
|Anthony|anyone have an idea when we can see this make its way to ubuntu?00:02
|Anthony|being able to suspend/hibernate is kinda important lel00:02
sarnold|Anthony|: what's the launchpad bug?00:03
ubottuFreedesktop bug 110258 in DRM/AMDgpu "Lenovo V110-15AST AMD A9-9410 AMD R5 Stoney hangs after waking after suspend. 5.0 onwards" [Major,New]00:04
|Anthony|i'm not sure if it's in launchpad00:04
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|Anthony|should i just be looking into how to apply the patch myself? i'm so rusty i don't even know where to begin with that00:08
sarnold|Anthony|: first, file a bug; if there's something to be fixed, it'd be nice to know about it..00:09
|Anthony|sarnold alright i'll file a bug report and reference the freedesktop.org bug and patch... for the right now issue, can you point me in the right direction for how to apply the patch myself? it would be nice to verify that the patch i'm about to reference in launchpad actually fixes the issue00:15
lotuspsychje|Anthony|: can you see if this affects you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/184278500:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1842785 in linux (Ubuntu) "Freeze after waking up from suspend on a Ryzen 3000 based system" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:16
sarnold|Anthony|: you can use apt source to download the source code of a package; and apt install build-essential ; apt install build-dep <package name>  to install all the build dependencies of the package00:17
|Anthony|lotuspsychje i'm reading it00:17
|Anthony|sarnold thank you00:17
sarnold|Anthony|: hopefully it's a quilt-managed source package.. in which case, add the patch to debian/patches/ and add the patch name to debian/patches/series -- add a new debian/changelog entry -- and then i *think* fakeroot ./debian/rules build   -- (I only ever use built schroots with sbuild, but setting that up is a real pain)00:18
|Anthony|sarnold thank you very much for the help. sounds like i should set aside a chunk of time to focus on this patch and bug report00:22
sarnold|Anthony|: yeah, one's first modifications with debian packages can be a bit much :) it gets better..00:23
|Anthony|it's not my first rodeo... but it's been so friggin long that it might as well be00:23
|Anthony|but to be fair, it was never a daily operation for me... patching kernel files00:24
|Anthony|using git, yes, but not working on linux... just in linux00:24
|Anthony|lotuspsychje i read the bug report you linked. it doesn't have a kern log attached which would tell me if it's the same issue.00:30
|Anthony|lotuspsychje https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7QZGPsPKnk kern log shows you the suspend process in good enough detail to see where it's failing00:33
|Anthony|lotuspsychje i did comment on that BR though00:42
lotuspsychje|Anthony|: is your system similar, ryzen?00:43
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flogSo this ryzen issue does not apply to the 5.x kernel?00:52
lotuspsychjeflog: the way around, alot of issues on 5 and higher00:53
flogBut i dont have any issues on my ryzen 3700u with vega on 5.x00:53
lotuspsychjeflog: 4.19 kernel seems to have good influences on ryzen00:53
lotuspsychjeflog: wich kernel are you?00:53
lotuspsychje-27 is out flog00:54
flogI dont have the bandwith at work to download new kernels.00:54
flogBut maybe i never suspend my machine, just hibernating it.00:55
lotuspsychjeflog: you might try to test hibernate,  see if you can reproduce this01:03
flogIt resumes just fine from a shut lid.01:06
flogBut im no tsure if it is suspending or hibernating01:06
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nugrohoUbuntu 5.10 breezy badger01:08
flogWhat log do i check to see what the kernel did during suspend?01:08
lotuspsychjeflog: try a journalctl -f while you play around01:09
floglotuspsychje: it seems to resume just fin01:11
lotuspsychjeflog: ok tnx for testing this, it might be a combo of the hardware too01:12
sharpieit seems that apparmor is not allowing unbound to write to any other log file other than /var/log/syslog. Is this the intended behavior?01:12
lotuspsychjeflog: maybe your system doesnt result into acpi errors01:12
floglotuspsychje: it is a brand new lenovo t495, ryzen 3700u vega10, 8GB soldered ram.01:12
flogDont know about the bios version or anything. the kernel version is as mentioned earlier
lotuspsychjeflog: yeah the lenovo's are mostly problematic, but also due to bios firmware, updating fixes things01:13
lotuspsychjeflog: you can check bios version in your dmesg, or inxi -F01:14
flogDoes the ubuntu version have anything to do with this? Using 19.0401:14
lotuspsychjeflog: well in most cases LTS is usually more stable, but depending on the problem it can be kernel specific related01:15
floglotuspsychje:trying to find it.01:17
floglotuspsychje: R12ET34W, released 2019-04-19.01:19
flogRevision 1.401:19
lotuspsychjeflog: compare to lenovo's website, or try gnome-software and fwupdate -l to see whats latest01:20
oft_gegongSo when I had Xubuntu 18.10 installed on my machine and ran `ubuntu-drivers autoinstall` or whatever it installed nvidia (for one graphics card PCs) instead of the bumblebee (for two graphics card PCs) as it says in the Debian wiki. So should I've uninstalled the nvidia driver and installed bumblebee?01:21
flogBut I dont seem to have any issues with issuing systemctl suspend.01:21
lotuspsychjeoft_gegong: bumblebee is not adviced anymore, install the nvidia driver instead, so you can use nvidia-prime for optimus cards01:22
lotuspsychjeflog: yeah, your hardware might not result into acpi issues, so case closed for you :p01:22
floglotuspsychje: my settings, version, bios etc might be of interrest to someone else though.01:23
lotuspsychjeflog: well if its working, its not reccomended to include into the bug01:23
flogI would have thoguht that comparing to a working system with similar hardware is of interrest.01:24
lotuspsychjeflog: in #ubuntu-discuss its surely interesting yeah01:25
amosbirdhello, how can I install docker on ubuntu via apt install?01:39
amosbirddocker seems to be a system tray?01:39
amosbirdwhere is the docker container01:40
krytarik!info docker.io01:40
ubottudocker.io (source: docker.io): Linux container runtime. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.09.7-0ubuntu1~18.04.4 (bionic), package size 21179 kB, installed size 98282 kB01:41
nt0websearch turns up few and differing accounts of how well nvidia-prime works in 19.04.  my use case is a dell 9560.  any insight as to how much i'd need to tweak things in order to be able to use switchable gpu for e.g. cuda?01:45
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oft_gegongso my graphics card doesn't have optimus. so that's really confusing02:06
oft_gegongyet I have two graphics cards02:06
oft_gegongnow I have to re-wonder if bumblebee is the right fit02:07
oft_gegongyet bumblebee is support optimus. now I'm definitely confused02:07
oft_gegongI only 3% care about this though02:09
MilijusDoes anybody know what this means when executing lsof :"can't identify protocol"?02:10
oft_gegongMilijus: uuuuuuh. I'm 3% of sure that executing lsof with root privileges will clear those errors02:10
oft_gegongbut running lsof sounds scary to be honest02:11
sarnoldMilijus: very curious; guessing, you've got a socket that isn't tcp, udp, sctp...02:12
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Sven_vBthere's a shell script already on my EFI system partition that knows how to unlock my LUKS LVM. can I somehow make my initramfs run that instead of flooding errors and then dropping to an initramfs shell? most curiously, in that shell the ESP is not mounted (yet?).04:16
Sven_vBlooks like I want an initramfs-hook04:30
Sven_vBcan I use bashisms in /etc/default/grub?04:46
tpmccuskerGood evening04:48
Sven_vBhi :)04:54
tpmccuskerI can't tell if I got IRC working or if nobody is saying anything04:55
Sven_vBtpmccusker, you could ask #freenode ;)04:55
Sven_vBthey probably know channels that are very alive04:56
tpmccuskerDo people talk there?04:56
Sven_vBI think the topic here also lists our talk channel.04:57
Sven_vBnice, my boot process now has a few less errors. the most prominent is now "/sbin/cryptsetup: not found"04:58
guivercSven_vB, this is a Ubuntu support channel; discussion/talk should be in -offtopic; discussions here should be on-topic04:58
guivercsorry Sven_vB, my comment should have gone to tpmcusker - apologies!04:58
Sven_vBno prob!04:58
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darsHi, I was trying to configure a vpn but "Configure VPN" option missing in menu?05:37
darsSimple goggling shows this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/917896/configure-vpn-option-missing-on-menu05:37
darsTried that but still no configure option05:37
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Coolerhow long is this ppa going to be in testing? https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-official-ppa-graphics/06:05
CoolerI need cuda 1006:05
DarkTrickI would like an update of an old software being applied to the ubuntu repositories. How can I do that?06:34
DarkTrickCould someone point me in the right direction?06:35
guivercDarkTrick, I'm not sure what you mean, but `sudo apt update` will update your software repository lists so your machine will know what packages can be updated; and `sudo apt full-upgrade` will upgrade all packages that can be upgraded06:35
EriC^^DarkTrick: which repo?06:37
DarkTrickguiverc, I want to update the content inside the repo, that is on the server.06:37
DarkTrickEriC^^,  the ones, that are set up by default on ubuntu.06:37
DarkTrickin particular: There is an update of the app "gjiten" available on github06:38
DarkTrickI would like to apply that update to the repos06:38
guivercDarkTrick, are you asking how to become a MOTU?06:38
guiverc(MOTU - master of the universe; or 'universe' repo)06:38
EriC^^!info gjiten06:39
ubottugjiten (source: gjiten): Japanese dictionary for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 122 kB, installed size 388 kB06:39
DarkTrickguiverc, thanks for the translation of MOTU06:39
DarkTrickno, i don't06:39
DarkTrickIt would be enough, if I can ask a MOTU to apply the update06:39
DarkTrickor at least... like ... pushing the update in that direction06:40
DarkTrickI'm not yet firm with any process regarding that. But I'd like to take the first steps06:41
guivercDarkTrick, I'd request it via launchpad bug; PPA's are much quicker/faster as no review/process etc06:43
DarkTrickguiverc, I'm not entirely sure what that means for me, but I will checkout launchpad and PPAs.06:49
DarkTrickguiverc, Thank you06:49
amosbirdHello, how can I install an old version cmake?06:49
guivercsorry i was unclear; trying to do multiple things... your answer was bug report.  Because PPA's are easy (so easy I can upload to them), they are an alternative in the short term, ie. unrelated to your actual question,06:49
guivercDarkTrick, ^06:52
DarkTrickguiverc, d06:53
DarkTrick(which is a "thumbs up" in ascii)06:53
guivercSir_Andrei, Hi, if you have a Ubuntu support question, please just ask it (try to keep to a single line, and be patient, people will reply when they can)07:05
dsathehey is there a way to reduce the dbm to increase roaming with intel wifi drivers ?07:35
dsatheiwconfig sens does not seem to be permited07:35
dsathei need to have more agressive roaming07:35
xieyiI want to run a GUI program remotely with xpra. How can I start xpra on ubuntu 18.04. I tried starting xpra with "xpra start :10". I got error message saying start xpra with systemctl.07:47
xieyiI tried start xpra with systemctl start xpra07:47
xieyibut xpra still failed to start07:47
xieyiwhat is the right way to start xpra, thx07:47
lotuspsychjexieyi: https://xpra.org/manual.html07:57
