
=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje
lordievaderGood morning06:27
lordievaderMorning marcoagpinto08:14
lordievaderHow are you doing marcoagpinto ?08:16
marcoagpintowell, right now I am feeling fine, and you?08:17
lordievaderDoing good here08:17
marcoagpintoguys?! What's with the "Software Updater" app in 19.04? We have to search for it manually... it sucks11:38
lotuspsychjeyou dont have the update icon?11:38
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: only the "Live Patch"11:38
marcoagpintoI have to insert in the search box the name11:39
marcoagpinto"software updater"11:39
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: type in terminal: update-manager11:39
marcoagpintowell, I am updating right now11:40
marcoagpintoI will do it when it finishes :)11:40
marcoagpintosome 5-10 minutes or so11:40
lotuspsychjeyou are updating with update manager without update-manager?11:40
lotuspsychjeyeah what :p11:41
marcoagpintoI went to the application store or whatever and typed manually "software updater" and it showed the icon11:41
marcoagpintoso, I clicked on it11:41
marcoagpintobut in all Ubuntu versions it would appear there automatically, no need to type it by hand11:41
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: are you saying your system didnt have update-manager installed by default?11:42
lotuspsychje!info update-manager disco11:42
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: What I am saying is that its icon doesn't appear in the apps list11:42
ubot5update-manager (source: update-manager): GNOME application that manages apt updates. In component main, is optional. Version 1:19.04.5 (disco), package size 538 kB, installed size 1038 kB11:42
lotuspsychjehmm optional indeed11:43
marcoagpintobut it is there11:43
lotuspsychje!info update-manager bionic11:43
ubot5update-manager (source: update-manager): GNOME application that manages apt updates. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (bionic), package size 537 kB, installed size 1037 kB11:43
marcoagpintoyes, it has useless apps there and this important one isn't shown11:44
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: did you check software&updates icon if its integrated?11:44
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: give me a few minutes as it is downloading and installing the updates11:45
marcoagpintofirst it had "unattend updates blah blah"11:45
marcoagpintowell, "software and updates" is missing too11:49
marcoagpintoit only shows the "live patch" icon11:49
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: ^^11:49
marcoagpintoguess what?11:50
marcoagpintoit had two circles in the left part of the screen... and clicking in it, it shows another page of apps11:50
marcoagpintoand "Software Updater" is there11:50
marcoagpintoonly now I noticed the two circles11:51
marcoagpintoright part of the screen*11:51
BluesKajHey folks12:15
marcoagpintoBluesKaj: Hey12:18
BluesKajhey marcoagpinto12:18
EoflaOEHello everyone14:25
EoflaOEHello marcoagpinto14:43
marcoagpintodad is waiting for the TV repair guy to come :) meanwhile he is napping14:44
daftykinswhat's wrong with it?14:46
marcoagpintoit has a black horizontal line in the middle of the screen14:46
marcoagpintofrom one edge to the other14:47
daftykinsah that's not a good sign14:49
daftykinsusually they just say the whole panel's gone and nothing can be done as it'd be a write-off14:49
marcoagpintothe two-year warranty ends this month14:50
marcoagpintoso, it happened exactly when it was going to end14:50
marcoagpintoguys?! Have you read about the 10th generation of Intel CPUs?14:54
marcoagpintothey say it is 2x faster or so, but they come with half the GHz of the previous generation14:54
marcoagpintoso, they are two times faster but two times less GHz?14:55
marcoagpinto1,1 GHz14:55
marcoagpintothey must be kidding14:55
marcoagpinto(regarding mobile CPUs)14:55
daftykinsthe numbers you're quoting are 100% false14:56
marcoagpintoI read it in Intel's site?14:56
daftykinsthe 2x? link it14:56
