
jdstrandLaney: hey, so I uploaded apparmor earlier and there were two autopkgtests that I wanted to retry from update_excuses, but oddly, it says 'You submitted an invalid request: You are not allowed to upload dbus or apparmor to Ubuntu, thus you are not allowed to use this service.'03:07
jdstrandLaney: which indeed is odd, since, well, it was my upload of apparmor that caused the dbus autopkgtest. I logged out of LP and back in and verified my LP memberships...03:08
jdstrandLaney: perhaps that will resolve itself, but if you want to retry those in your morning, feel fee (otherwise I will)03:08
* jdstrand wanders off03:08
didrocksgood morning05:58
dufluMorning didrocks06:21
didrockshey duflu06:21
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
clobranogood morning everyone 0/07:03
seb128gooood morning desktopers!07:09
didrockshey seb128, clobrano07:18
seb128lut didrocks, hey clobrano, how are you today?07:21
didrocksI'm fine, thanks, yourself?07:22
seb128I'm good!07:23
didrocksseb128: can you try triggering https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=eoan&arch=ppc64el&package=lxc&trigger=shadow%2F1%3A4.5-1.1ubuntu4 and https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=eoan&arch=i386&package=mysql-8.0&trigger=shadow%2F1%3A4.5-1.1ubuntu4 please? I get permission denials, while I'm still connected on launchpad, wiki.ubuntu.com, our entreprise account… I don't know07:23
didrockswhich credential it's using and doesn't ask me to relogin07:23
didrocks(the regressions are due to timeouts and it blocks shadow)07:24
didrocksno permission issue for you?07:24
seb128worked for me so doesn't look like a problem with the service07:24
didrocksI need to ask Laney which token it's using07:25
didrocksthanks seb128 :)07:25
seb128I guess you could try from a private mode browser session see if it ask for credential/work ther07:25
didrockstried that07:25
didrocksgot exactly the same error07:25
didrocksfor instance:07:26
didrocks"You submitted an invalid request: You are not allowed to upload lxc or shadow to Ubuntu, thus you are not allowed to use this service."07:26
didrocks(same with mysql-10)07:26
didrocks(and tried on chrome & firefox…)07:26
dufluMorning clobrano and seb12807:31
seb128hey duflu, how are you?07:32
dufluseb128, going OK which is probably an improvement. How are you?07:32
seb128I'm good thx07:32
clobranohi didrocks, duflu, seb128, I'm back to work, but I'm fine :D07:37
seb128good luck then!07:37
marcustomlinsonmorning duflu didrocks clobrano seb12807:50
dufluHi marcustomlinson07:50
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you?07:50
marcustomlinsonseb128: good thanks :) you?07:50
clobranohey marcustomlinson07:50
seb128I'm good!07:50
seb128busy with new GNOME stable tarballs updates07:50
marcustomlinsonseb128: didn't ask yesterday, how was the week off?07:51
seb128very good, thx. Quite some walking/enjoying the outside which was nice (and a bit exhausting since I ended up carrying the kid on my back for most of the walking days)07:53
seb128but it was good to be outside/move/enjoy the nice weather&food07:53
marcustomlinsonsounds great!07:55
seb128indeed, it was :)07:56
seb128hey willcooke07:56
dufluseb128, doing weights, that's multitasking07:58
seb128bah and battery flat, time to move back08:00
willcookemorning all08:02
marcustomlinsonmorning willcooke and Laney08:03
Laneydidrocks: jdstrand said the same thing overnight - juliank worked on that service yesterday, might be a regression from that change08:03
juliank hmm08:03
Laneyjdstrand: thanks for the merge btw :)08:04
Laneyhey marcustomlinson08:05
LaneyinDEED I'm seeing the same denial08:07
dufluMorning willcooke and Laney08:08
dufluAnyone would think you're in the same time zone08:08
dufluOr twilight zone depending on the government08:09
juliankLaney, didrocks works for me. Not sure what could go wrong here08:12
Laneyjuliank: the requester is None08:12
Laneylook in error.log08:12
juliankso we escape(None)08:12
juliankyeah, that is ... odd08:12
Laneywe're literally passing None to the LP API08:12
Laneybut there is a session because it got that far08:12
Laneyso ...08:12
Laneyhey duflu08:13
Laneydon't remind me08:13
* Laney takes refuge in software08:13
LaneyOH yeah it'll be that won't it08:19
didrocksthat's weird indeed, which kind of cred is used? launchad ones ?08:19
Laneyescape(None) and then >>> if flask.escape(None):08:19
Laney...     print('hahahah fail')08:19
Laneyhahahah fail08:19
juliankLaney, didrocks can you try again?08:19
Laney>>> if flask.escape(None):08:19
Laney...     print('hahahah fail')08:19
Laneyhahahah fail08:19