xieyilotuspsychje: thx for your reply. but ubuntu 18.04 doesn't accept the standalone way of launching08:04
xieyiand I cant launch it through systemctl08:04
xieyiI launch with "systemctl start xpra"08:05
UblxI was searching exactly what this site says: https://boopathi.in/blog/capturing-per-process-bandwidth-usage-using-nethogs/ But it doesn08:28
Ublxt work for me.08:28
UblxOnly "sudo nethogs -t" works without problems.08:29
UblxAny ideas?08:29
tomreynUblx: which ubuntu version, kernel version, are you working inside a VM or container?08:40
Ublxtomreyn: Ubuntu 18.04, installed on a Dell Latitude E6540, newest update.09:14
tomreyn!pastebin | Ublx: can you show some of the failing commands on a pastebin09:17
ubottuUblx: can you show some of the failing commands on a pastebin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:17
Ublxtomreyn, ubottu : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Smz58Hvwqk/09:39
GalactorHello! I am looking for a drop-down spell-checker app for general purpose (like browsing the web or writing in libre office) for an ESL friend who has trouble spelling. Any recomendations?10:06
Galactorso when she types, the recomended words will drop down for her to selec10:06
ayewi dont think such a OS-wide spell checking tool exists10:09
Galactorayew: what about something like for libre?10:10
ayewto be clear you want something that brings up options for every word as they type? not just ones it marks incorrect?10:10
Galactorso as they type it gives options, kind of like how it does in a smartphone10:11
ayewso really predictive text input, not a spell checker10:12
Galactorah yeah! that's the word I was looking for. Something like that10:12
ayewsaw this a while back, never tried it10:12
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tomreynUblx: i was rather looking for a oneliner you run and the output it produces, showing an error message.10:13
ayewOS X has such a feature built in as well10:13
Galactorayew: thanks! I'll try it out!10:14
tomreynUblx: you said -t works fine, but that's what this script uses.10:14
elias_aIs this hidden fallback to Google DNS still an issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/144900110:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1449001 in systemd "systemd-resolved: please do not use Google public DNS by default" [Undecided,New]10:20
elias_aI have my router configured to get DNS from my ISP and I see Google DNS for IPv6 addresses...10:21
elias_aIt is totally possible I have manually configured something but I cannot find anything in the config files of my laptop.10:22
elias_aI am running 18.04.310:25
CoolerXis there a difference between export PATH = /foo/bar:$PATH  and just PATH = /foo/bar:$PATH  ?10:28
CoolerXI think exporting affects child process as well?10:29
elias_aAnswer to myself: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/013a87517d0a6682d7140321ce80d18c54fd1f57/meson_options.txt#L22310:40
elias_aSeems like fallback DNS is still hard coded to systemd. This is really sad.10:40
julius_what is this telling me: https://ideone.com/CGCSzm ?10:40
exportelias_a: it isn't it's part of systemd-resolved afaik10:41
elias_aexport: I don't understand. Please elaborate!10:43
exportelias_a: see /etc/systemd/resolved.conf that should provide some insight, one could also probably disable the service entirely and configure something else but idk how stable that configuration would be.10:44
elias_ajulius_: You have probably manually installed some packages that are incompatible with the ones you are trying to install.10:44
jpmhI upgraded from ubuntu 16.4 to 18.4 copied ny config files accross etc.  postfix says it starts but status says:  Active: active (exited) since Tue 2019-09-10 04:36:02 MDT; 8min ago - it does have port 25 open, but not working - how do I determine why it exited?10:46
elias_aexport: Ok. The problem is I have FallbackDNS= commented out and I get IPv4 DNS from my ISP quite correctly. For some reason IPv6 DNS points to Google DNS and I cannot understand why.10:47
TJ-julius_:  it tells you the Ubuntu release is no longer supported since libssl-dev 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15 is the lowest version in the 16.04 Xenial archives10:48
TJ-!info libsll-dev xenial | julius_10:48
ubottujulius_: Package libsll-dev does not exist in xenial10:48
TJ-!info libssl-dev xenial | julius_10:48
ubottujulius_: libssl-dev (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15 (xenial), package size 1107 kB, installed size 5483 kB10:48
exportelias_a: the default is to provide those services, from the arch wiki (not sure if ubuntu behaves the same way) but it says to set FallbackDNS without giving it any addresses.10:48
mgedminjpmh: it's normal; my working postfix also shows "active (exited)", so look elsewhere (journalctl?  /var/log/mail.log?) for why it's not working10:48
elias_aexport: If you look at the first link I sent you can see that there has been a hard coded setting to use Google DNS. This has overridden the settings in some test cases.10:48
exportelias_a: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd-resolved#Fallback10:48
elias_aexport: Let us talk about Ubuntu.10:49
exportelias_a: we are talking about systemd.10:49
jpmhmgedmin: I never saw th exited and do not see in on 16.4 system - and IT IS NOT working10:49
exportelias_a: if you don't want to try it then the hardcoded defaults will obviously show, i just tried to help guide in a workaround as it is builtin to the service, disable or try to fix it.10:50
mgedminwell, for me it says "Process: 19649 ExecReload=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)" right below the "active (exited)" line10:50
elias_aexport: Yes. In order to know which version wee need to talk about version numbers to continue with. At that stage I am not interested in learning the version numbering of some other distro.10:50
mgedminit's not surprising that /bin/true exits; it's a bit surprising that the postfix.service unit uses ExecReload=/bin/true10:51
elias_aexport: Ok. Now I see your point - thank you!10:51
exportelias_a: nothing about versions, it was just something noted, from another distro, if ubuntu hasn't in fact compiled anything out and you haven't tried what i suggested then disable it and move on.10:51
mgedminah, postfix.service is a decoy unit, check systemctl status systemctl status postfix@-.service10:51
elias_aexport: I see this differently. Hard coded DNS fallback is a security issue and should be handled as such.10:52
exportelias_a: per this link it shows if the option is not given it defaults to a compiled-in list. which could potentially mean "commented out" to mean not given, i'd suggest trying to provide nothing and see if you are capable of an override to the defaults.10:52
exportelias_a: it could potentially, yeah.10:53
tomreynjulius_: did you run   sudo apt-get update   before you ran   sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev   ?10:53
tomreynjulius_: which ubuntu release ( nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL) ) is this?10:54
elias_aexport: We are talking about two separate problems here: 1) how to cope with the existing systemd and 2) how does the linux community react to some airhead doing potentially dangerous stuff like this.10:55
TJ-elias_a:  what does systemd-resolved.service's journal log show? That usually records the DNS servers it is using with "Switching to system DNS server ..."10:55
exportelias_a: 1) workaround or disable 2) nobody wants to fork it or use something else10:56
elias_aexport: Both are important. I see this brainless Lennart thing really annoying.10:56
mgedminplease, no personal attacks, elias_a10:56
julius_TJ- but this is ubuntu xenial, how can it now know about packages that are for xenial?10:56
exportelias_a: personal opinions are fine, but being upset won't change anything, acting will.10:56
mgedminI believe systemd-resolve --status10:56
mgedminwill show you what DNS servers will get used10:57
julius_tomreyn lsb_release -a says "xenial"10:57
julius_tomreyn   16.04.310:57
tomreynjulius_: so that's an outdated 16.04 LTS installation. you can use apt(-get) to install the latest security and bug fixes.10:59
julius_ah, now its working. apparently i fucked with the sources.lsit. copied it over from another system and its wroking now10:59
tomreynmind the language, please10:59
julius_so basically what happens is that one if the packages i want to install knew about libssl.1.0.0  1.0.2   but my system was outdated and 1.0.2 was not yet know to apt?11:00
tomreynyou need to keep systems up to date if security matters to you.11:00
julius_those are virtual environments that are seperated from the internet11:00
tomreynyes, i think this is what happened.11:00
julius_but yes, youre right11:00
julius_but how can apt not know about it if a package already knew about it?11:01
tomreynyou had apt sources configured incorrectly, putting apt into a situation where one apt source made it aware that some package was available which depends on a certain version of another package but you did not have the apt source configured which informs apt how to get the other packages newer version11:03
tomreynthis is common when you have e.g. a working apt source for the base archive but not for security updates11:03
TJ-julius_: my bet would be there was no entry in the broken sources.list for xenial-updates11:05
spinningCathıw can i understand ip is static or dynamic ob ubuntu?11:16
fructosespinningCat: First learn what static and dynamic IPs are.11:17
spinningCati know what static and dynamic ip are11:18
julius_TJ- there are only entries for latest main / latest stable in htere11:20
julius_spinningCat what was your question?11:20
fructosespinningCat: The network manager should have configuration information for each network device.11:21
spinningCatthis is server machine11:21
spinningCati dont have gui11:21
fructosespinningCat: The network manager is accessible from the command line11:22
TJ-spinningCat: "ip addr show" "dynamic" == DHCP assigned11:23
tomreynubuntu server 18.04 LTS and later default to systemd-network (manageable also through netplan)11:23
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spinningCatis this correct setting?11:25
julius_i still dont get what you were asking in the first place11:26
spinningCati just set static ip for my system11:26
spinningCati wanna make sure i did this correctly?11:26
julius_you did set a static ip for a interface, yes11:26
julius_did you edit that file by hand?11:27
TJ-spinningCat:  interface names are usually prefixed "en" (N) not "em" (M)11:27
TJ-spinningCat: en == EtherNet11:28
tomreynthe screenshot you posted states that /etc/network/interfaces (the legacy network configuration file, as the comments on top of it indicate) is unwritable, you seem to have run nano without sudo11:29
spinningCati configured it with sudo of course11:30
Ublxtomreyn: If I would know my mistake I hadn't ask. I hoped for an idea/help. Hm, what would you do to solve it?11:36
mgedminalso according to that commend you have to sudo apt install ifupdown or the files in /etc/network/ will simply be ignored?11:36
julius_theres probably a tool in debian to configure that file, by hand is not always the best idea11:37
mgedminnah, sudo vi is how debian people roll... regular people use system preferences -> network to configure static IPs for network-manager setups on desktops11:37
julius_of course it does work11:38
tomreynUblx: I'm still trying to know (without having to run it on a VM) what the very errors you are running into are. so right now i'm unable to help since i've not seen any error messages or malfunction.11:40
gebbionehi folks, trying `sudo mount -t afp afp:... ` gives me `mount: /media/...: unknown filesystem type 'afp'.`11:42
gebbioneany suggestions11:42
gebbionei am on 18.0411:42
Ublxtomreyn: It does nothing. That's so confusing. No output, no error.11:43