marcoagpintowell, it was there when it said "10th gen processors are almost here blah blah"14:57
marcoagpintoor something like that14:57
daftykinsthe only claims i've seen them make are the standard ~14% improvement over skylake, which was 6th gen14:57
marcoagpintoohhhhhhh :((((14:57
marcoagpintoand the AI?14:57
marcoagpintoand improved graphic speed?14:58
daftykinsi'm not their marketing :)15:00
marcoagpintoI can't find it15:02
marcoagpintoand why are they releasing 6-core CPUs at 1,1 GHz?15:03
marcoagpintoit seems a joke :(15:03
daftykinsthere are many different tiers denoted by the ending letter after the model name, so it pretty much points out how useless it is when someones says for example "i have an i7"15:04
daftykinsbecause... which of the 10 generations is it? which form factor? which model? no two are born alike15:04
marcoagpinto"With approximately 2.5x accelerated AI performance1, approximately 2x graphics performance2, nearly 3x faster wireless speeds"15:08
daftykinslately they seem to be designing these things with more cores than the cooling hardware in, say, ultrabooks can even keep cool... so they're more about throwing more cores in for bursty loads, but they can't handle sustained load15:09
marcoagpintomaybe AI accelarated performance isn't CPU speed :(15:09
marcoagpintoI guess I read it wrong, sorry for it15:09
marcoagpintoi7-10710U - 6 cores - 1.10 GHz :((((((((((15:11
marcoagpintoeven my Atom 10.1'' laptop had 1,6 GHz in 2012?15:13
daftykinsbut clock speed isn't everything...15:14
daftykinsif the IPC or instructions per clock of that model i7 10th gen is higher (which it will be, by a lot) than an Atom, it'll destroy it15:14
EoflaOECan anyone tell me if the Intel Core i7 10th gen is only for mobile devces like laptops? Or will it be released for desktops?15:17
daftykinsdesktop will come eventually but they keep having process problems so it takes time15:17
marcoagpintoand I am scared about the 10 nm process15:17
marcoagpintoI read that in the past try tried and it had issues15:17
marcoagpintotry tried=they tried*15:17
EoflaOEThanks daftykins15:18
marcoagpintodaftykins: Where do I find the IPC values?15:19
marcoagpintoI am now curious15:19
daftykinsi don't think it's a metric they commonly throw around15:20
marcoagpintoohhhhhhhh :((((((((((15:20
daftykinsobviously every task is going to be different15:20
marcoagpintodaftykins: https://chipsite.pt/sk-intel-2066/23109-intel-core-i9-9900x-35ghz-5032037146371.html15:38
marcoagpintothis is what I would like to see in a laptop15:38
daftykinsvery bad idea15:40
marcoagpintowhat?! why?!15:40
marcoagpintoa 9th generation CPU15:41
daftykinseven the i9s that are in laptops are bad ideas15:41
daftykinsthey can't be cooled properly in the small spaces, so they throttle themselves15:41
marcoagpintoI noticed that the stores that were selling laptops with i9s no longer sell them15:41
daftykins(reduce clock speed to counteract heat)15:41
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lordievaderWhat is the tdp of that thing?15:56
marcoagpintolordievader: I don't have a clue... maybe Intel's site has it?15:58
marcoagpinto165 W15:59
marcoagpintomaybe my T4200 computer consumes more?15:59
marcoagpintosince it is from 2009?15:59
lordievaderYou're gonna run out of battery before the thing is even booted </sarcasm>16:01
marcoagpinto35 W16:01
marcoagpintoI thought my CPU was very old so it would consume a lot of power...16:02
marcoagpintoonly 35 W16:02
lordievaderCompare that to an idle wattage that some laptops have of ~3 watts16:03
lordievaderYes this is comparing apples and pears...16:04
daftykinsplus it's thermal design power so it's truthfully only how much heat it kicks out, not strictly the power it consumes - though they'd be close16:11
daftykinsalso that'd only be going full tilt, and the only 3W laptops i know of are calculators in terms of performance...16:12
lordcirth_3W idle != 3W TDP16:14
lordievaderThat T4200 is also a laptop CPU, which are typically low power versions.16:14
lordcirth_If you want really low power, you want ARM, not x86.16:14