Laneyoops sorry for the double paste08:19
juliankI changed the escape(foo) to escape(foo) if foo else foo08:20
Laneytortured process this change08:20
juliankLaney: If this works, just pull it into master, same branch as the past ones08:20
Laneyit worked for me this time08:20
Laneywhat about the session['next'] escape()?08:21
Laneymight want a maybe_escape() which does this08:21
juliankah let me fix that too08:21
Laneyand don't import escape into the global scope so you can't accidentally use it08:21
didrocksjuliank: it's asking me now for SSO, so smelling good :)08:22
didrocksyes, indeed, work08:22
Laneyit was a problem in the case where you *don't* have a session already08:22
juliankMe amends commit08:22
didrocksthanks for looking at it :)08:22
seb128k, back now08:24
seb128hey Laney :)08:24
Laneywb seb12808:24
Laneyhow's it goign08:24
Laneybloody hell08:24
juliankLaney: OK, introduced the maybe_escape() and imported escape as _escape08:25
seb128Laney, doing well! you?08:25
Laneyyeah good!08:25
seb128kenvandine, marcustomlinson, the mahjongg snap build fails with08:28
seb128cp: cannot stat '../src/data/icons/hicolor/48x48/org.gnome.Mahjongg.png': No such file or directory08:28
Laneyjuliank: what about str()ing from maybe_escape()?08:28
juliankLaney: I mean, we could just call html.escape instead of flask.escape08:29
Laneydon't know that one08:29
juliankSame thing, but returns str instead of Markup08:29
Laneysame but returns a str?08:29
LaneyI mean yeah08:29
Laneyuntil we make use of it being a Markup anyway08:29
juliankLaney: fixed08:31
juliankLaney: now update master branch :)08:31
Laneyok, done08:33
juliankI'll keep tail -f-ing the error log for a bit08:34
lisgood morning, peeps08:36
Laneyhey lis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:39
lisOMG LANEY!!!!08:43
lisdid you shave your head yet?08:43
Laneydid i 'eck08:44
dufluMorning lis08:44
lishey duflu :)08:45
seb128hey lis08:48
lishello seb08:48
* lis goes back to idling :)08:49
* seb128 goes back to updating GNOME packages :)08:49
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: simple fix, can you review: https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/gnome-mahjongg/+git/gnome-mahjongg/+merge/37253108:52
Laneywillcooke: default wallpaper ping08:56
willcookeLaney, thx. I chased last week :)  "soon" they tell me.  sigh08:56
Laneytwo days left 😈09:04
Laneyseb128: did you want to handle merging network-manager btw?09:26
Laney(since you did it before)09:28
xnoxLaney:  cyphermox: so new gnome-shell does use a new yaru aubergine which is easy enough to update. And they do apply a "noise" png too. Updating the color in plymouth is easy, not sure about the noise png yet.11:09
Laneyyou two might be in the same place but I'm not :-)11:10
xnoxLaney:  plymouth purple doesn't match gnome-shell purple, and we get annoyed on every boot here at plumbers11:11
Laneyoh ok11:11
xnox#4f194c is the new purple11:11
Laneythere was just a fix to gnome-shell to match that too11:11
Laneyon the transition from the greeter to the desktop11:11
xnoxLaney: ok. i'm looking at the eoan-proposed source code11:12
xnoxLaney:  is that the latest?11:12
Laneylooks like you got the right colour11:13
Laneymaybe give the yaru guys an issue on the upstream project that these places need fixing if that colour ever changes11:14
Laneyyou can see the reference to the noise texture there too btw11:15
Laneythere you go, knowledge transferred11:16
* Laney sends TCP FIN11:16
seb128Laney, I do plan to update to the new n-m stable version today or tomorrow so you can let that one to me11:22
Laneycool, thanks!11:22
Laneythat gets the bugfix I was after from Till11:22
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: looks good11:25
seb128hey kenvandine, how are you?11:25
kenvandineseb128: sleepy, but working on some coffee :-)11:26
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: cool thanks. are you able to merge it?11:26
kenvandineseb128: and you?11:26
seb128I'm good :)11:27
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: in a bit, not at a computer yet11:27
marcustomlinson:) ok11:27
kenvandineJust woke up ;-)11:27
seb128stop that IRC on phone nonsense!11:30
k_alamseb128: Hi, welcome back11:36
seb128hey k_alam, how are you?11:37
k_alamI am fine .. u ?11:37
seb128I'm good thx11:38
k_alamseb128:  How was guadec ?11:38
seb128quite nice, good spirit and productive11:38
seb128I saw you have a stack of mps around unity & gsd schemas waiting for sponsoring11:38
seb128I've on my list to look at those, just a busy start of week catching up with things and new GNOME updates11:38