tomreynUblx: have you tried to just run nethogs itself, without the script? does this work fine? i'm wondering whether this '{...}' you're passing to the shell is correct syntax.11:45
julius_gebbione well what kind of filesystem is afp?11:47
gebbioneo can open it through nautilus/file but it wont mount on terminal11:48
mgedminthe kernel doesn't support that; wikipedia says there's a fuse-based implementation11:48
mgedminnautilus doesn't use kernel-level mounts, it uses gvfs11:48
mgedminthere's gvfs-fuse so you should be able to access the files in a dot directory in your home somewhere, if you've mounted the thing with nautilus11:49
mgedminah it's in /run/user/1000/gvfs/ these days11:50
gebbionethanks for pointing that11:51
gebbioneit works  :)11:51
Ublxtomreyn: nethogs works like I wrote. But this code (source website I sent above, too) does not work.11:52
deancHas anyone actually got pulseaudio's airplay implementation to work? I have appletv built into my samsung smart tv. I can see it on my iphone as an audio target for airplay. Where do i even begin on ubuntu? A quick google indicates airplay support has been baked into pulseaudio for a while now11:53
deancIs there a GUI interface for searching for airplay devices, or even seeing them? My ubuntu and tv are both on the same LAN11:54
TJ-Most misleading error message ever (from apt-get source systemd): whilst using squid-deb-proxy on the LAN "Could not open file systemd_237-3ubuntu10.28.dsc - open (13: Permission denied) [IP: 2a02:8011:2007:0:ba27:ebff:fe18:6c 8000]"11:58
mgedminoooh squid-deb-proxy, I still have scars12:00
mgedminjenkins deb repo redirects to a random mirror; new mirror shows up, is absent from my squid config, apt says that jenkins.org 403 forbidden when it's actually _my_ squid that's giving the 40312:01
ioriaTJ-, what's  your current directory ? can you download it in your home dir ?12:02
TJ-ioria:  that was the thing; I was chasing the DENIED on squid since it was logging TCP_MISS_ABORTED but the proble was on the client - no write permissions to the directory12:06
ioriaTJ-, i see12:06
TJ-mgedmin:  yes, you have to keep a tight rein on those mirror-dstdomain.acl definitions12:07
TJ-mgedmin:  I'm currently trying to figure out one to cope with the raspbian.org mirrors that generate FQDNs outside the set12:08
BluesKajHey folks12:15
tomreynUblx: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/nethogs.8.html states that nethogs defaults to interface eth0 if not specified. your script at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Smz58Hvwqk/ does not specify an interface. on ubuntu 18.04, there is usually no interface named eth0 (unless you undid the configuration for predictable network interface names)12:29
tomreynUblx: also ensure that $HOME/.nethogs/log/ exists and is writable by the process trying to write it, and unless you have passwordless sudo configured, consider removing the "sudo" off line 9, since this script appears to be running as root anyways.12:31
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deancI'm really struggling to get pulseaudio to see my airplay device on the network. My understanding is avahi is responsible as a daemon for finding bonjour services etc. Is there any way i can debug this?13:31
deancI installed an npm package bonjour-browser and ran that, and i can see the device. my iPhone can also airplay to it just fine so it's there and working and ready13:32
mgedminmdns-scan?  avahi-browse -a?13:35
deancavahi-browse _airplay._tcp -v -r can see it13:35
deancmgedmin: so how exactly does pulseaudio find it? through avahi?13:36
mgedminI've no idea, I've never had an airplay device13:36
mgedminavahi is the canonical mDNS implementation on linux, so probably?13:36
mgedmindeanc: have you installed pulseaudio-module-raop?13:37
deancyes meg13:38
deancyes mgedmin13:38
deancpacmd list-sinks only finds my sound card13:38
mgedminand the paprefs step mentioned in https://superuser.com/questions/331126/how-can-you-stream-music-from-ubuntu-to-airplay-speakers-on-your-network-with-ub ?13:38
deancyes ive done both things there mgedmin13:39
mgedmingoogle also tells me there are two versions of the airplay protocol13:39
mgedmindo you know which version your device uses?13:39
deancmgedmin: if you read the README of that repo it says it's merged into pulseaudio 1213:39
deancor something else, either way im on 12.213:39
mgedmindoes pacmd list-modules show the raop-discover module wasloaded?13:43
mgedminI'm out of ideas13:46
deancsame :)13:46
julius_mysql-5.5.5-10.0.38-mariadb-0ubuntu0-16.04.01           <- does this mean mysql or mariadb is installed=13:48
mgedminmariadb from a ppa would be my guess13:56
mgedminubuntu itself has no package called 'mysql' or 'mysql-5.5.5'; it has packages called 'mysql-server-5.7' and 'mariadb-server-10.0'13:58
waltmanI set up my ubuntu box years ago and I don't remember how I configured /tmp. If I don't see it in the output of mount, is it in the / partition?14:12
waltmanI'm running 19.04.14:12
pragmaticenigmawaltman: Only mount points are listed. If a path is not seen in the output of mounts, that would indicate that the path is not part of a mount definition.14:15
tomreyndf -h /tmp14:15
tomreynfindmnt /tmp14:15
waltmanThanks. That's what I thought but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something dumb.14:17
mgedminby default ubuntu doesn't use a separate /tmp partition14:17
tomreynsome of the files which used to be stored in /tmp are nowadays stored in /run though, which is a tmpfs by default14:20
waltmanI'm dealing with a separate problem and someone suggested /tmp filled up. / has 14 GB free so it seems unlikely.14:23
TJ-waltman: unless root-fs ran out of inodes14:24
TJ-waltman:  ^^^ only happens with LOTS of small files though14:24
fengwayEriC^^ yo14:27
tomreynwaltman: df -hi /tmp14:29
waltmanIt's got 1.2 million inodes free.14:29
tomreynshould be enoug for now ;)14:30
fengwaydo i create ntfs partition for windows?14:30
leftyfbfengway: go to ##windows for help with installing Windows14:31
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phobosophifup for ubuntu 18?14:41
phobosophnetwork is down :/14:41
phobosophI need it for ISO minimal install with package download14:41
phobosophI am in console, ip addr14:41
lordcirth_phobosoph, what exactly is the problem?14:42
mgedminwired lan or wifi?14:43
phobosophlordcirth_: 1) Ubuntu ISO installer 2) Setup console 3) ip tells me that ens3 is down.14:43
lordcirth_phobosoph, please keep your messages on one line. Did the installer say it set up networking?14:43
phobosophahhh! this can be the reason14:44
fengwayi am on live ubuntu usb now and want to resize partition to install windows. But i can not resize my partition, it may be because it is encrypted. What can I do now?14:52
leftyfbfengway: decrypt it first then resize the /dev/mapper device14:54
leftyfbdon't think I've never done it14:54
fengwaydo i decrypt it while i am on live usb_14:54
lamurianHi all, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my thinkpad t440 using minimal iso. However, it seems I can't detect the wireless connection. When I run `ip a`, it doesn't return the wireless interface at all. I've tried looking around, and several guide / posts suggested to use ethernet cable instead. Do you have any idea why the wireless interface doesn't show up?14:55
lordcirth_You should be able to use the cryptsetup tools to shrink it, I think?14:55
lordcirth_fengway, *14:55
fengwaylordcirth_ how do i use that_14:55
lordcirth_lamurian, What Ubuntu version? Does the wifi card show up under 'lspci'? Is it disabled by physical switch?14:55
leftyfbfengway: how did you encrypt the drive in the first place?14:55
lordcirth_fengway, 'man cryptsetup'14:56
fengwayleftyfb ubuntu asked about it when i was installing ubuntu14:56
leftyfbfengway: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/39962514:56
lamurianI'm using 18.04 LTS version, lordcirth_14:56
fengwaylordcirth_ i dont know what that means14:56
leftyfbfengway: of course, before you're doing any of this, you have backups right?14:56
lamurianhaven't tried `lspci` yet, wait a moment14:57
lordcirth_fengway, the 'man' command brings up the manual for other commands. It is useful.14:57
tomreyn!man | fengway14:57
ubottufengway: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/14:57
fengwaywhy must everything be so complicated with linux14:58
lordcirth_It isn't. You'll learn soon enough, if you chose to.14:58
fengwayleftyfb i don not know how to follow that14:58
leftyfbfengway: then you shouldn't be attempting to resize an encrypted drive14:59
leftyfbfengway: encryption isn't meant to be easy14:59
lordcirth_Well, it should be. But it isn't.14:59
fengwayholy shit, ubuntu could have warned me about encryption before it told me to set it up14:59
lordcirth_fengway, it didn't "tell you" to set it up. It's an option, which is off by default.15:00
lordcirth_And if it's a laptop, it should be encrypted.15:00
fengwayencryption should be easy to turn off, what kind of backwards encryption is this15:00
lordcirth_Why would block device encryption be easy to just "turn off"?15:01
fengwayif i have password i should be able to turn it off15:01
leftyfbfengway: that's not how encryption works15:01
leftyfbfengway: maybe you should research thing before playing with them15:01
fengwayyea should have sticked with windows15:01
fengwayor bought mac, macOS is best anyway15:02
Cheezfengway: you can't just turn off full disk encryption in windows, either15:02
Cheezor osx15:02
lamurianlordcirth_ : I've run `lspci`, network controller listed as Intel Corporation Wireless 726015:02
Cheezbecause it would have to re-write every single file to the disk15:02
fengwaycan anyone guide me throught this resizing_15:02
fengwayi need it for work by tomorrow15:02
EriC^^fengway: hey15:02
fengwayEriC^^ Thank god, i need your help man15:02
EriC^^what's up15:03
lordcirth_He's trying to shrink a LUKS partition so he can dual-boot Windows.15:03
fengwayEriC^^ I am on live usb but i can not resize my partition because it is encrypted15:03
EriC^^oh crap15:03
EriC^^cant help much there man, never used luks or done it before15:04
EriC^^do you not have any space at all? can you paste "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" again?15:05
lordcirth_fengway, have you identified the partition you want to resize?15:05
NorthwestVeganfengway, backup your files to an external drive, and start over15:05
lamurianWhen I tried `ip link show`, the wireless interface is not listed there. I wonder what's wrong here. Alternatively, I've also tried booting into ubuntu-mate and other distro live CDs, and it can connect to the internet without a problem15:05
fengwaylordcirth_ i think so15:05
fengwayEriC^^ it say 0 free space on gparted, maybe because it is encrypted_15:06
lordcirth_NorthwestVegan, starting over shouldn't be needed.15:06
EriC^^fengway: well, i guess it's a learning process, maybe lordcirth_ can help as well15:06
leftyfbEriC^^: we've already posted instructions15:06
leftyfb"<fengway> leftyfb i don not know how to follow that"15:06
fengwayyea i do not know15:06
EriC^^what's the link?15:07
fengwaylordcirth_can you follow me through this quick15:07
leftyfbEriC^^: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/39962515:07
leftyfbEriC^^: my suggestion is to decrypt and then resize15:07
lordcirth_fengway, First, you need to open the encrypted drive so you can resize the filesystem.15:07
NorthwestVeganim just saying that backing up a few files and reinstalling may be less time than anything else15:07
EriC^^fengway: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions#Reduce_an_encrypted_partition15:08
NorthwestVeganbut if  the existing system is highly configured and theres lots of things he doesnt want to redo idk15:08
fengwaylordcirth_ how_15:08
EriC^^fengway: i can walk you through if you want, first you'll need to boot an ubuntu live usb15:08