lordievaderLike I was saying comparing apples and pears16:14
lordievader🤔is the English version apples and oranges?16:15
lordcirth_Ooh, the Pinebook Pro has a final price! $200 USD. That's really cheap.16:16
TalikkaAny people from Northern Europe here?16:17
OerHeksTalikka, how far north?16:18
lordievaderFor a definition of North, yes.16:19
TalikkaNordic and Baltic countries.16:19
OerHeksnope, i live in a silly kingdom, next to Belgium16:20
TalikkaThat's Central Europe (or Western?)16:20
Talikkakoonigin der nederlanden16:20
TalikkaI remember a coin16:20
OerHeksslagroomsoesjes stroopwafels taxparadise16:20
marcoagpintolordievader: yes, my laptop... T420016:22
marcoagpintofrom 200916:22
marcoagpintoit still works today16:22
daftykinsif you know it, feel free to ignore it16:23
lordievader<OerHeks "slagroomsoesjes stroopwafels tax"> Nice description16:24
OerHeksstroopwafels is famous now by McDonalds16:26
lordcirth_McDonalds has stroopwafels now?16:30
marcoagpintoahhhhh... I miss McDonalds... :)16:34
marcoagpintosome nice plastic food16:34
* daftykins is going to England on Thursday so will try to get some fast food goodness16:34
OerHeksthe fastest food in nl, is when you hold up a hotdog on the beach, seagulls16:35
OerHekslast year, we had an orphan seagull, lost his mom, hanged around the green yard for a while, lots of people gave him food, this year, same period, he is back16:37
OerHekswalking around like the grass is not for chihuahuas16:37
daftykinstut tut!16:39
OerHeksPien: we had a deal .. https://photos.app.goo.gl/wHcgN8YrfHWWCuic816:40
OerHeksDrabber: i told you she would .. https://photos.app.goo.gl/97caVv9uyEk1fqxN816:41
OerHeksapple event in 18 minutes16:42
daftykinswhat did she do? :o16:52
OerHeksThat is how she sits in the hallway, waiting for a walk16:58
OerHekspokey eyes16:58
OerHeksenter your creditcard details in advance17:01
OerHeksShutuP, TAKE MY $4,9917:20
marcoagpintodaftykins: https://www.lenovo.com/pt/pt/laptops/thinkpad/p-series/ThinkPad-P73/p/20QRCTO1WWPTPT217:50
marcoagpinto6039 EUR17:50
marcoagpintothis is what we call a good machine17:51
marcoagpintono? :(((((((((((17:51
marcoagpintowhy not?17:51
sarnoldOerHeks: stroopwafels taxparadise.. is that a password or a band name? :)18:02
marcoagpintodaftykins: What is "Opal"?18:09
marcoagpinto"2 TB, M.2 2280, PCIe-NVMe, Opal"18:09
sarnoldopal in the context of hard drives is a hardware based encryption thingy18:10
daftykinsan encryption standard18:10
daftykinsessentially when you enter a 'hard disk password' into the BIOS of a machine and/or add your fingerprint to the sensor in the OS, you can require either be 'entered' before it'll unlock the drive to boot18:11
daftykinsSED is widely considered unsafe due to flaws in SSD manufacturer firmware, for example not long ago Crucial were found to be using a blank password in their implementation18:14
daftykinsit's a real shame :(18:14
lordcirth_Yeah, I don't trust any hardware encryption.18:15
daftykinssometimes it's worth giving context to links18:18
sarnoldeverybody clicks on everything18:19
sarnoldall the time :)18:19
daftykins;) not when it's a PDF18:23
sarnold"Self-encrypting deception: weaknesses in theencryption of solid state drives (SSDs)"18:25
marcoagpintodaftykins: You seem to be an expert in computer science... :) is there a way to know the brand of SSD drives that come with laptops?18:44
marcoagpintothe sites don't refer to brands, they just say the size18:44
sarnoldthat's one of the details you ought to assume can change from minute to minute18:45
daftykinsi don't think comp sci even touches hardware ;)18:46
lordcirth_Computer science isn't about computers.18:46
lordcirth_At least, not specific computers.18:46
marcoagpintohow?! why?! what?!18:46
lordcirth_"Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes." -- Dijkstra18:47
sarnoldcomputer science will include *architectural* questions -- registers, CPU cache, main memory, disks, networking, latencies to get to them, and how you can choose among different datastructures and algorithms to make most use of the resources you have available18:48