k_alamseb128: yes....3v1n0 already approved it....I have one more11:39
seb128I wonder where Trevinho is btw, didn't see him since yesterday11:40
k_alamI ping him yesterday...seems he wasn't there11:42
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: merged, thanks11:51
xnoxLaney:  do we want to use the boring "flicker-less" black boot screen? https://wiki.gnome.org/Design/OS/BootProgress12:05
Laneynot this cycle at least12:06
seb128xnox, you can test it by installing plymouth-theme-spinner12:07
seb128xnox, (might need to call update-grub manually one time to fix some grub coloring problem after install)12:08
xnoxLaney:  seb128: and is gnome-shell "upstream" keeping the "noise" png? cause the plymouth spinner / bgrt themes briefly had the same noise tiling png, but it has been removed now.12:08
seb128xnox, there is a discourse post about using the new theme or not which didn't really get to a conclusion12:08
Laneydunno how it works with plymouth I'm afraid12:09
* xnox is not sure how to make the two match: add noise tile to plymouth, or drop the noise tile from gnome-shell12:09
Laneynot the second one that's for sure12:09
xnoxLaney:  if that's the standard, i will code to that then.12:10
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
cyphermoxxnox: so we're off the color thing and onto noise effect?13:17
cyphermoxbecause to me it seems like correct color according to design guidelines > consistency of effects13:17
cyphermox(but ymmv)13:17
cyphermoxand tbh I only mentioned it because I noticed the color has a slight variance, not like it was a big deal, just "inconsistent" as in not-the-same; it might still be the effect wnted to have a slight variance as you get to the desktop, if it's done correctly13:18
cyphermox(just link me to the bug if there's one and I can comment there or whatnot)13:20
* willcooke rings the bell13:29
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-1013:30
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Sep 10 13:30:00 2019 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.13:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick13:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-10 | Current topic:
willcookeRoll call: didrocks, duflu (out), jamesh (out), jibel, kenvandine, laney, marcustomlinson, oSoMoN(out), seb128, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)13:30
seb128jamesh, weekly update post? ;)13:31
willcooke#topic rls-bb13:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-10 | Current topic: rls-bb
willcookeCurious that this hasn't shown up before, or at least I don't remember seeing it before13:32
willcookeLooks like it could be a good fix for B to me13:33
seb128probably one to assign to Marco, looks like he was looking at it/provided some test package to d_oko?13:33
willcooke#topic rls-dd13:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-10 | Current topic: rls-dd
willcooke#topic rls-ee13:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-10 | Current topic: rls-ee
ubot5Launchpad bug 1440372 in duplicity (Ubuntu Eoan) "please port duplicity to Python3" [High,New]13:35
seb128that got boggusly reopened13:35
seb128I'm putting back as fix commited13:35
willcookeoki, thanks seb12813:35
seb128also it's assigned13:35
willcookeah yes13:35
seb128(untagging as well)13:35
willcookeI just untagged13:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1842910 in gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons (Ubuntu) "Desktop right click menu appears in the wrong place if a Terminal window is open" [Medium,New]13:36
Laneythat should be taken13:36
willcookeseb128, one for Trevinho?13:37
seb128assign to duflu I would say13:37
Laneypoor Marco gets almost all of the bugs13:37
seb128since he reported and probably is able to poke13:37
Laneysomeone else would be better indeed13:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1842898 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "Scroll bar in the focussed Terminal window is almost invisible" [Medium,Triaged]13:38
willcookelooks like its fixed upstream so needs a new release13:39
seb128also probably not worth rls targetting?13:40
Laneyright, we'll get another yaru soon13:40
LaneyI wouldn't say that was release critical anyway13:40
willcooke#topic Unassigned bugs13:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-10 | Current topic: Unassigned bugs
willcookeseb128 shall we go through those offline?13:41
willcooke(those = unassigned)13:41
willcookeLaney, anything on your list this week?13:41
seb128#topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages13:42