fengwayEriC^^ i am on live usb now15:08
EriC^^also, you might want to backup your important files in case something goes wrong, often with fs resizing and whatnot you never know15:09
fengwayyea sure15:09
leftyfbEriC^^: I think those instructions missed a step. I don't think the /dev/mapper devices show up until after you decrypt the volume15:09
EriC^^leftyfb: yeah it's further up top as you said15:09
leftyfbah right, missed that15:09
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" if you're good to go15:09
fengwayEriC^^ done15:10
EriC^^paste the link here15:10
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/vmu515:10
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 crypt3"15:11
OerHeksyou seem to have enough space on the nvme15:12
fengwayoh i need to decrypt it, let me set up keyboard on my language here so i can type pw15:12
lamurianIs there any other specific information I need to provide here? lordcirth_15:12
EriC^^OerHeks: that's the encrypted part15:12
lordcirth_lamurian, what is your kernel version? 'uname -r'15:13
Sven_vBmy xenaial Notebooks can communicate perfectly over my USB uart-to-uart cable using this command: "stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 sane raw -echo && rlwrap socat -d -d GOPEN:/dev/ttyUSB0 STDIO" but when I use my bionic live session as one side, it doesn't see any data, and the only thing I can receive on the xenial side is one Unicode invalid character replacement character per each line that I send from bionic. what's wrong?15:14
fengwaywhy is there only limited languages i can set up for keyboard on live usb15:14
Sven_vBfengway, probably to save disk space.15:15
SimonNLlimited space15:15
Sven_vBfengway, you can install more packages though.15:15
fengwayseems like its working now15:15
fengwayEriC^^ done15:15
lamurianlordcirth_ It is 4.15.0-20-generic15:16
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo vgscan --mknodes"15:16
EriC^^fengway: then type "sudo vgchange -ay"15:16
lordcirth_lamurian, if you run 'locate iwlwifi' does anything show up?15:16
fengwayEriC^^ done15:16
lamurianlordcirth_ : It seems the live USB doesn't have the command `locate`15:17
lamurianWhen I issued the command, it returns "locate: not found"15:17
lordcirth_lamurian, ah ok. "cat /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf" - anything?15:17
lamurianno iwlwifi.conf in the directory15:18
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" again15:18
fengwayEriC^^ Error: /dev/mapper/crypt3: unrecognised disk label15:19
EriC^^no worries, what's the link15:19
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/05r515:19
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"15:20
fengwayEriC^^ should i fix all the inodes?15:21
Sven_vBhaha, hilarious. I'm using said bionic live session to recover a xenial. when I try the same command inside the /target chroot (where the to-be-recovered xenial is), it works. nice!15:21
EriC^^fengway: yeah15:21
Sven_vBso really what does the bionic live session do to screw that up?15:21
fengwayEriC^^ done15:21
EriC^^fengway: how big do you want to make it? it's currently 510GB15:21
EriC^^ok, type "sudo resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root 120g"15:22
fengwayis this the windows partition?15:22
EriC^^no that's the ubuntu one15:23
fengwayoh no15:23
fengwayi want the windows one 120gb15:23
EriC^^ok, type "sudo resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root 390g"15:23
lordcirth_lamurian, ok. I think you need a newer kernel. "sudo apt update  && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-18.04 && reboot"15:23
fengwayit's doing its stuff now, do you guys learn this stuff by experience or study?15:24
lamurianlordcirth_ : I didn't know I could update the kernel of live USB iso. I'll try doing so15:24
lordcirth_lamurian, oh, you are still in live? Rebooting won't work then15:25
lordcirth_lamurian, in that case you need to download the 18.04.3 ISO, not the original 18.0415:25
EriC^^fengway: mostly experience for me15:25
lordcirth_fengway, you run into a problem, you research how to fix it, then you know.15:25
Sven_vBI compared the output of "stty --all --file=/dev/ttyUSB0" inside and outside the chroot, they're identical according to diffuse.15:25
MindSparkHey, when I do apt upgrade I get 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.15:26
MindSparkI followed the internet and tried apt dist-upgrade, but that didn't help either15:26
OerHeksMindSpark, run apt full-upgrade15:26
MindSparkDoes anyone know what I need to do?15:27
OerHeksor dist-upgrade, should work too15:27
lamurianlordcirth_ is it the one listed here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:27
lamurianI would like to confirm tho, what was the problem that my network interface is not detected and how does it relate with my kernel version?15:27
MindSparkboth don't do it :/ They show the exact same message15:27
OerHekswhat package is it? apt list --upgradable # should show it15:27
lordcirth_lamurian, hmm, there might not be a mini.iso with the HWE kernel15:28
MindSparkOerHeks, that show nothing. It's docker-ce and docker-ce-cli.15:28
MindSparki A docker-ce-cli Breaks  docker-ce (< 5:0)15:28
fengwayEriC^^ done15:28
OerHeksMindSpark, oh.. i dunno about that, please mention such important ifo at start15:28
lordcirth_lamurian, when drivers don't work, especially on newer hardware, a kernel update is usually a good thing to try.15:28
OerHekswaste of time15:29
lamurianlordcirth_ : I see.. so it might be better to install ubuntu-mate instead of the mini iso?15:29
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"15:29
lamurianIs it possible to later declutter all packages into just the barebone installation? lordcirth_15:29
fengwayEriC^^ done15:30
lordcirth_lamurian, It's also possible that 4.15 is new enough, but the mini.iso just doesn't have your driver.15:30
MindSparkOerHeks, sorry and thanks15:30
lordcirth_lamurian, that depends how much you want to "declutter". If you just want to save space, there's only a handful of large packages you could remove.15:30
SimonNLls -la /lib/firmware|grep wifi-7260 | nc termbin.com 9999        lamurian please show me the appearing link/url15:30
Sven_vBeven nicer. seems like the chrooted xenial calibrated something correctly. now, magically it works in the bionic live session as well.15:30
OerHeksMindSpark, you might want to reask in  #docker15:30
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo lvdisplay | nc termbin.com 9999"15:31
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/e54v15:31
MindSparkOerHeks, alright, will do, thanks15:31
lamurianlordcirth_ : I'm not sure how it works in ubuntu, in my arch box I only need base and base-devel as my default installation. I've done some searching, it sesems that base-devel is equivalent to build-essential15:34
lamurianIs it possible to uninstall all the packages and just leave the base and build-essential package?15:34
lordcirth_lamurian, there isn't really a 'base' metapackage in Ubuntu, no. If you really want to be minimal, you could use debootstrap to install Ubuntu yourself? That's more work, though.15:35
OerHeksubuntu server + build-essentials15:35
Sven_vBhow do I check if my kernel has support for ttyUSB0 serial?15:35
Sven_vBat boot time I mean15:36
leftyfbSven_vB: if you're running a supported version of ubuntu, then it does15:36
lordcirth_Yeah, the ubuntu-server package is probably the closest.15:36
Sven_vBleftyfb, thanks!15:36
lordcirth_Or just use the server iso15:36
Sven_vBwhere can I see which console= kernel parameters I currently use?15:37
Sven_vBfound /proc/cmdline15:38
lamurianlordcirth_ : I see. I need to read more about debootstrap then, thanks for your help15:38
Sven_vBcurrently I don't have any console=. now if I add my serial, do I need to add my screen as well somehow or will it always print to the screen as well?15:38
EriC^^fengway: trying to figure out the sizes, i'm not 100% sure resize2fs means gigabyte or gebibyte by the "g" 1 sec15:39
EriC^^i think it means gebibyte by "g" according to the manpage15:41
fengwayEriC^^ doesnt't matter that much? like if i get little more or less space, or is it more important for something else?15:42
jymCan anyone suggest a good thumbnail previewer they've used?15:42
OerHeksjym, often that function comes with a programm, like nautilus, darktable, and such.15:43
OerHekspreview thumbnails over network is utterly slow15:44
jymOerHeks:  I saw gThumb, seems okey but no keyboard control. There's pheonixslides for osx, which i like15:45
EriC^^fengway: can't really find any consistent pages about it, anyways type "sudo lvreduce -L -83G /dev/ubuntu--vg/root" if it turns out to use a different unit we can still tune it later15:47
fengwayEriC^^  Volume group "ubuntu--vg" not found  Cannot process volume group ubuntu--vg15:47
jymOerHeks: Example  https://blyt.net/phxslides/15:48
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo lvreduce -L -83G /dev/ubuntu-vg/root"15:48
fengwayEriC^^   Logical volume ubuntu-vg/root successfully resized.15:49
EriC^^fengway: nice, let's see what stuff looks like15:51
EriC^^fengway: "sudo lvdisplay | nc termbin.com 9999"15:51
EriC^^if resize used GiB, then hopefully lvreduce also used GiB and you have 391GiB lv15:52
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fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/g0l815:52
fengwayEriC^^ not good?15:54
EriC^^let's see how big the filesystem is15:55
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/g0l8 ?15:57
magic_ninja_workdoes anyone know what the holdup is on packaging the 435 nvidia drivers for 19.04?15:58
EriC^^fengway: nah, sorry, try to mount it, "sudo mount /dev/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt"16:00
fengwayEriC^^ mount: /mnt: special device /dev/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist.16:00
EriC^^fengway: my bad, nevermind, type "sudo blockdev --getsize64 /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"16:01
fengwayEriC^^ 42065094246416:02
EriC^^fengway: ok, the filesystem is currently 420gigabytes16:02
EriC^^so i guess we need to resize it more, i tbh im kinda pissed at the whole computer world with the gigabyte gibibyte thing, geez16:03
fengwaydoesn't it mean i have 110 gb for windows?16:04
EriC^^no, it's more like 89gigabytes for windows16:04
EriC^^fengway: anyways, lets resize the filesystem again16:04
fengwayEriC^^ cool16:04
EriC^^this time we want to give it in GiB16:05
EriC^^ok, type "sudo resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root 360g"16:05
fengwayEriC^^ done16:06
EriC^^fengway: ok, just to verify16:06
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo blockdev --getsize64 /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"16:06
fengwayEriC^^ 42065094246416:06
EriC^^that's odd16:07
EriC^^fengway: try mounting it16:07
EriC^^type "sudo mount/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt"16:08
fengwayEriC^^ mount: /mnt: special device /dev/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist.16:08
EriC^^i think there's a typo in the command16:08
EriC^^ah my bad again xD16:08
EriC^^type "sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt"16:08
fengwayi used the one you gave me before, it gives that error16:08
EriC^^ah, use the one right above16:09
fengwayEriC^^ mount: /mnt: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root already mounted on /mnt.16:09
EriC^^fengway: ok, are you sure the resize2fs did something a sec ago?16:11
fengwayEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/n8HevmKm16:11
EriC^^that looks good16:12
EriC^^fengway: ok, try "df -H /mnt"16:12
EriC^^note the capital H not h16:12
fengwayEriC^^ Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  380G  200G  161G  56% /mnt16:12
EriC^^that should give the size in gigabytes16:12
EriC^^ok, 380gigabytes, not bad16:12
fengwayit's fine16:13
EriC^^looks good i guess, now we still have to shrink the lvm16:13