lordcirth_While the quote has been debated, it's nonetheless true that many computer scientists know very little about hardware, where others know lots.18:48
marcoagpintoDijkstra created the algorithms that draw lines on the screen18:48
sarnoldyou might wind up writing assembler for specific processors, but that's pretty rare these days18:48
marcoagpintoor was it the closest traject between two points? I can't remember18:48
lordcirth_I have several friends who recently got their PhD's in computer science; one writes compilers and the other does geometry.18:49
lordcirth_"Dijkstra's algorithm" is for pathfinding; but he invented others, I'm sure.18:49
marcoagpintoyes, path finding!18:49
marcoagpintothe closest traject between two points18:50
marcoagpintoI read about it years ago for my PhD project18:50
marcoagpintoI didn't know he was a famous person18:50
daftykinsPrim's algorithm too, that all came up in Maths lessons for me18:51
daftykinsthe teacher had no idea what they were about though, just said "i think it has something to do with computers"18:51
marcoagpintoI would never guess that more people knew about Dijkstra :)18:51
daftykinswith no decent tie to real-world tasks, i gave up not longer after ^_^18:51
JimBuntuIt's pretty common for people not to work in the fields they studied. I know an astrophysicist that's a programmer now.18:55
JimBuntuThat's actually a common thing though, turning from astronomy to computers18:56
sarnoldeg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Spencer18:59
JimBuntuI would have to look, but I wonder what his thoughts are on Linux19:00
lordcirth_One of my coworkers has a PhD in physics, and is now in IT.19:01
marcoagpintoafter I finish my studies I want to return to the paranormal field!!!! I just hope I won't get crazier again!19:01
JimBuntumarcoagpinto, yes, you WILL get crazier... but that's OK19:02
marcoagpintoyes, one of my greatest hobbies19:02
marcoagpintoUFO, aliens and paranormal19:02
lordcirth_Well, that explains a lot.19:02
marcoagpintobut for over ten years that I have no time for it19:02
JimBuntu( because UFOs and aliens are normal )19:02
JimBuntuparaBuntu - The new flavor of Ubuntu geared and skinned for parapsychologists and the like.19:04
TJ-JimBuntu:  I think most of my systems must already be on that judging by how they behave!19:05
marcoagpintoI have done some crazy things in my search for cosmic knowledge, such as sleeping with a moldavite crystal tapped to the forehead :)19:06
marcoagpintothen, the experiences during sleep became so bad that I couldn't handle them19:07
lordcirth_Maybe you should stop doing crazy things then19:07
marcoagpintolordcirth_: I knoe19:07
marcoagpintoI bought a CD with neural waves or whatever to develop telepahy :) but after some time I started feeling dizzy and gave up19:08
marcoagpintothat some 20 years ago? I can't remember19:08
JimBuntumany, many years ago I tried various things with crystals after reading a book about them. Sat and stared at a few intensely for maybe 8 hours at a time. Nothing happened, who woulda thunk it?19:10
marcoagpintohttp://marcoagpinto.com/me_science.html#sciencepsi <-this should give you an insight19:11
marcoagpintomy search for knowledge19:11
JimBuntuI already have that bookmarked19:11
marcoagpintoresearchers may find it is valuable information not found elsewhere19:12
lordcirth_Somehow I doubt that.19:18
marcoagpintowhat?! why?!19:18
marcoagpintoI already have a visit card after I update my homepage in 2021: https://i.imgur.com/2Yw9Z3J.png19:31
marcoagpintoso, I am planning ahead19:33
lordcirth_How very 90's.19:33
lordcirth_On an unrelated note, one of our researchers managed to OOM a box with 12TiB of RAM. So that's fun.19:33
marcoagpintowhat is "OOM"?19:34
lordcirth_out of memory.19:35
lordcirth_Their job got killed by the kernel.19:35
marcoagpintoonce I was making a test extracting an Arabian dictionary with my Proofing Tool GUI to test a new feature and it became 10s of GB big19:36
marcoagpintoit had millions of words in Arab19:36
marcoagpintosome 20+ GB :((((((19:36