seb128bah, bot doesn't like me :p13:42
kenvandinepoor seb12813:42
willcooke #topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages13:42
willcooke#topic update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages13:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-10 | Current topic: update_excuses_by_team.html#desktop-packages
Laneywhy not the unassigned bugs?13:42
Laneywell anyway13:42
Laneythere are two things on there, tracker-miners which Trevinho is/was/should be looking into13:42
Laneyand duplicity which seb128 is?13:42
Laneyso I think we are ok13:43
willcookethanks Laney13:43
seb128we said some meetings ago that asking for volunteers here didn't really work and that we would rather review/assign in the manager meeting13:43
seb128but people could step in and assign themself before that meeting if they wish13:43
seb128well if you want to assign yourself to one of the unassigned rls bugs please do :)13:43
Laneythat was for the excuses tracking13:43
Laneyhang on this is a misunderstanding13:44
Laneythe unassigned rls bugs we should be reviewing as if they were -incoming ones13:44
Laneythis is only because people randomly target bugs13:44
xnoxcyphermox:  hmmm i see13:44
xnoxcyphermox:  well let me reboot into my patched plymouth13:44
xnoxand check how it feels13:44
seb128right, sorry I got confused13:44
seb128willcooke, let's do that round now, we do the proposed migrations assignement later13:45
Laneythere's no proposed-migration anyway13:45
willcooke#topic unassigned bugs13:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-10 | Current topic: unassigned bugs
seb128Laney, thanks for bringing us back on rail, I'm clearing not fully back from holidays yet :)13:45
cyphermoxxnox: meeting in progress, let's talk later13:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1727908 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "Software & Updates application does not permit changes on the "Other Software" tab" [High,Confirmed]13:45
willcookeseb128, do you want to take the g-s portion of that one too?13:46
seb128looks like you guys decided I was the right assignee while I was away13:46
seb128I guess13:46
seb128it's likely I will reassign because it sounds like a gnome-shell issue and I doubt I will be the right person to understand that code13:47
seb128but I will do the initial poking and reassign if needed13:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1828884 in poppler-data (Ubuntu Disco) "[META] Handling Japanese new era "令和 (Reiwa)"" [Undecided,New]13:47
seb128we said we would just delete the targetted entries on that bug no?13:48
willcookecouldn't remember on that one, we skipped it last week13:48
seb128if there is specific work needed a new bug should be opened with the details for that package13:48
Laneyyeah, do it13:48
Laneyor notfixing, but not sure if that will override the targetting13:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1834671 in firefox (Ubuntu Eoan) "TLSv1.3 client certificate authentication with renegotiation unsupported in browsers" [Undecided,New]13:49
seb128assign the bionic line to Olivier as well13:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1838321 in gucharmap (Ubuntu Disco) "Support Japanese new era "令和 (Reiwa)"" [Medium,New]13:50
seb128same deal imho13:51
seb128that the poppler-data one13:51
willcookeyou think we should just remove the target?13:52
seb128those bugs collecting items without specifics are not actionable imho13:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1833617 in xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu (Ubuntu Disco) "[amdgpu] screen freeze after suspend" [Undecided,New]13:53
seb128better to open a bug on the package with the specific work needed once that's identified13:53
willcookeseb128, good plan, thx13:53
xnoxcyphermox:  Laney: seb128: willcooke: new plymouth uploaded, it looks pixel perfect / flicker-less between plymouth to gnome-shell to me.13:53
seb128xnox, great, thx!13:54
willcookexnox, thx!13:54
xnoxneed to submit upstream patches yada yada13:54
seb128willcooke, that amd one, we should ask tjaalton13:54
willcookeI'll follow up with him after this13:55
seb128xnox, yes please, also best done the other way around, upstream first so you can add proper tagging/references to the patch :)13:55
willcookethen that's the end of the list13:55
willcookevery good!13:55
willcooke#topic AOB13:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle | Desktop Team Meeting 2019-09-10 | Current topic: AOB
willcookeI dont have anything13:56
tjaaltonseb128: marked invalid13:56
seb128tjaalton, thx13:57