EriC^^we want the lvm just slightly bigger than it16:13
EriC^^fengway: what's the current lvm size? type "sudo lvdisplay | nc termbin.com 9999"16:14
Ublxtomreyn: Great tipps! Thanks a lot!!16:14
EriC^^i think a while ago it took the input as GiB not GB16:14
EriC^^let me scroll up for a sec16:14
TJ-EriC^^:  just use --resizefs surely (with lvresize) ?16:14
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/lfik16:14
fengwayit says GiB on the log16:15
EriC^^TJ-: yeah, that's a good idea, we were kinda following an ubuntu tutorial and unfortunately didn't16:15
EriC^^fengway: ok, so we need the lvm to be 354GiB16:16
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EriC^^fengway: try "sudo lvreduce -L -37G /dev/ubuntu-vg/root"16:18
fengwayEriC^^ done16:18
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo lvdisplay | nc termbin.com 9999" to confirm16:19
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/jn3b16:19
TJ-FYI: lvm tools use base 2 values (G = gibibyte = 1024x1024x1024)16:20
EriC^^fengway: looks good16:20
EriC^^fengway: ok, continuing with the tutorial now, type "sudo pvdisplay | nc termbin.com 9999"16:21
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/x5h716:21
EriC^^fengway: looks like around 120gb is "free PE", which is great16:24
fengwayEriC^^ Are we done? :D16:24
EriC^^fengway: anyways lets unmount the root while we're at it, sudo umount /mnt16:25
EriC^^fengway: not yet, last couple steps16:25
fengwayi will never encrypt again16:25
fengwayEriC^^ unmount done16:25
EriC^^fengway: lol16:25
leftyfbfengway: that is the wrong way to think about this16:26
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 356G /dev/mapper/crypt3"16:27
EriC^^we might need to make it a little larger if there's not enough free PE16:27
fengwayEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/MjuMrzVB16:28
EriC^^fengway: lets try bigger i guess, sorry i dunno exactly cause the numbers aren't adding up here https://termbin.com/x5h716:29
EriC^^ah wait i think they are 1 sec16:30
fengwayi have no idea what's going on anyway16:30
EriC^^forgot to divide by 1024 and not 1000 1 sec16:30
EriC^^ok great so 120GiB is actually free16:31
EriC^^hmm 356 should have worked16:33
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 360G /dev/mapper/crypt3"16:33
fengwayEriC^^ sudo pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 360G /dev/mapper/crypt3/dev/mapper/crypt3: Requested size 360.00 GiB is less than real size 475.72 GiB. Proceed?  [y/n]: y  WARNING: /dev/mapper/crypt3: Pretending size is 754974720 not 997660672 sectors.  /dev/mapper/crypt3: cannot resize to 92159 extents as later ones are allocated.  0 physical16:34
fengwayvolume(s) resized / 1 physical volume(s) not resized16:34
EriC^^fengway: i think it's cause the stuff is fragmented, the guide mentions it can happen16:37
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 370G /dev/mapper/crypt3" maybe we get lucky16:37
fengwayEriC^^ same error16:37
EriC^^i think the next step is to figure out how to see where it has everything allocated, and maybe delete the swap or 'manually defrag it' as the guide suggests16:38
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo pvdisplay -m | nc termbin.com 9999"16:41
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/t4vv16:42
EriC^^fengway: ah great, finally we got lucky16:42
EriC^^it's just the swap that's in the way16:43
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo lvremove /dev/ubuntu--vg/swap_1"16:43
fengwayEriC^^  Volume group "ubuntu--vg" not found  Cannot process volume group ubuntu--vg16:44
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo lvremove /dev/ubuntu-vg/swap_1"16:45
fengway  Logical volume "swap_1" successfully removed16:45
EriC^^ok great16:45
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 357G /dev/mapper/crypt3"16:45
fengwaysudo pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 357G /dev/mapper/crypt3/dev/mapper/crypt3: Requested size 357.00 GiB is less than real size 475.72 GiB. Proceed?  [y/n]: y  WARNING: /dev/mapper/crypt3: Pretending size is 748683264 not 997660672 sectors.  Physical volume "/dev/mapper/crypt3" changed  1 physical volume(s) resized / 0 physical volume(s) not16:46
EriC^^fengway: ok now to recreate the swap16:48
EriC^^fengway: sudo pvchange -x y /dev/mapper/crypt316:48
fengway sudo pvchange -x y /dev/mapper/crypt3  Physical volume "/dev/mapper/crypt3" is already allocatable.  Physical volume /dev/mapper/crypt3 not changed  0 physical volumes changed / 1 physical volume not changed16:48
EriC^^fengway: ok, type "sudo pvdisplay | nc termbin.com 9999" to see the free pe16:49
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/qepn16:49
swebwhich file system is better to use qemu/libvirt images that store on ? ext4/xfs and any mount option?16:51
EriC^^fengway: sudo lvcreate -L 2.2G -n swap_1 ubuntu--vg16:51
EriC^^fengway: brb in 1min16:52
fengwayEriC^^   Logical volume "swap_1" created.16:52
EriC^^fengway: sudo mkswap -L swap_1 /dev/ubuntu--vg/swap_116:53
EriC^^fengway: it should mention a UUID, select it and press ctrl+shift+c to copy16:54
fengwayEriC^^ Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 2.2 GiB (2365583360 bytes)LABEL=swap_1, UUID=82e9f7e7-4108-408b-af4b-dd4cfff4d94116:54
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt"16:55
fengwayubuntu--vg or ubuntu-vg?16:56
EriC^^i think it's --vg in that16:56
fengwaymount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.16:56
WoCWhat would be a good graphic card for OpenCL under ubuntu ? Looking for a cost efficient pcie x16 card with actually working OpenCL drivers16:57
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"16:59
fengwayEriC^^ e2fsck 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 94371840 blocksThe physical size of the device is 92998656 blocksEither the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!Abort<y>? yes17:00
EriC^^fengway: hmm, it's 703MB off17:03
EriC^^fengway: that's odd, the filesystem was 380G according to df -H, we made the lvm slightly bigger at 381GB17:04
fengwayEriC^^ HMM17:06
EriC^^fengway: this is odd, 94371840 if the block is 512bytes, is 48GB, if 4096 is 386GB17:07
EriC^^i mean we could make the lvm for root a little bigger again, taking up 1GB from the space, if it makes it happy i guess17:07
EriC^^fengway: delete the swap again, "sudo lvremove /dev/ubuntu--vg/swap_1"17:08
EriC^^actually i think anyways we'd be screwed17:08
EriC^^cause we did mkswap, so it would have written stuff in that area17:08
EriC^^fengway: try to do a fsck, maybe it's just kind of confused, it did say 380GB in df, and it does have like 381GB of lvm17:09
fengwayi tried before you said that, but got this: mkswap: cannot open /dev/ubuntu--vg/swap_1: No such file or directory17:09
EriC^^nah but you did mkswap, i remember you pasted the uuid and everything17:09
EriC^^fengway> EriC^^ Setting up swapsp........17:10
fengwaymaybe it's with one dash17:10
Sven_vBwhen I boot my xenial notebook with kernel param "console=ttyUSB0,115200n8", I see nothing in my serial terminal and the notebook screen shows just an excessively rapidly blinking "_" shape cursor. what am I doing wrong?17:10
EriC^^fengway: yeah17:10
EriC^^fengway: i think it's pretty much the same17:10
EriC^^fengway: try to run the fsck again, but dont abort, let's see if it can get stuff in order and mount properly and all is good17:10
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"17:11
fengwayEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/GBmWi07S17:12
EriC^^fengway: hmm17:12
fengwayEriC^^ /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: 776617/23592960 files (0.9% non-contiguous), 50563815/94371840 blocks17:13
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt"17:13
fengwaymount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.17:13
Sven_vBadding console=tty1 at least brought the screen back.17:14
EriC^^fengway: this sucks17:14
fengwaywhat happened?17:15
EriC^^fengway: i'm just glad you backed up at this point17:15
EriC^^i have no idea17:15
fengwayis my ubuntu fucked?17:15
EriC^^we mounted it fine earlier, df said 380GB space, we had more in the lvm, we resized the lvm leaving it slightly larger than 380gb, somehow it broke, i have no idea why17:15
EriC^^i rechecked the numbers, they were all fine, we removed 37GiB from 391.76 of the lvm, leaving like 381GB for root17:16
fengwayare we screwed?17:18
jamie_1hey, i have a quick question on the syntaxing of displays in the grub confiugration, lets say i have HDMI-1 1920x1080+3840+0 how would i append that to grub properly?17:18
EriC^^fengway: yeah i wouldn't trust it anymore, seems it had some stuff in those last blocks 93...... that it couldnt write and i guess that's where it puts some filesystem stuff17:18
jamie_1something like display=eDP-1 display=eDP-1:1920x1080+1920+0@60 append="video=HDMI-1:1920x1080+1920+0@60"17:18
EriC^^fengway: if you run fsck again what does it say at this point?17:18
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"17:18
fengwayEriC^^ mount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.17:19
EriC^^fengway: the e2fsck command, not mount17:19
fengwayEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/FcUMAPjJ17:21
EriC^^fengway: ok, let's try something, to delete the swap17:23
EriC^^and enlarge the lvm of root, it might work, maybe mkswap only puts in a few bytes in there as a header or something17:23
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo lvremove /dev/ubuntu-vg/swap_1"17:24
fengwayEriC^^ done17:24
rogpeppeanyone got any idea why `xdg-open` has stopped opening pdf files correctly for me (it opens them in an ebook viewer). I think it might have something to do with the fact that `xdg-mime query filetype anyfile.pdf` doesn't print anything, but I'm not sure how that works.17:26
rogpeppefor example:17:26
rogpeppeanyone got any idea why `xdg-open` has stopped opening pdf files correctly for me (it opens them in an ebook viewer). I think it might have something to do with the fact that `xdg-mime query filetype anyfile.pdf` doesn't print anything, but I'm not sure how that works.17:26
rogpeppe% xdg-open x.pdf17:26
rogpeppexdg-mime: mimetype argument missing17:26
rogpeppeTry 'xdg-mime --help' for more information.17:26
rogpeppelibpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile17:26
rogpeppelibpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile17:26
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/root"17:27
rogpeppesorry for the spam, folks17:27
fengwayEriC^^   Logical volume ubuntu-vg/root successfully resized.17:28
EriC^^fengway: ok try the e2fsck again17:28
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"17:28
fengwayEriC^^ same error17:29
rogpeppefor the record, `xdg-mime query filetype $file.pdf` exits with a zero exit status despite not printing anything17:29
rogpeppeand evince opens the pdf file just fine17:30
rogpeppeand file(1) can tell that it's a pdf doc just fine17:30
fengwayEriC^^ is the new partition screwed or ubuntu one?17:30
banisterfienddoes anhyone know what determines the route order in a netstat -nr ?17:30
OerHeksrogpeppe, is that ebook viewer in your %path%?17:31
cslcm2hey, is there an ipv6 issue with the ubuntu repositories at the moment? E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/systemd/libnss-systemd_240-6ubuntu5.7_amd64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 2606:4700:30::6818:75d1 80]17:31
rogpeppeOerHeks: i guess so. i'm not sure what the executable is. let me check.17:31
OerHeksif so, right-click the file , click the Open With tab and select the application you want to always open the file and click Set as default…17:32
OerHeksmanually there are a lot of mimetypes to pdf to edit17:32
EriC^^fengway: k well, df screwed us over basically17:32
EriC^^fengway: the error you put said the filesystem according to the superblock was 94371840, which works out to 386GB,17:33