marcoagpintoa normal .txt file19:37
marcoagpintoin fact I did it with two versions of PTG to test the feature, so it took double space19:37
marcoagpintoI am glad it didn't end all the space in C: or it would crash my computer19:37
marcoagpintoboth versions running at the same time, while I was napping19:38
leftyfbWe've been getting a lot of these errors in our AWS CI. It goes away eventually. Is there issues with the mirrors lately? 10:46:09  [91mE: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/systemd/libsystemd0_237-3ubuntu10.29_amd64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:27
leftyfb10:46:09  E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?20:27
sarnoldthis grabbed the file from all the IPv4 addresses .. for ip in $(host security.ubuntu.com | sort -u | awk '/security.ubuntu.com has address/ {print $4;}') ; do curl --resolve security.ubuntu.com:80:${ip} http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/systemd/libsystemd0_237-3ubuntu10.29_amd64.deb -o $ip ; done20:34
TJ-leftyfb:  404 usually indicates the package lists are out-of-date and the version of the package in the archive has been replaced with a newer version.20:34
TJ-leftyfb:  the other possibility is the local package lists for apt are out of date20:35
leftyfbit's neither20:35
sarnoldleftyfb: any chance you've got a funny proxy playing games? it's of course possible you grabbed the lists from one mirror and then tried to grab the file from another mirror that wasn't htere yet, but it ought to have been repaired eventually20:35
TJ-leftyfb:  from the host the reports the 404 immediately try to fetch the package manually using curl or wget20:36
TJ-leftyfb:  I find "wget -S -O /dev/null ..." useful, -S shows the returned HTTP headers20:36
leftyfbI get 404 for that right now20:38
TJ-same here20:39
leftyfbit should be available20:40
TJ-leftyfb:  I don't see that one, only 2.7.15-4ubuntu4~18.04.120:41
TJ-leftyfb:  ^^ according to apt-cache policy20:41
leftyfbyeah, I'm seeing that as well. Sorry, I'm relaying info from the guys who maintain our CI :)20:42
TJ-.1 is there20:42
leftyfbyeah, I see that now20:42
TJ-so looks like the local package list is out of date20:42
leftyfbA coworker in Paraguay is seeing packages listed on http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.7/ that aren't there anymore20:53
daftykinsthat's funny, i'm 404ing against digitalocean's mirror20:54
TJ-leftyfb:  transparent HTTP proxy .... try https maybe?20:54
leftyfbno proxies. This is on his home machine and our CI in AWS periodically20:54
leftyfbneither of which is using any proxies for packages20:55
daftykinsand suddenly it's fine after 3 repeats of apt update20:55
leftyfbthat's exactly what we're seeing20:55
leftyfbsarnold: ^20:56
sarnoldleftyfb: our IS staff is currently forcing a sync on all the machines again, hopefully this will sort it out20:57
TJ-sarnold:  oh did you beat me to it?20:57
=== sveta_ is now known as Sveta
leftyfbsarnold: thank you :)20:57
sarnoldTJ-: yeah, and fdunny enough someone else had beat me to it too :) but I had easy pastebins handy, so...20:57
leftyfbsarnold: tell sciri I said hi :)20:58
TJ-sarnold: funny thing is I was reading earlier today some fluff-piece about how the hybrid caching juju charm that is responsible for the infrastructure was so fab with multiple haproxy etc20:58
TJ-ah here it is  https://ubuntu.com/blog/running-an-ubuntu-mirror-with-juju21:00
sarnoldTJ-: oh got a link for it? I thought the security.ubuntu.com (and the archives in dns) were "real" live machines; all the public clouds use the caching proxies rather than their own mirrors21:00
sarnoldTJ-: woot21:00
leftyfbsarnold: when would be a good time to restart the build process on our end? An hour? Tomorrow morning?21:02
sarnoldleftyfb: let me rerun my python download and see if that worked21:10
sarnoldleftyfb: dang :( not yet :(21:10
sarnoldleftyfb: my guess is "an hour", but then I was also guessing it might have already been fixed.. so.. I'm not doing great on guesses at the moment :)21:11
