanting to set up an Ubuntu server I can remote into to do graphical work on. What are the options for creating remote sessions on Ubuntu? I'll be running things like Blender, GIMP and Godot. [21:09] I only ever used ssh -X but some folks like vnc [21:11] sarnold: looks like xrdp is a pretty solid solution. [21:12] I'm just wondering if it is fast enough to stream video content. [21:12] At work I remoted into a work machine and fired up a Godot project and ran it, and I couldn't detect any lag in the rendered game. [21:13] I just don't know if xrdp will be as fast as the microsoft rdp serve.r [21:14] no, speed and detail will be disappointing [21:16] man I can't imagine streaming video [21:16] I have to admit I've never tried :) [21:16] I just assumed it would be pretty dissapointing [21:18] Google's Stadia is apparently going to stream video fast enough to play FPS's over the network. [21:23] yeah [21:23] I can't wait to see how well it works out [21:23] anbox is doing the same thing.. [21:23] newdimension: if you run "man man" you'll see a list of section that (may) exist [21:23] people aren't too worried about the framerate, the concern is for latency [21:23] hard to believe it will be low enough for fps [21:23] tomreyn: So people just try and see if the section they're interested in exists? [21:25] I just ran a Godot demo on my work machine that I'm remoted into, and it was a moving ocean scene that my work laptop could only do at 26FPS, and I'm pretty sure it was getting streamed to my laptop at around 26fps. The box was moving in the waves fairly smoothly and felt like 26fps wouldn't be too far off. [21:27] newdimension: you can guess the section (e.g. 5 for configuration files) or you can run man against a command or package name without providing a section, and see what gives. see "man man" to understand how sections are searched by default. [21:28] ok, thank you [21:28] -> MANSECT [21:29] !man [21:29] The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ [21:30] you more mouse to shoot noob that just engaged you, delay sending packet to server, server is running other games, you eventually get cpu quantum, game render queued in gpu command queue behind 10 other people's games, gpu eventually gets your render done, gpu commands compress your video stream, video encoding eventually queued on their network card, data eventually gets onto network, your machine receives video data, queues commands [21:30] to render it on your desktop. now it is ages since you aimed at the noob [21:30] even if at 60 or more fps [21:34] not to mention getting ill because there is a noticible delay between you aiming left and right and the screen changing. gotta see that latency low enough not to be sick. I don't see how. not suitable for first person shooter (fps) [21:34] i have a feeling this (stadia, FPS when streaming video) chat would be better had in #ubuntu-offtopic [21:34] ya your'e right. Im done :D [21:35] tomreyn: well it kind of is on topic as I'm trying to figure out the best Ubuntu remote desktop server, but xrdp appears to be a good choice, but yeah, it meandered offtopic quickly. Sorry. [21:39] merpnderp, locally, on a LAN, remoting a machine running one game, it isn't nearly as bad of a problem as I described [21:40] doug16k: I'll have to see what Ubuntu's default config is for xrdp, but it looks like the protocol can scale up to 60fps, which for a 1080p resolution I'm guessing is something like a 40Mb stream......doable. [21:41] Oh, looks like that's only 20Mbps [21:46] Hey [21:46] Quick question [21:47] I'm about to compress a whole bunch of files, but I need to preserve the "date created" and "date last modified" metadata [21:47] What would be the best compression format to use? [21:47] I know this isn't strictly Ubuntu related, but it's the most relevant channel I could've thought of [21:53] ryuguns: can you specify what exactly you're trying to do? very few unix-ish filesystems store a file *create* time [21:54] sarnold: Yes, my mistake, in my mind, I swapped it out for "accessed" and "modified" [21:54] I'm guessing Ext4 doesn't store creation times? [21:55] I am trying to store ~15Gb of files (mostly images/videos) in an archive for later use [21:56] hi all, is it possible to use awk to extract the data from specific named colomns rather than the column number? i.e the first line in the output determines the name of the column, so i want to be able to say (pseudo code): awk 'colomn_name="NetIf"{print $data}'. or some such [21:56] alternatiely another tool other than awk? [21:56] The files are from a FAT SD card from a phone, I'd like to keep those files info, including those times [21:56] ext4 *might* be able to do the create time, but I'm not sure what userland utilities can read it back out again :) statx(2) syscall can read it, and ext4(5) suggests it sets aside space *to* store it, but doesn't say outright that it does store it.. [21:57] ryuguns: depending upon what you're doing with it, it might be easier to use dd to grab an image of the SD card and store that as a single blob [21:58] sarnold: What tools would you recommend for doing this? [21:58] Is it better than just putting them in an archive? [21:59] ryuguns: well, it depends a bit why you're doing it [22:00] ryuguns: I really like the dd of the SD card because it *is* the filesystem, as is, in one blob, and it's a short simple line to store it exactly as it was on the card -- which is nice if you want to put it back, or always intend to send the whole thing to someone else as a block, etc.. [22:02] sarnold: My goal is just upgrading the SD card in my Android phone, I will be transferring the files to the new SD card ~120gb from the old ~15gb one [22:02] ryuguns: cool cool :) [22:02] my / filesystem is locking down to read only on a production server, i'm just getting the runaround from IBM [22:02] anyone? [22:03] catbadger: check dmesg, are there fs errors or block dewvice errors? [22:03] sarnold: Admittedly, I don't know much about different file systems, which is why I'm hesitant to store it as a blob [22:05] ryuguns: so... my suggestion: use dd to make a copy of your card, then you can stick the card on the shelf for safe keeping :) use dd to write the image to the *new* card (be careful that you use it to write your card, not your hard drive..) ; then use a tool like http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/fatresize.1.html to resize the filesystem on the new card, and see how well it worked [22:05] ryuguns: if it worked, success and happyness yay :) if it didn't, well, you';ve still got the sd card, you've still got the image on your machine [22:07] sarnold, great. Thanks for the help [22:07] IBM server [22:07] sarnold. checking now [22:08] sarnold blk_update_request: I/O error, dev xvda, sector 2629520 [22:10] catbadger: interesting; is xvda a 'virtual' device in a cloud computing environment? do you have access to the servers that host that storage? [22:14] sort of [22:14] I guess it's possible that it could also be networking problems between the storage machines and the compute machine [22:19] it's a problem. their support is useless. i'd never put a new client on IBM [22:19] they passed the buck on me for 6 hours telling me to do various things, and when they shut down for the day, i'm sitting here going "well fml, my client couldn't make money today and that's my fault" [22:22] if the virtualization host runs linux, and it uses storages connected via sata, sas or usb, you can run smartctl -x against its storages. [22:23] I can only access virtual servers, not the host. it's hosted at IBM [22:24] pass the i/O errors to their support then [22:25] i did. they are closed. [22:26] frick [22:26] unfortunate :-/ but this is most likely not an ubuntu support issue. [22:28] thank you [22:32] catbadger: wait, this isn't *your* cloud but IBM's cloud?? [22:32] that is good. I can explain to my million-dollar client that it's not the small development company's fault, but the billion-dollar cor [22:32] catbadger: you really ought to be able to find someone who can help nail down why ou're getting IO errors to your storage. that's not cool. [22:32] right [22:35] ok [22:35] i called. the chat was down, but i got a guy at the callcenter [22:37] thanks for the help guys [22:38] oh good good, that's more like it :) [22:52] widepread issue [22:52] you nailed it. thanks again [23:08] Hi, I'm running an Ubuntu server and I'm getting into some semi complex firewall rules. I've been using ufw so far but I want something a bit easier to manage. I've used OPNSense on another box for a while and like it a lot [23:08] I don't want to install an X server and use SSH X forwarding because that seems a bit overkill [23:08] I've heard good things about the ferm iptables frontend [23:40] I dont seem to understand what is the DEVICE field in lsof output. Anybody have a simple explenation what those devices are and what the values mean [23:53] How do i set a different keyboard layout? I did not find the layout when installing ubuntu but it is installed and I can change to it by setxkbmap se dvorak_a5. [23:54] Does anyone have a relatively unmodified install of Ubuntu 18.04 willing to confirm a bug with notification sounds? [23:54] so, I've got a hi-dpi display, and the mouse sensitivity doesn't move around it very fast, even with sensitivity turned up to max and the adaptive accel profile selected in gnome tweaks. I tried setting AccelSpeed in 40-libinput and using xset, but both had no effect. is there any way to get higher sensitivity? [23:56] Togra: mouse or touch-pad? I think I found touchpad had different controls than mouse [23:56] it's a touchpad, but it shows up using libinuput "pointer" in syslog [23:57] might be a touchpad masquerading as a mouse, or not, but I tried AccelSpeed 1.0 in both sections of the config file [23:57] ah :(