
[Relic]Is there a way to track down what goes into swap?  I have never had anything go into swap before and there is no reason for it to be used but a small amount keeps showing up00:36
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nanoGood day.01:08
nanoI try to install kubuntu on an nvme hard drive with Intel Optane, everything is correct until I restart and my PC go directly to windows without GRUB appearing, how can I correct it01:08
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Did you manual partition?  If so, did you ensure to create a ~300MB EFI partition?01:10
nanoHey Darin Miller tahnk you for you answer, in the efi partition I have 260 mb and it is all busy, how can I create it without breaking windows?01:19
nanoSorry you are Ircsomebot01:20
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Yes you can dual boot along side windows01:20
nanoin the C partition?01:21
nanoin the Windows C partition?01:21
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Ensrue to tell the kubuntu install to use the UEFI partition.  (The installer usually warns you if you forget but the message is a little cryptic)01:21
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> No, UEFI will be a fat32 partition by itself.01:22
nanowhen I see the partition table of the manual installer of kubuntu until below appears to install the boot and only puts the disk nvme. I have not seen the option install on uefi partition01:26
nanoI leave the chat, I will check the installer01:33
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> ok01:33
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Let me know if you need more info...01:33
nanoHi again... In the NVME disk fof all there is a free space of 1 mb without marking anything.01:50
nanoThen there is the first NVME0N1P1 partition that is the EFI partition (I don't know if I should indicate in the boot installer that it should be installed there)01:50
nanoThen there is the second NVME0N1P2 partition with 16 mb that I think is Optane01:51
nanoThen there is the third partition NVME0N1P3 which is the windows installation01:52
nanoShould I indicate that the boot loader is installed in NVME0NP1 where is the EFI partition? If I do this, it won't ruin the entire windows installation?01:53
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Correct. Use NVME0N1P1 as the UEFI partition01:55
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> checkout this link: https://linuxhint.com/install_kubuntu_1804/01:56
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> You will need to share your Kubuntu install with the windows partition (break into 2 partitions).01:57
nanook si uso la particion NVME0NP1 where is the EFI partition, I won't ruin the entire windows installation?01:57
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> How big is NVME0N1P3?01:57
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Correct.  You point the install to park the necessary boot files in partition (NO formatting).01:58
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> To clarify DO FORMAT NVME0N1P1.  Resize NVME0N1P3 and create a new partition with the new space  (at least 50GB). Format the new partition.02:02
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If you don't mind a more complex approach.  Use a 30G to 50G partition for root "/", a 5 GB parition for /opt and whatever size you want for /home.  If you plan to install apps like wine-staging, chrome, telegram etc, place them in your /opt directory.  Then assign each of the above partitions in manual boot loader menu.02:06
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> The above adivice is a little complex if you have never played with partitions, so feel free to ignore.02:07
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> However, the complex approach is very handy for re-installs as you do not need to reformat /opt and /home.02:08
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Re-installs are hardly necessary anymore as the upgrade process is well tested/polished.  But if you like to experiment like I do... sometimes re-install can be faster than fixing the damage caused by experimenting....02:10
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Sup02:34
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> nm02:34
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HeiakI just opened a "mobile hotspot" on my phone and connected my Kubuntu laptop to it.05:48
Heiakthe phone shows me in the status bar how much traffic the WiFi connection caused05:49
Heiakso, it jumped up to 7 MB, then above 20, then above 50 MB05:49
Heiakwithin less than a minute05:49
Heiakbut, no browser was open on my laptop05:49
Heiakalso no downloads, etc.05:49
HeiakHow can I monitor all network traffic on Kubuntu?05:50
HeiakI would like to know what causes downloads without me doing anything05:50
diogenes_Heiak, run etherape.05:50
Heiakthank you05:51
Heiakdiogenes_, I installed it, but it's only a GUI05:55
Heiakdiogenes_, can't I view it in the command line?05:55
diogenes_Heiak, so what's the problem with the gui?05:56
HeiakI feel like I am not really getting much information out of it05:56
HeiakI'll google for a command line based solution05:56
Heiakthank you anyway05:56
diogenes_there is a lot of info if you click on nodes but ok.05:58
Heiakdiogenes_, I appreciate your help, but the key advantage of Linux is that we do _not_ have to deal with GUI's ;)06:01
diogenes_hehe i pick whatever works faster with less hassle but to each his own.06:03
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lordievaderGood morning07:17
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BluesKajHowdy all12:22
user|14088I have installed kubuntu 18.04 and update the packs.. discover software center is too slow..please help-me13:48
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BluesKajuser|14088, that's a network problem, could be the repository in your country is very busy or your network speed is slow13:52
user|14088bluesKaj thanks13:54
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=== MatrixTravelerbo is now known as voyager-M
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thomas_i need help18:32
yuradocHello. I can't restart plasmashell, course it tell me some qt plugin isn't found19:35
yuradocWhat to do? I need to restart it, because it won't load fully.19:36
yuradocPlugin name is "xcb"19:37
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diogenes_yuradocMC, then install it.19:50
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=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life

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