leftyfbok, thanks. Might be best to just tell them to hold off till the morning21:12
TJ-leftyfb:  we've just been told it should be good now21:22
leftyfbawesome, thanks21:22
leftyfbsurprised we haven't heard of more people having an issue with this21:22
marcoagpintoI haven't tested with 18.04.3 but it is possible that pop-up menus coded in PureBasic with "&&" don't show "&" to be a bug of PureBasic of Ubuntu?21:33
marcoagpintoand emoji characters don't allow to change the colour?21:33
marcoagpintoI mentioned this the other day but no one replied21:33
marcoagpintoof Ubuntu=or Ubuntu*21:34
tomreynmaybe it's because no one uses purebasic?22:04
marcoagpintotomreyn: What I was asking is if anyone can try it in other languages22:22
marcoagpintocreate a pop-up menu with "&&", for example: "Pick && Save" to see if it shows "Pick & Save"22:22
marcoagpintoand the emoji, one could create a text gadget with some text and an emoji and change the colour of the gadget to see if the emoji changes too22:23
tomreynmarcoagpinto: i wouldn't even know how to do so, would need instructions22:23
tomreyni'm aware that exists22:24
akemlenovoMaybe you need to escape or encode that character for it to display properly.22:24
marcoagpintoI am escaping with a double "&&"22:24
marcoagpintoit works okay on Windows22:25
tomreynmaybeyou need \& or &&amp;22:25
marcoagpintotomreyn: I will test your suggestion tomorrow22:25
marcoagpintoI will copy your line into a text file so that I remember22:26
tomreynthe former would be shell escaping, the latter url encoding22:26
marcoagpintoDamn... no wonder my laptop was slow as hell... there are several Windows updates :(((((((((((22:29
marcoagpintoincluding a commulative22:29
marcoagpintothere was a lot HDD activity so I checked and there are updates22:29
daftykinscame out 5 hours ago mmhmm22:30
marcoagpintoyes, the computer has been slow for hours22:30
daftykinsheh you must really be using an HDD then22:30
daftykinsyou should sort that22:30
marcoagpintoyes, this one has a 750 GB Western Digital HDD22:30
marcoagpintothe other has a 500 GB SSD SAMSUNG22:31
akemlenovoSome Windows updates are buggy also, you're maybe victim of the cortana CPU crunch.22:31
daftykinssuch bad journalism these days :(22:32
marcoagpintodaftykins: Buaaaaaaaa... on Friday's meeting the PhD supervisor asked if I was a journalist22:32
marcoagpintobecause he asked if my thesis is now a narrative and I said I didn't know and that it all depended on the cosupervisor's opinion22:33
marcoagpinto"what? you don't know what you have written?"22:33
akemlenovomarcoagpinto, your native language is portuguese right?22:34
akemlenovoCool. I tried to look a bit a it, it sounds much more complicated than spanish to me.22:34
marcoagpintoSpanish people don't understand Portuguese and we understand both... it is weird22:35
daftykinshaha that's mad22:35
tomreynit might be wise to point out that while you have your own opinion and point of view trhat your understanding of the cosupervisors work is that he's to guide you to a result that is agreeable amongst all of the PhD supervisor, him, and yourself.22:36
marcoagpintoif I speak in Portuguese to Spanish customers at work, they reply: "no intendo" (I don't understand)22:36
sarnoldleftyfb: < Sciri> sarnold: Hi leftyfb!22:37
daftykinsthat sounds extremely close to Nintendo22:37
tomreynbut then thats japanese22:37
marcoagpintowhen I had the 1000-page thesis I felt it was very good22:37
daftykinssorry tomreyn, but your ubuntu is in another castle22:38
marcoagpintobut the professor said it was "sh**"22:38
marcoagpintoso, now it is ~420 pages22:38
* tomreyn sharpens sword22:38
daftykinsdoes sound like he was trying to tell you it was too long :>22:38
marcoagpintodaftykins: I had all the algorithms explained in detail, with examples22:39
marcoagpintohe said "PhD thesis don't have examples"22:39
jeremyblock the professor in your basement for a week and feed him with a slingshot22:41
marcoagpintowhat? He is very big and I am a little guy22:41
jeremybUse strong rope22:42

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