rogpeppeOerHeks: yup, it's /usr/bin/ebook-viewer17:33
fengwayEriC^^ so only new partition is screwed?17:34
rogpeppeOerHeks: if I right-click in file viewer, it shows the correct app (Document Viewer)17:34
EriC^^fengway: i remember at one point we did resize with 360GiB, which works out to 386GB, so i believe it, so basically when we checked the size using "df -H" it said 380GB when it was in fact 386GB, so we made it smaller than it when we made it like 381GB17:34
rogpeppeOerHeks: xdg-open opens it in a different app than the default there17:34
EriC^^fengway: i'm not too sure about how lvm works completely, if it were a normal partition, currently all that would be lost is whatever we did with the mkswap operation, which i think is just a few bytes, let me try to mkswap a file and see what that does actually, 1sec17:35
rogpeppeOerHeks: FWIW `xdg-mime query default application/pdf` prints "evince.desktop", which is what I'd expect (i.e. the default seems to be set up correctly)17:36
rogpeppeOerHeks: but `query filetype FILE` seems to print nothing, regardless of what kind of file I pass it, which seems like it might be the source of the issue17:38
rogpeppeOerHeks: sorry, "xdg-mime query filetype etc"17:38
* rogpeppe just realises that `xdg-mime` is just a shell script and has a go at debugging it.17:39
EriC^^fengway: looks like mkswap writes around 20bytes17:41
EriC^^not much i guess17:42
EriC^^fengway: we can try enlarging the PE again, and the lvm, and see how the filesystem fairs, i dunno if that would work cause of stuff lvm has to write or what, but it's worth a shot i guess17:43
rogpeppehmm, looks like the problem is that xdg-mime expects `gio help info` to succeed, but it fails17:43
rogpeppeah! it's a clash in names17:44
fengwayEriC^^ Do you think it will work? I am considering just installing windows over whole HD17:44
rogpeppewith the gioui stuff!17:44
rogpeppegot it!17:44
EriC^^fengway: it might, we're pretty much there, just need to expand the PE and run that lvextend command a final time17:48
* EriC^^ getting the command17:48
fengwayEriC^^ ok lets try17:48
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize 375G /dev/mapper/crypt3"17:51
fengwayEriC^^ done17:52
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/root"17:55
fengwayEriC^^   Logical volume ubuntu-vg/root successfully resized.17:55
EriC^^fengway: finally try "sudo e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root"17:56
EriC^^fengway: the swap is deleted right? does it show up in "sudo lvdisplay" at all?17:56
fengwayEriC^^ /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: 776617/23592960 files (0.9% non-contiguous), 50563815/94371840 blocks17:57
fengwayEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/jQG32cUR17:57
EriC^^fengway: are you able to mount it?17:58
EriC^^fengway: try "sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt"17:58
fengwayEriC^^ didin't get any message on that command17:58
EriC^^fengway: nice, it mounted18:01
EriC^^fengway: does everything look still there? try "ls /mnt"18:01
fengwaybin    dev   initrd.img      lib64       mnt   root  snap  tmp  vmlinuzboot   etc   initrd.img.old  lost+found  opt   run   srv   usr  vmlinuz.oldcdrom  home  lib             media       proc  sbin  sys   var18:02
EriC^^fengway: looks good18:02
EriC^^ok, so what's currently left for windows?18:02
EriC^^try "sudo pvdisplay"18:03
fengwayhttps://pastebin.com/rakxtUqM EriC^^18:03
EriC^^fengway: ok, let's get rid of the swap temporarily from fstab, so you can boot up properly, we'll create it later, you can always make a swap file pretty easily too18:06
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo cat /mnt/etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"18:06
EriC^^fengway: we just have to shrink the crypt container and i think you should have the space to install windows18:07
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/ha5h18:07
EriC^^around 110GB or something for windows18:07
Sven_vBhow do I check whether my processor really needs these files? "W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_ver9_14.bin for module i915"18:07
EriC^^fengway: ok, type "sudo -H gedit /mnt/etc/fstab" and put a "#" at the start of the line /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       018:08
Sven_vBoh that seems to be about graphics only18:08
EriC^^fengway: then save and exit18:08
fengwayEriC^^ done18:09
EriC^^fengway: ok, unmount the fs, sudo umount /mnt18:10
fengwayEriC^^ done18:10
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo cryptsetup status crypt3"18:11
EriC^^what does it say next to offset?18:11
fengwayEriC^^ umount: /mnt: not mounted.18:11
EriC^^fengway: i think you ran the other command18:12
fengwayEriC^^   offset:  4096 sectors18:13
EriC^^fengway: ok18:13
juliusdoes 16.04 ship with mariadb or mysql by default?  mysql is still installed as command line client somehow18:16
sarnoldjulius: ubuntu ships with both, you choose which one you want to use18:18
juliuson the work pc the version was something like mysql-5.x.y-10.x.y mariadb18:19
fengwayEriC^^ so?18:19
EriC^^fengway: still trying to figure out what to put, tutorial is kind of vague also manpage18:21
EriC^^basically this is the command we're going to use sudo cryptsetup -o 4096 -b <something here> resize crypt318:21
EriC^^fengway: our PE is 383996MiB18:22
EriC^^just to be safe we'll add like 1gb on that for the crypt18:23
EriC^^so let's say 385000MiB18:23
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo cryptsetup status crypt3 | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link here18:25
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/fd5d918:26
EriC^^fengway: ok i think this is it18:30
fengwayEriC^^ we are done?18:30
EriC^^fengway: sudo cryptsetup -o 4096 -b 788480000 resize crypt318:31
fengwayEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/7Xx01zL418:31
EriC^^fengway: ok, try without the offset i guess, the tutorial mentions in future cryptsetup it's deprecated18:32
EriC^^fengway: sudo cryptsetup -b 788480000 resize crypt318:32
fengwayEriC^^ done18:32
EriC^^fengway: nice18:32
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo vgchange -an"18:33
EriC^^then "sudo cryptsetup luksClose crypt3"18:33
fengwayEriC^^   0 logical volume(s) in volume group "ubuntu-vg" now active18:33
EriC^^fengway: what does "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" give?18:33
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/lb5818:34
EriC^^ah ok, last step, we need to resize the partition18:35
EriC^^so, crypt should be 385000MiB now so we need something slightly larger than that as a partition18:35
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo parted /dev/nvme0n1 unit s print | nc termbin.com 9999" so we have a backup of the partitions sector locations18:35
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/j26n18:36
EriC^^fengway: ok, now you need to delete the 3rd partition, then recreate it at the same starting sector, but at a smaller ending sector, 1sec18:38
EriC^^first type "sudo gdisk /dev/nvme0n1"18:38
fengwayFound valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.18:39
EriC^^alright, press "p" to list the stuff18:39
fengwayNumber  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name   1            2048         1050623   512.0 MiB   EF00  EFI System Partition   2         1050624         2549759   732.0 MiB   8300     3         2549760      1000214527   475.7 GiB   830018:40
EriC^^fengway: press "d"18:40
fengwayPartition number (1-3):18:40
EriC^^fengway: choose "3"18:44
fengwayEriC^^ done18:44
EriC^^fengway: ok, now press "n"18:44
fengwayEriC^^ done18:45
EriC^^when it asks for starting sector put it18:45
EriC^^when it asks for ending sector put in 79057715218:45
fengwayEriC^^ Value out of range18:45
fengwayfor starting sector18:45
EriC^^fengway: it might be some gdisk discrepancy between versions of gdisk18:46
EriC^^fengway: what's the starting sector it offers18:47
fengwayEriC^^ Partition number (3-128, default 3):18:47
EriC^^ah, press "3"18:48
fengwayFirst sector (34-1000215182, default = 2549760) or {+-}size{KMGTP}: EriC^^18:48
EriC^^fengway: use the default18:49
fengwayLast sector (2549760-1000215182, default = 1000215182) or {+-}size{KMGTP}: EriC^^18:49
EriC^^fengway: put in 79057715218:51
fengwayCurrent type is 'Linux filesystem'Hex code or GUID (L to show codes, Enter = 8300):18:52
EriC^^fengway: 1 sec, searching for luks type hexcode18:55
Sven_vBfor LUKS LVM, should my initramfs include /etc/crypttab? because it doesn't. also no /sbin/cryptsetup18:56
TJ-Sven_vB: thoswe will only be included if the root-fs is listed in /etc/crypttab18:57
lordcirth_IIRC, by default it will scan for LUKS devices and prompt for password. I think you only need crypttab if there's settings or a keyfile18:57
TJ-EriC^^:  there isn't one, I generally use 'Linux file-system'18:57
mandudeWhen is the new ubuntu lts?18:57
EriC^^TJ-: ah, thanks18:58
mandudeI have 18.04 just installed on a vps18:58
leftyfb!lts | mandude18:58
ubottumandude: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.18:58
EriC^^fengway: keep the default, 830018:58
mandudeI wonder how many years before I have to upgrade to the new lts?18:58
TJ-Sven_vB: lordcirth_:  without a crypttab entry the cryptsetup tooling won't be installed in the initrd18:58
fengwayEriC^^ Changed type of partition to 'Linux filesystem'18:58
leftyfbmandude: every LTS is supported for 5 years18:58
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes18:58
lordcirth_mandude, every even .04 is LTS, so 20.04.18:58
EriC^^fengway: alright, press "w" to write the partition table18:58
leftyfbmandude: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS18:58
mandudeevery 2 years?18:58
Sven_vBTJ-, I do have a crypttab entry in the chroot whose GRUB I'm trying to recover.18:58
fengwayEriC^^ The operation has completed successfully.18:59
Sven_vBTJ-, or rather, the LUKS now. GRUB works again.18:59
mandudeOh so the new LTS is coming around soon18:59
mandude8 months or so18:59
EriC^^fengway: ok, type "sudo partprobe /dev/nvme0n1"18:59
Sven_vBTJ-, when I boot it, errors about missing /sbin/cryptsetup and then initramfs shell18:59
mandudeDo people upgrade from one lts to another?18:59
fengwayEriC^^ done18:59
mandudeusing apt18:59
EriC^^fengway: "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"18:59
lordcirth_mandude, Many do. I usually reinstall because my installs are more complex.18:59
leftyfbmandude: try #ubuntu-offtopic for non-supported related discussion18:59
TJ-Sven_vB:  right, and that'll be because the initramfs-tools cryptsetup hooks didn't figure out that the root-filesystem is LUKS19:00
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/3qx419:01
EriC^^fengway: looks good, there's around 110gb for windows19:01
mandudeI do not want to have to setup my configs again. All I need is this: setup new vps, install nginx, git, couple other things like screen, .screenrc, some home configs, nginx vhost file, ssl certs for ones not using letsencrypt and that's it.19:02
mandudeI currently use git and git init inside /etc and /var and /home/user/ and add whatever configs I need19:02
leftyfbmandude: you should look into ansible19:02
mandudeThen on new vps I pull from git and voila.19:02
lordcirth_saltstack is better than ansible, but yes, config management is good.19:03
mandudePeople keep telling me to use ansibles or whatever. ID unno19:03
leftyfbmandude: do you have a support issue?19:03
fengwayEriC^^ cool, more stuff left to do?19:03
mandudeIs my git way faster or ansibles faster?19:03
mandudeI guess ansible automates the process19:03
mandudeI mean. I wonder how ansible is differnet than running a bash script after spinning up a vps.19:04
mandudeI mean, if you spin a new vps, you still have to install ansible and play a playbook.19:04
mandudeI just don't get what people are trying to push on me all the time.19:04