seb128willcooke, nothing for next week?13:57
seb128or handling that via email later?13:57
willcookeseb128, I'll talk more in our managers meeting.  I have a slide deck for everyone to enjoy.13:57
seb128sounds like we can wrap then :)13:58
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/uEut6bfN/ubuntu-desktop-1910-cycle
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Sep 10 13:58:23 2019 UTC.13:58
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2019/ubuntu-desktop.2019-09-10-13.30.moin.txt13:58
willcookethanks all13:58
Trevinho(for all the bugs too :D)13:59
seb128hey Trevinho :)13:59
seb128(sorry man :-/)13:59
seb128next time pick a project people care less about to work on :p14:00
Trevinhohehe that's normal... I actually have to put myself in squashing mode now that upstream gates closed14:00
seb128Trevinho, oh, also tracker/tracker-miners 2.3 are out now if you want to do those updates14:06
seb128since you did the previous round14:06
xnoxseb128:  Laney: willcooke: my only question about this new yaru-darken-aubergine colour is that it's new, and doesn't seem to come from the Canonical color pallete as documented at https://design.ubuntu.com/brand/colour-palette/14:09
xnoxnot sure if that's intentional, accidental, bug / feature.14:09
xnoxbut it is a new primary color.14:09
Laneynot sure we've required the theme to respect that14:09
didrocks(we did for the first round)14:10
Laneyif so, someone gets to go tell yaru to go restrict their colours then14:10
xnoxLaney:  where is yaru changes discussed, done? i am happy to bring up color consistency.14:11
Laneygithub issue14:11
* xnox have done this before against many previous incornations of purple14:11
xnoxLaney:  project / url?14:11
Laneyif you're going to tell them to redesign the colours in the theme then I would suggest going armed with that as an actual requirement14:12
Laneyrather than making it up off the cuff14:12
seb128didrocks, I lost track of that from before my holidays but did your segfault issue with the dock/multiscreen got resolved?14:13
seb128seems not, at least bug #1841794 is still open14:18
ubot5bug 1841794 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Eoan) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGTRAP in g_log_default_handler() ... from ObjectInstance::~ObjectInstance() [usually logging "Finalizing wrapper for an already freed object of type: Clutter.PropertyTransition"]" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184179414:18
seb128Trevinho, ^ is that one high on your list?14:18
seb128seems it has some duplicates/impacted users14:18
Trevinhoseb128: yes, the one I was looking lastly.14:22
seb128k, good, thx14:22
clobranoxnox: this is already on our list :)14:23
clobranowe didn't discuss about what color palette to use at the beginning, we basically used something in between unity8 and suru14:24
xnoxclobrano:  which bit? fixing / matching plymouth or reviewing "all the shades of aubergine" ? =)14:24
clobranoxnox: review our palette14:25
xnoxclobrano:  ah. cool.14:25
clobranoeverything started from guadec https://discourse.gnome.org/t/gtk-adwaita-and-vendor-styles/164114:25
clobranothe goal is to provide a color palette that apps can use without embedding their own hex codes14:25
xnoxclobrano:  i only do programming, so it's all just hex numbers to me =) no idea, if they are "right" and within the right shades/gradients =)))) only noticed that the new 6 digits are not on https://design.ubuntu.com/brand/colour-palette/ and that's all14:26
xnoxclobrano:  ++ on reusable palette!14:26
clobranoxnox: it really possible that the colors are not the same :)14:26
didrocksseb128: I don't think it's resolved, no14:27
xnoxclobrano:  i guess i'll open an issue about (a) keeping plymouth theme in sync (b) the list of historic aubergines from plymouth code comments ;-)14:28
clobranoxnox: good idea14:28
* Laney goes for a Late Lunch™14:30
kenvandineseb128: btw, I updated the thunderbird snap to 68 while you were out15:01
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
willcookenight all17:37
seb128kenvandine, thx, I always miss the opportunity to contribute to that one it looks like :-)18:02
kenvandineseb128: there was a USN notice about the same time as 68 was released, and you were out so I just did it18:05
tjaaltonis the deb still maintained? it's still at 60.8.018:15
seb128tjaalton, it is, Olivier had it mostly ready but he has been on holidays for 10 days, he's back tomorrow18:19
seb128kenvandine, I try to do the next update :)18:19
tjaaltonah, cool18:21

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