EriC^^fengway: maybe try to boot into ubuntu real quick to make sure it's working right, also remember it lost some bytes when we had the whole mishap with df and mkswap and stuff so you know, there's no knowing what got affected could be nothing serious or not who knows19:04
mandudeim an old man. :)19:04
fengwayEriC^^ will do now19:05
elias_amandude: Cheerio to being old man!19:05
mandudeWell my beard is almost white.19:06
mandudestill not as long as gandalf. Anyway.19:06
Sven_vBTJ-, then why would it include conf/conf.d/cryptroot and conf/conf.d/cryptsetup in my initrd?19:21
Sven_vBTJ-, what does it use them for if not for my LUKS?19:21
Sven_vBxenial 64bit btw19:22
TJ-Sven_vB:  sounds like the hook scripts are broken if parts are copied in but not the binaries... unless the binary is broken of course19:25
Sven_vBTJ-, how can I check?19:26
TJ-Sven_vB:  grab a verbose log of the initrd.img build, with "update-initramfs -vu -k $VERSION |& tee /tmp/initrd.log" then "grep -n crypt /tmp/initrd.log"19:27
TJ-Sven_vB: you should see stuff like "Copying /sbin/cryptsetup" and so on19:28
gambl0rewhere do the applications get installed when installing using snap?19:31
Sven_vBTJ-, I guess -k is redundante because I have just one kernel. will do.19:32
TJ-Sven_vB:  indeed19:33
Sven_vBTJ-, lots of matches. http://paste.debian.net/plainh/b94f269719:35
TJ-Sven_vB:  that looks broken totally, there should be loads more, and it is missing a lot of parts19:36
Sven_vBTJ-, maybe I forgot to install some package?19:36
TJ-Sven_vB: what release of Ubuntu is that? that doesn't look like Ubuntu at all19:37
Sven_vBTJ-, Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS chrooted into a Bionic live session19:38
Sven_vBI think I meant "into" the other way around.19:39
TJ-Sven_vB: the "Calling hook cryptroot" should be followed by a lot of activity, such as writing ./conf/conf.d/cryptroot, copying various crypto modules, /sbin/cryptsetup and its supporting libraries, and more19:40
TJ-Sven_vB:  this is what to expect: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5K6NWHgKCb/19:42
Sven_vBTJ-, should I check which package provides the cryptroot hook and reinstall it?19:43
TJ-Sven_vB:  "cryptsetup"19:44
=== CodeMouse92__ is now known as CodeMouse92
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks! I rather meant whether it would make sense to reinstall it. well I guess it won't hurt either.19:45
TJ-Sven_vB:  then on calling update-initramfs the cryptsetup hook scripts under /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/ will read /etc/crypttab and if they detect the root-fs relies on an entry there, will trigger the creation on the initrd.img:/conf/conf.d/cryptroot and copying in the required binaries, libraries, and support scripts19:46
AavarI am messing around with compiz, but I cant seem to find anything regarding workspaces. What could I be missing? Running 19.0419:46
Sven_vBTJ-, so can I conclude from the fact it did copy conf/conf.d/cryptroot, that it correctly detected my /etc/crypttab?19:46
TJ-Sven_vB:  that looks like a leftover and I wouldn'19:47
TJ-... expect the package is currently installed19:47
TJ-Sven_vB:  i'd guess that was left behind after cryptsetup package was removed but not purged19:48
Sven_vBTJ-, aptitude said "The following packages will be REINSTALLED:¶ cryptsetup¶ 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove" so I assume it was installed.19:48
TJ-Sven_vB: /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/cryptroot is NOTHING to do with the /conf/conf.d/cryptroot in the initrd, which is generated by cryptsetup hook scripts from the /etc/crypttab19:48
Sven_vBanyway it is now reinstalled so I'll try again.19:49
TJ-Sven_vB:  I'd bet a new initrd.log will show it installing now19:50
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
Sven_vBTJ-, grep output is exactly the same19:53
TJ-Sven_vB: are you running update-initramfs from within the chroot of the target?19:53
fengwayEriC^^ it is screwed19:54
EriC^^fengway: what happened?19:54
fengwayEriC^^ will not load after i write encryption pw19:54
fengwayjust loads forever19:55
EriC^^fengway: the ubuntu with dots screen?19:55
fengwayEriC^^ yea19:55
EriC^^fengway: did you try pressing Esc ? it should show what it's doing behind the scenes19:56
fengwayEriC^^ did not try that19:56
TJ-fengway: couple of other things to know/do ...19:56
EriC^^give it a shot, it might be something simple like waiting for swap or something maybe19:56
Sven_vBTJ-, yes inside19:57
TJ-fengway:  ... 1) tap Esc key at boot-time to get the GRUB menu and edit the boot entry manually to remove "quiet splash" so you can see what is going on in text console19:57
TJ-Sven_vB:  and have you mounted  devtmpfs to the target's ./dev/ so it can find the devices ?19:58
TJ-Sven_vB:  as in "mount --rbind /dev /target/dev" if /target/ is the chroot19:59
TJ-Sven_vB:  and of course ensure the entries in /target/etc/crypttab are valid especially if UUID, using blkid20:00
Sven_vBTJ-, seen from the outside I have udev on /target/dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,size=6076068k,nr_inodes=1519017,mode=755)¶ devpts on /target/dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000)20:00
TJ-Sven_vB:  good, so then check /target/etc/crypttab and /target/etc/fstab entries for the root-FS are correct20:01
Sven_vBTJ-, inside chroot: "# readlink -m /dev/disk/by-uuid/$(grep -oPe 'UUID=\S+' crypttab | cut -d = -sf 2)¶ /dev/sda5" and the fstab entry for / is … wrong. :D20:06
Sven_vBI guess I need to update my chroot script to reflect the new LVM names20:07
TJ-Sven_vB: looks like you'v found the problem then20:07
Sven_vByeah. thanks!20:07
TJ-Is it sad that I know this stuff, including what the hook scripts do, without needing to think about it!? :)20:07
Sven_vByes. it means there's so much work left to do to make Ubuntu even better.20:09
Sven_vBin an ideal world we'd have luks-lvm-diagnose on the Live CD and it would have told me.20:10
TJ-ha not so much, but I've worked on cryptsetup/initramfs-tools for the last 12 years or so20:10
TJ-written quite a few bits of tooling for it20:11
Sven_vBalso a chroot helper program whom I just tell the partition whose /etc/fstab could tell it how to establish my chroot.20:11
Sven_vBnice, thanks for making it better!20:11
TJ-Generally the only time these configs go wrong is when local admins/operators break them, so there's no much call for such things20:12
Online_So i've got an issue with rebooting a PXE/iSCSI setup. It looks like 18.04 does not log out from the target when shutting down. The target is therefore locked/unaccessible when the system reboots and iPXE tries to log in. Thoughts?20:14
TJ-Online_: check the journal/logs to see what is going on... there've been a long list of race-conditions in systemd's reboot logic so you may have found another20:16
tatertotsmy thought, you set it up, but a reboot is a disaster for you...you'll need to reconfigure or rethink how you set things up and try something different20:17
fengwayEriC^^ https://imgur.com/a/6qbwZgh20:19
tatertotsif a reboot brought down your entire stack of cards....re architecture or redo is justified.....okay i'm done i promise20:19
Online_I'm actually doing "target disk mode" over ethernet using a Debian USB stick with dnsmasq and tgt that exports my Ubuntu laptop drive to a dekstop computer and netboots the raw device over the wire. I even WOL-start my desktop after the target is up. Everything works perfectly except rebooting.20:21
EriC^^fengway: do you remember what the last one was? a start job is running for dev-mapper what was the rest? are you in the live usb righ tnow?20:21
fengwayEriC^^ Was something about swap, i am on live usb now20:22
EriC^^fengway: oh ok great20:22
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"20:23
TJ-fengway: Id' recommend doing an emergency start, with "systemd.unit=emergency.target" on the kernel command-line, from GRUB menu editing, so you can control and investigate the start-up sequence20:24
EriC^^TJ-: it seems to be waiting for the swap, though we had commented it out in fstab20:24
fengwayi will try out systemd.unit=emergency.target20:25
TJ-EriC^^:  where do you see the swap reference, in the photo?20:26
EriC^^TJ-: the last line dev mapper, i asked him about the rest, he mentioned it said swap20:27
EriC^^fengway> EriC^^ Was something about swap, i am on live usb now20:27
TJ-EriC^^: hmmm, from earlier, was there a swap LV ?20:27
TJ-EriC^^: were there any other LVs beside that and root-fs?20:28
TJ-EriC^^:  what makes me concerned is the list of failed units (which are system units) coming after some --user unuts, such as gnome-calculator20:29
TJ-EriC^^:  or is that 'just' snaps ?20:29
TJ-EriC^^:  re the swap, if commented out in fstab that would suggest systemd-fstab-generator wouldn't write a unit for it to /run/systemd/generator/ - so maybe there's a swap.unit somewhere in addition ?20:33
EriC^^yeah, maybe20:34
EriC^^fengway: any luck?20:34
fengwayEriC^^ I forgot to take picture of the command lol, but took this picture https://imgur.com/a/ToDeVGj20:35
EriC^^fengway: ok, type "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 crypt3"20:35
fengwayEriC^^ done20:37
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt"20:39
fengwayEriC^^ done20:39
EriC^^fengway: "sudo cat /mnt/etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"20:39
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/bx6m20:40
EriC^^fengway: ah it's not commented out20:40
fengwayyou told me to do this right? # /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /20:41
EriC^^fengway: no, i meant for the last one, swap20:41
EriC^^no worries20:41
fengwaywas that why everything was screwed?=20:43
EriC^^fengway: let's hope so20:44
fengwayhow do you edit it again back20:44
EriC^^fengway: sudo -H gedit /mnt/etc/fstab20:47
fengwaydo i remove # from the line i added it to EriC^^ ?20:48
EriC^^fengway: yeah20:48
TJ-fengway:  or "sudo sed -i '/swap/ s/.*/# &1/' /mnt/etc/fstab "20:48
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/3na620:49
fengwayTJ- is that for adding comment?20:49
EriC^^fengway: looks good but there's still a "#" in the /root line20:49
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/enzn20:50
TJ-fengway:  yes, if you want to avoid running an editor20:50
EriC^^fengway: looks good, try rebooting20:52
fengwayto normal ubuntu?20:52
TJ-fengway:  likewise for removing the stray # you could do something like "sudo sed -i '/#.*0.*1$/ s/^#//' /mnt/etc/fstab "20:52
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fengwayEriC^^ On my normal ubuntu now :)20:58
EriC^^great :)20:58
fengwaywhat now?20:58
EriC^^time to install windows i guess?20:59
fengwayEriC^^ When ubuntu was not logging on i tried to install it from the live usb and got error "no device drivers were found"21:00
fengwayEriC^^ Maybe the usb is not correctly set up?21:00
EriC^^fengway: odd, never seen that one before, i wouldn't worry though21:01
EriC^^the live usb seems to be working pretty well21:02
fengwayEriC^^ i mean the windows live usb, i can't install windows because of that error21:02
EriC^^fengway: first things first checksum the .iso21:04
fengwayEriC^^ how?21:04
EriC^^is it windows 10?21:04
EriC^^fengway: seems like some people online had a similar problem and using a usb 2.0 port helped instead of 3.021:05
fengwayEriC^^ yea, but when i put live usb on usb 2.0 my motherboard doesn't give me option to boot from it21:06
EriC^^fengway: is the windows cd actually booting? or it's like a bios message you're getting?21:06
fengwayEriC^^ it's booting, i get that fancy windows menu and shit, i first choose my language also21:07
EriC^^fengway: where did you get the .iso from?21:08
fengwayEriC^^ https://www.microsoft.com/nb-no/software-download/windows10ISO21:08
EriC^^fengway: seems like this site has checksums https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php21:12
EriC^^put your info there and get the checksum21:13
EriC^^is the .iso file accessible from your ubuntu session right now?21:13
fengwaynot sure about all option on that site tho21:14
EriC^^fengway: i guess you picked the may 2019 version in the windows download site?21:14
EriC^^what was the filename?21:15
EriC^^Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso ?21:15
EriC^^ok cool, the md5sum should be 8ba0e81b276d9052e8538deb0cf6c7d021:16
EriC^^in ubuntu type "md5sum /path/to/Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso"21:16
CrazyEddyFolks, I'm getting a permission denied error for a mount during "snap install lxd".  Could it be related to the fact that /home on my system is a symbolic link?21:16
fengwayEriC^^ 8ba0e81b276d9052e8538deb0cf6c7d0  Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso21:17
EriC^^fengway: looks good, so it's not a corrupted iso21:17
EriC^^fengway: you know, i think you could even boot the windows usb from grub, if it was really a usb port issue21:18
CrazyEddyThe "snap install lxd" is run during "apt-get install lxd"21:18
fengwayEriC^^ you mean could not*?21:19
EriC^^fengway: i think if it's some weird issue, you could ultimately use a vm like virtualbox, to boot the iso and install it to your actual harddisk from there (to your free space) and then boot it normally as a dual-boot21:19
EriC^^fengway: no you can21:19
EriC^^fengway: try to put it in the usb2.0 port, when you get grub, press "c" you'll get a command line21:20
fengwayEriC^^ can i install on main hd from VM?21:20
EriC^^fengway: yeah you can, using virtualbox's rawdisk image trickery21:20
fengwayi have vmware installed with w1021:21
EriC^^fengway: can you boot into grub and talk here at the same time from a phone or something?21:21
EriC^^nevermind, it's really straightforward anyways21:22
EriC^^in grub after pressing 'c', type "ls" it should list all disks and partitions, you likely will see (hd1,gpt1) (hd1,gpt2) (hd1,gpt3) or similar (those are gpt partitions)21:23
EriC^^i think you'll see those, and another (hd2,gpt1)  that has only 1 gpt, that should be your windows usb with its single fat3221:23
fengwayokey will try21:24
EriC^^fengway: you'll want to do "ls (hd2,gpt1)/" and see if it's windows usb, then do "chainloader (hd2,gpt1)/efi/boot/bootx64.efi"21:24
EriC^^to boot the .efi file, i think that should be the name, either that or probably (hd2,gpt1)/efi/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi"21:25
error_one /join #rantradio21:25
EriC^^you can use "ls (hd2,gpt1)/efi/" to browse around and stuff, once you find your file and do the chainloader command, just type "boot" and it should boot21:26
fengwaywill try it out now21:27
fengwayEriC^^ I don't get it: https://imgur.com/a/tKU80ug21:40
EriC^^fengway: you have to add a "/" at the end or else it will just give the filesystem info21:41
EriC^^e.g "ls (hd0,gpt1)/"21:41
fengwayi did it on the third, but how does that info help me21:41
EriC^^fengway: try "chainloader (hd0,gpt1)/efi/Boot/bootx64.efi"21:41
EriC^^then "boot"21:42
EriC^^i think that should do it21:42
fengwayEriC^^ same error: https://imgur.com/a/VBT5YBh21:47
EriC^^fengway: reading here https://www.drivethelife.com/windows-drivers/fix-media-driver-your-computer-needs-is-missing.html21:49
fengwayEriC^^ i will try to replug it21:54
fengwayEriC^^ no luck........................................#"¤"#%!"#22:04
EriC^^fengway: one of the ways has to work, it seems like a common problem22:05
EriC^^fengway: i had seen that some guy downloaded rufus, and used that to make the bootable usb and it worked for him22:06
fengwayrufus is on linux?22:06
EriC^^i think on both windows and linux22:07
EriC^^fengway: did you try the method 3 stuff, usb3 bios settings?22:07
EriC^^fengway: maybe windows wants ahci instead of raid or something too22:07
fengwayEriC^^ not yet, but one tragic thing is that when i was trying out switching usb to other ports i tried to switch my printer to usb 3.0 port because last time i used it (over a year ago) i remebered that i had to connect it to this usb port. Now it seems that VMWare is getting contact with it. But my VMWare got corrupted somehow so trying to22:09
fengwayreinstall it22:09
fengwayEriC^^ you have been amazing tho, and i don't know if vmware will work anyway. And i am so tired today, will try out vmware first if it doesn't work then more on w10 tomorrow. Thanks so much for the help man, you have been on this for hours22:11
fengwayi have to be on work in 8 hours and need to get some sleep22:12
EriC^^fengway: no problem man, have a good night22:12
EriC^^fengway: you did a lot for today, and you're pretty close, get some rest and get at it later and you should be good i think, you're almost there with it, anyways see ya22:15
fengwayEriC^^ Yea we should get there, should i have my swap on now?22:19
EriC^^fengway: no dont enable it yet22:19
fengwayis it memory swap? i don't think vmware can work without it?22:20
EriC^^fengway: you could create a swap file real quick if you want22:21
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile"22:21
EriC^^fengway: "sudo chmod 600 /swapfile && sudo mkswap /swapfile"22:22
EriC^^fengway: then type     echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a  /etc/fstab22:23
fengwayEriC^^ /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 022:23
EriC^^actually "/swapfile swap swap sw 0 0"22:24
EriC^^fengway: ^22:24
fengwayEriC^^ sudo: /swapfile: command not found22:25
EriC^^fengway: echo "/swapfile swap swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a  /etc/fstab22:26
fengwayEriC^^ /swapfile swap swap sw 0 022:26
EriC^^fengway: you have to put "echo" before it22:28
fengwayEriC^^ i did22:28
fengway echo "/swapfile swap swap sw 0 0" | sudo tee -a  /etc/fstab/swapfile swap swap sw 0 022:29
EriC^^fengway: type "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"22:30
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/ezxu22:30
EriC^^fengway: type "sudo -H gedit /etc/fstab" and delete the extra one that has defaults in it22:31
EriC^^delete this one /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 022:31
fengwayEriC^^ https://termbin.com/59yl22:32
EriC^^looks good fengway22:32
EriC^^"sudo swapon -a && swapon -s"22:33
EriC^^it should show up there if it's all good22:33
fengwaysudo swapon -a && swapon -s22:33
fengwayFilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority/swapfile                              file    10485720-222:33
EriC^^all good22:34
fengwayEriC^^ it showed up on vmware bcs it's on other port now, i'm so dumb......22:56
EriC^^fengway: ah great22:56
fengwayEriC^^ will try out other software for label and see if it works. If everything works, can you help to make ubuntu partition take whole HD again lol? Maybe like tomorrow or something22:57
EriC^^fengway: can't promise anything, if i'm on then sure22:59
fengwayyea of course, thanks again dude, it's amazing that you kept on for so long22:59
fengwayis my swap normal now? EriC^^23:00
fengway1 GB is enough?23:00
EriC^^np, yeah it should be good23:00
sarnoldone gig swap is enough for most uses, yeah23:00
fengwaybrain farting this hard hurts physically23:01
EriC^^initially you had 1gb too, so it should be good i guess23:01
fengwayah nice23:01
EriC^^fengway: did you give the bios settings stuff a shot from that guide? the method 3 one?23:03
EriC^^it seemed like it had potential23:03
fengwayEriC^^ i didn't, is it about having usb 3 on auto or something? I think should maybe also disable fast boot, but can't find settings for it23:03
fengwayyea i think actually that may be it23:04
fengwayi can try out and see if it works  even if vmware work if you wanna know, but if vmware work then i will just try it and cancel it if it works :)23:04
EriC^^nah it's ok, thought you wanted to get windows on there long run or maybe other label software is hard to come by on ubuntu23:06
seven-elevencan i install on ubuntu lts 18.04 the newest kernel or will the great dependency issues?23:06
fengwaythe label software send info to printer, i just want to see if all that works on vmware. If it does then I don't want windows seperately, because it's easier to just turn on vmware than reebot23:07
tomreyn!mainline | seven-eleven23:07
ubottuseven-eleven: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds23:07
fengwayproblem was before i couldn't get vmware to recognize printer, but it's wierd how it doesn't work at all on usb 2 but does on usb323:07
tomreynseven-eleven: those kernel images are not supported here (other than for tracking down issues) though23:08
EriC^^fengway: yeah23:08
seven-eleventomreyn, gotcha23:09
fengwayEriC^^ good night, bro. I will try to get few hours of sleep now. Thanks again a lot!23:09
seven-eleventomreyn, i assume i wont have dependecy issue, rather software might stop working probably because of bugs23:10
tomreyn!hwe | seven-eleven: not usally, no. what Is supported, though, is this23:11
ubottuseven-eleven: not usally, no. what Is supported, though, is this: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:11
OerHeksone could install !hwe over LTS23:11
OerHekshwe is enabled by default on a fresh 18.04.323:11
seven-eleventomreyn, awesome, thank you !23:15
tomreynyou're welcome!23:16
destinydrivenHey guys, I was following some instructions to set up a letsencrypt config file and it had this line to be placed in cli.ini file: config-dir=~/.certbot/config23:31
destinydrivenBut this seems to create a folder named '~' inside my /var/www23:31
sarnoldit's quite possible whoever wrote the instructions never tested them23:33
destinydriven@sarnold Oh I think I know what happened. I run certbot renew cron as www-data user and IO guess /var/www is the home directory?23:36
destinydrivenSo I probably needed to have something like config-dir=/var/www/.certbot/config23:36
sarnoldyeah that will probably do the trick. ~ is something *programs* need to handle if they are going to use it to mean "whatever is in $HOME" or "whatever getent says is this user's home directory" ..23:37
sarnold.. so most programs won't actually do anything about it, and *maybe* they'll have the shell do those things for them, but that's complicated, because that usually introduces security or reliability problems23:38
destinydriven@sarnold, thanks. I should probably look a little more closely before I just implement stuff I see online23:40
sarnolddestinydriven: it certainly never hurts to give things a mental dry run before doing things at the console :)23:40
sarnolddestinydriven: but if my hunch on this is right, well.. that comes from experience and seeing tooooons of software, some better than others, hehe :)23:41
destinydrivenYup, but to be fair this was from a Certbot engineer  from the official certbot  community forum23:41
sarnoldhmm.. that sounds like a pretty good starting point :)23:42
=== mandude is now known as EmergencyMedical
gimpnixonhey everyone23:49
sarnoldwb gimpnixon23:49
gimpnixonI was here with a question the other day about 19.10. I was directed to #ubuntu+1 but no one has spoken a word in there for three days.23:49
gimpnixonSo i was wondering if maybe i could mention my question again and see if mayeb someone has popped in that wasnt in the other day and maybe has an idea23:50
gimpnixonsarnold, hey sarnold, how has everything been?23:51
sarnoldgimpnixon: not bad not bad23:52
sarnoldgimpnixon: well it's fine by me, dunno the others, hehe :)23:53
gimpnixonsarnold, i still havent got anywhere with my issue, but i have really enjoyed the recommends thing we talked about. it's nice not bringing in so much or at least having a choice now about what i bring in on most installs23:53
sarnoldif the other channel's too idle to be useful then it feels useful to try again here23:53
gimpnixonOK I'll shout it out and see if anyone bites23:55

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